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Aristo Purboadji
Krisis rupiah di tahun 1997-1999 adalah gejolak besar bagi ekonomi Indonesia dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi anjlok, sistem perbankan lumpuh, diikuti dengan konsekuensi sosial dan politik yang pahit. Diyakini jika otoritas moneter daan pembuat kebijakan lainnya dapat mengantisipasi krisis tersebut, segala konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan tersebut dapat dikurangi dan mungkin dihindari.
Sistem pendeteksian dini untuk krisis rupiah diharapkan dapat memberi waktu para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengantisipasi datangnya krisis. Namun salah satu faktor sukses yang kritikal dalam pembentukan sistem tersebut adalah seleksi indikator.
Penelitian ini menerapkan Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W)untuk sistem pendeteksian dini krisis rupiah dengan produk akhir berupa set indikator yang dianggap efektif memprediksi krisis rupiah. Dengan I&W diseleksi lima indikator, yang selanjutnya diuji keefektifannya dengan metode regresi logit, yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat tiga indikator yang dapat memprediksi krisis rupiah secara signifikan yang adalah: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, dan 3) Inflasi.

Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided.
Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection.
This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.;Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided.
Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection.
This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation., Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided.
Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection.
This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.]"
Jakarta: Program PascaSarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunie Debora
"Kondisi geografis Indonesia yang dilalui The Ring of Fire dan memiliki garis pantai sepanjang 95.181 KM (Pregiwati, 2019) menyebabkan Indonesia rawan akan bencana alam berupa letusan gunung api, tsunami, dan gempa bumi. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan suatu early warning system (EWS) yang dapat memberikan informasi pemantauan kejadian alam di wilayah Indonesia agar masyarakat lebih siaga dalam menghadapi bencana alam. Sayangnya, EWS yang telah dimiliki Indonesia memiliki rating yang masih cukup rendah. Keluhan pengguna yang disampaikan melalui ulasan aplikasi pada App Store menunjukkan bahwa adanya kekurangan pada fitur aplikasi, desain antarmuka sistem, serta alur informasi yang tidak jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang desain interaksi aplikasi mobile EWS bencana alam sebagai pengembangan dari aplikasi sebelumnya yang dapat mengatasi keluhan-keluhan pengguna. Dalam pengembangan desain interaksi, digunakan metode design thinking. Dalam implementasinya, metode design thinking terdiri atas lima proses utama, yakni define, needfinding & synthesis, ideation, prototyping, dan testing. Dalam tahap define, dilakukan wawancara dengan responden yang ahli di bidang early warning system dan bencana alam Indonesia. Selanjutnya, pada tahap needfinding & synthesis, dilakukan wawancara dengan responden umum. Dari proses-proses tersebut, penelitian ini akan menghasilkan analisis fitur dan kebutuhan pengguna, stakeholder EWS di Indonesia, rumusan desain interaksi, serta penilaian evaluasi kegunaan (usability) dari rumusan desain yang telah dibuat. Fitur-fitur yang dikembangkan dalam aplikasi ini antara lain fitur geolokasi dan geotagging, fitur berita dan prediksi bencana alam, fitur pemberian ulasan dampak bencana, fitur notifikasi, fitur informasi tindakan penyelamatan, serta fitur informasi lokasi posko dan data korban. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan manfaat dalam meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan pembaca terkait EWS untuk bencana alam serta menjadi produk acuan untuk pengembangan EWS Indonesia di masa yang akan datang.

The geographical condition of Indonesia which is passed by The Ring of Fire and has a coastline of 95,181 KM (Pregiwati, 2019) causing Indonesia to be prone to natural disasters in the form of volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes. Therefore, an early warning system (EWS) is needed to provide information on monitoring natural events which can help people be more alert. Unfortunately, Indonesia's early warning system has a fairly low rating. User complaints submitted through application reviews indicate that there are deficiencies in application features, system interface design, and unclear information flow. This study aims to design an interaction design for a natural disaster early warning system mobile application as a development of the previous one that can overcome user complaints. In the development of interaction design, the design thinking method is used. In its implementation, the design thinking method consists of five main processes, namely define, needfinding & synthesis, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In the stage define, interviews were conducted with respondents who are experts in the field of early warning systems and Indonesian natural disasters. Furthermore, at the needfinding & synthesis stage, interviews were conducted with general respondents. From these processes, this research will produce an analysis of user needs and features, stakeholder early warning system in Indonesia, formulation of interaction design, and usability evaluation assessment of the design formulation that has been made. The features developed in this application include geolocation and geotagging features, news and predictions of natural disasters features, features for providing disaster impact reviews, notification features, feature that provide information about rescue actions, and feature that provide information about post locations and victims data. This research can provide benefits in increasing the reader's insight and knowledge regarding the early warning system (EWS) for natural disasters and also being a reference product for the development of Indonesia's EWS in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Pilar Nirwana
Tesis ini berjudul Peran Pre-Emtif Intelijen Keimigrasian Sebagai Early Warning Information Terhadap People Smuggling. Dalam tesis ini, penulis mencoba mendiskripsikan bagaimanakan peran Intelijen Keimigrasian dalam menghasilkan produk intelijen berupa peringatan dini terhadap people smuggling. Bagaimanakan proses penghasilan peringatan dini tersebut serta bagaiman implementasi dari peringatan dini tersebut. Selain itu pula penulis mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya apa saja yang dapat dilakukan oleh Intelijen Keimigrasian dalam mencegah people smuggling tersebut. Teknik penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode kualitati deskriftif, sehingga dalam melakukan analisisnya penulis berusaha untuk menruraikan dalam bentuk tulisan dimana sebelumnya data diperoleh dari wawancara dan studi pustaka.

