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Shita Azalia Husain
"Penelitian ini membahas pengelolaan kebijakan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir di Kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menganalisis pengelolaan kebijakan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir Kota Bandung dengan menggunakan teori administrasi pendapatan asli daerah yang dikemukakan McMaster dan mendeskripsikan apa saja tantangan dan peluang yang dihadapi dalam kebijakan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir Kota Bandung. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dalam teknik menganalisis data.
Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pengelolaan kebijakan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir Kota Bandung belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan teori administrasi pendapatan asli daerah menurut McMaster, peluang yang dihadapi dalam kebijakan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir Kota Bandung adalah optimalisasi pendapatan retribusi parkir dan adanya kepastian bagi wajib retribusi, sedangkan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam kebijakan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir kota Bandung adalah tidak ada peraturan yang khusus mengatur, kurangnya pengawasan, dan kurangnya sosialisasi dalam pelaksanaan uji coba sistem prabayar retribusi parkir Kota Bandung.

The focus of this research is to analyze management of trial prepaid parking charge system policy in Bandung Municipality. The puposes of this research are analyze management of trial prepaid parking charge system policy in Bandung Municipality based on theory of local owned revenue management by McMaster and also describes opportunities and threats in managing trial prepaid parking charge system policy in Bandung Municipality. This descriptive research used post-positivist approach with literature research and in-depth interview as datacollection techniques.
The result of this research are management of trial prepaid parking charge system policy in Bandung Municipality has not been carried out in accordance with theory of local tax and charge management by McMaster, the opportunities of this system are parking charges revenue optimization and certainty for parking charges user whereas the threats are no special rules set, lack of supervision, and lack of socialization in managing trial prepaid parking charge system policy in Bandung Municipality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caecilia Rika Widyasih
"Di Kota Bekasi, realisasi pendapatan retribusi parkir cukup rendah setiap tahunnya, sejak 2011 hingga 2016, target yang ditetapkan tidak pernah tercapai. Berbagai upaya optimalisasi telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Bekasi, salah satunya dilakukannya ujicoba metode smart parking meter, namun ternyata belum dapat diterapkan sehingga belum memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap penerimaan retribusi parkir. Melalui pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh Inspektorat Kota Bekasi, ditemukan adanya dugaan kecurangan fraud yang mengakibatkan kebocoran retribusi parkir dalam pengelolaannya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya off-book fraud pada sistem pengelolaan retribusi parkir di Kota Bekasi dan sistem apa yang dapat diterapkan untuk memitigasi off-book fraud pengelolaan retribusi parkir di Kota Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan atau paradigma post-positivism. Berbagai data dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumentasi, wawancara mendalam indepth interview, dan diskusi kelompok terfokus focus group discussion/FGD . Lokus dari penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai unit analisis.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penyebab terjadinya off-book fraud tersebut terkait dengan peraturan, penetapan titik parkir, penetapan target, model pengelolaan, penetapan badan usaha dalam rangka kerja sama pemungutan model kerjasama dan dasar hukumnya, petugas pemungut, administrasi pemungutan dan penyetoran, pengelolaan karcis, pengawasan, dan intervensi eksternal. Sedangkan, berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, mitigasi off-book fraud harus sekaligus memperbaiki aspek kebijakan dan sistem agar dapat diperoleh solusi yang komprehensif dan berkelanjutan sustainable.

Poor performance of realization in Parking Retribution occurred in Bekasi City since 2011 to 2016. It can be shown by not achived target revenue on Parking Retribution each year. Various effort to optimalize the revenue has been conducted by government, one of them is implementing smart parking meter system. Yet, this system can not be able to provide significant impact on Parking Retribution revenue. In the meantime, investigation conducted by Inspectorate of Bekasi City found allegation of fraud that result leakage in Parking Retribution management.
