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Solikhatun Yuniasih
Sistem panas bumi vulkanik, bertemperatur tinggi dan liquid dominated
Dieng memiliki potensi sebesar 355 MWe meliputi area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada
dan Pakuwaja. Hingga saat ini telah beroperasi pembangkit listrik berkapasitas
1x60 MW disuplai oleh uap dari sumur di area Sileri.
Re-evaluasi strategi pengembangan lapangan panas bumi Dieng secara
terpadu dilakukan dengan mengkaji data geologi, data geokimia manifestasi dan
sumur dan data geofisika. Kajian geokimia meliputi air, gas, isotop untuk
mengetahui karakteristik kimia reservoir, didukung oleh model 2D
Magnetotellurik (MT) yang menggambarkan distribusi resistivitas bawah
permukaan, model 2D gravitasi yang menggambarkan struktur bawah
permukaan, serta didukung oleh struktur geologi, vulkanostratigrafi dan alterasi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua zona upflow utama di
Sileri dan Sikidang. Zona asam di Sikidang ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan fluida
magmatik, isotop 18O yang enrich dan mendekati zona andesitic water di sekitar
sumur DNG-2 dan DNG-8. Zona aman silica scaling di area Sileri berada di
sekitar sumur HCE-31 dan DNG-10.
Pengembangan lapangan Dieng selanjutnya masih mungkin dilakukan di
area bagian timur laut yang ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan claycap dan heat source
pada zona upflow Sileri.

Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.;Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.;Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone., Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alzaid Ponka
"Sistem panas bumi Gunung Lawu merupakan salah satu prospek panas bumi yang terletak di antara Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Pada tahap eksplorasi, survei geokimia merupakan salah satu survei yang harus dilakukan. Survei tersebut mencakup studi hidrogeokimia. Studi hidrogeokimia penting untuk menentukan suhu reservoir, asal usul sistem panas bumi, dan mekanisme sirkulasi fluida. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan karakteristik hidrogeokimia lapangan panas bumi Gunung Lawu, Jawa Tengah. Metode penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahap pendahuluan meliputi studi literatur, pengumpulan data meliputi data geologi, citra satelit, dan geokimia. Selanjutnya, tahap analisis data mencakup analisis kation, anion, dan isotop pada tiap sampel air. Daerah penelitian merupakan sistem relief tinggi. Daerah penelitian mempunyai delapan manifestasi permukaan panas bumi dengan suhu manifestasi berkisar 40-58 ºC, pH 2 dan 6. Empat mata air dingin dengan suhu berkisar 15-25 ºC dan pH 7. Manifetasi permukaan panas bumi memiliki tipe air beragam, yaitu sulfat, klorida, bikarbonat, dan dilute klorida-bikarbonat. Selain itu, air dingin didominasi oleh tipe air bikarbonat. Berdasarkan analisis geoindikator, zona upflow berada di titik manifestasi LWU, sedangkan zona outflow berada di titik manifestasi PBL atau JNW. Sistem panas bumi daerah penelitian memiliki suhu reservoir sekitar 160-170 ºC dan termasuk ke dalam klasifikasi sistem entalpi tinggi. Sumber air panas bumi daerah penelitian berasal dari air meteorik (SGN 1 dan NGT) dan air campuran (PBL, BNA, dan LWU) melalui analisis isotop. Berdasarkan ciri atau aspek geologi dan geokimia, daerah penelitian termasuk ke dalam sistem geothermal play convection dominated tipe CV-1. Luaran akhir penelitian ini adalah model konseptual hidrogeokimia lapangan panas bumi Gunung Lawu.

