ABSTRAKManusia senantiasa mengembangkan kearifan Iingkungan
(ecological wisdom) berdasarkan pengalamannya beradaptasi secara
aktif, sebagai pedoman daiam mengolah sumber daya alam dan
mengelola lingkungan, karena ketergantungannya pada lingkungan
hidup dan menyadari akan arti pentingnya keseimbangan Iingkungan
yang harus dirawatnya. Adat Minangkabau merupakan mekanisme
adaptif yang dikembangkan masyarakatnya dan memiiiki iandasan
filosomi dasar alam terkembang jadi guru, merupakan aouan norrnatif
periiaku yang sarat mengandung unsur-unsur pelestarian lingkungan.
Melalui peran pendidikan, pewarisan nilai adat menjadi efektif
digunakan sebagai sarana pelestafian Iingkungan Salingka Danau.
Penelitian ini bertuiuan untuk menemukan pemahaman
masyarakat Salingka Danau terhadap konservasi lingkungan yang
berkaitan dengan kualitas pelestarian Iingkungan Saiingka Danau,
menemukan pemahaman masyarakat Salingka Danau trhadap
pewarisan nilai adat Minangkabau yang berkaitan dengan pelestarian
lingkungan, dan membuat model pewarisan nilai adat Minangkabau
yang efektif digunakan sebagai sarana pelestarian lingkungan
Salingka Danau.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan secara kualitatif
yang dikembangkan oleh Miles dan Hubemlan. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan dengan data primer dan sekunder yang meliputi anaiisis
fokus dan sub fokus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi
langsung, pengisian angket, Serta in depth inten/iew dengan
responden terpilih. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan analisis
jaringan hubungan sebab akibat,
Hasil peneiitian rnenunjukkan bahwa.- pelestarian Iingkungan
dapat didukung oleh pemahaman terhadap konservasi lingkungan
yang berinteraksi positif dengan pemahaman terhadap pewarisan nilai
adat, dimana adat Minangkabau berisi berbagai nilai adat yang dapat
diwariskan dengan model yang melibatkan berbagai komponen,
sehingga pewarisan nilai adat menjadi efektif sebaga? sarana dalarn
pelestarian Iingkungan Danau.;
ABSTRACTHuman often improverecotogicai-wisdom as guidance to process
natural resources and 'manage environment due to their
independences on living environment and their realization of
importance of environmental balance that has to be maintained. The
ecological wisdom which is improved based on experience adapting
actively will function as guidance to construct relationship with the
environment. Minangkabau custom is adaptive mechanism improved
by its society, has philosophical basis of nature improved to be
teacher. Environmental conservation of Salingka Lake can be
supported by understanding about lake environmental conservation
which is positively interacted with understanding about inheritance of
Minangkabau custom value. Minangkabau custom contains various
custom value which can be inherited with model involving education
function so that custom value inheritance will be effectively used as
facility in Salingka Lake conservation.
The purpose of this study is to know about factors which cause
decrease of environmental quality in Maninjau lake area, to find a part
of Minangkabau custom being able to be inherited through education
in environmental cosenration, and to make a model of custom vaiue
inheritance will be effectively used as facility of environmental
conservation lake.
_ Research methods used are qualitative approach improved by
Miles and Huberman. Data collection is done with primary and
secondary data involving analysis of focus and sub focus. Techniques
of data collection are done by directly observation, questionnaire, and
in depth intenriew with chosen respondents. Data analysis in this
study uses analysis of cause-effect relationship. network.
The result of this study shows that environmental conservation
can be supported by understanding of environmental conservation
interacting potively with understanding of custom value inheritance
Minangkabau custom consist of various custom value inherited with
a model including various components, so that custom value
inheritance will be effective as a facility in environmental conservation.
Key words: Minangkabau custom, environmentai conservation,
education, and adaptation, Human often improverecotogicai-wisdom as guidance to process
natural resources and 'manage environment due to their
independences on living environment and their realization of
importance of environmental balance that has to be maintained. The
ecological wisdom which is improved based on experience adapting
actively will function as guidance to construct relationship with the
environment. Minangkabau custom is adaptive mechanism improved
by its society, has philosophical basis of nature improved to be
teacher. Environmental conservation of Salingka Lake can be
supported by understanding about lake environmental conservation
which is positively interacted with understanding about inheritance of
Minangkabau custom value. Minangkabau custom contains various
custom value which can be inherited with model involving education
function so that custom value inheritance will be effectively used as
facility in Salingka Lake conservation.
The purpose of this study is to know about factors which cause
decrease of environmental quality in Maninjau lake area, to find a part
of Minangkabau custom being able to be inherited through education
in environmental cosenration, and to make a model of custom vaiue
inheritance will be effectively used as facility of environmental
conservation lake.
_ Research methods used are qualitative approach improved by
Miles and Huberman. Data collection is done with primary and
secondary data involving analysis of focus and sub focus. Techniques
of data collection are done by directly observation, questionnaire, and
in depth intenriew with chosen respondents. Data analysis in this
study uses analysis of cause-effect relationship. network.
The result of this study shows that environmental conservation
can be supported by understanding of environmental conservation
interacting potively with understanding of custom value inheritance
Minangkabau custom consist of various custom value inherited with
a model including various components, so that custom value
inheritance will be effective as a facility in environmental conservation.
Key words: Minangkabau custom, environmentai conservation,
education, and adaptation]"