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Tesis ini membahas konflik antara KONI dan KOI terkait tugas dan fungsi berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 2005 mengenai Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional. Tesis ini menggambarkan latar belakang dikeluarkannya UU Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan konflik, bentuk-bentuk konflik, dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan konflik, langkah-langkah pengelolaan konflik, serta hambatan-hambatan dalam pengelolaan konflik tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah konflik yang terjadi dikategorikan sebagai konflik antar organisasi yang sifatnya horizontal. Konflik bersumber dari struktur organisasi, tata tertib serta anggaran. Ditinjau dari teori konflik Dahrendorf, konflik yang terjadi di antara kedua organisasi memiliki sumber struktural yakni pertanyaan tentang keabsahan kekuasaan yang ada. Namun demikian, dalam setiap konflik selalu melekat perubahan. Penelitian ini memberikan beberapa rekomendasi dalam pengelolaan konflik. Pertama, melakukan revisi atas Undang-Undang Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional melalui Judicial Review di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Kedua, tetap berpegang teguh pada amanat Undang-Undang Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional tapi dengan menambah poin sinkronisasi dan koordinasi pada peraturan turunannya. Ketiga, membuat peraturan baru terkait tugas pengiriman atlet ke ajang internasional yang menjadi pokok konflik yakni standardisasi kualifikasi, proses pengiriman, serta evaluasi. Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan untuk ditetapkannya sasaran atau target perubahan yakni individu, kelompok dan struktur sosial, serta penggunaan strategi sikap dalam mengkonversi konflik menjadi perubahan yang bermanfaat bagi semua pihak.;

This study described about conflict between KONI and KOI related to task and function according to UU No. 3 Year 2005 about National Sport System. This study described about causes of regulation publishment, causes of conflict, type of conflict, the conflict?s impacts, managements and also constraints in solving the conflict. This study is qualitative research whose descriptive design. Result of this study is this conflict can be categorized as inter organizational conflict whose horizontal character. Sources of conflict are structure of organization, regulation, and also budgeting. According to Dahrendorf?s theory, conflict between two organizations had structural sources such as the question of power legitimacy. However, every conflict has a change. This research gave several recommendations in managing conflict. First of all, part of society, including the organization that involved in conflict, proposed a revise toward UU. No. 3 Year 2005 through Judicial Review Process in Constitutional Court (MK). Second, standing on UU No. 3 Year 2005 but doing synchronization and coordination way in derivative regulation. Third, publishing a new regulation that rules about sending of athletes to international events including making same qualification and same standard both sending and evaluation. This research also recommend to make target of change and using behavioral strategy to convert the conflict.;This study described about conflict between KONI and KOI related to task and function according to UU No. 3 Year 2005 about National Sport System. This study described about causes of regulation publishment, causes of conflict, type of conflict, the conflict?s impacts, managements and also constraints in solving the conflict. This study is qualitative research whose descriptive design. Result of this study is this conflict can be categorized as inter organizational conflict whose horizontal character. Sources of conflict are structure of organization, regulation, and also budgeting. According to Dahrendorf?s theory, conflict between two organizations had structural sources such as the question of power legitimacy. However, every conflict has a change. This research gave several recommendations in managing conflict. First of all, part of society, including the organization that involved in conflict, proposed a revise toward UU. No. 3 Year 2005 through Judicial Review Process in Constitutional Court (MK). Second, standing on UU No. 3 Year 2005 but doing synchronization and coordination way in derivative regulation. Third, publishing a new regulation that rules about sending of athletes to international events including making same qualification and same standard both sending and evaluation. This research also recommend to make target of change and using behavioral strategy to convert the conflict.;This study described about conflict between KONI and KOI related to task and function according to UU No. 3 Year 2005 about National Sport System. This study described about causes of regulation publishment, causes of conflict, type of conflict, the conflict?s impacts, managements and also constraints in solving the conflict. This study is qualitative research whose descriptive design. Result of this