Gunung Lawu geothermal system is one of a geothermal prospect where is located between Central and East Java. In the exploration stage, geochemistry survey must be conducted. The survey covers hydrogeochemistry study. Hydrogeochemistry study is important to determine reservoir temperature, origin of the geothermal system, and fluid recharge mechanism. The research aims to determine the hydrogeochemical characteristics of Gunung Lawu geothermal field, Central Java. The research method consists of several stages, the preliminary stage cover literature study, data collection covers geological data, satellite imagery, and geochemistry. Furthermore, data analysis covers the analysis of cations, anions, and isotope in each water sample. The research area is a high relief system. The research area has eight geothermal surface manifestations with temperatures 40-58 ºC, pH 2 and 6. Four cold water has a temperature from 15-25 ºC and pH 7. The surface manifestation has various water types are sulfate, chloride, bicarbonate, and dilute chloride-bicarbonate. Moreover, cold water is dominated by bicarbonate water types. Based on geoindicator analysis, the upflow zone is located in LWU, while the outflow zone is located in PBL or JNW. The geothermal system in the study area has a reservoir temperature of around 160-170ºC and is included in a high enthalpy system classification. The geothermal water in the study area is originated from meteoric water (SGN 1 and NGT) and mixed water (PBL, BNA, and LWU) through isotope analysis. Based on geology or geochemistry aspect, the research area include in convection dominated CV-1 type of geothermal play. The final output of this research is the hydrogeochemical model of the Gunung Lawu geothermal field.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robi Sobirin
"Daerah panas bumi Gunung Endut berlokasi di Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten, sekitar 40 km ke arah selatan dari kota Rangkasbitung. Terdapat empat manifestasi mata air panas yaitu mata air panas Handeuleum, Cikawah 1, Cikawah 2, dan Gajrug. Berdasarkan analisis geokimia menggunakan diagram segitiga Na-K-Mg, Cl-Li-B, dan Cl-SO4-HCO3, diketahui bahwa mata air panas Cikawah 1 bertipe klorida sedangkan lainnya bertipe bikarbonat. Temperatur reservoir berkisar 162 -180 oC diprediksi dengan geotermometer SiO2 dan NaK. Secara umum keseluruhan mata air panas merupakan out flow, namun ada pendugaan bahwa Cikawah 1 merupakan upflow ? karena berada pada partial equilibrium dan bertipe klorida. Berdasarkan metode gravitasi, mengindikasikan intrusi batuan beku di Cikawah yang memungkinkan menjadi sumber panas untuk sistem panas bumi Cikawah. Zona clay cap diduga lapisan impermeablel memanjang di bawah permukaan gunung Endut sehingga fluida reservoir tidak bisa muncul di pemukaan Gunung Endut tetapi mengalir ke arah manifestasi berupa outflow. Zona reservoir berada di bawah gunung Endut pada kedalaman > 1000 m. Panas bumi Gunung Endut merupakan sistem hidrotermal dengan fluida reservoir berupa air panas water dominated system . Area prospek panas bumi gunung Endut berada di sekitar manifestasi Cikawah hingga bagian barat gunung Endut. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan melakukan survey geokimia dan gravitasi di sekitar puncak Gunung Endut.

Endut geothermal area is located in Lebak, Banten province, about 40 km to the south of the town of Rangkasbitung. There are four manifestations of the hot springs, they are hot springs Handeuleum, Cikawah 1, Cikawah 2, and Gajrug. Based on geochemical analysis using the triangular diagram of Na K Mg, Cl Li B and Cl SO4 HCO3, it is known that the hot springs Cikawah 1 is type of chloride water whereas the other type of bicarbonate. Reservoir temperature ranges from 162 180 C predicted by geotermometer SiO2 and NaK. In general overall hot springs are out flow, but there are predictions that Cikawah 1 is an upflow because it is the type of partial equilibrium and chloride. Based on the gravity method, indicating igneous intrusions in Cikawah which allows the source of heat for geothermal systems Cikawah. Clay cap zone allegedly impermeable layer extends below the surface Mt. Endut so that the fluid reservoir Endut could not appear at the surface Gunung Endut but flows towards manifestation in the form of outflow. Reservoir zone located below the Mt. Endut at depths 1000 m. Geothermal of Mt. Endut is a hydrothermal system with a fluid reservoir in the form of hot water water dominated system . Geothermal prospect Mt. Endut areas located around manifestation Cikawah to the western part of the Mt. Endut. Further research is needed to conduct geochemical surveys and gravity around the summit of Mt. Endut."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftha Apriliani
