Ditemukan 45739 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Erkan, Mustafa
Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2011
343.077 2 ERK i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Lowenfeld, Andreas F.
New York: Matthew Bender, 1982
346.07 Low i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhika Pratama Akbar
"Sebagai salah bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap investor, arbitrase investasi internasional memberikan sarana kepada investor asing untuk mengajukan klaim atas dasar perlindungan-perlindungan substantif yang menjadi hak investor. Dalam perkembangannya, tribunal arbitrase seringkali dihadapkan dengan isu korupsi yang dijadikan argumentasi oleh para pihak untuk menolak yurisdiksi tribunal atau meniadakan klaim pihak lain. Kondisi tersebut menimbulkan komplikasi dan ketidakpastian terkait perlindungan investor mengingat sarana terhadap arbitrase merupakan bentuk perlindungan prosedural bagi investor. Sifat dari tindak pidana
korupsi yang luas, multi-dimensional dan memiliki sisi pemberi dan penerima juga berperan dalam menambah komplikasi permasalahan ini. Penelitian ini akan membahas komplikasi tersebut serta mengkaji kesiapan hukum investasi Indonesia dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut.
As one of a form of protection toward investors, international investment arbitration provides a way for foreign investor to file a lawsuit based on the substantive protection provided to them as a right. In its development, arbitral tribunal often faced with an issue of corruption that serve as a killing argument against the claimof other parties, this condition has the potential to complicate the issue and create uncertainty towards investor protection in which the international investment arbitration itself serves as a procedural protection of investor. The nature of the corruption which is broad, multi-dimensional, and got supply and demand side in it, furtherly complicate the issue. This study will discuss on this complicated issue and review about the readiness of Indonesian Investment Law to deal with the issue."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Vandevelde, Kenneth J.
ABSTRACTBilateral Investment Treaties: History, Policy, and Interpretation organizes, summarizes and comments upon the arbitral awards interpreting and applying BIT provisions. Policymakers and practitioners will find a thorough introduction to the operation of the BITs, including the principal arguments and case authorities on both sides of the major issues in international investment law. The book is intended to be a single-volume reference covering every important development in the 50 years of BIT programs worldwide, from 1959 until 2009.
Author Kenneth Vandevelde argues that the primary purpose of the BITs is to promote the application of the rule of law to foreign investment, while a secondary purpose is to create a liberal investment regime. He further argues that BITs are based on six core principles: reasonableness, security, nondiscrimination, access, transparency and due process. The book explains each of these principles and analyzes the major BIT provisions based on them. Vandevelde addresses the host of complex questions that BITs engender: Do bilateral investment treaties attract foreign investment or otherwise contribute to economic development? Do BITs limit host state regulatory discretion too much? Why should countries continue to conclude BITs? What is meant by BIT guarantees of "fair and equitable treatment" and "full protection and security"? What is the scope of the BIT provision for most-favored-nation treatment? The book's expert analysis of these questions makes it useful to policy makers in the area of international economic relations, attorneys representing multinational companies, and anyone interested in the process of economic globalization."
New York: Oxford University Press, 2010
332.67 VAN b
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Friedmann, Wolfgang, 1907-1972
Boston: Little, Brown, 1959
332.6 FRI l
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ricky Pratomo
"International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) adalah forum penyelesaian sengketa penanaman modal asing yang memiliki yurisdiksi berdasarkan Pasal 25 Konvensi ICSID. Dalam menentukan yurisdiksi, Majelis Arbiter ICSID mengualifikasi penanaman modal untuk memeriksa syarat ratione materiae. Majelis Arbiter ICSID menggunakan metode Piecemeal Test atau Dual-Test untuk mengualifikasi penanaman modal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualifikasi penanaman modal oleh Majelis Arbiter ICSID pada sengketa antara Rafat Ali Rizvi melawan Republik Indonesia dengan menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif yang dilakukan secara deskriptif analitis. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penggunaan metode kualifikasi penanaman modal yang berbeda memengaruhi hasil kualifikasi.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) is foreign investment dispute settlement forum which has jurisdiction according to Article 25 of ICSID Convention. In determining its jurisdiction, ICSID?s Arbitral Tribunal qualify investment to examine the requirement of ratione materiae. ICSID?s Arbitral Tribunal uses the method of Piecemeal Test or Dual-Test to qualify investment. This research is aimed to analyse the qualification of investment by ICSID's Arbitral Tribunal in the matter between Rafat Ali Rizvi v. the Republic of Indonesia using normative juridical approach conducted through descriptive-analytic method. This research finds that using different methods of investment qualification influence the result of such qualification."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Schil, Stephen W.
