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"This book is a selection of results obtained within one year of research performed under SYNAT, a nation-wide scientific project aiming to create an infrastructure for scientific content storage and sharing for academia, education and open knowledge society in Poland. The selection refers to the research in artificial intelligence, knowledge discovery and data mining, information retrieval and natural language processing, addressing the problems of implementing intelligent tools for building a scientific information platform.
The idea of this book is based on the very successful SYNAT Project Conference and the SYNAT Workshop accompanying the 19th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011). The papers included in this book present an overview and insight into such topics as architecture of scientific information platforms, semantic clustering, ontology-based systems, as well as, multimedia data processing."
Berlin: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Intelligent systems provide a platform to connect the research in artificial intelligence to real-world problem solving applications. Various intelligent systems have been developed to face real-world applications. This book discusses the modern advances in intelligent systems and the tools in applied artificial intelligence. It consists of twenty-three chapters authored by participants of the 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2012) which was held in Dalian, China. This book is divided into six parts, including applied intelligence, cognitive computing and affective computing, data mining and intelligent systems, decision support systems, machine learning, and natural language processing. Each part includes three to five chapters. In these chapters, many approaches, applications, restrictions, and discussions are presented. The material of each chapter is self-contained and was reviewed by at least two anonymous referees to assure the high quality. "
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Written by leading experts in the field, this book brings together the most recent concepts, advances, challenges and ideas associated with intelligent modelling and simulation frameworks, tools and applications. , Written by leading experts in the field, this book brings together the most recent concepts, advances, challenges and ideas associated with intelligent modelling and simulation frameworks, tools and applications. ]"
Berlin : [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: North Holland, 1981
025.065 SCI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ching-Chih, Chen
Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1977
026.5 CHI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perhatian terhadap polusi udara ruangan meningkat karena adanya fakta bahwa polusi yang terjadi di dalam ruangan tidak mudah untuk disebar atau diencerkan, sehingga polusi yang terjadi dapat lebih besar dibanding dengan polusi yang terjadi di udara bebas (outdoor). Faktor lain yang turut mendukung meningkatnya perhatian terhadap polusi udara ruangan adalah kenyataan bahwa manusia menghabiskan waktunya 93% dalam ruangan, 5% dihabiskan dalam perjalanan, dan hanya 2% dihabiskan di udara bebas (Nriagu, 1992).
Faktor panting lain yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas udara ruangan adalah karena adanya sifat toksis kontaminan yang ada, baik berupa gas maupun partikulat kecil. Kontaminan toksis ini dapat berasal dari materi penghias ruangan, furnitur, peralatan kantor, adanya kebocoran senyawa kimia yang berbahaya, adanya kontaminasi pada bagian gedung, atau dari luar gedung, hasil pembakaran seperti asap rokok, pemakaian gas (asap dapur), adanya bioefluen dari manusia, dan materi dari produk-produk perawatan gedung.
Environmental Protection Agency (1988) menyatakan bahwa, Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) merupakan fenomena yang berkaitan dengan masalah kesehatan dan kenyamanan bekerja atau berada di dalam sebuah gedung. Istilah SBS biasanya digunakan dalam hubungannya dengan masalah-masalah yang terkait dengan polusi udara ruangan.
Rendahnya kualitas udara ruangan yang menimbulkan fenomena SBS disebabkan oleh sejumlah faktor utama yang saling berinteraksi, yaitu : a. ventilasi udara yang tidak baik, b. adanya polusi yang terjadi di dalam gedung, c. kontaminasi dari luar gedung, serta d. kontaminasi biologi. Faktor-faktor tersebut berinteraksi dengan kondisi lingkungan fisis seperti suhu yang kurang sesuai, kelembaban yang tidak memadai, dan kurangnya penerangan (Baechler et al, 1991).