"Pada lapangan panas bumi “X” Daerah Gunung Slamet, Kabupaten Tegal Jawa Tengah keterdapatan manifestasi berupa mata air panas yang kemunculan dan persebarannya mengikuti kelurusan struktur geologi berupa sesar normal dan sesar mendatar berorientasi baratlaut-tenggara. Sehingga dari kondisi geologi daerah penelitian yang menunjukkan adanya struktur yang dapat menjadi jalur fluida panas tersebut, batuan teralterasi beserta mineral ubahan sangat mungkin terbentuk didaerah ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi litologi, zona alterasi berdasarkan mineral alterasi yang terbentuk dan kaitan mineral alterasi dengan temperatur dan sifat fluida pembentukan mineral alterasi tersebut di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan ialah analisis petrografi melalui sayatan tipis dan metode analisis difraksi sinar-X (X-ray Diffraction). Metode petrografi dilakukan guna mengidentifikasi keberadaan mineral teralterasi atau tidak teralterasi pada sampel sayatan tipis. Lalu, Metode XRD bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi lebih lanjut mengenai mineral alterasi yang terkandung yang sebelumnya tidak dapat teridentifikasi pada analisis petrografi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis petrografi batuan, litologi daerah penelitian tersusun atas batuan beku andesit, dan kristal tuf. Berdasarkan hasil analisa petrografi dan XRD pada sampel daerah penelitian dapat dibagi menjadi dua zona alterasi berdasarkan mineral alterasi yang ditemui, yaitu zona propilitik dan zona argilik. Pada zona argilik rentang temperatur keterbentukan mineral yaitu pada suhu 80-120°C. Sedangkan, zona alterasi propilitik memiliki rentang suhu keterbentukan mineral pada >250°C. Berdasarkan mineral alterasi yang ditemukan temperatur daerah penelitian terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok tingkat keasaman (pH) netral dan asam yang dicirikan dengan keberadaan mineral kaolinit.

In the geothermal field "X" Slamet Mountain area, Tegal Regency, Central Java, there are manifestations in the form of hot springs whose appearance and distribution follow the alignment of geological structures in the form of normal faults and stike-slip faults oriented north west-south east. So that from the geological conditions of the research area that shows the existence of structures that can be a hot fluid path, alterated rocks and altered minerals are very likely to form in this area. This study was conducted to identify the lithology, alteration zones based on alteration minerals formed and the relationship of alteration minerals with temperature and fluid properties of the formation of alteration minerals in the study area. The methods used are petrographic analysis through thin section and X-ray diffraction analysis method. The petrographic method was used to identify the presence of altered or unaltered minerals in the thin section samples. Then, the XRD method aims to further identify the alteration minerals contained that could not previously be identified in the petrographic analysis. Based on the results of rock petrographic analysis, the lithology of the study area is composed of andesite igneous rocks, and tuff crystals. Based on the results of petrographic and XRD analysis on the samples of the study area can be divided into two alteration zones based on the alteration minerals found, namely the propylitic zone, and argillic. In the argillic zone, the temperature range for mineral formation is 80-120°C. Meanwhile, the propylitic alteration zone has a mineral formation temperature range of >250°C. Based on the alteration minerals found, the temperature of the research area is divided into two groups, namely neutral and acidic acidity (pH) groups which are characterized by the presence of the mineral kaolinite.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triwening Larasati