The aim of this research is to find out the cause of off book fraud and the type of system implementing to mitigate Parking Retribution off book fraud in its management. Post positivism approach is applied in this research. The data used is collected through documentation study, indepth interview, and focus group discussion FGD which Government of Bekasi City is set as research location or unit analysis.
The result shows that regulation, determination of parking point and target, management model, establishment of business entity in order to collaborate in collecting model and legal base of collaboration, collecting officers, deposit and collection of administration, ticket management, supervision, and external intervention are related to the cause of off book fraud occurance. In addition, according to analysis yielded, off book fraud mitigation should improve the aspect of policy and system so that comprehensive and sustainable solution can be achieved.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Arika Hapsari
"Tesis ini berisi analisis tentang pengelolaan parkir on street di Kawasan Mayestik, Jakarta Selatan yang terdiri dari parkir on street lingkungan dan on street non lingkungan. Tujuannya untuk menganalisis pengelolaan parkir on street di Kawasan Mayestik, Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori parking management yang dikembangkan oleh Kodransky dan Hermann yang meliputi empat strategi antara lain: mekanisme tarif, pengaturan, desain fisik, serta kualitas layanan kontrak. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan post positivis, dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, dan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan parkir on street lingkungan Mayestik berjalan cukup baik walaupun masih dalam proses perbaikan infrastruktur dan fasilitas serta pengawasan dalam hal pungutan ganda. Permasalahan infrastruktur dan fasilitas dapat dilihat dari kondisi jalan di kawasan parkir on street yang masih kurang layak, yakni berlubang dan becek ketika hujan, serta penataan perparkiran yang masih belum rapi. Kemudian banyaknya Pedagang kaki lima yang berimbas pada semakin berkurangnya lahan parkir on street sehingga mengurangi potensi retribusi yang diterima oleh UP Perparkiran. Selanjutnya pada pemungutan retribusi masih dikeluhkan adanya pungutan ganda yang dilakukan oleh petugas parkir di lingkungan Mayestik sehingga pengguna jasa parkir merasa telah membayar biaya parkir dua kali. Pengelolaan yang cukup baik bisa dilihat dari peningkatan pendapatan retribusi yang diterima oleh Unit Pengelola Perparkiran sejak Kawasan Mayestik menggunakan sistem parkir terpadu dengan Perjanjian Kerja Sama dengan PT. Metroland. Sementara itu, pengelolaan parkir on street non lingkungan belum berjalan baik karena belum sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Seperti masih minimnya pengawasan dari aparat terkait tentang ketentuan tarif yang harus dibayar oleh pengguna jasa parkir.

The thesis consists of an analysis of On Street Parking Management in Mayestik Area, South Jakarta. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze on street parking management in Mayestik Area, South Jakarta. This research applied the parking management theory that was developed by Kodransky and Hermann. This theory has four strategies, as follows: tariff mechanism, regulation, physical design, and the quality of service contract. Method and techniques that used in this research is Post Positivist approach with qualitative descriptive method, and implemented indepth interview, and literature study. On street parking divided into two parts, which are environmental on street parking and non-environmental on street parking.
The result showed that the management of the environmental on-street parking went quite well, although some improvements still needed particularly in the term of infrastructure, facilities and supervision to reduce the double-tax policy. Infrastructure and facilities problems can be seen from the condition of roads in the area of on-street parking, which is perforated and muddy while it rains and less arrangement of the parking area. The amount of peddler also decreases the area that supposed to be on street parking area. This condition brings the new problem, which is the reduction of potential retribution, that soon will be gathered by a parking institution. The characteristic of well-managed parking management in Mayestik area can be seen through the rise of retribution income, since there is a contract agreement between the local parking institution and PT Metroland. While in the other hand, the non-environmental on street not run well because it is not fit to the regulation applied. The cause can be lack of supervision from the government about the fare regulation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benita Safitri
"Skripsi ini berisi analisis tentang pengelolaan parkir on street oleh Unit Pengelola Perparkiran DKI Jakarta di Melawai yang terdiri dari parkir on street lingkungan dan non lingkungan. Tujuannya untuk menganalisis pengelolaan parkir on street oleh Unit Pengelola Perparkiran di Melawai. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori parking management oleh Kodransky dan Hermann dengan pendekatan positivis, deskriptif, cross sectional, yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan parkir on street lingkungan berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari terpenuhinya kesepuluh indikator yang digunakan. Sementara itu, pengelolaan parkir on street non lingkungan belum berjalan dengan baik. Dari sepuluh indikator, hanya satu indikator yang terpenuhi sedangkan sembilan indikator lainnya tidak terpenuhi.

