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Teny Tjitra Sari
"Latar Belakang: Respons imun berperan pada kerentanan pasien talasemia terhadap infeksi. Defisiensi seng pada talasemia akan memperburuk respons imun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil respons imun pasien talasemia mayor dan pengaruh suplementasi seng dan imunisasi pneumokokus pada respons imun pasien talasemia pasca-splenektomi.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di Pusat Thalassemia RSCM, Jakarta pada September 2013 ? Februari 2014. Studi observasi dengan metode belah lintang komparatif pada talasemia mayor sehat usia > 12 tahun dan HIV negatif non- dan pasca-splenektomi mendahului studi intervensi dengan metode randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial pada talasemia pasca-splenektomi yang dialokasikan menjadi kelompok seng 1,5 mg/kg/hr maksimum 50 mg, atau plasebo. Dua jenis imunisasi pneumokokus diberikan untuk menguji fungsi limfosit T. Luaran yang diukur adalah respons imun non-spesifik (jumlah dan fagositosis neutrofil) dan respons imun spesifik (kuantitatif dan kualitatif). Respons imun spesifik kualitatif mengukur produksi IgG pneumokokus, IL-2 dan TNF-α pasca pajanan PHA.
Hasil Penelitian: Median fagositosis neutrofil kelompok pasca-splenektomi 29,79 (4 sampai 81)% dan kelompok non-splenektomi 55,83 (2 sampai 133)% (p < 0,001). Kelompok pasca-splenektomi mempunyai jumlah netrofil, limfosit total, jumlah limfosit T, jumlah limfosit T CD4+ dan CD8+ yang lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok non- splenektomi. Tidak ada perbedaan respons imun spesifik kualitatif yang bermakna di antara pasien talasemia mayor. Setelah intervensi, hanya 18 dari 28 subjek kadar seng serum kelompok seng yang menjadi normal. Walaupun fagositositosis neutrofil hanya berubah dari 31,36 (4 sampai 81)% menjadi 30,44 (3 sampai 72)% (p = 0,554), namun terdapat kecenderungan perbaikan fagositosis neutrofil pada kelompok seng. Parameter respons imun lainnya tidak menunjukkan perubahan antara kelompok seng dan plasebo selama penelitian 12 minggu (p > 0,05).
Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan respons imun antara pasien talasemia pasca-splenektomi dan non-splenektomi. Belum dapat dibuktikan pengaruh suplementasi seng pada hampir semua parameter respons imun pasien talasemia mayor pasca-splenektomi. Seng mungkin dapat direkomendasikan sebagai suplementasi, tetapi perlu penelitian lanjutan mengenai dosis dan lama pemberian yang tepat untuk perbaikan respons imun pasien talasemia mayor pasca-splenektomi.

Introduction: Immune response plays a role in increasing thalassemia patient?s susceptibility to infections. Zinc deficiency in thalassemia patients will alter immune response. The aim of this study is to evaluate immune response of thalassemia major and zinc supplementation effects on immune response quality of post-splenectomy thalassemia major.
Methods: This study was conducted at Thalassaemia Centre, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta on September 2013 ? February 2014. An observational study using comparative cross-sectional method was done in healthy non- and post-splenectomy thalassemia major aged > 12 year and HIV negative. Then, it was followed by an interventional study using randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial, on post- splenectomy subjects, which were assigned to receive 1.5 mg/kg/d maximum 50 mg/d zinc or placebo. Moreover, 2 type of immunization were also administered in order to assess T lymphocyte function. The outcomes were non-specific (neutrophil count and phagocytosis) and specific immune response (quantitave and qualitative). Qualitative specific immune response measured by detecting IgG pneumococcal, IL-2 and TNF-α after PHA exposure.