"Pemanfaatan potensi panas bumi di Gunung Galunggung yang merupakan salah satu gunungapi aktif di Indonesia belum dilakukan hingga saat ini. Studi mengenai sistem panas bumi daerah terkait belum banyak dilakukan. Studi pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperjelas pendefinisian sistem pada model konseptual sebelumnya. Studi dilakukan untuk mengetahui keadaan sistem panas bumi daerah penelitian menggunakan data utama geologi dan geokimia. Metode yang digunakan antara lain metode penginderaan jauh, pemetaan geologi lapangan, petrografi, serta analisis geokimia dan isotop air yang diintegrasi dengan data gaya berat dan magnetotelluric literatur. Hasil studi menunjukkan keberadaan sumber panas yang berkaitan dengan vulkanisme aktif Gunung Galunggung. Batuan penudung terduga berada di utara hingga selatan daerah penelitian dengan reservoir yang terbentang di bawahnya. Pendugaan suhu reservoir memiliki kisaran antara 143-152°C menggunakan geotermometer Na-K-Ca. Fluida berasal dari air meteorik dan reservoir yang sama. Fluida panas bumi akan masuk melaui daerah imbuhan di utara, lalu terpanaskan oleh sumber panas, mengalir ke atas sehingga air kondensat termanifestasi, dan mengalir ke selatan hingga air klorida terencerkan termanifestasi. Permeabilitas dikontrol oleh struktur depresi di utara dan sesar normal dari komplek deformasi kuat di selatan. Sistem panas bumi daerah penelitian dikategorikan menjadi dinamis konvektif high-enthalphy liquid-dominated high-relief yang berasosiasi dengan vulkanisme Kuarter Gunung Galunggung.

The utilization of geothermal potential on Mount Galunggung, one of the active volcanoes in Indonesia, has not been carried out yet. There have not been many studies on the geothermal system in the related areas. The study in this research was conducted to further clarify the how the system works in the previous conceptual model. The study was conducted to determine the state of the geothermal system in the research area mainly using the geological and geochemical data. The methods used include remote sensing methods, field geological mapping, petrography, and geochemical and water isotope analysis integrated with gravity and magnetotelluric literature data. The results of the study indicate the presence of a heat source related to the active volcanism of Mount Galunggung. The expected cap rocks are in the north to south of the study area with the reservoir extending beneath it. The reservoir temperature estimation has a range between 143-152°C using Na-K-Ca geothermometer. The fluids originated from meteoric water and the same reservoir. Geothermal fluid will enter through the recharge area in the north, heated by a heat source, flow upwards so the steam-condensate water is manifested, and flows south until dilute chloride water is manifested. Permeability is controlled by the depression structure in the north and the normal fault of the strong deformation complex in the south. The geothermal system in the study area is categorized as a high-enthalphy liquid-dominated high-relief convective dynamic associated with the Galunggung Quaternary volcanism."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Energi panas bumi merupakan energi terbarukan yang sedang berkembang di dunia modern. Untuk memanfaatkan energi panas bumi, butuh dilakukan eksplorasi terlebih dahulu untuk menentukan daerah dengan prospek system geothermal. Setelah dilakukan perkiraan dasar wilayah prospek melalui data geologi dan geokimia di permukaan bumi, dilakukan survey geofisika untuk melihat keadaan dibawah permukaan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode Micro Earthquake (MEQ). Metode Micro Earthquake dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan arah patahan dan rekahan yang ada dibawah permukaan. Celah pada patahan yang kadang saling bergesekan menyebabkan gempa-gempa mikro di sepanjang patahan. Dengan mengikuti persebaran hiposenter gempa mikro yang didapat, struktur patahan pada daerah penelitian dapat diperkirakan. Persebaran hiposenter akan dicari dengan menggunakan software Hypo71 dan kemudian direlokasi dengan software HypoDD agar hiposenter yang didapat lebih akurat. Hasil dari relokasi akan divisualisasikan agar data lebih mudah dinterpretasikan. Dari hasil struktur patahan yang didapat, daerah prospek geothermal yang merupakan daerah perkiraan reservoir dari system geothermal.

