ABSTRAKPerubahan dinamika pasar mendorong perusahaan untuk menciptakan keunggulan daya saing sebagai langkah strategis demi kesinambungan kinerja perusahaan yang lebih baik. Beberapa ahli melihat dampak positif dari keterikatan pekerja terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Disamping
itu, peran pemimpin sebagai perpanjangan tangan fungsi SDM dan perusahaan dilihat
berpengaruh signifikan dalam menciptakan keterikatan pekerja melalui beberapa mediasi yang
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh dari perilaku pemimpin terhadap keterikatan pekerja dalam
menciptakan keunggulan daya saing perusahaan yang berkesinambungan melalui beberapa
mediasi diantaranya : strategic talent management, perceived organizational culture,
perceived organizational support, distributive and procedural justice dengan studi kasus
di PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (?PGN?).
Penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei.
Responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 326 responden yang merupakan
pekerja PGN. Dan dari data kuesioner yang kembali telah diamati serta disimpulkan bahwa
transformational leadership dan transactional leadership berpengaruh positif terhadap talent
management practices, perceived organizational culture, perceived organizational support,
distributive and procedural justice. Untuk talent management practices, perceived
organizational culture, perceived organizational support berpengaruh positif terhadap
employee engagement. Sementara distributive & procedural justice berpengaruh negatif
terhadap employee engagement.
ABSTRACTChanges in market dynamics will encourage the Company to make strategic decision in
creating a sustainable corporate competitive advantage to increase company's performance.
Some experts see the positive impact of employee engagement on Corporate Performance.
Besides, the role of leader as representative of HR Functions and Corporate seen significant in
creating employee engagement through several mediation.
This thesis discusses the influence of leadership behavior to employee engagement in creating
a sustainable corporate competitive advantage through several mediation include: strategic
talent management, perceived organizational culture, perceived organizational support,
distributive and procedural justice with a case study in PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero)
Tbk ("PGN").
The research in this thesis is a quantitative study using survey method. Respondents who
participated in this study were 326 respondents who are working on PGN. And from the data
returned questionnaires have been observed and concluded that transformational leadership and
transactional leadership has positive influence on talent management practices, perceived
organizational culture, perceived organizational support, distributive and procedural justice.
And for talent management practices, perceived organizational culture, perceived
organizational support has positive effect on employee engagement. While distributive and
procedural justice has negative effect on employee engagement."