study is this conflict can be categorized as inter organizational conflict whose horizontal character. Sources of conflict are structure of organization, regulation, and also budgeting. According to Dahrendorf?s theory, conflict between two organizations had structural sources such as the question of power legitimacy. However, every conflict has a change. This research gave several recommendations in managing conflict. First of all, part of society, including the organization that involved in conflict, proposed a revise toward UU. No. 3 Year 2005 through Judicial Review Process in Constitutional Court (MK). Second, standing on UU No. 3 Year 2005 but doing synchronization and coordination way in derivative regulation. Third, publishing a new regulation that rules about sending of athletes to international events including making same qualification and same standard both sending and evaluation. This research also recommend to make target of change and using behavioral strategy to convert the conflict.;This study described about conflict between KONI and KOI related to task and function according to UU No. 3 Year 2005 about National Sport System. This study described about causes of regulation publishment, causes of conflict, type of conflict, the conflict’s impacts, managements and also constraints in solving the conflict. This study is qualitative research whose descriptive design. Result of this study is this conflict can be categorized as inter organizational conflict whose horizontal character. Sources of conflict are structure of organization, regulation, and also budgeting. According to Dahrendorf’s theory, conflict between two organizations had structural sources such as the question of power legitimacy. However, every conflict has a change. This research gave several recommendations in managing conflict. First of all, part of society, including the organization that involved in conflict, proposed a revise toward UU. No. 3 Year 2005 through Judicial Review Process in Constitutional Court (MK). Second, standing on UU No. 3 Year 2005 but doing synchronization and coordination way in derivative regulation. Third, publishing a new regulation that rules about sending of athletes to international events including making same qualification and same standard both sending and evaluation. This research also recommend to make target of change and using behavioral strategy to convert the conflict., This study described about conflict between KONI and KOI related to task and function according to UU No. 3 Year 2005 about National Sport System. This study described about causes of regulation publishment, causes of conflict, type of conflict, the conflict’s impacts, managements and also constraints in solving the conflict. This study is qualitative research whose descriptive design. Result of this study is this conflict can be categorized as inter organizational conflict whose horizontal character. Sources of conflict are structure of organization, regulation, and also budgeting. According to Dahrendorf’s theory, conflict between two organizations had structural sources such as the question of power legitimacy. However, every conflict has a change. This research gave several recommendations in managing conflict. First of all, part of society, including the organization that involved in conflict, proposed a revise toward UU. No. 3 Year 2005 through Judicial Review Process in Constitutional Court (MK). Second, standing on UU No. 3 Year 2005 but doing synchronization and coordination way in derivative regulation. Third, publishing a new regulation that rules about sending of athletes to international events including making same qualification and same standard both sending and evaluation. This research also recommend to make target of change and using behavioral strategy to convert the conflict.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Ramadhani
"Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pemisahan tugas dan wewenang antara KONI dan KOI dalam UU SKN 2005. Adanya perbedaan pendapat, perdebatan, persaingan, bahkan pertentangan dan perebutan dalam pendistribusian dan pengalokasian sumber-sumber yang langka dan terbatas dalam UU SKN 2005 menimbulkan konflik antara KONI dan KOI. Unit analisa dari penelitian ini adalah manifestasi konflik yang terjadi antara KONI dan KOI yang terdiri dari beberapa bentuk tindakan (behaviour) konkret, yakni penetapan chief de mission(CDM) atau Ketua Kontingen, upaya KONI merevisi AD-ART, KOI mengukuhkan PB-Wushu, masalah logo olympics five rings, dan judicial review UU SKN 2005. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui studi literatur dan wawancara. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori konflik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya konflik KONI-KOI dalam pengelolaan keolahragaan nasional disebabkan oleh pertama, lahirnya UU SKN 2005. Dampak dari UU ini memisahkan KONI dan KOI. Kedua, kewenangan KONI yang berkurang. Misalnya KONI tidak lagi berwenang untuk mengirim atlet ke ajang internasional. Dan terakhir, keterbatasan akses terhadap sumber daya, khususnya keuangan.

