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"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi jaringan sistem distribusi eksisting pupuk urea bersubsidi PT X, khususnya antara gudang distributor dan gudang pengecer. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi jaringan eksisting dengan menggunakan beberapa skenario untuk memperkuat analisa dengan didasarkan pada model minimum cost flow, dengan tujuan untuk meminimasi biaya transportasi di dalam jaringan. Berdasarkan optimasi dengan beberapa skenario didapat efisiensi biaya distribusi sebesar 61% s/d 89% terhadap eksisting. Apabila biaya satuan transportasi prediksi bias +20% maka efisiensi biaya distribusi menjadi 70% s/d 106% terhadap biaya eksisting, sedangkan apabila biaya satuan prediksi bias -20% maka efisiensi biaya distribusi menjadi 51% s/d 71% terhadap biaya eksisting. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi ini terlihat bahwa kondisi jaringan sistem distribusi eksisting masih dapat diperbaiki dengan melakukan restrukturisasi rayonisasi gudang pengecer.
, This study aims to evaluate the distribution system of existing networks of subsidized urea fertilizer in PT X particularly between distributor warehouses and kiosk ones. In this study, the optimization of existing networks is carried out by using several skenarios to strengthen the analysis and it is based on minimum cost flow model which is aimed to minimize transportation costs of the networks. The optimization finds cost efficiency about 61% up to 89% of the existing costs. When the predicted unit cost is biased +20% thus the cost efficiency be 70% up to 106% of the existing costs. On the other hand, when the predicted unit cost is biased -20% thus the cost efficiency be 51% up to 71% of the existing costs. From the optimization is shown that the current system still could be improved by restructuring the clustering system of kiosks of the existing networks.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Subhan Safari
"Investasi pada suatu proyek konstruksi memiliki tingkat ketidakpastian yang cukup tinggi. Ketidakpastian ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa aspek, dimana aspekaspek tersebut haruslah dievaluasi dan diperhitungkan pengaruhnya terhadap kelayakan investasi proyek. Tingkat ketidakpastian yang cukup tinggi ini mendorong PT. Trimanunggal MK untuk melakukan studi kelayakan pada rencana Proyek Perumahan Citra Niaga-Tangerang, dengan meninjau beberapa aspek yang dirasa perlu. Salah satu aspek yang sangat berpengaruh dalam proses pengambilan keputusan suatu rencana investasi adalah aspek ekonomi. Dengan meninjau aspek ekonomi dan melihat dampaknya terhadap investasi yang kita lakukan, maka kita dapat mengetahui apakah secara ekonomi proyek tersebut dapat mendatangkan keuntungan atau tidak, dan berapa besar keuntungan yang akan dihasilkan.
Bagi investor pada Proyek Perumahan Citra Niaga-Tangerang aspek ekonomi juga merupakan faktor penting untuk ditinjau dan merupakan faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan investasi Dengan memperhatikan sisi ekonomi maka analisa kelayakan investasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan Non Discounted Cash Flow Method dan Discounted Cash Flow Method dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan suatu proyek investasi. Pada Proyek Perumaha Citra Niaga analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan Discounted Cash Flow Method dan dengan analisa sensitivitas.
Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap Proyek Perumahan Citra Niaga di Jl. Damai, Desa Jombang, Kabupaten Tangerang, Propinsi Banten, diharapkan mendapatkan hasil berupa kepastian akan kelayakan investasi pada proyek perumahan tersebut.