Results: Median of neutrophil phagocytosis on post-splenectomy and non-splenectomy were 29.79 (4 to 81)% and 55.83 (2 to 133)% (p < 0.001). Post-splenectomy subjects have higher neutrophil count, total lymphocyte count, lymphocyte T count, lymphocyte T CD4+ and CD8+ than non-splenectomy. There is no significant difference on qualitative specific immune response among thalassemia major. Following the intervention, only 18 out of 28 subjects of zinc group had normal plasma zinc. There was a trend of neutrophil phagocytosis improvement on zinc group despite a little shifting on those value, from 31.36 (range 4 to 81)% to 30.44 (3 to 72)% (p = 0.554). Other immune response parameters showed no different changes between two groups after 12 weeks supplementation (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: There were significant differences on immune response of post- splenectomy and non-splenectomy patients. The significant changes on almost all of immune response parameter after zinc supplementation have not been proved yet. Addition of zinc supplementation may be recommended, but it need further study to evaluate the dose and duration of supplementation to improve immune response in splenectomised thalassemia major patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siagian, Forman Erwin
"Pendahuluan: Interaksi Cryptococcus neoformans dengan makrofag mempengaruhi kejadian kriptokokosis meningeal, infeksi oportunistik fatal pada populasi AIDS, dimana pada keadaan imunokompromi, kemampuan fagositosis makrofag terganggu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktifitas fagositik makrofag penderita HIV, profil sitokin yang terbentuk serta pengaruh pemberian obat anti retroviral. Metode: Desain penelitian eksploratif-analitik terhadap interaksi makrofag-C. neoformans. Makrofag pasien HIV dan orang sehat (selanjutnya disebut Kasus dan Kontrol). Penelitian mencakup pengukuran kadar nitrit petanda aktivasi makrofag, uji indeks internalisasi jamur (IIJ), laju fagositosis (LF), dan daya bunuh (DB) makrofag terhadap jamur yang diamati pada menit ke 30, 120 dan 240. Selain itu juga diteliti profil sitokin yang terbentuk (IL-5, IL-10, IL-6, TNF-?, IFN-?) dan uji serologis terhadap plasma menggunakan Cryptococcus antigen lateral flow assay (CrAg-LFA). Hasil: Terkumpul 38 Kasus dan 42 Kontrol dengan hasil uji LFA seluruh subyek, Kasus maupun Kontrol, negatif. Kadar nitrit yang terbentuk lebih tinggi pada kelompok Kontrol. IIJ makrofag Kasus lebih tinggi pada T30 dan T120. LF makrofag kontrol lebih tinggi pada T30 dan T120. DB makrofag Kontrol jauh lebih tinggi dibanding makrofag Kasus pada seluruh pengamatan. Pola sitokin yang terbentuk oleh makrofag kasus mengarah ke sitokin anti inflamasi (IL-5 dan IL-10 tinggi), sedangkan pola sitokin yng terbentuk oleh makrofag Kontrol mengarah ke sitokin pro inflamasi (IL-6 dan IFN-? tinggi) kecuali untuk TNF-? yang lebih tinggi pada supernatan makrofag Kasus. Pembahasan: Aktifitas fagositik makrofag Kasus terganggu, ditandai dengan daya bunuh yang jauh lebih rendah. Selain itu, tingginya kadar sitokin pro inflamasi pada populasi kontrol menunjukkan pembersihan jamur yang lebih efektif sedangkan sitokin anti-inflamasi yang lebih tinggi pada subjek terinfeksi HIV memungkinkan terjadinya parasitisme intraseluler makrofag oleh C. neoformans. Kesimpulan: terdapat perbedaan daya bunuh dan pola sitokin pro dan anti inflamasi pada subjek terinfeksi HIV dibanding kontrol.