Energi panas bumi merupakan energi terbarukan yang sedang berkembang di dunia modern. Untuk memanfaatkan energi panas bumi, butuh dilakukan eksplorasi terlebih dahulu untuk menentukan daerah dengan prospek system geothermal. Setelah dilakukan perkiraan dasar wilayah prospek melalui data geologi dan geokimia di permukaan bumi, dilakukan survey geofisika untuk melihat keadaan dibawah permukaan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode Micro Earthquake (MEQ). Metode Micro Earthquake dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan arah patahan dan rekahan yang ada dibawah permukaan. Celah pada patahan yang kadang saling bergesekan menyebabkan gempa-gempa mikro di sepanjang patahan. Dengan mengikuti persebaran hiposenter gempa mikro yang didapat, struktur patahan pada daerah penelitian dapat diperkirakan. Persebaran hiposenter akan dicari dengan menggunakan software Hypo71 dan kemudian direlokasi dengan software HypoDD agar hiposenter yang didapat lebih akurat. Hasil dari relokasi akan divisualisasikan agar data lebih mudah dinterpretasikan. Dari hasil struktur patahan yang didapat, daerah prospek geothermal yang merupakan daerah perkiraan reservoir dari system geothermal.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Komala Sari
"Sistem panas bumi Gunung “X” merupakan salah satu prospek panas bumi yang terletak di perbatasan antara Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Hal ini diketahui dari adanya 11 manifestasi berupa air panas dan fumarol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sistem panas bumi berdasarkan analisa terintegrasi data geologi, geokimia, petrografi dan geofisika. Metode analisis geofisika yang digunakan adalah metode gravitasi yang menggunakan data GGMplus dan metode magnetotellurik (MT). Data gravitasi GGMplus menunjukkan adanya struktur berupa patahan pada area yang diduga memiliki tingkat permeabilitas yang tinggi. Struktur yang terdeteksi pada pengolahan data gravity GGMplus juga dapat berperan sebagai struktur pengontrol keluarnya manifestasi panas bumi. Kemudian, interpretasi geokimia menunjukkan Air Panas Nglerak (APN) berada pada zona outflow yang didukung dengan hadirnya mineral alterasi klorit sedangkan fumarol Chadradimuka berada pada zona upflow yang didukung dengan adanya mineral goethite. Berdasarkan analisis gas fumarol TKC menggunakan diagram CAR-HAR, Gunung “X” memiliki rentang suhu antara 250-289 C yang mengartikan Gunung “X” memiliki entalpi yang tinggi. Dari hasil inversi 3-D magnetotellurik menunjukkan adanya pola persebaran claycap pada elevasi 500 sampai - 500 meter dengan ketebalan sekitar 1 kilometer. Persebaran claycap ini memiliki pola updome di bawah titik MT-22, MT-18 dan MT-17. Pada model konseptual terintegrasi menunjukkan pusat reservoir berada di area puncak dan mengalir secara lateral mengarah ke Barat daya sampai Barat Gunung “X”.

“X” geothermal field is one of the geothermal prospects located on the border Provinces of Central Java and East Java, Indonesia. This is known from the presence of 11 manifestations in the form of hot water and fumaroles. This study aims to describe a geothermal system based on an integrated analysis of geological, geochemical, petrographic and geophysical data. The geophysical analysis method used is the gravity method using GGMplus data and the magnetotelluric (MT) method. The GGMplus gravity data shows that there is a structure in the form of a fault in an area that is thought to have a high level of permeability. The structure detected in the GGMplus gravity data processing can also act as a controlling structure for geothermal manifestations. Then, the geochemical interpretation shows that the Nglerak Hot Spring (APN) is in the outflow zone which is supported by the presence of chlorite alteration minerals while the Chadradimuka fumaroles are in the upflow zone supported by the presence of goethite minerals. Based on TKC fumarole gas analysis using the CAR-HAR diagram, “X” geothermal field has a temperature range between 250-289 C, which means that “X” geothermal field has a high enthalpy. The results of the 3-D magnetotelluric inversion show that there is a distribution pattern of claycap at an elevation of 500 to -500 meters with a thickness around 1 kilometer. This claycap distribution has an updome pattern below the MT-22, MT-18 and MT-17 points. The integrated conceptual model shows that the center of the reservoir is in the peak area and flows laterally towards the southwest to the west of Mount "X"."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Catherine
"Salah satu metode geofisika yang dapat digunakan untuk eksplorasi panas bumi adalah metode gravitasi karena metode ini dapat mendeteksi batuan dibawah permukaan berdasarkan variasi medan gravitasi yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan densitas batuan. Dalam sistem panas bumi, salah satu objek yang sensitif terhadap kontras densitas adalah batuan reservoir. Oleh sebab itu, metode gravitasi sangat tepat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi batuan reservoir. Batuan reservoir memiliki densitas batuan yang relatif rendah akibat efek pemanasan dari heat source, sedangkan batuan non-reservoir disekitarnya memiliki densitas batuan yang lebih tinggi. Kontak antara kedua batuan inilah yang akan dideteksi oleh metode gravitasi dan selanjutnya dimodelkan dengan metode inversi dalam 3D.
