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Alifah Indalika Mulyadi Razak
Perilaku prososial merupakan modal penting untuk berhasil beradaptasi dalam kehidupan sosial (Berns, 2010). Keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan taman kanak-kanak memperluas mikrosistem anak dan menuntut pengembangan perilaku sosial sesuai dengan situasi sosial yang berbeda dan lebih luas. Upaya sistematik perlu dilakukan di tingkat prasekolah untuk memastikan bahwa perilaku prososial berkembang sesuai dengan harapan. Upaya menumbuhkembangkan tingkah laku prososial pernah dilakukan dengan menerapkan berbagai metode, antara lain, bermain peran, bermain konstruktif, pembacaan cerita dan metode bercerita shared reading. Metode shared reading dengan komponen membacakan cerita (C), berdiskusi (D) mengenai isi cerita serta mempraktekkan langsung informasi yang terdapat dalam isi cerita (K) akan diterapkan dalam Program Cerita Prososial Aktif rancangan peneliti. Efektivitas program cerita prososial aktif yang secara konseptual merupakan implementasi dari metode shared reading, akan diuji melalui penelitian eksperimental yang berdesain before-and-after . Partisipan berjumlah 20 murid taman kanak-kanak berusia antara 4-5 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 1 kelompok eksperimen (CDK) yang diintervensi dengan metode shared reading dan 3 kelompok kontrol berturut-turut: kelompok CD, C dan CG. Kelompok CD diintervensi dengan cerita dan diskusi, kelompok C dibacakan cerita oleh peneliti dan CG dibacakan cerita oleh guru murid-murid tersebut. Dilakukan intervensi selama 15 sesi. Perilaku prososial diukur melalui observasi terhadap 15 item senarai tingkah laku prososial. Program Cerita Prososial Aktif yang menggunakan metode shared reading ternyata efektif meningkatkan tingkah laku prososial anak prasekolah secara signifikan (Z=-2.032) setelah dilakukan 5 sesi intervensi dan tingkahlaku prososial secara konsisten terus meningkat frekuensinya sampai penelitian berakhir. Metode bercerita tanpa diskusi dan kegiatan efektivitasnya paling rendah.

Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups., Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual’s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denia Putri Prameswari
"[Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak pada orang tua, melainkan juga pada anak dalam keluarga. Anak usia prasekolah merupakan mereka yang paling tertekan dalam menghadapi peristiwa tersebut. Dampak negatif perceraian pada anak dapat diminimalisir dengan pemberian pengetahuan sebelumnya. Pengetahuan mengenai perceraian, salah satunya dapat disampaikan melalui buku cerita bergambar. Sayangnya, di Indonesia peneliti belum menemukan buku cerita bergambar mengenai perceraian untuk anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas buku cerita bergambar dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia prasekolah mengenai perceraian. Penyusunan buku cerita bergambar dalam penelitian ini berdasar pada 3 sumber informasi, yaitu (1) studi literatur, (2) analisis buku cerita bergambar, dan (3) need assessment. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pre dan post test terhadap 5 partisipan yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Partisipan merupakan anak usia prasekolah yang orang tuanya sedang menjalani proses perceraian. Hasil analisa dengan paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa buku cerita bergambar secara signifikan meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia prasekolah mengenai perceraian. Sebagai hasil analisa tambahan, orang tua partisipan mengaku lebih mudah menjelaskan perceraian kepada anaknya dengan menggunakan buku cerita. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, dapat dibuat buku cerita bergambar mengenai perceraian untuk anak pada tahapan usia yang berbeda atau dalam menghadapi peristiwa menantang lain;The impacts of divorce are not only felt by parents but also by children. Preschool children are the most distressed for facing parental divorce. The negative impacts of divorce on children can be minimized when children had pervious knowledge about the event. One of the method to give knowledge about divorce to children is through picture book. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, researchers have not found picture books for preschoolers about divorce. This study aims to test the effectiveness of picture book in increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. Formulation of picture books in this study is based on three sources of information: (1) the study of literature, (2) analysis of picture books, and (3) need assessment. This picture book that have been prepared, then used to test its effectiveness for increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. The test was conducted using pre and post test on 5 participants. The statistical method used in this study is paired sample t-test. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. The participants for this study are preschool children with parents that is undergoing divorce proceedings. The result shows that picture books in this study significantly increase preschool children's knowledge about divorce. As an additional result, parents find it easier to explain divorce to their children using the picture book from this study. For further study, researcher can make another picture book about divorce for children at different age or to face another challenging situation in life.