Sebuah gedung dikatakan sakit tergantung kepada prevalensi SBS pada populasi penghuni gedung tersebut. Menurut WHO, keluhan-keluhan pada kasus SBS sangat luas, yaitu meliputi iritasi mata, hidung tenggorokan, saluran pernafasan, reaksi pada kulit, reaksi hipersensitivitas yang kurang spesifik, kelelahan mental, sakit kepala, mual, dan pusing-pusing (Lenvik, 1993; Aditama, 1992). Sedangkan Jackson et al (1991), menyatakan bahwa keluhan-keluhan SBS sangat samar, dan sering diabaikan karena dianggap sebagai pilek atau flu biasa.
Prevalensi SBS dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan dan juga faktor individu. Faktor-faktor lingkungan adalah kondisi ruangan yang bersifat fisis seperti kelembaban, suhu, dan pencahayaan, atau karena adanya materi toksis, adanya partikulat, serta kondisi mikrobiologis ruangan. Faktor-faktor individu yang dapat mempengaruhi besarnya angka prevalensi SBS antara lain adalah umur, seks, pendidikan, status gizi, status kesehatan, ada tidaknya penyakit alergi, kebiasaan merokok, jenis pekerjaan dan lain-lain (Baechler et al, 1991; Lenvik, 1993).
Gedung Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah (PDII) Jakarta merupakan salah satu gedung perkantoran di Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto yang memakai sistem pengatur udara (AC) sentral. Gedung perkantoran berlantai lima ini pada awal bulan Agustus tahun 1994 mulai mengalami pekerjaan renovasi struktur, serta pergantian komponen-komponen gedung yang perlu.
Dengan adanya kegiatan renovasi, lingkungan dalam gedung PDII mengalami perubahan fisik yang cukup besar. Pada pertengahan tahun 1995, seluruh pegawai PDII Jakarta telah mengalami perubahan lingkungan tempat kerja karena mereka menempati ruangan-ruangan yang telah selesai direnovasi atau ruangan-ruangan darurat.
Para pegawai tidak bisa lepas dari gangguan yang timbul akibat kegiatan renovasi tersebut. Beberapa keluhan berupa gangguan kenyamanan dan kesehatan di lingkungan kerja pernah terjadi. Di samping itu, kondisi udara AC juga pernah dikeluhkan oleh para pegawai. Namun demikian, angka kejadian timbulnya kesakitan dan keluhan-keluhan akibat kondisi ruang kerja di gedung PDII sampai sekarang belum ada dokumentasi yang jelas.
Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan sebagai berikut :
1. Untuk mengetahui prevalensi SBS yang dialami oleh para pegawai yang bekerja di gedung PDII.
2. Untuk mengetahui apakah prevalensi SBS di gedung PDII mempunyai hubungan dengan karakteristik sosial individu pegawai yang meliputi jenis kelamin, umur, pendidikan, hipersensitivitas, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olah raga, pola perjalanan, dan kondisi psikososial.
3. Untuk mengetahui apakah prevalensi SBS di gedung PDII mempunyai hubungan dengan faktor-faktor lingkungan tempat kerja yang meliputi tingkat ventilasi, kadar partikulat, kadar C02, kadar NCx, aliran kecepatan udara, kelembaban, dan suhu ruangan.
4. Untuk mengetahui sampai seberapa jauh faktor-faktor risiko tertentu secara relatif menyebabkan munculnya SBS.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian epidemiologik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional untuk mencari hubungan antara faktor risiko dengan prevalensi SBS. Faktor risiko dapat berupa faktor lingkungan dan faktor individu.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner, dan pengukuran variabel kondisi lingkungan fisik dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang telah ditetapkan. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah distribusi frekuensi, rasio prevalensi, uji Chi-Square, dan koefisien kontingensi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi SBS di gedung PDII Jakarta adalah sebesar 53,62%. Sedangkan prevalensi SBS sesuai dengan kelompok gejala adalah keluhan pada mata 19,56%, hidung 32,61%, tenggorokan 34,78%, kulit 13,04%, dan umum 39,14%.