Investments on construction project have a high level of uncertainty. This uncertainty is influenced by some aspect, where the aspect must be evaluated and reckoned by its influence to project investment feasibility. The level of this uncertainty encouraged PT. Trimanunggal MK to do a feasibility study on Citra Niaga Residence Project ' Tangerang, to evaluate some important aspect which is needed. One of the aspect which has a high influence on decision making on an investment plan is the economic aspect. By evaluating economic aspect and see its impact to investment which we conduct, we could know economically should the project can bring profit or not, and how much the profit is.
To investors of the Citra Niaga Residence Project ' Tangerang, economic aspect also represents an important factor to be evaluated and a factor which very influence in on an investment decision-making processes. By paying attention on the economic side, the feasibility analysis of investment can be done by using Non Discounted Cash Flow Method and Discounted Cash Flow Method as a mean to know the feasibility level of a project investment. At the Citra Niaga Residence Project, the analysis was done by using Discounted Cash Flow Method and with sensitivity analysis.
From the result of the research conducted to the Citra Niaga Residence Project at Jl. Damai, Jombang, Tangerang, Banten Province, it will be expected to get a result of certainty of the feasibility investment at the project residence.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sindoro Salim Jibril
"Mengambil keputusan investasi proyek yang keliru maka tidak dapat direvisi begitu saja, tanpa harus menderita suatu kerugian. Keputusan investasi bagi seorang investor menyangkut masa yang akan datang mengandung ketidakpastian, yang berarti mengandung unsur risiko bagi investor. Umumnya risiko selalu terdapat pada setiap alternatif investasi, tetapi besar kecilnya risiko tersebut tergantung pada jenis investasinya.
Sebelum mengambil keputusan jadi tidaknya suatu investasi, salah satu syarat yang terpenting adalah mengkaji aspek finansial dan ekonomi. Dari segi financial mutu rencana pembangunan proyek di ukur dari kemampuan proyek itu memenuhi kewajiban finansialnya (biaya modal) dan menghasilkan keuntungan yang memadai. Disinilah letaknya keterkaitan antara keputusan investasi dan pendanaan. Karena dilihat dari segi dunia usaha, proyek hanya akan dilakukan apabila memenuhi salah satu syarat penting, yaitu tingkat keuntungan melebihi biaya modal (cost of capital-COC).
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan pembangunan proyek MTH tower dari aspek finansial dan pendanaan, terhadap risiko perubahan inflasi, tingkat suku bunga, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan simulasi monte carlo. Dari proses analisa dihasilkan nilai NPV yang bisa dikatakan layak, apabila menggunakan harga jual sebesar Rp9,960,000/m² dan nilai yield sebesar13.2%, serta memberikan tingkat keyakinan yang paling besar untuk proyek MTH Tower mendapatkan proyek yang bersifat layak adalah pada alternatif pertama dengan jumlah sebesar 42.94%

Taking a mistaken project investment cannot be revised without suffering unprofitable/loss. The investor?s decision of investment that considers to uncertainty of upcoming future means the risks for the investors Generally, risk is always found in every alternative investment, but big or small the risks is depend on the investment kind.
One of the primal conditions before taking decision of investment is by studying financial aspect and economy. From financial aspect, development plan quality is measures from project ability to fulfils the financial duty (capital cost) and produce profit that suffice. Here are the related/relevant situation between decision of investment and financing, because seen from effort aspect, a project will be executed when fulfill one of the important condition, that is if profit level exceeds cost of capital-COC.
The aims of this examination is to detect project development feasibility MTH Tower from financial aspect and financing towards inflation change risk, rate of interest level, and economic growth using Monte Carlo simulation. From the analysis process are produced NPV who give project with a proper characteristic if saling price of the project is Rp9,960,000/m2 and yield rate is 13.2%, and it will give the highest cumulative opportunity amount for project investment MTH Tower gets project with a proper characteristic in first alternative with total as big as 42.94%"
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Qolbun Salim
PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) adalah perusahaan penghasil
aluminium yang mulai dioperasikan sejak tahun 1982. PT Inalum merupakan
perusahaan patungan antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Nippon Asahan
Aluminium (NAA) dengan perbandingan saham masing-masing adalah sebesar
41,12% dibanding 58,88%. Pada 31 Oktober 2013 Perjanjian Induk untuk
kerjasama antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan NAA berakhir. Kemudian
Pemerintah Indonesia bermaksud mengakuisisi seluruh saham milik NAA. Pada
tanggal 9 Desember 2013 akuisisipun terjadi. Dalam akuisisi ini Pemerintah
Indonesia diharuskan untuk membayar sebesar US$ 556,7 juta. Melihat besarnya
dana tersebut maka perlu dilakukan perhitungan analisis kelayakan. Pada
perhitungannya, digunakan metode analisis ekonomi teknik dan analisis finansial.
Perhitungan diawali dengan menghitung nilai buku untuk mengetahui apakah aset
yang ada masih dapat dioperasikan. Selain itu juga dilakukan proyeksi laporan
keuangan untuk mengetahui kondisi keuangan perusahaan kedepannya. Hasil
proyeksi ditujukan untuk mengetahui apakah akuisisi ini menguntungkan atau
justru malah merugikan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2013
nilai buku PT Inalum menunjukkan angka positif yang berati aset yang ada masih
dapat dioperasikan dan hasil proyeksi menunjukkan bahwa akuisisi ini
menguntungkan. Sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa akuisisi ini layak dilakukan

