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Nasution, Akbar Maulana Rianda
"Berlakunya Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 46 Tahun 2013 membuat Norma Penghitungan Penghasilan Neto yang diatur di Pasal 14 Undang ? Undang Pajak Penghasilan (UU PPh) tidak lagi berlaku bagi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha dengan peredaran bruto dibawah Rp. 4,8 miliar setahun. Kebijakan tersebut dalam rangka penyederhanaan pelaksanaan kewajiban perpajakan bagi WP Orang Pribadi. Penelitian kuantitatif, dengan survey dan wawancara mendalam bertujuan membandingkan penggunaan Norma Penghitungan Penghasilan Neto dan Pajak Penghasilan Final 1% dalam pemenuhan kewajiban Pajak Penghasilan Orang Pribadi ditinjau dari asas simplicity. Ketentuan Norma Penghitungan Penghasilan Neto dan Pajak Penghasilan Final 1% bagi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi telah memenuhi asas simplicity.

Government Regulation No. 46 Year 2013 made Deemed Profit which is regulated in Article 14 of Income Tax Act is no longer applied to the Individual Taxpayer who is carrying on business activities with a gross turnover of less than Rp. 4.8 billion a year. This quantitative approach used survey and in-depth interview as collection data technique. The research focused to compare the use of Deemed Profit and Final Income Tax 1% in the fulfillment of Personal Income Tax liability in terms of simplicity. As a result, simplicity has been felt by Individual Taxpayer who used Deemed Profit and Final Income Tax 1%."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Oktosien Praditama
"Laporan magang ini membahas tentang kepatuhan PT MOP dalam memenuhi kewajiban Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 25. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa PT MOP sudah melakukan perhitungan, pembayaran, dan pelaporan PPh pasal 25 dengan tepat waktu pada tahun 2016. Namun di tahun 2017, PT MOP tidak dapat membayar PPh pasal 25 hingga tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran. Oleh karena itu, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak mengeluarkan surat tagihan pajak atas PPh pasal 25 yang tidak atau kurang dibayar. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa manajemen perpajakan perusahaan kurang baik karena perusahaan tidak mempunyai usaha analisis mengenai perencanaan pajak hingga pengendalian pajak setiap tahunnya. Oleh karena itu, PT MOP harus mengintegrasikan manajemen perpajakannya ke seluruh fungsi manajemen agar implementasinya dapat berjalan dengan efektif. Lalu, terkait dengan pelunasan semua kewajiban pajaknya berdasarkan yang terdapat pada surat tagihan pajak, PT MOP membuat keputusan untuk membayar pokok dan sanksi administrasi sekaligus dengan pertimbangan biaya dan manfaat dibandingkan dengan pilihan untuk mengangsur dengan bank garansi.

This internship report explains about PT MOP`s compliance of income tax obligation article 25. The result of the analysis shows that PT MOP has done the calculation, payment, and reporting of income tax article 25 on time in 2016. However, in 2017, PT MOP can not pay income tax article 25 until the due date of payment. Therefore, Directorate General of Taxes issues the notice of tax collection on taxes are not or less paid. The result of analysis also explains that the company`s tax management is not good because the company has no business analysis of tax planning until tax control for every year. Therefore, PT MOP must integrate its tax management to all management functions so that its implementation can proceed effectively. Then, related to the settlement of all outstanding tax liability based on notice of tax collection, PT MOP made the decision to pay off the principal and the administrative sanctions at the same time with consideration of costs and benefits compared to the repayment option by attaching a bank guarantee."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfan Ali Azka
"Kebijakan imbalan bunga dalam sengketa pajak yang diatur dalam Undangundang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan KUP 2007 dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 74 Tahun 2011 berpotensi menimbulkan ketidaksetaraan diantara Wajib Pajak dan fiskus. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan perkembangan kebijakan imbalan bunga dalam sengketa pajak dan meninjau kebijakan dengan asas kesetaraan. Pendekatan yang digunakan diberlakukannyaa adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam dan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa realisasi kebijakan tersebut tidak sepenuhnya setara.