Prevalensi SBS mempunyai hubungan yang sangat signifikan dengan jenis kelamin dan kondisi psikososial responden, dan tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan umur, pendidikan, hipersensitivitas, kebiasaan olah raga, kebiasaan merokok, lama perjalanan, dan jenis kendaraan responden.
Prevalensi SBS mempunyai hubungan yang sangat signifikan dengan kelembaban, dan suhu kering ruangan kerja gedung PDII Jakarta, dan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kadar partikulat dan kadar CO2 di dalam ruangan kerja gedung PDII Jakarta. Prevalensi SBS tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat ventilasi, kadar NOx, kecepatan aliran udara, dan suhu basah ruangan gedung PDII Jakarta.
Rasio prevalensi faktor risiko karakteristik sosial responden masing-masing adalah jenis kelamin 1,57, umur 1,18, pendidikan 0,78, status atopi 1,42, kebiasaan olah raga 1,28, kebiasaan merokok 0,70, lama perjalanan 1,02, jenis kendaraan 1,13, dan kondisi psikososial 1,79.
Rasio prevalensi faktor risiko lingkungan fisik masing-masing adalah tingkat ventilasi 1,14, kadar partikulat 1,55, kadar CO02 0,86, kadar NOx 1,46, kelembaban 0,82, kecepatan aliran udara 1,70, suhu kering 1,72, dan suhu basah 1,42,

The attention towards indoor air pollution is increasing due to the fact that indoor air pollution is not easy to be diluted. It makes the pollution could be greater indoor than outdoor. Another factor supported that argument was the fact that the people spend their time 93% indoor, 5% traveling, and approximately 2% outdoor (Nriagu, 1992).
The most important factor that caused of decreased indoor air quality is the toxicity of contaminants such as gaseous or particulate form from a variety of sources, including the building materials, furnishings, office equipments and incidental spill of hazardous chemical substances, contaminants generated from other parts of the building or outdoors, tobacco smoke, gas appliances, and human's bioeffluents (Godish, 1991).
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared that Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refered to health and comfort problems associated with working in a particular building. The term generally applied to problems related to indoor air pollution.The poor indoor air quality that cause SBS phenomenon, may caused by a number of factors, such as : (a) inadequate ventilation; (b) pollution; (c) contamination from outside sources; and (d) biological contamination. These factors will interact with other environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, or lighting (Baechler et al, 1991).
A building will be classified as a sick building on the basis of the prevalence of the symptoms of population in the building. According to WHO, the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) includes a broad range of symptoms such as eyes, nose, throat, and lower airways irritation, skin reaction, unspecific hypersensitive reactions, mental fatigue, head-ache, nausea, and dizziness (Lenvik, 1993; Aditama, 1992). Jackson et al (1991) described in his paper that SBS were so vague, and it disparaged because it was considered as ordinary flu symptoms.
The prevalence of each SBS can be influenced by several environmental and individual factors. Environmental factors were physical room condition such as humidity, temperature, and lighting, or the content of toxic substance, particulate, and microbiological condition of the room. The individual factors were age, sex, education, nutritional status, health status, allergic condition, smoking habits, job categories, etc. (Baechler et al, 1991; Lenvik, 1993).
Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information (PDII) Building Jakarta has five floors located at J'1. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Jakarta using central air conditioning (AC) system, at early of August 1994 was being renovation and changing of building component. This activity was carried out with office activities remain in that building. At the middle of 1995, all of office workers move to newly renovation room with some of them still worked in the emergency rooms.
Due to this conditions some of office workers complain of discomfort and health problems in the workplace, included the air from AC system. However, the prevalence of sickness and complaints caused by workplace environment condition in PDII building has not been clearly documented.
The objectives of this research :
1. to identify the prevalence of SBS among the office workers in PDII building.
2. to identify the association between SBS and the individual caracteristics of office workers including sex, age, education, hypersensitivity, smoking habits, exercising habits, traveling mode, and psychosocial condition.
