Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Dynamic Capabilities dan Entrepreneurship dalam menganalisis pengaruh Lingkungan dan Faktor Organisasi terhadap pembentukan Kinerja pada organisasi Pemerintah Penggunaan secara bersama konsep Dynamic Capabilities dan Entrepreneurship sehingga saling melengkapi merupakan operasionalisasi dari konsep Strategic Entrepreneurship dan belum dilakukan pada organisasi publik Karena organisasi Pemerintah memiliki tugas yang spesifik pada bidangnya atau adanya spesialisasi akan terjadi eksternalitas dan adanya tujuan bersama antar organisasi maka diperlukan adanya Koordinasi untuk pencapaian Kinerja yang optimal
Dalam penelitian diuji sepuluh hipotesis atas hubungan enam variabel penelitian yaitu Faktor Organisasi Lingkungan Dynamic Capabilities Entrepreneurial Orientation Koordinasi dan Kinerja Penelitian dilakukan terhadap unit organisasi Pemerintah tingkat eselon dua atau level manajer menengah pada sembilan Kementerian yang bertugas di bidang infrastruktur melalui survei pada bulan Juni – Juli 2014 Analisis terhadap 138 unit organisasi yang menjadi sample penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM)
Berdasarkan hasil analisis penggunaan konsep Dynamic Capabilities dan Entrepreneurship secara bersamaan dan saling melengkapi dapat dijalankan dan model dapat diterapkan pada organisasi Pemerintah Pola pembentukan Kinerja yang signifikan adalah Faktor Organisasi mempengaruhi Dynamic Capabilities dan Entrepreneurial Orientation dimana Dynamic Capabilities secara simultan juga mempengaruhi Entrepreneurial Orientation kemudian Entrepreneurial Orientation mempengaruhi Kinerja Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pada unit organisasi Pemerintah level menengah karena lebih fokus pada rencana governance dan akuntabilitas bahwa: (1) Faktor Organisasi yang dimiliki berkontribusi pada kemampuan Dynamic Capabilities dan Entrepreneurship yang meningkatkan Kinerja unit organisasi (2) perubahan Lingkungan tidak segera membuat unit organisasi dapat merubah strateginya atau merealokasi resources dan capabilities yang dimilikinya dan (3) belum signifikan membangun Koordinasi aktif dengan unit organisasi lain untuk meningkatkan Kinerja Agar Kinerja organisasi Pemerintah dapat lebih ditingkatkan diperlukan perhatian pada (1) masalah kewenangan dan prosedur pengambilan keputusan untuk melakukan perubahan strategi pelaksanaan kegiatan (2) mekanisme Koordinasi dan perubahan strategi pelaksanaan sebagai bagian dari perencanaan kegiatan dan (3) masalah pengukuran Kinerja organisasi
This dissertation studied about Environment and Organizational Factor that explained performance of government institutions by utilizing the two streams of Strategic Management Theory – Dynamic Capability and Entrepreneurship Combining those two theories provided a solid concept of strategic entrepreneurship for government organization that has never been studied before Government organization had specific function in its field therefore that specialization created externality and common goals among organizations In that circumstances Coordination exists to reach the optimum performance
This study developed ten hypotheses to analyze six variables The six variables were Organizational Factor Environment Dynamic Capabilities Entrepreneurial Orientation Coordination and Performance Units to analyze are the population of middle management in nine ministries that responsible for infrastructure development (138 units in total) Questionnaire distribution and collection were conducted during June – July 2014 Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the hypotheses
By combining the concept of Dynamic Capabilities and Entrepreneurship the writer discovered a new model that explained strategic entrepreneurship theory applied in Government organizations The model justified a pattern to reach performance of organization as follows Organizational Factor affects Dynamic Capability and Entrepreneurial Orientation Simultaneously Dynamic Capability also affected Entrepreneurial Orientation Then Entrepreneurial Orientation which was amplified by Organizational Factor and Dynamic Capability created Performance
Study results indicate that since middle management in government organization more focus on planning governance and accountability there are there consequences Those are (1) Organizational Factor contributes to improve Dynamic Capabilities dan Entrepreneurship that lead to Performance of the unit of organization; (2) Environment change is not directly reflected in the unit of organization’s strategy or reallocation of resources and capabilities; and (3) Coordination among unit organizations is not significantly effective to reach performance
At the end of the study the writer provides suggestions to improve performance of government organizations Suggestions are as follows: (1) define a clear authority and procedure on decision making mainly in strategical change of activities; (2) put attention on coordination mechanism and strategic change as part of planning activities; and (3) clarify performance measurement in organization level
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peran dan efektivitas deradikalisasi oleh lembaga non-pemerintah, dengan mengambil studi kasus Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian dan Search for Common Ground, dua lembaga yang aktif bergerak dalam upaya deradikalisasi.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi dan studi literatur. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa dua lembaga non-pemerintah tersebut memiliki tingkat penerimaan yang lebih tinggi oleh narapidana terorisme, daripada program deradikalisasi yang dijalankan oleh BNPT. Namun demikian, masalah koordinasi dengan pemerintah, minimnya sumber daya, dan lemahnya monitoring masih memberi hambatan dalam upaya deradikalisasi.
For more than a decade, the issue of radicalism and terrorism continues to get the public's attention from almost all corners of the world. Terrorism has caused a lot of damage to human life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly address the problem. Every element of Indonesian society is basically responsible for efforts to de-radicalization, not just BNPT. Moreover, BNPT has proven to have various obstacles that cannot be faced alone. One element of society that can take an important role in this case is non-governmental institutions.
This study aims to analyze the role and effectiveness of deradicalization by non-governmental institutions, by taking a case study of Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian and Search for Common Ground, two institutions that are actively engaged in deradicalisation efforts.
This research was conducted with qualitative methods through structured interviews, observation and literature studies. In this study it was known that the two non-government institutions had higher levels of acceptance by prisoners of terrorism, rather than the deradicalisation program run by BNPT. However, the problem of coordination with the government, lack of resources, and weak monitoring still provide obstacles in efforts to de-radicalization.