This thesis entitled ?Peran Pre-Emtif Intelijen Keimigrasian Sebagai Early Warning Information Terhadap People Smuggling?. In this thesis, the author tries to describe how does Immigration Intelligence role in producing intelligence in the form of an early warning against people smuggling. How is the process of earnings warnings and how the implementation of the early warning. Beside that, the author tries to describe any efforts that can be undertaken by Immigration Intelligence in preventing the people smuggling. Technical writing this thesis uses descriptive qualitative method, so in doing the analysis the authors attempted to outline in writing where the data previously obtained from interviews and literature., This thesis entitled “Peran Pre-Emtif Intelijen Keimigrasian Sebagai Early Warning Information Terhadap People Smuggling”. In this thesis, the author tries to describe how does Immigration Intelligence role in producing intelligence in the form of an early warning against people smuggling. How is the process of earnings warnings and how the implementation of the early warning. Beside that, the author tries to describe any efforts that can be undertaken by Immigration Intelligence in preventing the people smuggling. Technical writing this thesis uses descriptive qualitative method, so in doing the analysis the authors attempted to outline in writing where the data previously obtained from interviews and literature.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sekar Dwi Purnamasari
"Early Warning System EWS merupakan alat skoring yang digunakan untuk memantau kondisi pasien di ruang perawatan maupun di Instalasi Gawat Darurat IGD. Pada IGD yang cenderung overcrowded dan memiliki arus perpindahan pasien yang lambat penggunaan EWS digunakan untuk memantau kondisi pasien melalui tanda-tanda vital sehingga perburukan kondisi pasien dapat segera dikenali.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang initial assessment dengan penatalaksanaan EWS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif korelatif dengan desain cross-sectional yang dilakukan kepada 70 perawat IGD.
Hasil menunjukan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pengetahuan perawat terhadap initial assessment dengan penatalaksanaan EWS di IGD p= 0.001 yang menunjukan semakin tinggi tingkat pengetahuan perawat tentang EWS yang terdapat dalam initial assessment maka penatalaksanaan EWS yang dilakukan semakin baik, sehingga peningkatan pengetahuan melalui pelatihan perlu ditingkatkan agar penatalaksanaan EWS yang baik dapat dilaksanaakan secara menyeluruh.

Early warning system EWS is a physiological scoring to observe the patients condition not only in hospital wards but also in Emergency Department ED. At an overcrowded ER that have slow of patient flow, EWS is use as an early detection of patients deterioration by observing the vital signs.
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between nurses knowledge of initial assessment and the application of EWS at emergency department. This is a quantitative study that used descriptive correlative with cross sectional design toward 70 emergency nurses.
The result showed there is a relationship between Nurses Knowledge of Initial Assessment and The Use of Early Warning System at Emergency Room p 0 .001 that show that the higher the level of nurses knowledge, their behavior is better. It is recommended to maintain the use of EWS in ED that already good through training regularly re sertification.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Early Warning Score (EWS) merupakan suatu proses sistematis untuk mengevaluasi dan mendeteksi dini kondisi abnormal pasien dengan mengukur parameter klinis pasien. Kurangnya identifikasi kegawatan sejak dini dapat mengakibatkan angka kematian yang tinggi dan rendahnya mutu pelayanan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan perawat tentang Early Warning Score (EWS). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif cross sectional dengan tehnik total sampling. Total responden sebanyak 58 di RSKB Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan memakai analisa data univariat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan responden yang berpengetahuan baik sebanyak 23 orang (39,7%) dan responden yang berpengetahuan cukup sebanyak 35 orang (60,3%). Dari data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden yang berpengetahuan baik lebih sedikit daripada responden yang berpengetahuan cukup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut peneliti merekomendasikan untuk diadakan program pelatihan tentang EWS di rumah sakit. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan perawat tentang EWS, sehingga kegawatan pada pasien dapat diidentifikasi sejak dini dan pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan mutu keperawatan.