Introduction: interaction of Cryptococcus neoformans-macrophage affecting the incidence of cryptococcal meningitis, a fatal opportunistic infection in AIDS population. In immunocompromised condition, macrophage phagocytic activity was impaired. This study aimed to analyze phagocytic activity of macrophage derived from HIV infected individuals against C. neoformans, the cytokine profile and the role of antiretroviral therapy in that interaction. Method: using explorative-analytical design on the interaction between macrophageyeast seen as: internalization index, phagocytic rate, killing ability, production of cytokine and NO. We also tested the plasma against Cryptococcus antigen lateral flow assay (CrAg-LFA). Result: out of 38 HIV(+) subjects and 42 healthy subject all were negatif for LFA. Nitrite formed were higher in the Control group. Internalization index were higher in the Cases group, Phagocytosis rate were higher in the Control group: Killing ability were far superior in the Control group. Cytokine profile of the Cases group were anti inflammatory (higher IL-5 and IL-10) while in the Control group, were more pro inflammatory (higher IL-6 and IFN-?) with the exception of TNF-? which was higher in the Cases group. Discussion: the higher level of pro-inflammatory cytokine among control group represent a more effective clearance of fungal by macrophages while higher level of anti-inflamatory cytokine among HIV+vderived macrophage indicates profound intracellular parasitism of macrophage by C. neoformans. Conclusion: there is difference of killing ability, NO production and antiinflammatory cytokine production among macrophage derived from healthy subjects that showed us a more effective fungal clearance and activation of macrophage."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Putri Utami
"Vaksin konjugat pneumokokus 13-valen berperan penting dalam upaya mengurangi penyakit invasif pneumokokus pada anak terinfeksi HIV. Tujuan studi retrospektif ini untuk mengevaluasi respon imun humoral pada anak terinfeksi HIV pra dan pasca vaksinasi PCV13 di Jakarta, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel serum bahan biologis tersimpan (BBT) dari 66 anak sebelum, 12 dan 18 bulan setelah vaksinasi. ELISA dan uji bakterisidal serum digunakan untuk mengukur konsentrasi antibodi dan antibodi fungsional pasca vaksinasi, secara berurutan. IgG total 13 serotipe S. pneumoniae 12 bulan pasca vaksinasi PCV13 menunjukkan peningkatan konsentrasi yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan pra vaksinasi (p=0.01). Konsentrasi IgG spesifik serotipe 4, 14 dan 23F pasca vaksin 18 bulan terjadi penurunan siginifikan dibandingkan pra vaksinasi (p<0.05) sedangkan IgG spesifik serotipe 6B terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi antibodi (p=0.03). Tidak terjadi perubahan konsentrasi IgG spesifik serotipe 3 yang efektif setelah vaksinasi. Konsentrasi IgG serotipe 19F tidak ada perbedaan signifikan (p>0.05) setelah vaksinasi. Tidak ada korelasi signifikan antara jumlah sel T CD4 dengan konsentrasi IgG total 13 serotipe S. pneumoniae. Rerata konsentrasi IC50 serum bactericidal assay adalah 275,2 U/mL. Kesimpulannya, satu dosis PCV13 untuk anak terinfeksi HIV mampu menghasilkan tingkat antibodi yang kuat dan fungsional terhadap S. pneumoniae.

The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine plays an important role in efforts to reduce pneumococcal invasive disease in HIV-infected children. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the humoral immune response in HIV-infected children before and after PCV13 vaccination in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study used serum samples of biologically stored material from 66 children before, 12 and 18 months after vaccination. ELISA and serum bactericidal assays were used to measure post-vaccination antibody and functional antibody concentrations, respectively. IgG total of 13 serotypes of S. pneumoniae 12 months after PCV13 vaccination showed a significant increase in concentration compared to pre- vaccination (p=0.01). The concentration of specific IgG serotypes 4, 14 and 23F after the vaccine 18 months decreased significantly compared to pre-vaccination (p<0.05) while the concentration of specific IgG for serotype 6B increased (p=0.03). There was no change in effective serotype 3 specific IgG concentration after vaccination. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in serotype 19F IgG concentrations after vaccination. There was no significant correlation between the number of CD4 T cells and the total IgG concentration of 13 serotypes of S. pneumoniae. The mean concentration of IC50 serum bactericidal assay was 275.2 U/mL. In conclusion, a single dose of PCV13 for HIV-infected children appears to produce strong and functional antibody levels against S. pneumoniae."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pandemi COVID-19 telah menimbulkan tantangan global dalam menghadapi penyebaran virus SARS-CoV-2. Vaksinasi menjadi strategi efektif dalam mengurangi penyebaran virus dan dampak COVID-19 pada kesehatan masyarakat. Platform vaksin yang banyak diberikan di Indonesia antara lain platform virus utuh dan vektor virus. