Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh koneksi politik terhadap agresivitas pajak
perusahaan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu perusahaan yang
terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara koneksi politik dengan
agresivitas pajak yang diukur dengan menggunakan proksi Book Tax Difference.
Sedangkan koneksi politik tidak terbukti signifikan berpengaruh terhadap
agresivitas pajak yang diukur dengan menggunakan proksi diskresi perbedaan
permanen.;This Research examines the influence of political connections on tax
aggresiveness of a company. The sample used for this research are the company
listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013. This research shows that there is a
positive relationship between a firm's political connections and tax aggresiveness,
and proven to affect significantly measured with the Book Tax Difference proxy
However, the political connections are not proven significantly to affect the tax
aggresiveness measured with the discretionary permanent differences proxy., This Research examines the influence of political connections on tax
aggresiveness of a company. The sample used for this research are the company
listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013. This research shows that there is a
positive relationship between a firm's political connections and tax aggresiveness,
and proven to affect significantly measured with the Book Tax Difference proxy
However, the political connections are not proven significantly to affect the tax
aggresiveness measured with the discretionary permanent differences proxy.]"