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) is a producer of aluminum that were
operated since 1982. PT Inalum was a joint venture between the Indonesian
Government and Nippon Asahan aluminum (NAA) in comparison with the
respective share was equal to 41,12% compared to 58,88%. On October 31, 2013
Master Agreement for cooperation between the Indonesian Governmentn and
NAA ends. Then the Indonesian Government intends to acquire all of the shares
owned by NAA. On December 9th, 2013 the acquisition happened. In this
acquisition, the Indonesian Government was required to pay a US $ 556,7 million.
See the magnitude of the funds, it necessary to calculate the acquisition feasibility.
In the calculation, the methods that used are engineering economics and financial
analysis. The calculation begins by calculating the book value to find out if the
assets still can be operated. It also made a projection of financial statements to
determine the further company’s financial condition. Results projection
acquisition is intended to determine whether it is beneficial or detrimental. The
result of calculations show that in 2013 the book value of PT Inalum showed
positive. It means that existing assets can still be operated. The projection result
indicates that the acquisition is profitable. Finally, can be seen that the acquisition
is feasible."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Fanju
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi pada PT. X perihal penentuan lokasi fasilitas distribusi dengan menggunakan metode Location Problem berdasarkan biaya total yang terdiri dari biaya transportasi dan biaya sewa gudang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisa penentuan lokasi gudang milik produsen dengan beberapa skenario optimasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang diusulkan dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 85% - 91%, dan ketika biaya satuan satuan hasil prediksi bias -20% biaya total bisa berkurang sebesar 74% - 78% sedangkan ketika biaya satuan bias +20%, biaya total berkurang sebesar 87% - 91% dari biaya total eksisting. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada masih bisa diperbaiki dalam hal penentuan lokasi fasilitas distribusinya.

This study analyzed the distribution systems managed by PT. X using the fixed charged location problem model by analyzing the location warehouses based on the total cost which consist of transportation cost and the producer’s warehouse rental cost. The result of the optimization shows that the proposed systems may reduce the total cost to 85% - 91% of the existing. When the prediction of the transportation unit cost of the proposed links are biased -20%, the cost may reduce to 74% - 78% of the existing.while the biased are +20% it comes to 87% - 91% of the existing. From the result, we can conclude that the existing systems can be improved in therms of restructuring the warehouses number and location."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setya Adji Wardhana
Tulisan ini menyelesaikan masalah pemilihan salah satu diantara dua sistem produksi minyak untuk Lapangan Minyak X. Sistem produksi dengan menggunakan sucker-rod pump dan sistem produksi dengan menggunakan electric submersible pump (ESP) sebagai metoda pengangkatan dievaluasi melalui prosedur evaluasi ekonomi berdasar data dan informasi tentang Lapangan Minyak X. Net Present Value (NPV) sebagai angka profitabilitas digunakan sebagai kriteria pemilihan salah satu sistem produksi yang tersedia. Resiko dan Ketidakpasitan (Risk and Uncertainty) di nilai melalui Analisa Sensitifitas (Sensitivity Analyasis) dan prosedur khusus untuk membuat distribusi probabilitas. Bentuk umum perjanjian Kontrak Bagi Hasil (Production Sharing Contract) dugunakan untuk menghitung NPV. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa sistem produksi dengan menggunakan ESP Iebih menguntungkan dari pada sistem produksi dengan menggunakan sucker-rod Pump.

This paper addresses the problem of selecting one of two production system for the onshore X oil field. Production system uses sucker-rod pump and production system uses electric submersible pump (ESP) as lifting methods are evaluated using the economic evaluation procedure on the basis of data and information gathered from the X oil field. The Net Present Value NPV that provides profitability information is used as the criterion in selecting one of the production systems. The risk and uncertainty is assessed through sensitivity analysis and special cumulative probability distribution procedures. Indonesia's general production sharing contract agreement is used in the calculation of the NPV. The results indicate that the production system using electric submersible pump gives more benefits than the production system using sucker-rod pump."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Susanti
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada perihal efisiensi sistem distribusi dengan menggunakan metode Minimum Cost Flow (MCF). Besarnya efisiensi akan direpresentasikan dalam bentuk prosentase pengurangan biaya distribusi usulan terhadap total biaya yang dikeluarkan pada jaringan sistem distribusi eksisting. Optimasi dilakukan dengan melakukan restrukturisasi rayon dan membuka ruas through trips. Restrukturisasi rayon yang diusulkan dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 1%-6% terhadap eksisting, sistem through trips dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 28%-39% dan sistem through trips dengan gudang buffer dapat mengurangi biaya total sebesar 22%-36%. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem distribusi pupuk bersubsidi yang sudah ada masih bisa diperbaiki dengan sistem through trips dengan mengimplementasikan IT yang mendukung