The policy of interest on overpayment related to tax dispute which stipulated in Tax Administration Law and Procedure Year 2007 and Government Regulation Number 74 2011 potentially caused unfairness between taxpayer and tax authority. This research describes the development of the interset policy related to to tax dispute and reviewing the policy with the fair play principle. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with in-depth interview and literature study techniques. This research finds that the interest policy is not fully fair.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bestari Nirmala Santi
"Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan yaitu alasan pemerintah menerapkan tax holiday, proses formulasi tax holiday, dan tanggapan pelaku industri yang sudah existing terhadap tax holiday. Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alasan pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan tax holiday karena amanat dari undang-undang, tax competition, dan dampak positif dari tax holiday. Proses formulasi kebijakan tax holiday telah mengikuti Peraturan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur negara Nomor: PER/04/M.PAN/4/2007, model rasional sederhana Patton dan Savicky, dan aspek-aspek insentif pajak menurut Easson. Akan tetapi, formulasi kebijakan tax holiday tersebut belum mengikutsertkan secara langsung pihak swasta, asosiasi, dan pemerintah daerah sehingga kurang aspiratif. Tanggapan pelaku industri yang sudah existing terhadap tax holiday adalah positif. Akan tetapi, ketentuan tax holiday kurang jelas dan rumit, serta diskriminasi antara investor baru dengan investor lama.

The issues of this underthesis are the reason of the government implemented tax holiday, formulation process of tax holiday, respone of industry players who already existing about tax holiday. The research approach is qualitative to the type of descriptive research. The result showed that the reason of the government implemented tax holiday because of the mandate of law, tax competition, and positive effect of tax holiday. The formulation process has followed the stages of the Minister of Administrative Reform Number: PER/04/M.PAN/4/2007, according to a simple rational model of Patton and Savicky, and importance aspects of Easson. Nevertheless, the formulation is not directly involve private sector, association, and local government, so that less aspiration. Responses of existing industry to tax holiday is a positive. However, the provision of tax holiday is less clear and complex, as well as discrimination between new and old investors.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raissa Rachmayanti
"Giving the authority of law income tax to thegovernment for decided kind of service as income tax object article23, evoke extend income tax object article23, that is not only as a passive income but also as a business income.
There is two analytical questions in this research, the first is how to implications of extend income tax object article 23 for the government, with holder and income tax receiver. The second, what the suitable of taxobject that can change to be a saw with holding income tax article 23 base on with holding income tax conception and international best practice.
This research used qualitative approach with a descriptive researc htype to describe an objective with facts that revealed. The collecting data technique itself is done by a literature study from various sources like an article, book, internet and inĀ¬depth interview with some informants whoa rerelated with this research.
The result of this research shown that development income tax object article 23 has an implication to the government such as increase tax acceptance, decrease cost collection, and have opportunity cost. For with holder have burden. Moreover, for implication to income tax receiver is the cash flow tax receiver can be decrease, time of money lose, and increase compliance cost. Base donw it hholding income tax conception and international best practice, the suitable object as income tax object article 23 is inpassive income.
This research recommended, the administration tax system in thegovernment need tobe fix, giving reward to with holder, apply proper income tariff that cannot disturbed the cashflow, clarify the object of income taxarticle 23 with giving definition and sample from theobject, streamline income tax article 25."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Estri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh tarif pajak progresif terhadap perilaku penggelapan pajak penghasilan orang pribadi di Indonesia. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan merupakan data hasil audit pajak Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di seluruh Indonesia untuk Tahun Pajak 2001 hingga 2012. Hasil analisis regresi Model Tobit dengan pooled data menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem tarif progresif cenderung mendorong perilaku penggelapan pajak di Indonesia. Demikian pula perubahan kebijakan tarif pajak dan braket lapisan penghasilan kena pajak yang ditetapkan melalui Undang-Undang Pajak Penghasilan Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 turut serta berkontribusi terhadap tingkat penggelapan pajak. Oleh karena itu, besaran Marginal Tax Rates maupun rentang braket penghasilan kena pajak menjadi hal yang krusial dalam menekan penggelapan pajak.