Metode inversi dilakukan karena bersifat lebih objektif dan sesuai dengan keadaan asli dilapangan dibandingkan dengan pemodelan forward. Pemodelan juga dilakukan dalam 3D untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang batuan dibawah permukaan, tidak hanya dari satu penampang saja. Sebagai justifikasi letak batuan reservoir, dilakukan analisis patahan menggunakan analisis derivatif berupa First Horizontal Derivatives FHD dan Second Vertical Derivatives SVD . Identifikasi patahan ini akan membantu menganalisis keberadaan dan bentuk batuan reservoir karena patahan berperan penting sebagai zona recharge dan discharge yang mengarah menuju atau keluar dari batuan reservoir.

One of many geophysical methods that can be used for geothermal exploration is gravity method because this method is able to detect subsurface rocks based on the variation of gravity field that is caused by the difference of rock density. In geothermal system, one of the object that is sensitive to density contrast is reservoir rock Therefore, gravity method is the appropriate method used to identify geothermal reservoir. Reservoir rock has a relatively low density as a heating efect from heat source, while non reservoir rock has higher density. The contact between these rocks will be detected with gravity method and further will be modeled with inversion method in 3D.
Inversion method is applied because it is more objective and suitable with the real condition rather than forward method. Modeling is also done in 3D to give a better representation on subsurface area, not only from one section. To justify the location of reservoir rock, subsurface structure analysis using derivatives analysis which are First Horizontal Derivatives FHD and Second Vertical Derivatives SVD is done. Structure identification will help analyzing reservoir whereabouts and its form because subsurface structure has an important role as recharge and discharge zone of the geothermal system that aim towards and leave the reservoir rock.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadhifa Rahma Tsany
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada menganalisis potensi terhadap manifestasi panas bumi berupa mata air panas yang berada di permukaan dan dapat diasosiasikan pada suatu sumber panas bumi di kedalaman permukaan. Lapangan daerah Maranda – Kawende, Kabupaten Poso, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, merupakan salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi panas bumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua metode yaitu, metode analisis geokimia air dan metode penginderaan jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fluida air panas serta menentukan temperatur yang berada di bawah permukaan pada wilayah panas bumi daerah Maranda - Kawende. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini yaitu data sekunder salah satunya diambil oleh PSDMBP yang berfokus kepada data kation, anion serta pH. Terdapat persebaran manifestasi panas bumi berupa air panas dan air dingin yang terdiri dari dua mata air dingin, tiga air sungai, satu air laut dan dua puluh dua mata air panas. Pada analisis dari ke dua puluh tujuh manifestasi permukaan panas bumi berdasarkan analisis geokimia air didapatkan bahwa tipe air panas bumi menunjukan tipe air klorida dan klorida-bikarbonat. Sumber air panas bumi tidak bersumber dari satu reservoir yang sama serta kondisi air panas berada di fase immature waters dan partial equilibration diketahui juga air panas berasal dari air meteorik yang didominasi oleh air yang sudah mengalami pencampuran oleh air permukaan. Berdasarkan geoindikator didapatkan zona upflow berada di titik Ap.Maranda I. Pada metode penginderaan jauh mengintegrasikan beberapa data meliputi LST, NDVI, dan FFD serta data sekunder lainnya meliputi data geologi dan manifestasi permukaan. Melalui analisis tersebut, didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat empat area potensi panas bumi. Area potensi A terletak pada daerah Maranda dengan koordinat UTM 227925 - 226909 mE dan UTM 9856819 - 9865793 mN serta memiliki luas 22 hektar. Area potensi B terletak pada Daerah Pantangolemba dengan koordinat 229991 - 233563 mE dan 9846449 - 9842678 mN serta memiliki luas 13 hektar. Area potensi C terletak pada daerah Pakareme dengan koordinat 220267 - 224571 mE dan 9878781 - 9875298 mN serta memiliki luas 14 hektar. Area potensi D terletak pada Daerah Pantangolemba dengan koordinat 216289 – 220800 mE dan 9866259 – 9863881 mN serta memiliki luas 10 hektar.

