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Ummi Malikal Balqis
"Kejadian demensia merupakan masalah kesehatan yang memiliki banyak dampak terhadap kualitas hidup serta ditakuti sebagian besar lansia. Demensia merupakan suatu sindrom gangguan fungsi kognitif yang bersifat progresif yang dapat mengganggu fungsional seseorang akibat dari penurunan fungsi kognitif yang cukup kompleks mulai dari penurunan ingatan hingga gangguan fungsi sosial. Karya ilmiah akhir ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran dan pengaruh penerapan DAHLIA (Andal dan Ahli Dalam Merawat Lansia Demensia): Modifikasi Cognitive Stimulation Therapy sebagai bentuk Evidence Based Nursing Practice pada lansia demensia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain studi kasus di keluarga dan komunitas dengan lansia dan keluarga sebagai partisipan dengan jumlah 10 keluarga dan 70 lansia di komuitas yang dipilih sesuai kriteria dan secara convenience sampling. Hasil evaluasi intervensi DAHLIA menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kemandiran keluarga (rerata 3,7), pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan lansia (p = 0.000), nilai HVLT (p = 0.000), dan nilai MMSE (p = 0.000). Intervensi DAHLIA efektif untuk meningkatkan kemandirian keluarga dalam merawat lansia dan fungsi kognitif pada lansia demensia. Intervensi ini sebaiknya dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan dan kualitas hidup lansia dengan masalah demensia di wilayah Kelurahan Mekarjaya, Depok

The incidence of dementia is a health problem that has many impacts on quality of life and is feared by most of the elderly. Dementia is a progressive syndrome of cognitive dysfunction that can disrupt a person's function due to a decline in cognitive function that is quite complex ranging from memory loss to impaired social function. This study aims to provide an overview and influence of the application of DAHLIA (Reliable and Expert in Caring for Elderly Dementia): Modification of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy as a form of Evidence Based Nursing Practice in elderly dementia. This research was conducted with a case study design in families and communities with the elderly and families as participants with a total of 10 families and 70 elderlies in the community selected according to criteria and by convenience sampling. The results of the evaluation of DAHLIA interventions showed an increase before and after the intervention on family independence (mean 3.7), elderly people's knowledge, attitudes and skills (p = 0,000), HVLT values (p = 0,000), and MMSE values (p = 0,000) . DAHLIA interventions are effective for increasing family independence in caring for the elderly and cognitive function in the elderly with dementia. This intervention should be carried out continuously to improve the health status and quality of life of the elderly with dementia problems in the Mekarjaya district, Depok"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Minta Istono
Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan mengapa pejabat publik memiliki interpretasi yang berbeda terhadap suatu isu yang sama dengan menguji model teoritis. Berdasarkan dari perspektif yang lebih menyeluruh ndash; Leader Member Exchange LMX , Leader Self-Efficacy LSE , gaya kognitif intuitive dan analytical dan voice behavior ndash; penelitian ini mengajukan dugaan bahwa interpretasi pejabat publik dipengaruhi oleh LMX, gaya kognitif, ketersediaan informasi voice behavior dan leader self-efficacy dan ada perbedaan pengaruh gaya kognitif, ketersediaan informasi voice behavior dan hubungan timbal balik atasan dan bawahan dan leader self-efficacy pada isu yang mendesak dan isu yang tidak mendesak dengan menguji 2 model teoritis interpretasi pada isu mendesak dan isu yang tidak mendesak.Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahapan studi, studi pertama akan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang isu-isu stratejik yang terjadi di pemerintahan kabupaten pemkab atau pemerintahan kota pemkot dengan metode wawancara. Studi kedua dilakukan untuk untuk menguji model teoritis. Metode penelitian tahap dua menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei.Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa model persamaan struktural interpretasi isu mempunyai kecocokan dengan data empiris. Hasil uji model juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan pengaruh variable-variabel bebas ke variable tergantung pada isu yang mendesak dan tidak mendesak.
This research aims to answer the question why people interpret the similar issue indifferent ways? Researcher assumes that leader member exchange LMX , leader self-efficacy LSE , intuitive and analytical cognitive style and voice behavior influence how people interpret issues. Leader member exchange LMX , leader self-efficacy LSE , intuitive and analytical cognitive style and voice behavior have different influence to issues interpretation in urgent and non urgent issues.This present research have 2 empirical study, first study aims to explore about issues strategic in regional government by interview middle manager. A second study was conducted to test the theoretical model of issues interpretation.The results has shown that: 1 the two of structural equation model of issues interpretation in urgent and non urgent situation fit with empirical data. 2 there are differences in the influence how leader interpret urgent issue and non urgent issue."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maretha Chelina
"UMKM memiliki potensi yang sangat besar dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Peran UMKM di Indonesia dapat membantu menciptakan pekerjaan dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran, sehingga diyakini UMKM mampu mewujudkan pemerataan kesempatan berusaha dan pemerataan pendapatan. Bertumbuhnya wirausaha berasal dari perspektif kognitif yang berguna memahami proses dalam mengidentifikasi peluang dan menggunakan informasi untuk mengembangkan usaha, dan juga wirausahawan yang optimis yakin dapat mencapai hasil yang sukses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh rasa optimisme yang dimiliki seorang pelaku UMKM terhadap persistensinya dalam menjalani usahanya dengan cognitive style cognitive knowing style, cognitive planning style, dan cognitive creating style sebagai variabel moderasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku UMKM yang berada di Kota Depok. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berjenjang hierarchical linear regression. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa optimisme secara positif berpengaruh terhadap persistensi, dan cognitive style tidak memperkuat hubungan positif antara optimisme dan persistensi.