The aim of this research was finding out how the progressive personal income tax had impact on the tax evasion behavior in Indonesia. The research sample used was the tax audit result data of personal taxpayer in the whole Indonesia for tax year 2001 to 2012. The result of Tobit Model regression analysis with pooled data showed that the progressive tariff system was inclined to drive tax evasion behavior in Indonesia. Likewise, the change of tax rates and taxable income bracket enforced through the Law of Income Tax No. 36 of 2008 also contributed on the level of tax evasion in Indonesia. Therefore, the magnitude of Marginal Tax Rates as well as the range of taxable income bracket are being crucial on suppressing tax evasion."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandya Gifari
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan kewajiban pasca pengampunan pajak dan Pengungkapan Aset Sukarela dengan Tarif Final (Pas Final) ditinjau dari asas kemudahan administrasi dengan studi kasus Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Jakarta Gambir Tiga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penerapan kewajiban pasca pengampunan pajak dan Pas Final ditinjau dari asas kemudahan administrasi serta mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya di KPP Pratama Gambir Tiga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, menyimpulkan bahwa pengalihan dan realisasi investasi dan penempatan harta tambahan, Pas Final, dan pengawasan pasca pengampunan pajak sudah memenuhi keempat asas kemudahan administrasi, sedangkan pelaporan berkala harta tambahan belum sepenuhnya memenuhi dikarenakan pelaporan secara elektronik (e-reporting) belum memenuhi asas certainty. Kendala yang dihadapi Wajib Pajak yaitu saat validasi macro pada softcopy formulir laporan harta dan gangguan jaringan server atau traffic, sedangkan kendala yang dihadapi fiskus yaitu sulitnya mengawasi jenis harta tertentu yang mobilitas kepemilikannya mudah berpindah dan perbedaan lokasi Wajib Pajak dengan lokasi harta. Saran yang diberikan antara lain DJP disarankan untuk menerbitkan peraturan pelaksana mengenai e-reporting, menambah kapasitas bandwith, dan melakukan pengawasan khusus kepada Wajib Pajak yang mengikuti pengampunan pajak. Di sisi lain, Wajib Pajak disarankan untuk menyampaikan laporan berkala harta tambahan jauh hari sebelum jatuh tempo pelaporan.

This research discusses the application of post tax amnesty obligations and Pas Final in terms of ease of administration principle with study case in Tax Office Jakarta Gambir Tiga. The purpose of this research is to analyze the application of post tax amnesty obligations and Pas Final in terms of ease of administration principle as well as knowing the obstacles faced in the application at Tax Office Jakarta Gambir Tiga. This research uses a qualitative method, concludes that the application of post tax amnety obligations and Pas Final have not fully met the ease of administration principle because the policy of online reporting (e-reporting) has not met certainty principle, but it has met the other principles which are convenience, efficiency, and simplicity. The obstacles faced by the taxpayer when they file the report by online (e-reporting) is macro validation on softcopy form often errors and for tax authorities is when conducting taxpayer and assets supervision there is difficulty in monitoring certain types of assets whose ownership mobility is easy to move and also the difference of taxpayer location with the location of the assets. Directorate General of Taxes should release an additional regulation for e-reporting, increase the bandwidth capacity, and distinguish and classify supervision between taxpayer who participated in tax amnesty with those who do not. While for taxpayer, they should report far before the due date."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dyah Pusparani
"Skripsi ini membahas perlakuan Undang-undang pajak penghasilan terhadap wajib pajak orang pribadi wanita yang bekerja hanya pada satu pemberi kerja pada tahun 2008. Undang-undang PPH Indonesia memandang laki-laki sebagai pencari penghasilan karena itu bila wanita telah menikah maka wanita tidak berhak memperoleh Penghasilan Tidak Kena Pajak, yang mendapatkannya adalah laki-laki sebagai suami. Pemberian PTKP ini menentukan besarnya PPh yang harus dibayar yang berarti juga mempengaruhi besar take home pay yang diperoleh. Bila wanita dan suami dalam suatu perkawinan sama-sama bekerja dan tidak pisah harta ataupun pisah harta, yang berhak memperoleh PTKP kawin dan tanggungan adalah suami. Begitupula bila telah hidup berpisah. Jika seorang wanita pekerja dan suaminya pengangguran maka untuk mendapatkan PTKP tanggungan suami, wanita tersebut harus mendapatkan keterangan dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat dan hal ini tidak berlaku untuk kebalikannya, yaitu bila wanita tidak bekerja maka suami tidak perlu mendapatkan keterangan apapun dari Pemerintah Daerah setempat.