, The impacts of divorce are not only felt by parents but also by children. Preschool children are the most distressed for facing parental divorce. The negative impacts of divorce on children can be minimized when children had pervious knowledge about the event. One of the method to give knowledge about divorce to children is through picture book. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, researchers have not found picture books for preschoolers about divorce. This study aims to test the effectiveness of picture book in increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. Formulation of picture books in this study is based on three sources of information: (1) the study of literature, (2) analysis of picture books, and (3) need assessment. This picture book that have been prepared, then used to test its effectiveness for increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. The test was conducted using pre and post test on 5 participants. The statistical method used in this study is paired sample t-test. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. The participants for this study are preschool children with parents that is undergoing divorce proceedings. The result shows that picture books in this study significantly increase preschool children's knowledge about divorce. As an additional result, parents find it easier to explain divorce to their children using the picture book from this study. For further study, researcher can make another picture book about divorce for children at different age or to face another challenging situation in life.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kindah Mahdiyyah
"Empati penting dimiliki manusia untuk beradaptasi dalam kehidupan. Untuk beradaptasi di kehidupan sosial, manusia membutuhkan soft skill berupa manajemen perilaku prososial yang baik dan kemampuan dalam membangun relasi teman sebaya. Penelitian ini menggambarkan hubungan empati dengan perilaku prososial dan relasi teman sebaya pada anak sekolah dasar usia 4-14 tahun. Studi dalam penelitian ini yaitu studi potong lintang. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner EQ-C/ SQ-C berbahasa indonesia yang sudah tervalidasi dengan nilai alpha 0,979. Kuesioner EQ-C/SQ-C digunakan untuk mengukur empati anak. Sedangkan, untuk mengukur perilaku prososial dan relasi teman sebaya, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner SDQ. Sejumlah 620 kuesioner diisi oleh orangtua anak sekolah dasar dan dijadikan sampel dari penelitian ini. Orangtua yang dapat mengisi kuesioner memiliki riwayat pendidikan minimal sekolah menengah pertama. Setelah mendapatkan seluruh sampel, dilakukan random sampling dan didapatkan data sejumlah 384 data yang akan dianalisis. Pada proses analisis, brain type dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yakni brain type E (Extreme E dan E), brain type B, dan brain type S (Extreme S dan S). Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi-Square menggunakan windows SPSS versi 20. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara empati terhadap perilaku prososial dan relasi teman sebaya (p<0.05).

Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to others feelings or emotion. Empathy is one of the critical skills to alter in life. To adapt in human social life, people requires soft skills in the form of good prosocial behavior and good management in building peer relations. This cross-sectional study describes the relationship of empathy skills with prosocial behavior and peer relations in primary school children aged 4-14 years. The instrument used for this study is Indonesian language EQ-C/SQ-C questionnaire which value 0,979 in Cronbachs alpha to measure childrens empathy skills. To measure prosocial behavior and peer relationships, researchers used the SDQ questionnaire. A total of 620 questionnaires were filled in by parents of primary school children in Indonesia and were sampled for this study. Parents who can fill out the questionnaire have a minimum education of junior high school. Researchers obtained 384 data through random sampling to be analyzed. In the analysis process, empathy skills are devided into three groups, namely type E (Extreme E and E), type B and type S (Extreme S and S). Data analysis was done by Chi-Square test with SPSS program version 20 for both sample. Due to lack of sample (<5) for abnormal prosocial behavior, we look for Fisher test for the result of prosocial behavior. The result shows siginificant outcome. State that there is a relationship between empathy skills with prosocial behavior and peer relationships (p<0.05).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juwita Ardiana Dwitya
"Kelahiran adik bayi dapat menjadi sumber stres yang cukup besar bagi anak pertama (Levy dan Winniecott dalam Teti, Sakin, Kucera, Corns, dan Eiden, 1996). Salah satunya adalah anak bisa menjadi lebih agresif terhadap adiknya (Teti et al, 1996). Perilaku agresi dapat dikurangi dengan mengembangkan perilaku prososial (Bushman dan Huesmann, 2010). Faktor keluarga adalah salah satu hal yang memengaruhi perkembangan perilaku prososial pada anak. Pada masa pasca kelahiran adik bayi, secara otomatis ibu akan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan bayi yang baru lahir sehingga diharapkan ayah dapat lebih terlibat dengan anak sulungnya (Volling, 2005). Dalam beberapa penelitian sebelumnya, keterlibatan ayah ditemukan memiliki hubungan dengan beberapa aspek perkembangan anak, seperti perkembangan perilaku prososial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara keterlibatan ayah dan perilaku prososial pada anak sulung usia prasekolah terhadap adik bayi. Enam puluh lima orang ayah dan ibu menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini untuk melaporkan keterlibatan ayah dan perilaku prososial anak sulung. Keterlibatan ayah diukur dengan menggunakan Paternal Index of Child Care Inventory (Nangle, Kelley, Fals-Stewart, dan Levant, 2003), sedangkan perilaku prososial diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang dikembangkan peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara keterlibatan ayah dan perilaku prososial anak sulung usia prasekolah terhadap adik bayi.