The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution?s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer?s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.;The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution’s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer’s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology., The purpose of this research is to analyse the existing distribution system of subsidized fertilizer in regards to its efficiency by using Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) method. The magnitude of efficiency will be represented in percentage of cost reduction from existing cost of distribution system network against proposed distribution system. The cost covers transportation cost; handling cost; and rental cost of warehouse. The proposed system is based on the idea of restructuring the current clustering system and allowing through trips from plant to distribution’s warehouse. Results of this study indicate that the restructuring scheme can reduce total costs to 1%-6%, through trips scheme can reduce total costs to 28%-39% and through trips with buffer’s warehouse scheme can reduce total costs to 22%-36% of the existing system. Based on the optimization results, we can conclude that subsidized fertilizer distribution system that already exists in the system can be improved by through trip method, supported by information technology.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Toriqul Amien
Dengan meningkatnya trend konsumsi penggunaan layanan data di Indonesia
kedepan, Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) menjadi sebuah
solusi praktis untuk mengurangi traffic dan membuat penggunaan spektrum
menjadi lebih efisien. Penerapan layanan eMBMS ini terintegrasi dengan
Enchanced Packet Core - LTE advanced pada Single Frequency Network
(MBSFN) sehingga lebih mudah untuk dilakukan. Hasil dari penerapan eMBMS
ini akan diprediksikan menjadi suatu bentuk model bisnis baru bagi operator dan
diharapkan dapat meningkatkan revenue bagi operator akan dikaji dalam thesis
ini. Analisis ekonomi menghasilkan bahwa penerapan layanan eMBMS ini layak
untuk dilakukan karena Nilai NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 milyar) dan nilai IRR (14.79%) >
MARR (12%) dengan payback periode selama 3. 7 tahun.

With the future trend of increasing consumption in the data services in Indonesia.
Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) will be a practical solution
to reduce traffic and make more efficient use of spectrum. Implementation of
EMBMS services is integrated within LTE advanced ? Enchanched Packet Core
Enchanced over Single Frequency Network (MBSFN. In this thesis, the results of
the implementation eMBMS solution is predicted that operator telecommunication
in Indonesia has a new business models and expected to generate new source of
revenue for operator. Based on economical analysis, the implemention of eMBMS
services is feasible due to the NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 million) and IRR (14.79%) >
MARR (12%) with 3.7 year payback period;With the future trend of increasing consumption in the data services in Indonesia.
Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) will be a practical solution
to reduce traffic and make more efficient use of spectrum. Implementation of
EMBMS services is integrated within LTE advanced ? Enchanched Packet Core
Enchanced over Single Frequency Network (MBSFN. In this thesis, the results of
the implementation eMBMS solution is predicted that operator telecommunication
in Indonesia has a new business models and expected to generate new source of
revenue for operator. Based on economical analysis, the implemention of eMBMS
services is feasible due to the NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 million) and IRR (14.79%) >
MARR (12%) with 3.7 year payback period, With the future trend of increasing consumption in the data services in Indonesia.
Evolved Multi Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) will be a practical solution
to reduce traffic and make more efficient use of spectrum. Implementation of
EMBMS services is integrated within LTE advanced – Enchanched Packet Core
Enchanced over Single Frequency Network (MBSFN. In this thesis, the results of
the implementation eMBMS solution is predicted that operator telecommunication
in Indonesia has a new business models and expected to generate new source of
revenue for operator. Based on economical analysis, the implemention of eMBMS
services is feasible due to the NPV > 0 (Rp. 533 million) and IRR (14.79%) >
MARR (12%) with 3.7 year payback period]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofwan Farisyi
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mas Wicaksono Santoso
"Pemakaian sumber energi khususnya gas alam, emisi merupakan hasil yang
tidak diinginkan oleh kegiatan industri baik itu industri minyak maupun gas bumi,
di lain sisi emisi gas yang dibuang dapat bernilai dan perlu upaya untuk mencegah
terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan. Pemanfaatan ini dapat dilakukan oleh pihak
perusahaan industri yang menjalankan dengan penambahan extraction plant untuk
memanfaatkan gas yang terbuang. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya studi kelayakan
usaha dalam pembangunan plant sehingga banyak proyek serupa dijalankan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek pembangunan
ekstraksi plant dengan kapasitas 20 MMSCFD dan 40 MMSFCD di daerah
Sumatera Selatan, dengan menggunakan metode formula financial dan
engineering economy berdasarkan harga jual gas, IRR, NPV, PBP, dan BCR proyek sehingga pemanfaatan gas sisa ini dapat terealisasikan.

Use of energy resources, especially natural gas, emissions are the result of
unwanted by industrial activities both oil and gas industry, on the other side of the
removed gas emissions can be valuable and necessary measures to prevent
environmental pollution. Utilization can be made by the company that runs the
industry with the addition of extraction plant to utilize the wasted gas. It requires
a feasibility study in the construction of the plant so many similar projects
executed. This study aims to determine the feasibility of extraction of plant
development project with a capacity of 20 MMSCFD and 40 MMSFCD in South
Sumatra, by using financial formulas and methods of engineering economy is
based on gas sales price, IRR, NPV, PBP, and the BCR of the project so that the
utilization of residual gas can be realized."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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