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis imunitas humoral pasca vaksinasi COVID-19 platform virus utuh dan vektor virus pada orang dewasa. Desain penelitian ini adalah longitudinal dengan pengambilan sampel secara berkala sebanyak 6 kali sebelum dan setelah vaksinasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2021 sampai 2023 di Kota Bogor dan Kabupaten Sleman. Jumlah subjek yang terlibat sebanyak 150 orang pada setiap kelompok. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan pengambilan sampel serum. Serum diperiksa untuk binding antibody menggunakan CMIA, antibodi netralisasi menggunakan SvNT, subkelas IgG menggunakan ELISA, dan mediator imunitas seluler menggunakan multipleks ELISA. Dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium pada sampel TP1 didapatkan sebanyak 42% subjek vaksin virus utuh dan 81% subjek vaksin vektor virus positif antibodi SARS-CoV-2. Di antara subjek yang positif mempunyai riwayat gejala sesak napas (100%), demam (89%) dan pilek (82%). Subjek vaksin vektor virus mempunyai tren respons antibodi lebih tinggi dibanding virus utuh. Proporsi subjek positif pada pengukuran antibodi netralisasi selalu lebih tinggi dibanding binding antibody. Berdasarkan imunosenescence, secara umum tidak berbeda bermakna di antara kelompok usia tersebut. Faktor yang secara signifikan memengaruhi respons imun dalam adalah platform vaksin. Respons antibodi tidak berbeda bermakna pada subjek yang mendapatkan vaksin 2 dan 3 dosis, baik pada hasil pengukuran TP1 positif maupun negatif. Pemberian dosis 3 heterolog menimbulkan respons antibodi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan homolog. Analisis statistik pada kedua kelompok penerima vaksin menunjukkan tidak berbeda bermakna pada semua subkelas IgG. Kadar IFN gamma, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 dan TNF alpha pada virus utuh lebih rendah dibandingkan vektor virus Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua platform vaksin mampu menginduksi respons antibodi yang signifikan. Namun, terdapat perbedaan dalam pola dan durasi respons imun antara kedua jenis vaksin.

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global challenge with the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Vaccination is an effective strategy to reduce the spread of the virus and the impact of COVID-19 on public health. The research aims to analyse humoral immunity following vaccination with COVID-19 viral platforms and viral vectors in adults. The study design is longitudinal, with samples taken periodically up to 6 times before and after vaccination. The study will be conducted between 2021 and 2023 in Bogor City and Sleman District. The number of subjects involved is 150 people in each group. Data will be collected through interviews and serum sampling. Serum was tested for antibody binding using CMIA, antibody neutralisation using SvNT, subclass IgG using ELISA, and cellular immunity mediators using ELISA multiplex. Laboratory testing of the TP1 sample showed that 42% of the whole inactivated vaccine subjects and 81% of the viral vector subjects were positive for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Those who were positive had a history of shortness of breath (100%), fever (89%) and colds (82%). The proportion of positive subjects in the neutralised antibody measurement is always higher than the antibody binding. Based on immunosenescence, there is generally no difference in significance between these age groups. The factor that significantly affects the immune response within the vaccine is the vaccine platform. The antibody response was not significantly different in subjects who received 2 and 3 doses of the vaccine, both in positive and negative TP1 measurements. The administration of 3 heterologous doses results in a higher antibody response compared to homologous doses. Statistical analysis in both groups showed no significant difference in all IgG subclasses. IFN gamma, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-alpha levels were lower in the whole inactivated vaccine than in in the viral vector. However, there are differences in the pattern and duration of immune responses between the two vaccines."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lulut Azmi Supardi
"Tuberkulosis (TB) disebabkan oleh infeksi kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis merupakan satu dari sepuluh penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia yang dapat dicegah melalui vaksinasi. Vaksin BCG sebagai satu-satunya vaksin TB, memiliki beberapa kekurangan, diantaranya tingkat proteksi yang tidak merata di populasi orang dewasa dan kekhawatiran aplikasinya pada populasi imunokompromais, hal ini mendorong dikembangkannya vaksin TB alternatif. PE11 merupakan protein yang bertanggung jawab dalam rekonstruksi komponen lipid dinding sel M. tuberculosis dan berdasarkan analisis in-siliko diketahui memiliki domain pengenalan terhadap antibodi dan MHC-II. Dalam studi ini, gen pe11 dari M. tuberculosis strain Beijing diinsersikan ke dalam plasmid pcDNA3.1, pcDNA3.1-pe11, yang kemudian diuji kemampuannya dalam menginduksi respon imun humoral dan mediator seluler pada mencit Balb/c sebagai bentuk DNA vaksin. Berdasarkan uji western blot, respon imun humoral berupa IgG spesifik terhadap protein rekombinan PE11-His berhasil dikonfirmasi. Selain itu, mediator imun seluler dari splenosit mencit pasca vaksinasi dan pajanan antigen secara in-vitro menunjukkan adanya peningkatan produksi IL-12, IFN-γ dan IL-4 dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, namun tidak terhadap sitokin IL-10.