This script is explains about the income tax treatment applied to women's individual taxpayer that only works for one employer in 2008. Viewed by the income tax treatment, man is the one who looking for money, so, married women not entitled to earn personal's exemption, the one who earn it is man as the husband. This giving of personal exemption determine how much tax income that must be paid which also determine how much take home pay that we earned. If women and husband in a marriage work together and do not split the property or split it, the one that entitled to earn the personal exemption for married status and dependents is the husband. Also the same if divorced. If a women is worker and her husband is unemployment, so, to earn a dependent husband of personal exemption, that women must get a detail from local government and this is not applicable to its reverse, such as if women is unemployment, so, husband doesn't need to get any detail from local government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Dali Prasetyo
"Penelitian ini menganalisa kebijakan penentuan pengenaan pajak penghasilan final bagi wajib pajak orang pribadi yang memiliki peredaran bruto tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kebijakan pengenaan pajak penghasilan final bagi wajib pajak orang pribadi dimaksudkan untuk menjangkau wajib pajak yang belum masuk dalam sistem pajak. Kebijakan pengenaan pajak ini dianggap mudah bagi sektor yang tergolong hard to tax. Dari asas ease of administration kebijakan ini telah memenuhi aspek certainty, simplicity, convenience dan efficiency sebagai unsur pembentuk dari asas ease of administration tersebut.

This research analyzes the policy determining the imposition of final income tax for personal taxpayers that have certain gross circulation. This research was conducted with qualitative approaches and qualitative methods. The results showed the policy imposition of final income tax for personal taxpayer intended to reach out taxpayers who have not entered into the tax system. The imposition of this tax policy is considered easier for sectors that are relatively hard to tax. From the principle of ease of administration this policy has complied aspect of certainty, simplicity, convenience and efficeincy as an element of fundamental shaper of ease of administration."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debora Novayanti
"Salah satu sumber pendapatan negara yaitu pajak. Pajak merupakan iuran yang bersifat wajib bagi setiap warga negara kepada negara. Bagi Wajib Pajak, pajak merupakan beban. Wajib Pajak dapat meminimalkan beban pajak dengan melakukan perencanaan pajak. Perencanaan pajak adalah langkah awal dalam manajemen pajak. Manajemen pajak merupakan sarana memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan dengan benar sesuai dengan peraturan perpajakan, tetapi jumlah pajak yang dibayarkan dapat ditekan seminimal mungkin untuk memperoleh laba dan likuiditas yang diharapkan. Perencanaan pajak sangat berperan dalam meminimalkan pajak terutang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peranan perencanaan pajak pada PT. A yang dilakukan secara legal agar tidak merugikan negara dan perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan pajak sangat berperan dalam pajak penghasilan yang harus dibayar perusahaan.

One source of funding that the state taxes. Taxes is a compulsory fee for every citizen to the state. For tax payers, the tax is a burden. Tax payers can minimize the tax burden by making tax planning. Tax planning is first step in tax management. Tax Management is a means to satisfy tax obligations correctly and according to tax regulation, but the amount of tax paid can be kept to a minimum to obtain the expected profit and liquidity. Tax planning was instrumental in minimizing the tax payable. This research was conducted to determine the role of tax planning at PT.A is done legally so as not to harm the state and the company. The results showed that tax planning is very involved in the income tax to be paid company.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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