The thesis contains of analysis about on street parking management by the Jakarta City Government through the Parking Service of Technical Implementation Unit in Melawai, which consists of inside parking lot and outside. The purpose of this research is to analyze on street parking management by the Parking Service of Technical Implementation Unit in Melawai. This research uses theory of parking management by Kodransky and Hermann with positivist approach, descriptive design, cross sectional study, in-depth interview, observation and literature study.
The result shows that inside on street parking lot management in Melawai has running well. This can be seen from the ten indicators that used in this research, all being fulfilled. Meanwhile, the outside on street parking lot management has not running well. From the ten indicators, only one has being fulfilled, nine indicators have not being fulfilled.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Dianaputri
"[Penelitian ini membahas tentang implementasi kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir di Kota Batam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implemetasi kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir di Kota
Batam, menganalisis kendala yang timbul dari kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir di Kota Batam dan untuk menganalisis upaya apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Batam dalam mengatasi kendala- kendala yang timbul atas kebijakan kenaikan tarif retribusi di Kota Batam. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode
pengumpulan data secara pustaka dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kebijakan kenaikan tarif retribusi parkir dilatarbelakangi oleh dorongan untuk menaikkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kota Batam dan meminimalisir kebocoran pererimaan dari pendapatan retribusi parkir. Permasalahan yang timbul dari kebijakan atas kenaikan tarif retribusi di Kota Batam ini adalah adanya adanya tanggapan negatif dari masyarakat tentang kenaikan tarif karena kurangnya sosialisasi, adanya parkir ilegal, juru parkir yang tidak jujur, adanya hambatan dari preman dan penguasa lahan parkir dan parkir berlangganan yang tidak berjalan optimal. Hasil dari penelitian ini implementasi kebijakan belum berjalan dengan optimal sesuai yang diharapkan dikarenakan banyak kendala yang
timbul di lapangan. Upaya untuk mengatasi kendala adalah dengan melakukan sosialisasi, peningkatan pengawasan, penertiban parkir liar, penataan sistem parkir dan mengoptimalkan parkir berlangganan.