This research focuses on analyzing the potential for geothermal manifestations in the form of hot springs that are on the surface and can be associated with a geothermal source in the depths of the surface. The Maranda – Kawende Regional Field, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, is one of the areas in Indonesia that has geothermal potential. This study uses two methods, namely, the method of water geochemical analysis and remote sensing methods. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the hot water fluid and determine the temperatur below the surface in the geothermal area of ??Maranda - Kawende. The data used in this research is secondary data, one of which was taken by PSDMBP which focuses on cation, anion and pH data. There is a distribution of geothermal manifestations in the form of hot water and cold water consisting of two cold springs, three rivers, one seawater and twenty-two hot springs. In the analysis of the twenty-seven geothermal surface manifestations based on water geochemistry analysis, it was found that the type of geothermal water shows the type of chloride and chloride-bicarbonate water. Geothermal water sources are not sourced from the same reservoir and the condition of the hot water is in the immature waters and partial equilibration phases. It is also known that hot water comes from meteoric water which is dominated by water that has experienced mixing with surface water. Based on the geoindicator, the upflow zone is located at Ap.Maranda I point. The remote sensing method integrates several data including LST, NDVI, and FFD as well as other secondary data including geological data and surface manifestations. Through this analysis, the results show that there are four geothermal potential areas. First, Potential area A is located in the Maranda Region with coordinates UTM 227925 - 226909 mE and UTM 9856819 - 9865793 mN and has an area of ??22 hectares. Second, potential area B is located in the Pantangolemba Region with coordinates 229991 - 233563 mE and 9846449 - 9842678 mN and has an area of ??13 hectares. Third, potential area C is located in the Pakareme Region with coordinates 220267 - 224571 mE and 9878781 - 9875298 mN and has an area of ??14 hectares. Potential area D is located in the Pantangolemba Region with coordinates 216289 – 220800 mE and 9866259 – 9863881 mN and has an area of ??10 hectares."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Martha Relitha
"[Kegiatan eksplorasi geothermal bertujuan mengetahui sistem geothermal daerah penyelidikan yang meliputi model dan batas prospek, karakteristik dan potensial reservoir dan hidrogeologi, untuk penentuan target pemboran, dilanjutkan dengan pemboran eksplorasi.Hasil inversi 3-dimensi data MT akan menyajikan distribusi struktur resistivitas bawah permukaan.
Pemboran eksplorasi geothermal bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya sumber daya geothermal dan menguji model sistem geothermal yang telah dibuat. Kriteria target pemboranadalah area yang memiliki temperature dan permeabilitas yang tinggi. Pada waktu pemboran sumur panas bumi ditembusnya zona bertemperatur tinggi yang disertai atau diikuti dengan terjadinya loss of circulation sangat diharapkan (permeabilitas tinggi), karena merupakan suatu indikasi telah ditembusnya rekahan-rekahan yang diharapkan merupakan zona produksi (feed zone).
Untuk menguji model sistem yang dibuat dilakukan korelasi antara data hasil pemboran dengan inverse 3D data MT, khususnya nilai resistivity lapisandengan data temperatur, kandungan mineral alterasi, geokimia dari data pemboran.