The background of this thesis has separated by the duties and authorities between KONI and KOI in the 2005 SKN Law. There are differences of opinion, debate, competition, even though the conflict, and competition in the distribution and the allocation of sources are scarce and limited in the 2005 SKN Law in which the conflict has emerged between KOI and KONI. The analysis of this study is the manifestation of the conflict that occurred between KONI and KOI which consists of several forms of behaviour concrete, namely the determination of the chief de mission (CDM) or the Chair of Contingent, the KONIs efforts to revise AD-ART, KOI confirmed PB-Wushu, the problem of the logo Olympic five rings, and the judicial review of the 2005 SKN Law. The research method used is qualitative research methods. The source of the data in this research are the literature studies and interviews. The theory used in this study is conflict theory. The result of this research conveyed that the first, the conflict between KONI-KOI in the management of national sport was caused in the beginning of 2005 SKN Law. The impact of this law separated KONI and KOI. Second, KONIs authority has diminished. For example KONI is no longer authorized to send the athletes to international event. And finally, the access of resources is limited, especially finance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunarjo Slamet Widodo
"Tesis ini membahas tentang bagaimana kontribusi KONI dalam sistem keolahragaan nasional dalam rangka ketahanan nasional. Yang menjadi latar belakang permasalahan penulisan ini adalah Pembangunan olahraga di Indonesia yang diatur dalam suatu Sistem Keolahragaan Nasional mencakup olahraga pendidikan, olahraga rekreasi dan olahraga prestasi. Ketiga lingkup olahraga ini dilakukan pembinaan dan pengembangan olahraga secara terencana, sistematik, berjenjang dan berkelanjutan.
Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) yang dibentuk dari indukinduk organisasi cabang-cabang olahraga dan ditetapkan oleh masyarakat. Membantu Pemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan nasional dalam bidang pengelolaan, pembinaan, dan pengembangan olahraga prestasi pada tingkat nasional. Pembinaan dan pengembangan keolahragaan di Indonesia terutama untuk olahraga prestasi menurut Paulus Pasumey ada tujuh faktor untuk meningkatkan prestasi antara lain: keadaan sarana dan prasarana, system pembinaan cabor, keadaan kondisi atlet, ketrampilan teknik/skill, perekaman taktik/strategi, dan keadaan psikologi atlet.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah diskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik mengumpulkan data primer dengan wawancara dengan nara sumber tokoh atau organisasi keolahragaan di Indonesia, sedangkan data sekunder dari mengutip teori-teori, buku/literatur yang berhubungan dengan keolahragaan dan ketahanan nasional, koran, dan intermet. Sebagai temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah peningkatan pembinaan dan pengembangan olahraga prestasi dalam pelaksanaanya perlu adanya perhatian serius tentang kualitas sumber daya manusia tenaga keolahragaan nasional (olahragawan, pelatih, wasit/juri, pengurus organisasi keolahragaan), infrastruktur olahraga (sarana dan prasarana), alokasi anggaran dan dana keolahragaan nasional, penerapan Iptek olahraga dan kesejahteraan olahragawan nasional.
Kontribusi KONI dalam keolahragaan nasional belum mampu namun masih perlu ditingkatkan terutama dalam peningkatan pembinaan dan pengembangan olahraga nasional agar dapat mencapai prestasi di even internasional untuk mengharumkan dan mengangkat harkat dan martabat bangsa dan Negara serta memperkokoh Ketahanan nasional.

This thesis discusses how the contribution of KONI in national sports system in the framework of national defense. The background of this paper is the development problems of sports in Indonesia are regulated in a National Sport System includes education sports, recreation sports and achievements sports. Thirdly the scope of this exercise done coaching and sports development in planed, systematic, gradual and sustainable.