This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing of parking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyze the issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and to analyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming the problems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collection methods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysis
techniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parking fees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam and minimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedback from the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, the
existence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians, irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of this study of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to many issues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization, increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parking
system and optimization of parking subscribe.;This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing of
parking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
implementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyze
the issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and to
analyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming the
problems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collection
methods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysis
techniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parking
fees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam and
minimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rate
increase policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedback
from the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, the
existence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians,
irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of this
study of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to many
issues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization,
increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parking
system and optimization of parking subscribe.;This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing of
parking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
implementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyze
the issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and to
analyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming the
problems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collection
methods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysis
techniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parking
fees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam and
minimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rate
increase policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedback
from the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, the
existence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians,
irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of this
study of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to many
issues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization,
increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parking
system and optimization of parking subscribe., This study discusses the implementation of the policy in increasing of
parking rates in Batam. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
implementation of the policy on the rate increase parking fees in Batam, analyze
the issues that came from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam and to
analyze what efforts can be made by Batam’s Government in overcoming the
problems that have occurred from rate increase policy of parking fees in Batam.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach to data collection
methods in literature and unstructured interviews with qualitative data analysis
techniques. The results of this study stated that the rate increase policy of parking
fees motivated by the urge to raise Pendapatan Asli daerah (PAD) of Batam and
minimize revenues leakage of parking fees. The issues that came from rate
increase policy of parking fees in Batam is the existence of negative feedback
from the community about the rate increase because the lack of socialization, the
existence of illegal parking, corrupt parking attendants, the civillians,
irresponsible landowners and nonoptimal parking subscribe. The results of this
study of policy implementation has not run optimally as expected due to many
issues that arise in the field. Efforts to overcome the issues is the socialization,
increased supervision, control of illegal parking, arrangement of the parking
system and optimization of parking subscribe.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Yunitasari
"Salah satu pusat kegiatan ekonomi di kota Jakarta dengan aktivitas parkir yang tinggi adalah Pasar Meester Jatinegara. Hal ini terlihat dari diberlakukannya regulasi pelarangan parkir on-street pada hari kerja, dan juga volume kendaraan angkutan barang yang cukup tinggi (48.54%) bila dibandingkan jumlah kendaraan non angkutan barang (51.46%). Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis karakteristik parkir off street, dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pengaturan ruang parkir yang ada. Dari pengamatan selama 10 jam pada kondisi setelah diberlakukannya pelarangan parkir on-street diperoleh nilai Pergantian Parkir sebesar 0.30, Indeks Parkir rata-rata 0.86, Indeks Aktifitas Parkir (IAP) 0.06, serta V/C ratio sebesar 1.44, dengan durasi rata-rata berturut-turut 5.04 jam dan 3.90 jam, untuk angkutan barang dan non angkutran barang. Parameter-parameter ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan area parkir Pasar Meester Jatinegara perlu diperbaiki, walaupun kondisi ini terlihat lebih baik dibandingkan sebelum pelarangan. Mengingat volume dan durasi angkutan barang cukup tinggi, upaya perbaikan dilakukan dengan pengaturan porsi ruang parkir untuk mobil barang dan mobil non barang secara terpisah, selain upaya penggunaan parkir ganda (double parking) di area yang masih memungkinkan, serta upaya penerapan sistem pentarifan parkir yang ditujukan untuk mengurangi durasi parkir.

One of the centers of economic activities with intensive parking activities in Jakarta is Pasar Meester Jatinegara. It can be seen from the regulation on the prohibition of on-street parking on weekdays and the fact that the volume of freight vehicles (48.54%) is almost similar to the volume of non freight vehicles (51.46%). From 10 hour observation it shows that the Parking Turn Over is 0,30; Parking Index 0.86; Parking Activity Index is 0,06; and the V / C ratio is 1,44, with average duration is 5.05 hours for freight vehicles and 3.90 hours for non freight vehicles. These parameters indicate that arrangement of parking area of Meester Jatinegara market needs to be improved; even it looks better than the the condition of before the prohibition of on-street parking on weekdays. Considering the volume and duration of freight vehicles is quite high,the proposed improvement is carried out i.e setting the portion of parking spaces for freight vehicles and non freight vehicles separately, along with the use of double parking and the implementation of parking tariff regulation which can restraint the the parking duration."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfi Muzaffar Abdoelkadir
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas layanan parkir di Pasar Santa Kota DKI Jakarta dari perspektif pengguna, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode penelitian melibatkan penggunaan lima dimensi SERVQUAL, yaitu Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, dan Empathy, untuk mengevaluasi kualitas pelayanan parkir. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang disebar kepada 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, kualitas pelayanan parkir di Pasar Santa DKI Jakarta dapat dikategorikan sebagai baik. Analisis berdasarkan dimensi SERVQUAL mengindikasikan bahwa setiap dimensi, termasuk Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, dan Empathy, berada dalam kategori baik. Temuan ini menggambarkan bahwa persepsi pengguna terhadap kualitas pelayanan parkir di Pasar Santa secara umum positif. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam pemahaman mendalam mengenai persepsi pengguna terhadap kualitas layanan parkir, dan hasilnya dapat menjadi landasan bagi pengelola pasar dan pihak terkait untuk meningkatkan aspek aspek tertentu dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan parkir di Pasar Santa Kota DKI Jakarta.