Dari hubunganantar parameter akan terlihat karakteristik sistem geothermal di daerah penyelidikan, yang memperlihatkan zona prospek yang berhubungan dengan temperature dan permeabilitas yang tinggi. Dari hasil evaluasi akan dilakukan rekonstruksi system geothermal daerah penyelidikan, yang lebih mendekati kondisi bawah permukaan dan dapat dipergunakan untuk membuat rekomendasi pemboran selanjutnya dan arah pengembangan di masa yang akan datang;Geothermal exploration activities aimed at knowing the geothermal system that includes model and boundary the prospects, potential and reservoir characteristics and also hydrological system. By using 3D inversion of MT data, subsurface resistivity distribution structure can be obtained and with the addition of other geosciences data, LumutBalai geothermal system can be constructed. Futhermore, drilling targets zone can be identified from geothermal system which then followed by exploration drilling .
Geothermal exploration drilling is carried out to verify the existence of geothermal resources and test the geothermal systems which previously has been made. Drilling target criteria is the area which consist of high temperature and permeability. During geothermal drilling, it is expected that high temperature zone shall be encountered. It will be followed by loss circulation zone which indicates that fractures have already been penetrated and confirm that feed zone has been discovered.
In order to test constructed model, correlation between drilling data and 3D MT inverse is carried out, particularly values of resistivity layer with temperature data, alteration mineralcomposition, and geochemical data derived from drilling.
Parameter correlation will explain geothermal system characteristics in study area which delineates prospect zones and its association with high temperature and permeability. The evaluation results of this study will reconstruction geothermal system the investigation area, which can be used to develop a recommendation of subsequent drilling and further development direction;Geothermal exploration activities aimed at knowing the geothermal system that includes model and boundary the prospects, potential and reservoir characteristics and also hydrological system. By using 3D inversion of MT data, subsurface resistivity distribution structure can be obtained and with the addition of other geosciences data, LumutBalai geothermal system can be constructed. Futhermore, drilling targets zone can be identified from geothermal system which then followed by exploration drilling .
Geothermal exploration drilling is carried out to verify the existence of geothermal resources and test the geothermal systems which previously has been made. Drilling target criteria is the area which consist of high temperature and permeability. During geothermal drilling, it is expected that high temperature zone shall be encountered. It will be followed by loss circulation zone which indicates that fractures have already been penetrated and confirm that feed zone has been discovered.
In order to test constructed model, correlation between drilling data and 3D MT inverse is carried out, particularly values of resistivity layer with temperature data, alteration mineralcomposition, and geochemical data derived from drilling.
Parameter correlation will explain geothermal system characteristics in study area which delineates prospect zones and its association with high temperature and permeability. The evaluation results of this study will reconstruction geothermal system the investigation area, which can be used to develop a recommendation of subsequent drilling and further development direction, Geothermal exploration activities aimed at knowing the geothermal system that includes model and boundary the prospects, potential and reservoir characteristics and also hydrological system. By using 3D inversion of MT data, subsurface resistivity distribution structure can be obtained and with the addition of other geosciences data, LumutBalai geothermal system can be constructed. Futhermore, drilling targets zone can be identified from geothermal system which then followed by exploration drilling .
Geothermal exploration drilling is carried out to verify the existence of geothermal resources and test the geothermal systems which previously has been made. Drilling target criteria is the area which consist of high temperature and permeability. During geothermal drilling, it is expected that high temperature zone shall be encountered. It will be followed by loss circulation zone which indicates that fractures have already been penetrated and confirm that feed zone has been discovered.
In order to test constructed model, correlation between drilling data and 3D MT inverse is carried out, particularly values of resistivity layer with temperature data, alteration mineralcomposition, and geochemical data derived from drilling.
Parameter correlation will explain geothermal system characteristics in study area which delineates prospect zones and its association with high temperature and permeability. The evaluation results of this study will reconstruction geothermal system the investigation area, which can be used to develop a recommendation of subsequent drilling and further development direction]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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