SMEs have huge potential in promoting national economic growth. The role of SMEs in Indonesia can help create jobs and reduce the unemployment rate, so it is believed that SMEs able to realize the equalization of business opportunity and income distribution. The growth of entrepreneurship comes from cognitive perspective that is useful in understanding the process of identifying opportunities and using information to develop a business, as well as an optimistic entrepreneur sure to achieve successful results. This study aims to analyze the effect of entrepreneurs rsquo optimism on persistence with cognitive style cognitive knowing style, cognitive planning style and cognitive creating style as moderating variables. Respondents in this study are the owner of SMEs in Depok. Hierarchical linear regression is used as data processing method. The results of this study indicate that optimism positively affects persistence, and cognitive style do not reinforce the positive relationship between optimism and persistence. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research was to know: the effect of learning strategy, academic ability, as well as the interaction of learning strategy and academic ability on metacognitive ability and learning outcome. The statistic analysis used were Anacova and LSD. Learning strategy process consistency test was similarity test of regression equation. The conclusion of the research were: (1) learning strategy didn’t affect metacognitive ability, (2) learning strategy affected cognitive learning outcome, in this case multistrategy was the most constructive. (3) academic ability didn’t affect metacognition and cognitive learning outcome, (4) the interaction of learning strategy and academic ability did not affect metacognitive ability, but the best interaction was PBMP combine with Script with and academic ability, and (5) the interaction of learning strategy and academic ability did not affect cognitive learning outcome, but the best interaction was PBMP combine with TPS and low academic ability."
570 JPB 1:1 (2009) (1)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research investigated the rule of inquiry and ccoperative learning strategy towards the increase of the cognitive achievement."
570 JPB 1:1 (2009) (1)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research were to analyze and describe the effect of inquiry, learning community, and entry behavior toward cognitive achievement of Senior High School Students of Bengkulu. The research showed that: (1) there was no difference of students’ cognitive learning achievement with CTL through inquiry level 1 and level 2 strategy and (2) there was a difference of students’ cognitive learning achievement with CTL through intended learning community and extended learning community. The result with LSD test revealed that, students’ cognitive learning achievement with CTL through extended learning community was better than those with intended learning community"
570 JPB 1:1 (2009) (1)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Susan
"Some learners get it while others do nota fact of life for the professional trainer. This Infoline offers tips and tools to close the common learning gap. By exploring examples of typical training styles, along with their strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to choose appropriate training activities that get results. In addition, you will get detailed descriptions of educational and psychological assessment instruments that will help you jump start the process tailoring your training design to the learner."
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training and Development Press, American Society for Training and Development Press], 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor pembentuk proses sekularisasi selain yang sudah ada dalam teori sebelumnya. Faktor itu adalah cognitive style tipe reflective. Dalam penelitian ini, dinyatakan hipotesis bahwa manipulasi cognitive style yang reflectiveakan mempengaruhi religious dan secular belief. Hipotesis ini dituangkan dalam dua studi. Studi pertama mencoba untuk menguji apakah ada perbedaan tingkat religious belief pada partisipan yang dimanipulasi untuk menyukai cognitive style tipe reflective dengan partisipan yang dimanipulasi untuk tidak menyukai cognitive style tipe reflective. Partisipan penelitian studi 1 berjumlah 56 orang mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Manipulasi antar kelompok pada studi kedua sama seperti studi pertama, namun variabel terikat yang diukur adalah secular belief. Partisipan penelitian studi 2 berjumlah 64 orang mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Indonesia. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh manipulasi cognitive style tipe reflectiveterhadap religious belief, tetapi ada pengaruh terhadap secular belief. Model sekularisasi kemudian dirumuskan, dimana sekularisasi lebih berhubungan dengan secular belief daripada religious belief. Dengan demikian, cognitive style tipe reflective, menjadi faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi proses sekularisasi.

Present study aims to find factor that can shape the process of secularization other than what previous theory mentioned. The factor is named reflective cognitive style. Hypothetically, manipulation of reflective cognitive style should influence religious and secular belief. This hypothesis is manifested within two studies. First study aims to answer whether there is difference on religious belief between participants that is given manipulation that favor reflective cognitive style and participants that is given manipulation that dislike reflective cognitive style. For this study, the samples are 56 college students of Universitas Indonesia. Manipulation for second study is no different with first study. But for second study, secular belief is measured as dependent variable. The samples are 64 college students of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia. Statistical test shown that there is no effect of reflective cognitive style manipulation on religious belief, but there is effect on secular belief. Secularization model, are thus, being formulated. In this formulation, secularization is linked with secular belief but not with religious belief. And so, reflective cognitive style became one factor that can influence secularization process.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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