This research aims to analyze the quality of parking services at Santa Market in DKI Jakarta from the users' perspective, utilizing a quantitative approach. The research methodology involves the application of the five SERVQUAL dimensions, namely Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy, to assess the parking service quality. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents. The research findings indicate that overall, the quality of parking services at Santa Market DKI Jakarta can be categorized as good. Analysis based on the SERVQUAL dimensions suggests that each dimension, including Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy, falls within the good category. These results portray a generally positive user perception of the parking service quality at Santa Market. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of user perceptions regarding parking service quality, and its outcomes may serve as a foundation for market management and relevant stakeholders to enhance specific aspects in the effort to improve parking service quality at Santa Market in DKI Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setianingsih Nimalasari
"Penelitian ini membahas implementasi retribusi parkir berlangganan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Dalam rangka menaikkan Penerimaan Asli Daerah, Kabupaten Sidoarjo melakukan inovasi dengan menerapkan retribusi parkir berlangganan. Dalam retribusi parkir berlangganan, pemerintah dalam hal ini Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Sidoarjo memungut retribusi dimuka setiap tahunnya kepada seluruh pengguna kendaraan bermotor dengan plat nomor polisi Sidoarjo. Pada pelaksanaannya banyak protes yang dilayangkan oleh masyarakat karena penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang terjadi di lapangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan latar belakang diberlakukannya retribusi parkir berlangganan, menganalisis implementasi pemungutan retribusi parkir berlangganan dengan menggunakan teori Mc.. Master serta menggambarkan masalah yang terjadi di lapangan pada pelaksanaan retribusi parkir berlangganan.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data secara studi lapangan, studi literatur dan observasi dengan teknik analisis data secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa latar belakang pemungutan retribusi parkir berlangganan adalah peningkatan Penerimaan Asli Daerah dan peningkatan pelayanan kepada masyarakat sebagai pengguna jasa parkir, kemudian pemungutan retribusi parkir berlangganan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo sudah sesuai dengan teori Mc. Master, hanya saja pemungutan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan prinsip retribusi dan diindikasikan terjadi abuse of power dari pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Masalah yang terjadi pada pelaksanaan retribusi parkir berlangganan adalah masih banyak terjadi penyimpangan yaitu double collection yang dilakukan oleh juru parkir berlangganan, adanya broker, dan kurangnya sarana dan prasarana untuk kegiatan pengawasan pelaksanaan retribusi parkir berlangganan di lapangan sehingga diperlukan pengawasan yang lebih ketat kepada para pihak yang menjalankan retribusi parkir berlangganan dan sebaiknya masyarakat diberikan kebebasan dalam memilih layanan retribusi.

This study discusses the implementation of subscribe parking charge in Sidoarjo Regency. In order to raise PAD, Sidoarjo regency innovating by applying the subscribe parking charges. In the subscribe parking charges, the government, in this case Department of Transporation of Sidoarjo regency, collect fees upfront each year to all users of motor vehicles with plate police number license of Sidoarjo. In practice, many of protest filed by the public because of distortions that happen in the field. The purpose of this study is to describe the background of the enactment of the subscribe parking charges, analyze the implementation of subscribe parking charges by using the theory of Mc. Master, and to describe the problems that occur in the field on the implementation of subscribe parking charges.