Early Warning Score (EWS) is a sistematic process to evaluate and to identify patient deterioration based on clinical parameters. The lack of early detection caused into patient deterioration even high mortality and decrease quality of nursing care services. The aim of this study was to identify description level of nursing knowledge about Early Warning Score (EWS). The method was descriptive cross sectional study with total sample. The respondents were 58 nurses in RSKB Cinta kasih Tzu Chi. The data was collected by questionaire with univariat analysis. The results, show that the level of knowledge was in medium level knowledge. Respondents have a good level knowledge were 23 (39,7%). Respondent who have medium level knowledge were 35 (60,3%). The result of this study recommend that EWS training is needed for nurses in RSKB Tzu Chi hospital. By this training a good capability of nurses to do early detection can be develop, so the quality of nursing care services can be improved.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rohmat Setiawan
"Pada penelitian ini membahas sistem pemantauan pada stairlift menggunakan internet of things (IoT), di mana sistem tertanam dalam fisik stairlift menggunakan sensor yang dipasang pada komponen stairlift dan kemudian diintegrasikan ke dalam platform IoT cloud (thingspeak) melalui jaringan internet. Akuisisi data fisis multi-sensor dapat berjalan, banyak informasi yang dapat diakses seperti: temperature motor, kecepatan, beban penumpang, konsumsi daya, getaran bearing dan getaran motor. Sistem pemantauan dapat berjalan secara real time, sehingga membuat pemantauan terpusat dan kegagalan operasi stairlift dapat dicegah sedini mungkin melalui early warning system (EWS) via Telegram. Selain itu, sistem ini dapat memberikan dukungan analisis teknis dalam mengembangkan prototype stairlift di masa mendatang. Berdasarkan analisis hasil pemantauan yang diperoleh, prototype stairlift layak dikembangkan untuk skala industri, secara operasional memenuhi ASME A18.1, ISO 10816 dan ISO 2372. Hal ini ditunjukkan dalam ujicoba variasi beban penumpang hingga maksimum 115 kg diperoleh kecepatan maksimum rata-rata <0,2 m/s, temperature motor <74,6 ˚C, konsumsi daya <600 watt, acceleration getaran bearing <0,5 g'peak dan kecepatan getaran motor (RMS) <4,5 m/s. Namun masih dibutuhkan improvement pada sistem teknis operasional prototype stairlift diantaranya temperature motor, konsumsi daya dan kecepatan agar dapat berjalan stabil.

This research discusses monitoring systems on stairlift using internet of things (IoT), where the system embedded in the physical stairlift uses sensors that are mounted on the stairlift component and then integrated into the IoT cloud platform (thingspeak) via the internet network. Multi-sensor physical data acquisition can run, a lot of information that can be accessed such as: motor temperature, speed, passenger load, power consumption, bearing vibration and motor vibration. The monitoring system can run in real time, thus making centralized monitoring and failure of stairlift operations preventable as early as possible through the early warning system (EWS) via Telegram. In addition, this system can provide technical analysis support in developing stairlift prototypes in the future. Based on the analysis of the monitoring results obtained, the prototype stairlift is suitable for industrial scale development, operationally compliant with ASME A18.1, ISO 10816 and ISO 2372. This is shown in the trial of passenger load variations up to a maximum of 115 kg obtained an average maximum speed <0, 2 m/s, motor temperature <74.6˚C, power consumption <600 watts, bearing vibration acceleration <0.5 g'peak and motor vibration speed (RMS) <4.5 m/s. However, improvements are still needed in the operational technical system of the prototype stairlift including motor temperature, power consumption and speed so that it can run stably."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gempa bumi, salah satu bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia dan sering memakan banyak korban jiwa. Sistem peringatan dini terbukti efektif untuk mengurangi jumlah korban jiwa akibat gempa bumi ataupun bencana susulan lainya. Perangkat Internet-of-things berbasis seluler dapat digunakan sebagai perangkat peringatan dini untuk mendeteksi gempa bumi.Ketika banyak perangkat pendeteksi kejadian secara bersamaan melakukan transmisi ke jaringan seluler maka akan terjadi bursty transmission yang mengakibatkan kongesti pada jaringan seluler. Kongesti yang terjadi mengakibatkan peningkatan delay dan penuruan success probability pada prosedur random access jaringan seluler yang dapat mengurangi efektifitas sistem deteksi dini. Pengaturan preamble pada access class dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi dampak kongesti yang terjadi.