3. to identify the association between the prevalence of SBS and workplace environment factors included ventilation rate, respirable suspended particulate, C02, NOx consentration, air flow rate, humidity, and temperature of the room.
4. to identify how far certain risk factors relatively cause SBS.
The study method used is survey, using questionnaire and measurements of physical environmental condition variable using pre-determined measurement tools. Data analysis carried out were frequency distribution, prevalence ratio, Chi-Square test, and Coefficient Contingency.
This was cross-sectional epidemiologic study looking for the associations between risk factors and the prevalence of SBS. The risk factor can be in the form of individual or environmental factors.
The result of the study showed that the prevalence of SBS in PDII building is 53.62%. According to symptom group are 19.56% for eyes; 32.61% for nose, 34.78% for throat, 13.04% for skin symptoms, and 39.14% for general symptoms.
The prevalence of SBS was highly significant in association with sex and psychosocial condition of respondences, and there is no significant association with age, education, hypersensitivity, exercising habits, length of transportation transportation, and the type of responden's vehicle.
The prevalence of SBS was highly significant association with humidity and dry temperature of workplace of PDII building Jakarta, and has significant association with concentration of respirable suspended particulate and CO2 in workplace of PDII building Jakarta.
The prevalence of SBS does not show a significant association with ventilation rate, concentration of NOx, air flow rate, and wet temperature of workplace in PDII building Jakarta.
The prevalence ratio of risk factors from despondence?s social caracteristics respectively : sex 1.57; age 1.18; education 0.78; hypersensitivity 1.42; smoking habits 0.70; exercising habits 1.28; length of transportation 1.02; the type of responden's vehicle 1.13; and psychosocial condition 1.79. The prevalence ratio of risk factors from physical environmental condition respectively ventilation 1.14; concentration of respirable suspended particulate 1.55; concentration of CO2 0.86; concentration of NOx 1.46; air flow rate 1.70, humidity 0.82; dry temperature 1.72; and wet temperature 1.42.
E. Total of References : 45 (1957 - 1995).
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2006
005.72 WIT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book entitled Advancements in Smart City and Intelligent Building is the Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart City and Intelligent Building (ICSCIB 2018) held in Hefei, China, September 15-16, 2018. It contains 58 papers in total categorized into 8 different tracks, on Building Energy Efficiency, Construction Robot and Automation, Intelligent Community and Urban Safety, Intelligentialization of Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning System, Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems, New Generation Intelligent Building Platform Techniques, Smart Home and Utility, and Smart Underground Space, which cover a wide range areas of smart cities and intelligent buildings.
ICSCIB2018 provided an international forum for professionals, academics, and researchers to present the latest developments from interdisciplinary theoretical studies, computational algorithm developments and engineering applications in smart cities and smart buildings. This academic event featured many opportunities to network with colleagues from around the world in a wonderful environment. Its program covered invitation and presentations from scientists, researchers, and practitioners who have been working in the related areas to establish platforms for collaborative research projects in these fields. The conference invited leaders from industry and academia to exchange and share their experiences, present research results, explore collaborations and to spark new ideas, with the aim of developing new projects and exploiting new technology in these fields, and bridge theoretical studies and emerging applications in various science and engineering branches."
Singapore: Springer Nature , 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andress, Jason
"Machine generated contents note: Chapter 0: Introduction Chapter 1: Introduction to Command Shell Scripting Chapter 2: Introduction to Python Chapter 3: Introduction to Perl Chapter 4: Introduction to Ruby Chapter 5: Introduction to Web Scripting with PHP Chapter 6: Manipulating Windows with PowerShell Chapter 7: Scanner Scripting Chapter 8: Information Gathering Chapter 9: Exploitation Scripting Chapter 10: Post-Exploitation Scripting Appendix: Subnetting and CIDR Addresses"
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2012
005.8 AND c (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Larson, James A.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992
005.1 LAR i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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