This study uses a quantitive approach with field studies, literature and observational studies as data collection method and qualitative data analysis technique. The result of this study showed that the background of enactment subscribe parking charges is to increase PAD and to improve the parking service to the public as users of parking services and the implementation of subscribe parking charges of Sidoarjo is in conformity with theory of Mc. Master, but it's not in accordance with the principles of retribution and abuse of powers is indicated from Sidoarjo regency government. Problems that occur in the implementation of the the implementation of subscribe parking charges is there are a lot of double collections irregularities committed by the park interpreter, a broker, and the lack of facilities and infrastructure for the implementation of the levy parking control activities in the field, therefore they needed to scrunity the parties who run the parking levy subscription and community should be given freedom in choosing a service.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiyana Brotoadi
"Angkutan Barang berperan sangat penting dalam kegiatan ekonomi, namun jika tidak diatur dengan baik akan berdampak buruk terhadap lingkungan (kemacetan, polusi, kecelakaan dll). Tujuan penelitian adalah pengembangan model optimasi pengaturan ruang parkir off street dengan simulasi dinamis. Metode pengembangan model optimasi ruang parkir didasarkan pada pembagian ruang parkir atas ruang untuk angkutan barang dan ruang untuk non angkutan barang. Optimasi bertujuan meminimalkan nilai fungsi gabungan dari indek parkir angkutan barang dan indek parkir non angkutan barang. Pemberian bobot diberikan kepada indek parkir keduanya untuk merepresentasikan tingkat kepentingan terhadap kedua jenis kendaraan tersebut. Ruang parkir keduanya diatur secara dinamis tiap interval waktu tertentu, berdasarkan pada besarnya arus kendaraan masuk dan keluar pada waktu sebelumnya. Indek Parkir dibatasi oleh indek parkir maksimal yang diinginkan pengelola. Berdasarkan uji t terhadap varian nilai indek parkir gabungan, hasil aplikasi terhadap data parkir di Jatinegara Trade Center (JTC) memperlihatkan bahwa solusi model memberikan nilai indek parkir yang lebih baik dibandingkan nilai indek parkir aktual (tanpa optimasi).

Freight very important role in economic activity, but if are not well regulated will have a negative impact on the environment (congestion, pollution, accidents, etc.). The purpose of the research is the development of models optimization setting parking space off street with dynamic simulation. Development Method parking space optimization model is based on division of the parking space to freight and space for non-freight . Optimization aims to minimizing value of the combined function of freight parking index and nonfreight parking index. The weighting is given to parking index both to represent interest levels of both types of vehicles. Parking spaces are both set dynamically for each specified time interval, based on the magnitude of vehicle flow in and out at the previous time, where the parking index is restricted by parking index maximum who desired manager. Based t test to variance values parking index combined, the results of the application to data of parking in Djatinegara Trade Center (JTC) shows that model solution gives value parking index is better than value the actual parking index (without optimization)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Alfred Utomo
Kampus UI Salemba terletak di bagian kota Jakarta yang sibuk setiap hari.
Lokasi kampus berdekatan dengan Pasar Kenari dan RSUD Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) mengakibatkan seringnya penggunaan lahan kampus sebagai tempat parkir tambahan bagi pengunjung kedua lokasi tersebut. Benda Hal tersebut menyebabkan desain awal sistem parkir kampus UI Salemba tidak dilanjutkan sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini. Melalui sistem parkir yang memanfaatkan kondisi lahan yang sempit seperti menara parkir merupakan salah satu terobosan yang dapat digunakan di lahan kampus UI Salemba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang tingkat efisiensi penggunaan lahan dalam penerapan sistem menara parkir di kampus UI Salemba.

The UI Salemba campus is located in a daily busy part of Jakarta. The campus location is close to Kenari Market and Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) resulted in frequent use of campus land
as an additional parking space for visitors to both locations. Thing
This caused the initial design of the UI Salemba campus parking system to be discontinued according to the current conditions. Through a parking system that utilizes narrow land conditions such as parking towers is one of the breakthroughs that can be used on the UI Salemba campus. This research aims to discusses the level of land use efficiency in the application of the parking tower system at the UI Salemba campus."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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