ABSTRAKPenelitian ini hendak mengetahui perkembangan bosisme lokal di
Indonesia pada era desentralisasi. Penelitian akan terfokus pada kemunculan
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar sebagai bos lokal serta penguatan jaringan
yang ia lakukan. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan
wawancara mendalam, observasi dan pengumpulan dokumen. Teori yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori mengenai orang kuat lokal, teori
mengenai bossisme lokal, teori dinasti politik dan teori mengenai hubungan
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemunculan Muhammad Andi Ali
Baal Masdar sebagai bos lokal dimulai sejak ia menduduki jabatan bupati. Selain
itu, melemahnya kontrol DPRD Polewali Mandar turut mempermudah
langkahnya untuk menjadi bos lokal. Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar
melakukan money politics atau political buying untuk mempertahankan
kekuasaannya. Kekuatan politik Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar didukung
Partai Golkar dan Partai Gerindra di Polewali Mandar. Ia juga merangkul
kalangan agamawan, jurnalis/pers lokal, jaringan birokrasi, hingga para
pengusaha lokal dalam memperkuat kekuasaannya. Status kebangsawanan
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar menjadi modal sosial di tengah masyarakat
Mandar yang bersifat patrimodial, hal ini semakin meperkuat eksistensinya
sebagai bos lokal di Polewali Mandar. Selain itu, Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar juga mempunyai modal ekonomi yang kuat, ia di kenal sebagai keluarga
yang kaya raya dan kontrol terhadap sumber-sumber ekonomi berupa proyek
Implikasi teori memperlihatkan bahwa kekuasaan Muhammad Andi Ali
Baal Masdar tidak sepenuhnya memenuhi kriteria yang dimaksud dalam teori
local strongmen atau local bossism. Salah satu kriteria yang tidak terpenuhi ialah
penggunaan kekerasan, intimidasi terhadap lawan politiknya. Akan tetapi, hal ini
tidak mengugurkan keberadaan Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar sebagai bos
lokal karena kekuasaan yang dimiliki sudah membentuk dinasti polit;This research seek to understand the development of local bosism in
Indonesia during the decentralization era. The research will focus on the emerge
of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar as local boss as well as his strengthening of
the the network he conducted. This research was applying qualitative method
with deep interview approach, observation and documents collecting. The Theory
used in this research was a theory concerning local strong person, theory
concerning local bossism, political dynasty theory and theory concerning
The research result shows that the arising of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar as local boss began since he was appointed as Head of Regency (Bupati).
Beside that, the weakening of control on Polewali Mandar Regional
Representative (DPRD) contributed facilitating his steps to become a local bos.
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar conducted money politics or political buying to
defense his power. Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar?s political power was
supported by Golkar Party and Gerindra Party in Polewali Mandar. He also
embraced religious prominent, journalists/local pers, bureaucrat network, until
local businessman in strengthening his power. The nobility status of Muhammad
Andi Ali Baal Masdar became a social capital among Mandar community which
having patrimodial nature, this strengthened his existeance as local bos in
Polewali Mandar. Beside that, Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar also had a
strong economical capital, he was prominent as a rich and welthy family and has
a control on economical resources such as government projects.
The theory implication shows that the power of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar did not meet the criteria mentioned in the teori local strongmen theory or
local bossism. One of the criteria which did not met was the using of strength,
intimidation to the opposite politicians. But, this did not vanishing the existance of
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar as local boss since the power he owed had
established a political dynasty supporting by three elements politicians,
bureaucration, and businessman.;This research seek to understand the development of local bosism in
Indonesia during the decentralization era. The research will focus on the emerge
of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar as local boss as well as his strengthening of
the the network he conducted. This research was applying qualitative method
with deep interview approach, observation and documents collecting. The Theory
used in this research was a theory concerning local strong person, theory
concerning local bossism, political dynasty theory and theory concerning
The research result shows that the arising of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar as local boss began since he was appointed as Head of Regency (Bupati).
Beside that, the weakening of control on Polewali Mandar Regional
Representative (DPRD) contributed facilitating his steps to become a local bos.
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar conducted money politics or political buying to
defense his power. Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar?s political power was
supported by Golkar Party and Gerindra Party in Polewali Mandar. He also
embraced religious prominent, journalists/local pers, bureaucrat network, until
local businessman in strengthening his power. The nobility status of Muhammad
Andi Ali Baal Masdar became a social capital among Mandar community which
having patrimodial nature, this strengthened his existeance as local bos in
Polewali Mandar. Beside that, Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar also had a
strong economical capital, he was prominent as a rich and welthy family and has
a control on economical resources such as government projects.
The theory implication shows that the power of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar did not meet the criteria mentioned in the teori local strongmen theory or
local bossism. One of the criteria which did not met was the using of strength,
intimidation to the opposite politicians. But, this did not vanishing the existance of
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar as local boss since the power he owed had
established a political dynasty supporting by three elements politicians,
bureaucration, and businessman., This research seek to understand the development of local bosism in
Indonesia during the decentralization era. The research will focus on the emerge
of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar as local boss as well as his strengthening of
the the network he conducted. This research was applying qualitative method
with deep interview approach, observation and documents collecting. The Theory
used in this research was a theory concerning local strong person, theory
concerning local bossism, political dynasty theory and theory concerning
The research result shows that the arising of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar as local boss began since he was appointed as Head of Regency (Bupati).
Beside that, the weakening of control on Polewali Mandar Regional
Representative (DPRD) contributed facilitating his steps to become a local bos.
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar conducted money politics or political buying to
defense his power. Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar’s political power was
supported by Golkar Party and Gerindra Party in Polewali Mandar. He also
embraced religious prominent, journalists/local pers, bureaucrat network, until
local businessman in strengthening his power. The nobility status of Muhammad
Andi Ali Baal Masdar became a social capital among Mandar community which
having patrimodial nature, this strengthened his existeance as local bos in
Polewali Mandar. Beside that, Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar also had a
strong economical capital, he was prominent as a rich and welthy family and has
a control on economical resources such as government projects.
The theory implication shows that the power of Muhammad Andi Ali Baal
Masdar did not meet the criteria mentioned in the teori local strongmen theory or
local bossism. One of the criteria which did not met was the using of strength,
intimidation to the opposite politicians. But, this did not vanishing the existance of
Muhammad Andi Ali Baal Masdar as local boss since the power he owed had
established a political dynasty supporting by three elements politicians,
bureaucration, and businessman.]"