ABSTRACTPenelitian ini mengkaji tokoh, tema dan amanat dalam novel Sawise Langite Katon Biru karya Yunani S.W. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan tema dan amanat melalui analisis tokoh dan penokohan di dalam novel. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi analisis, pendekatan objektif, dan teori struktural. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan pengetahuan tentang kesusastraan modern, khususnya novel Jawa dalam hal studi analisis struktur sastra serta dapat memberikan pembelajaran mengenai konsep nilai kearifan Jawa yang tersirat dalam amanat novel SLKB. Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil bahwa cerita novel SLKB bertemakan percintaan yang mengandung amanat tentang pentingnya memahami, menerapkan, dan mewujudkan konsep nilai Sepi Ing Pamrih dalam sikap dan perilaku rukun, saling menghormati, tidak egois, dan mengontrol hawa nafsu pada setiap tindakan dalam hubungan keluarga Jawa sehingga tercipta keharmonisan dan keselarasan sosial.
ABSTRACTThis study examines the characters, theme and mandates in the novel Sawise Langite Katon Biru by Yunani S.W. The purpose of this research is to reveal the theme and mandates based on analysis of the characters and characterizations in the novel. This research is a qualitative research by using the analytical description method, objective approach, and structural theory. This research is expected to add insight into the knowledge of modern literature, especially the Javanese novels in terms of literature structure analysis study and to gain learning about the value of Javanese local wisdom implicit in the novel SLKB rsquo s mandate. This research found that the stories of novel SLKB themed romance that containing the mandate about the importance of understanding, applying, and manifesting the concept of Javanese Sepi Ing Pamrih value in the attitude and behavior that show harmony, mutual respect, unselfishness, and control of lust in the relationship between the members of Javanese families so as to create of harmony and social unity. "