The arrival of a baby sibling can be a major stressor for firtsborn children (Levy and Winniecott, in Teti, Sakin, Kucera, Corns, and Eiden, 1996). This event can increase children?s aggressiveness towards the baby (Teti et al, 1996). Aggressive behavior can be decresead by developing prosocial behavior (Bushman and Huesmann, 2010). Family is one of factors that can determined child?s prosocial behavior. After the arrival of a baby sibling, mother will automatically spend more time with the newborn, so father?s involvement with the firstborn is expected to be improved (Volling, 2005). In some previous studies, the father involvement was found to have correlation with some aspect of children?s development, such as the development of prosocial behavior. This study was conducted to measure the correlation between father involvement and prosocial behavior among preschool-age fistborns toward baby sibling. Sixty five fathers and mothers were participated in this study, reporting father involvement and firstborn?s prosocial behavior. Father involvement was measured using Paternal Index of Child Care Inventory (Nangle, Kelley, Fals- Stewart, dan Levant, 2003), while firstborn?s prosocial behavior was measured using instrument that was developed by researcher. The result of the study shows that there is no correlation between father involvement and prosocial behavior among preschool-age firstborns toward baby sibling.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nedra Wati Zaly
Usia prasekolah merupakan masa persiapan anak untuk masuk sekolah. Pada usia
ini perkembangan sosial, emosi, dan kognitif anak berkembang dengan cepat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
kesiapan anak usia prasekolah untuk mulai bersekolah. Desain penelitian ini
menggunakan studi deskriptif. Dengan pengumpulan data kesiapan sekolah
menggunakan pemeriksaan Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaanheids Test (NST) pada 206
anak. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan sebesar 42,3% anak sudah siap masuk
sekolah. Hasil regresi logistik multinomial menunjukkan jenis kelamin anak,
pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, penghasilan keluarga, dan perilaku orang tua
merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan masuk sekolah. Penelitian ini
merekomendasikan perawat dapat memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya peran
ibu dalam mempersiapkan anak masuk sekolah terutama pada anak usia

Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children?s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother?s education, family income, mother?s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother?s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.;Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children?s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother?s education, family income, mother?s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother's roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.;Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children?s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother?s education, family income, mother?s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother?s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.;Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children’s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother’s education, family income, mother’s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother’s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles., Preschool age is the perfect time for children to get ready for school as rapid
children growth of social, emotional, and cognitive happened at this time round.
This research seeks the factors that affect the children’s readiness for school. Prior
the data collection an NST was conducted on 206 children. Then a descriptive
study was used to collect the NST result 42,3% children are found ready to
school. On multinomial logistic regression test have showed that gender of
children, mother’s education, family income, mother’s occupation, and parents
behavior were factor that affect the school readiness. This study implied the
importance of mother’s roles an preparing their children for school and for nurses
to enhance that roles.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Rahmi
"Salah satu tugas perkembangan pada masa prasekolah adalah berkembangnya kemampuan motorik kasar anak. Pada saat ini tubuh anak berkembang pesat, terutama perkernbangan otot-otot besar yang memungkinkan perkembangan motorik kasarnya. Anak juga sangat aktif dan energik, sehingga membutuhkan latihan kegiatan motorik kasar. Kemampuan motorik kasar ini memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan perkembangan kognitif, emosi dan sosial pada anak. Pentingnya perkembangan motorik kasar sudah menjadi perhatian para pendidik sejak lama. Sayangnya, di Indonesia, perkembangan motorik kasar anak prasekolah belum mendapat perhatian yang sesuai. Penelitian pada 212 Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) di DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2002, ditemukan bahwa hanya 57,3 % sekolah yang memberi kesempatan bagi murid untuk melakukan kegiatan motorik kasar.
