Tingginya biaya pendidikan tinggi membuat beberapa mahasiswa berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan hidup melalui wirausaha. Optimisme dan kreativitas merupakan faktor penting dalam menunjang kesuksesan berwirausaha (Manove, 2000, dalam Chyi-Lyi, 2013 ; Lee, Florida, & Acs, 2004). Chyi-Lyi (2013) dalam penelitiannya menemukan korelasi positif yang signifikan antara optimisme dengan kreativitas pada pelaku wirausaha. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan antara optimisme dengan kreativitas (kemampuan kreatif) pada mahasiswa yang berwirausaha. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 43 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang berwirausaha yang tersebar dalam Sembilan fakultas dan program vokasi. Adapun alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur optimisme adalah berupa kuesioner Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) yang dikembangkan oleh Scheier, Carver, dan Bridges (1994), sedangkan batere Tes Kreativitas Verbal (TKV) yang dikembangkan oleh Munandar (1977) digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kreatif. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan kedua variabel yaitu menggunakan pearson correlation. Dalam penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa sebagian besar partisipan memiliki optimisme dan kemampuan kreatif yang tinggi, namun demikian tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel, optimisme belum cukup kuat untuk mampu menjelaskan kreativitas dalam berwirausaha dari segi kemampuan berpikir kreatif.
;The higher cost of higher education makes some of college students trying to fulfill their life needs by doing business. Optimism and creativity are kind of important factors that support successes in doing business (Manove, 2000, dalam Chyi-Lyi, 2013 ; Lee, Florida, & ACS, 2004). Chyi-Lyi (2013) in her research found that optimism significantly correlated with creativity in entrepreneurs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between optimism and creativity (creative potential) among college students who are doing entrepreneurship. Participants of this study was 43 college students who are doing entrepreneurship in University of Indonesia, which was spread from nine faculties and vocational program. Optimism was measured by using Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) which was developed by Carver, Scheier, and Segerstrom (1994), while batere Tes Kreativitas Verbal (TKV) which was developed by Munandar (1977) was used to measure creative thinking. This research used pearson correlation statistical technique analysist to measure the correlation between both variables. Result of this study showed that most participants have optimism and higher creativity (creative potential), but there is no significant correlation between both variables, optimism was not a potent variable to explain creativity in entrepreneurship based on potential creative thinking.
;The higher cost of higher education makes some of college students trying to fulfill their life needs by doing business. Optimism and creativity are kind of important factors that support successes in doing business (Manove, 2000, dalam Chyi-Lyi, 2013 ; Lee, Florida, & ACS, 2004). Chyi-Lyi (2013) in her research found that optimism significantly correlated with creativity in entrepreneurs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between optimism and creativity (creative potential) among college students who are doing entrepreneurship. Participants of this study was 43 college students who are doing entrepreneurship in University of Indonesia, which was spread from nine faculties and vocational program. Optimism was measured by using Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) which was developed by Carver, Scheier, and Segerstrom (1994), while batere Tes Kreativitas Verbal (TKV) which was developed by Munandar (1977) was used to measure creative thinking. This research used pearson correlation statistical technique analysist to measure the correlation between both variables. Result of this study showed that most participants have optimism and higher creativity (creative potential), but there is no significant correlation between both variables, optimism was not a potent variable to explain creativity in entrepreneurship based on potential creative thinking.
;The higher cost of higher education makes some of college students trying to fulfill their life needs by doing business. Optimism and creativity are kind of important factors that support successes in doing business (Manove, 2000, dalam Chyi-Lyi, 2013 ; Lee, Florida, & ACS, 2004). Chyi-Lyi (2013) in her research found that optimism significantly correlated with creativity in entrepreneurs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between optimism and creativity (creative potential) among college students who are doing entrepreneurship. Participants of this study was 43 college students who are doing entrepreneurship in University of Indonesia, which was spread from nine faculties and vocational program. Optimism was measured by using Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) which was developed by Carver, Scheier, and Segerstrom (1994), while batere Tes Kreativitas Verbal (TKV) which was developed by Munandar (1977) was used to measure creative thinking. This research used pearson correlation statistical technique analysist to measure the correlation between both variables. Result of this study showed that most participants have optimism and higher creativity (creative potential), but there is no significant correlation between both variables, optimism was not a potent variable to explain creativity in entrepreneurship based on potential creative thinking.
, The higher cost of higher education makes some of college students trying to fulfill their life needs by doing business. Optimism and creativity are kind of important factors that support successes in doing business (Manove, 2000, dalam Chyi-Lyi, 2013 ; Lee, Florida, & ACS, 2004). Chyi-Lyi (2013) in her research found that optimism significantly correlated with creativity in entrepreneurs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between optimism and creativity (creative potential) among college students who are doing entrepreneurship. Participants of this study was 43 college students who are doing entrepreneurship in University of Indonesia, which was spread from nine faculties and vocational program. Optimism was measured by using Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) which was developed by Carver, Scheier, and Segerstrom (1994), while batere Tes Kreativitas Verbal (TKV) which was developed by Munandar (1977) was used to measure creative thinking. This research used pearson correlation statistical technique analysist to measure the correlation between both variables. Result of this study showed that most participants have optimism and higher creativity (creative potential), but there is no significant correlation between both variables, optimism was not a potent variable to explain creativity in entrepreneurship based on potential creative thinking.