National Sports Committee (KONI), which was formed from the parentthe parent organization?s branches and determined by community sports, Assist government in making national policy in field of management, coaching, and development of sport excellence at the national level. Coaching and sport development in Indonesia, especially for sports performance by Paul Pasumey there are seven factors to improve achievement among others, state facilities and infrastructure, sports coaching systems, the state of condition the athlete, skill techniques/skill, recording tactics/strategies, and psychological of athletes.
The method used in this writing is descriptive qualitative techniques to collect primary data with interviews with prominent speakers or sports organization in Indonesia, while the secondary data from the cited theories, books/literature related to the sport and national security, newspaper, and internet.
As the finding in this research is to improve coaching and sports development achievements in its implementation need to be a serious concern abaut the quality of human resources of the national sport (athletes, coaches, referees/judges, board sports organization), sports infrastructure (facilities and infrastructure), allocation of budget and fund a national sport, the application of sports science and the welfare of national athletes. KONI contribution in the national sport have been able but still needs to be improve, especially in improving national sports coaching and development in order to attain achievements in events for the scent and raise the dignity of peoples and nations and to streng then the National Defense."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahliya Bahnan
"Tesis ini membahas tentang bagaimana peran pemerintah dalam usaha memajukan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi Pasal 31 UUD Tahun 1945 serta Undang-Undang tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional dan juga menganalisis bagaimana penafsiran Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Uji Materil Pasal 50 Ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, serta pengaruh yang timbul akibat adanya putusan tersebut. Dengan adanya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 5/PUU-X/2012 mengenai Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional atau Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional secara langsung dan tidak langsung mempengaruhi peran pemerintah terhadap kebijakan rencana dan strategi pendidikan nasional, hal ini tak lepas dari fungsinya dalam memberikan jaminan perlindungan pendidikan yang layak untuk warga negara, adanya putusan tersebut bukan berarti penyelenggara negara dalam hal ini pemerintah dan/atau pemerintah daerah lepas tangan begitu saja untuk mengembangkan RSBI/SBI tetapi justru harus lebih berperan lagi, sepanjang dalam prakteknya tetap memperhatikan pertimbangan hukum Mahkamah Konstitusi karena sejatinya tujuan awal dikembangkannya RSBI/SBI adalah untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki kompetensi sesuai standar internasional/dunia tetapi tetap menjaga nilai-nilai luhur bangsa dan negara serta budaya lokal.
Penulisan tesis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti data sekunder atau bahan pustaka dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach).

This thesis discusses how the role of government in an effort to advance education in Indonesia in accordance with the constitutional mandate of Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution and the Law on National Education System and also analyze how the interpretation of the Constitutional Court in the Judicial Article 50 Paragraph (3) of the Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System, As well as the effects that arise as a result of the decision. With the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 5/PUU-X/2012 on National Education System, relating to the establishment of international school or international school directly and indirectly affect the role of government to plan policies and national education strategy. it is not separated from its function in providing protection guarantee a decent education for citizens, the ruling does not mean the state officials in this case the government and/or local governments just hand off to develop RSBI/SBI but it should be more involved again, all in practice taking into account the legal reasoning of the Constitutional Court because his initial goals developed RSBI/SBI is to produce graduates who have the competence to international standards/ world but still maintain high values ​​of the nation and the state as well as local culture.
The thesis using research methods of juridical normative research. The research is done by examining secondary data or library materials and analyzing in term of the legislative approach (statue approach).
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reny Putri Septiawati
"This study examines the policy analysis of the National Social Security System based on Law No.40 of 2004. Focus of this study is the formulation process of the National Social Security System so that the obstacles that are occurred during the formulation process can be identified. It is descriptive study that uses a qualitative research approach. This study is a descriptive study using a qualitative research approach. Interview, document and literature studies are used to collect the data.
The results of this study can be concluded that there is no strong commitment of government during the formulation process of the National Social Security System. Because of that, the obstacles appear during the preparation process of Social Security Administering Body in adjusting the mandate of Law No. 40 of 2004. Not only that but designing the strategies are also required for the companies that will transformed into Social Security Administering Body in order to minimize the obstacles that occur during the preparation process of the National Social Security System."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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