Program Pendidikan Rumah Bagi Orangtua Dalam Mengembangkan Motorik Kasar Anak Prasekolah ini disusun sebagai alternatif pendidikan untuk anak prasekolah. Pada masa prasekolah anak tidak harus mengikuti pendidikan di sekolah atau institusi tertentu di luar rumah. Kebutuhan anak adalah memperoleh Stimulasi yang kaya dan beragam, sehingga dapat mengembangkan dirinya dengan optimal. Stimulasi tersebut dapat diberikan sendiri oleh orangtua rnelalui pendidikan rumah. Dengan peran aktif orangtua sebagai guru di rumah dapat terjalin hubungan yang lebih akrab antara anak dengan orangtua.
Dengan demikian, program ini disusun agar anak dapat mencapai perkembangan motorik kasar yang optimal. Program ini menggunakan teori perkembangan motorik dari Gallahue dan Ozmun yang dirangkum dengan teori-teori dari ahli-ahli lainnya, seperti Berk, Miller dan Feldman. Perkembangan motorik kasar disebut juga perkembangan gerak, dibagi menjadi tiga aspek, yaitu stabilitas, lokomosi dan manipulasi. Masing-masing aspek terdiri dari beberapa kemampuan yang nantinya akan dilatihkan pada anak.
Di dalam program ini terdapat kegiatan-kegiatan yang sederhana, material yang mudah didapat Serta tujuan pembelajaran yang jelas, sehingga aplikatif untuk digunakan oleh orangtua. Untuk penyempurnaan program ini selanjutnya dapat dilakukan dengan uji coba di lapangan serta evaluasi. Perbaikan terhadap hasil evaluasi akan menghasilkan program baru yang telah teruji. Kemudian diberikan pelatihan untuk orangtua."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anastasia Gabrielle
"Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas pemberian media pembelajaran terhadap perilaku prososial yaitu perilaku yang dilakukan untuk memberikan keuntungan kepada orang lain, dengan menerapkan proses belajar social learning theory. Penelitian diberikan kepada tiga kelompok berbeda, dengan melibatkan 51 partisipan yang berusia 9 hingga 11 tahun dengan latar belakang status ekonomi sosial yang rendah. Tiga kelompok perlakuan, yaitu 1 kelompok tayangan media audiovisual , 2 kelompok buku media visual , serta 3 kelompok kontrol. Perubahan perilaku prososial diukur dua kali pre-test,post-test menggunakan alat ukur Skala Perilaku Prososial. Dengan menggunakan teknik ANOVA dalam membandingkan skor rata-rata, didapatkan hasil bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok yang diberikan media audiovisual, kelompok yang diberikan media visual dan kelompok kontrol F = 0.492, p >0.05, p = 0.614.

This experimental study aimed to recognize the effectiveness of giving media on prosocial behavior, an act that benefit other people, by applying social learning theory. This study were given to three different groups that involved fifty one participants from nine to eleven years old with low socioeconomic status. The three treatment groups are 1 shows group audiovisual media , 2 book group visual media , and 3 control group. The change of prosocial behavior was measured twice pre test,posttest with ldquo Skala Perilaku Prososial instrument. With ANOVA in comparing the mean score, the result showed that there was no difference significantly affect prosocial behavior between watching shows group audiovisual media, reading books group and control group F 0.492, p 0.05, p 0.614."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Septriani Renteng
"Peningkatan kualitas kesehatan pada anak sebagai upaya pembentukan sumber daya manusia yang produktif. Peningkatan kesehatan anak dilakukan dengan perhatian optimal terhadap tahapan perkembangan anak khususnya pada masa keemasan yaitu usia prasekolah. Perkembangan merupakan faktor penting dikehidupan anak usia prasekolah karena akan menentukan perkembangan anak diusia yang selanjutnya. Perkembangan anak belum menjadi prioritas utama orang tua dalam pengasuhan anak. Kondisi ini sangat berdampak terhadap pemberian stimulasi perkembangan pada anak usia prasekolah oleh orang tua. Program "Sahabat" adalah salah satu upaya untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan anak usia prasekolah. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran pelaksanaan "Sahabat" di taman kanak-kanak yang terintegrasi dengan manajemen pelayanan kesehatan, asuhan keperawatan komunitas, dan asuhan keperawatan keluarga. Praktik residensi ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan case studi. Hasil kegiatan praktik yaitu terbentuknya penanggung jawab program perkembangan di TK. Hasil praktik juga menunjukkan peningkatan perkembangan anak usia prasekolah. dari 76 menjadi 95, dan peningkatan pengetahuan orang tua dari 63 menjadi 93, sikap 42 hingga 86, dan keterampilan 53 hingga 76. Program "Sahabat" dapat digunakan oleh perawat komunitas sebagai upaya promotif dan preventif dalam perkembangan anak.