"Attempts at developing a theory of international investment law are complicated by the fact that this field of international law is based on numerous, largely bilateral treaties and is implemented by arbitral panels established on a case-by-case basis. This suggests a fragmented and chaotic state of the law, with different levels of protection depending on the sources and targets of foreign investment flows. This book, however, forwards the thesis that international investment law develops, despite its bilateral form, into a multilateral system of law that backs up the functioning of a global market economy based on converging principles of investment protection. In discussing the function of most-favored-nation clauses, the possibilities of treaty-shopping and the impact of investor-State arbitration with its intensive reliance on precedent and other genuinely multilateral approaches to treaty interpretation, it offers a conceptual framework for understanding the nature and functioning of international investment law as a genuinely multilateral system."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
346.07 SCH m
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Klager, Roland
"A breach of fair and equitable treatment is alleged in almost every investor-state dispute. It has therefore become a controversial norm, which touches many questions at the heart of general international law. Roland Klager sheds light on these controversies by exploring the deeper doctrinal foundations of fair and equitable treatment and reviewing its contentious relationship with the international minimum."
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011
346.092 KLA f (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Simamora, Agnes Galuh Sekarlangit Boru
"International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute (ICSID) menjadi salah satu pilihan popular untuk penyelesaikan sengketa investasi internasional antara negara dengan investor. Konvensi Washington 1965, sebagai konvensi yang mengamanatkan dibentuknya forum tersebut memberi kewajiban kepada Majelis Arbitrase untuk menerapkan hukum yang berlaku sesuai dengan Pasal 42 ayat (1) Konvensi Washington, hanya saja, interpretasi pasal tersebut tidaklah tanpa kontroversi. Tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai hukum mana yang berlaku dalam perkara internasional dalam forum ICSID menurut Pasal 42 ayat (1), baik dalam perkara berdasarkan traktat maupun perkara berdasarkan kontrak, serta menganalisis metode Majelis Arbitrase pada Putusan ICSID No.ARB/10/7, Putusan ICSID No.ARB /07/26, Putusan ICSID No.ARB/09/18 dan Putusan ICSID No.ARB/06/13, dalam menafsirkan pasal tersebut dalam hal terdapat pertentangan kewajiban internasional, antara kewajiban negara sebagai host state dan kewajiban negara menurut hukum internasional selain hukum investasi internasional dalam perkara berdasarkan traktat, dan apabila hukum internasional dianggap oleh para pihak sebagai hukum yang berlaku dalam perkara berdasarkan kontrak. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat perkembangan penafsiran dari maksud perancang konvensi (travaux preparatoires) dalam 12 tahun terakhir.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute (ICSID) is popular option of Investor-State Dispute Settlement. Washington Convention 1965 which laid down the foundation of the forum gives mandate to arbitral tribunal to apply the proper law as stipulated on Article 42(1) of the Convention. However, the interpretation of aforementioned article is not without controversy. This writing analyses the applicable law according to Article 42(1) Washington Convention on treaty-based dispute and contract-based dispute, and further analyses the methods used to interpreting the aforementioned article by arbitral tribunal in ICSID Award No. No.ARB/10/7, ICSID Award No.ARB /07/26, ICSID Award No.ARB/09/18 and ICSID Award No.ARB/06/13, in case of apparent conflict of international obligationĀ on treaty-based dispute andĀ in case of claim of international law as applicable law on contract-based dispute. This writing concludes that there is a development of interpretation, departing from travaux preparatoires, in the last 12 years."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Llamzon, Aloysius P.
"This is the first comprehensive study of corruption in international investment arbitration. The book considers the limited effectiveness of efforts to combat transnational corruption in international law and the emergence of international investment arbitration as a singular means foreffective control of corruption within the international legal order. The case law on corruption by investment tribunals is studied exhaustively, jurisprudential trends are identified, and reforms aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and fairness of investment arbitration as a mechanism to combatcorruption are proposed. Divided into three parts, part I focus on the phenomenon of corruption in foreign investment and attempts at its control through international law. Part II analyses the available case law in international investment arbitration dealing with corruption. Llamzon identifies nine distinct trendsemerging from the case law and provides a table summarizing the key areas of corruption decision-making and each relevant tribunal's approach, which is an invaluable tool for practitioners engaging in "live" issues of corruption within arbitral proceedings. Part III reflects on the implications ofthese trends for both the "supply" and "demand" sides of corruption in international law, and proposes a integrative framework of decision for corruption issues in international investment arbitration. "
Oxford: Oxford University press, 2014
346.092 LLA c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library