Earthquakes, one of the natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia and often take many lives. The early warning system has proven to be effective in reducing the number of casualties due to earthquakes or other aftershocks. Cellular-based Internet-of-things devices can be used as early warning devices to detect earthquakes. When multiple incident detection devices are simultaneously transmitting to the cellular network, bursty transmission will occur, resulting in congestion on the cellular network. The congestion that occurs results in an increase in delay and a decrease in success probability in random access cellular network procedures which can reduce the effectiveness of the early detection system. Preamble settings on access classes can be used to reduce the impact of congestion that occurs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willy Wicaksono
"Studi ini mengkaji ke(tidak)selarasan antara berbagai budaya bencana, Sistem Peringatan Dini Tsunami Indonesia (InaTEWS), dan profil risiko setempat yang diungkap oleh tsunami non-tektonik tahun 2018 yang dipicu oleh erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau di Labuan. Dengan mengembangkan model hubungan segitiga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana sistem peringatan tsunami telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik lokal. Berdasarkan pengumpulan data kualitatif, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebelum tsunami 2018 dan tanpa mengingat memori tsunami Krakatau 1883, berbagai kelompok lokal memiliki pemahaman yang sangat seragam tentang tsunami yang hanya dipicu oleh gempa. Setelah tsunami 2018, informan melaporkan peningkatan kesadaran tentang berbagai jenis tsunami dan risiko gempa. Namun, ini tidak serta-merta menjadi kenyataan praktik di lapangan; faktor struktural dan budaya secara signifikan menghambat pemerintah lokal dan lembaga manajemen bencana. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan keselarasan, misalnya, melibatkan anggota masyarakat dalam pemeliharaan teknologi peringatan, menyesuaikan materi peningkatan kesadaran dengan profil bahaya setempat dan menghubungkan peningkatan kesadaran dengan tradisi lokal. Namun, reformasi lebih dalam dari InaTEWS diperlukan, termasuk mengatasi ego sektoral dan menggabungkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman lokal ke dalam pembuatan kebijakan. Dengan menangani ketidakselarasan ini, penulis berpendapat bahwa pihak berwenang dapat lebih baik mendukung masyarakat dalam memahami dan merespons risiko tsunami, dan pada akhirnya meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan.

This study examines the (mis)alignments between multiple disaster cultures, the Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS), and local risk profiles revealed by the 2018 non-tectonic tsunami triggered by the Anak Krakatau volcanic eruption in Labuan. Developing a triangle model, the research aims to assess to what extent the tsunami warning system is adapted to local needs and characteristics. Based on qualitative data collection, it shows that before the 2018 tsunami and notwithstanding memories of the 1883 Krakatau tsunami, different local groups shared a strikingly homogeneous understanding of tsunamis as exclusively triggered by earthquakes. After the 2018 tsunami, participants reported increased awareness of different tsunami types and earthquake risks. However, this rarely translated into practical changes on the ground; structural and cultural factors significantly hampered local government and disaster management agencies. The research identifies steps to improve alignment, e.g., involve community members in warning technology maintenance, tailor awareness-raising materials to the local hazard profile and connect awareness-raising with local traditions. However, deeper reform of the InaTEWS is necessary, including overcoming sectoral silos and incorporating local knowledge and experiences into policy-making. By addressing these (mis)alignments, we argue authorities can better support communities in understanding and responding to tsunami risks, ultimately enhancing preparedness."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Prastio

Kondisi pasien selama di Instalasi Gawat Darurat dapat mengalami perburukan, sehingga perlu melakukan deteksi dini dengan Early Warning Score yang harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan Standar Prosedur Operasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi perawat mengenai kesesuaian pelaksanaan Early Warning Score. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan purposive sampling yang melibatkan 70 perawat di Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 44 perawat (62,9%) telah mempersepsikan dirinya melaksanakan Early Warning Score sesuai Standar Prosedur Operasional. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi data awal untuk penelitian selanjutnya dan menjadi evaluasi bagi perawat dalam pelaksanaan Early Warning Score sesuai Standar Prosedur Operasional di Rumah Sakit.

The condition of the patient while in the Emergency Department can be deteriorating, so it is necessary to conduct early detection with an Early Warning Score which must be carried out in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures. This study aims to determine the perceptions of nurses regarding the suitability of the implementation of Early Warning Score. This descriptive study used purposive sampling involving 70 nurses in the Emergency Department. The results of this study indicate that 44 nurses (62.9%) have perceived themselves to be implementing Early Warning Score according to the Standard Operating Procedures. This research is expected to be preliminary data for further research and can be used as evaluation for nurses in implementing Early Warning Score according to the Standard Operating Procedures at the hospital.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salusra Satria
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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