The enhancement of child's health quality is a means of creating a more productive human resources. The enhancement of child's health is conducted with optimal attention to the child's development especially during preschool age, which is the golden age of a child. A child's development is an important factor in a child 39;s preschool life because this will decide how the child will develop in their next age stage. A child's development have not been a parent's main priority in parenting. This condition really affects the stimulus given to the child during the preschool age by their parents. Sahabat program is one of the solution to optimize preschool children's development. This paper aims to give a demonstration of implementation of how it can be done in preschools that are integrated with health care, community nursing care, and family nursing care. This practice is conducted with case study approach. The result of the research is the formation of person in charge of development program in kindergarten. The result of this research shows that there are enhancements in the preschool children's development, from 76 to 95, and the parent's knowledge regarding the matter rises from 63 to 93, attitude from 42 to 86, and skills from 53 to 76 . Sahabat program can be used by the nurse community as a means of children's development in a preventive way."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christopora Intan Himawan Putri
"Pada anak usia prasekolah, regulasi emosi merupakan aspek penting dari perkembangan sosial anak. Secara khusus, regulasi emosi berperan sebagai kunci dari kemampuan anak dalam mengelola tuntutan dan konflik yang mereka hadapi ketika berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Ketidakmampuan untuk meregulasi emosi merupakan faktor risiko penting dalam pembentukan perilaku agresif di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas program dalam meningkatkan regulasi emosi pada anak. Penelitian ini merupakan one group pretest-posttest design yaitu menggunakan satu kelompok eksperimental tanpa adanya kelompok kontrol. Hasil dari pengolahan data wilcoxon signed rank test menunjukkan bahwa program regulasi emosi efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan regulasi emosi anak usia prasekolah 3-4 tahun.

In preschoolers, emotional regulation is an important aspect of children 39 s social development. In particular, emotional regulation plays a key role in the ability of children to manage the demands and conflicts they face when interacting with others. The inability to regulate emotions is an important risk factor in the formation of aggressive behavior in the future. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the program in improving emotional regulation in children. This research is one pretest posttest design group that uses one experimental group without any control group. The results of the wilcoxon signed rank test showed that the emotional regulation program was effective in improving the emotional regulation ability for preschoolers 3 4 years."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Hapsari
"Home, bagi anak prasekolah, tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai sebuah naungan tempat tercukupinya kebutuhan primer anak, tapi juga suatu lingkungan tempat anak prasekolah ini dapat berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuannya. Inilah yang harus dipenuhi oleh Taman Penitipan Anak (TPA). Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana fungsi home bagi anak prasekolah itu terpenuhi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, perlu mengetahui apa sebenarnya home itu dan apa saja unsur pembentuknya; karakter anak prasekolah, yang meliputi perkembangan dan kebutuhan di periode tersebut; dan beberapa panduan desain tentang suatu lingkungan fisik anak, dalam hal ini day care center, yang baik.
Berdasarkan analisis studi kasus yang telah dilakukan terhadap tiga TPA di lingkungan kantor melalui observasi dan wawancara, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tidak semua TPA yang menjadi objek studi kasus dapat memenuhi fungsi home sampai dengan hierarkinya yang tertinggi, yaitu sebagai pengaktualisasian diri, karena ada kalanya TPA-TPA tersebut hanya suatu home yang memenuhi kebutuhan mendasar saja. Pemenuhan kebutuhan akan home bagi anak prasekolah ini membutuhkan pengetahuan yang cukup dan menyeluruh dengan disertai definisi yang jelas mengenai peruntukan dan fungsinya, yang disertai dengan pengelolaan yang menunjang fungsi TPA sebagai home bagi anak prasekolah.

Home for preschool children is not only a shelter where their basic needs are fulfilled but also a place where their developmental needs can be met. Taman Penitipan Anak (TPA) - or day care center - should be able to function as a home for preschool children. The purpose of this writing is to examine to what extent the function of home for preschool children is fulfilled. It becomes necessary to know exactly the meaning of home and the elements that create a home; the charactercisics of preschool children, including the development and needs in that period; and some design guidelines for good physical environment, in this case, of day care center.
Based on the analysis of case study on three TPAs in offices through observation and personal interview methods, a conclusion is obtained that not all of the case study objects can fulfill the highest function of home, that is self- actualization; sometimes TPA only fulfills the basis needs of preschool children. The fulfillment of the functions of home for preschool children need a whole knowledge on the clear definition of TPA's purpose and function, and also the design and management of the physical elements that support the function of TPA as a home for preschool children.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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