Tuberculosis (TB) caused by infection bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, one of ten causes of death in the world that can be prevented through vaccination. The BCG vaccine, as the only TB vaccine, has several drawbacks, including an uneven level of protection in adult population and risk application in immunocompromised population, this has led to the development of an alternative TB vaccine. PE11 is a protein that is responsible for the reconstruction of the lipid component of the cell wall of M. tuberculosis and based on in-silico analysis is known to have the recognition domain for antibodies and MHC-II. In this study, the pe11 gene from the Beijing strain of M. tuberculosis was inserted into the plasmid pcDNA3.1, pcDNA3.1-pe11, then tested for its ability to induce humoral immune responses and cellular mediators in Balb/c mice as a form of vaccine DNA. Based on the western blot test, the specific IgG humoral immune response to the recombinant protein PE11-His was confirmed. In addition, cellular immune mediators from post-vaccination mice splenocytes and in-vitro antigen exposure showed increased production of IL-12, IFN-γ and IL-4 compared to the control group, but not to the IL-10 cytokine."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Dyah Purnamasari Sulistianingsih
"Latar belakang. Pada penyakit graves (GD), konsentrasi vitamin D berbanding terbalik dengan titer antibodi dan berbanding lurus dengan status remisi. Pembentukan autoantibodi diawali dari pajanan self antigen oleh sel dendritik (DC), sebagai antigen presenting cell (APC), ke sel T naif. Kemampuan DC sebagai APC ditentukan oleh tingkat kematangannya. Sel dendritik, APC utama pada GD, bersifat lebih aktif dalam respons imun dibandingkan dengan subjek sehat. Studi pada SLE, MS, dan penyakit crohn menunjukkan efek imunoregulator vitamin D terutama melalui hambatan pematangan DC sehingga fungsi imunogenitasnya berkurang.
Tujuan. Mengetahui efek 1,25-D3 in vitro dan 1α-D3 in vivo terhadap pematangan DC pasien GD
Metode. Pada periode Mei 2014 sampai dengan Maret 2015 dilakukan studi eksperimental dan klinis, masing-masing pada 12 dan 25 pasien GD fase hipertiroid. Pada studi eksperimental, dilakukan kultur monocyte derived dendritic cell (MDDC) pasien GD dengan atau tanpa intervensi 1,25-D3 in vitro pada tahap monosit dan maturasi distimulasi dengan lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Pada studi klinis, sebanyak 12 dan 13 pasien GD, masing-masing mendapatkan 1α-D3 dan plasebo selama 8 minggu, di samping mendapatkan terapi standar PTU 100 mg 3 kali sehari. Kultur MDDC dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah suplementasi dan dilakukan perbandingan pematangan DC sebelum dan sesudah suplementasi pada kedua kelompok. Pematangan DC dilihat dari ekspresi penanda DC (HLA-DR, CD80, CD40, CD83, CD14, dan CD206) dan rasio sitokin IL-12/IL-10 pada supernatan kultur.
Hasil. Pada studi in vitro, pascastimulasi LPS, DC yang dikultur dengan 1,25-D3 menunjukkan ekspresi HLA-DR, CD80, CD40, dan CD83 lebih rendah serta ekspresi CD14 dan CD206 yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan DC yang dikultur dengan LPS saja. Pada DC yang dikultur dengan 1,25-D3, didapatkan rasio IL-12/IL-10 lebih rendah daripada DC tanpa 1,25-D3. Pada studi klinis, apabila dibandingkan antara ekspresi penanda DC serta rasio IL-12/IL-10 sebelum dan sesudah suplementasi 1α-D3 selama 8 minggu, belum didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada ekspresi penanda DC dan rasio sitokin IL-12/IL-10.
Simpulan. Pemberian 1,25-D3 in vitro menghambat pematangan DC pasien GD, sedangkan efek pemberian 1α-D3 in vivo terhadap pematangan DC belum dapat ditunjukkan pada penelitian ini.

Background. In graves? disease (GD), vitamin D levels is inversely proportional to antibody titer and proportionally associated with remission status. The development of autoantibody is initiated by self-antigen exposure by dendritic cells (DC) as the antigen presenting cells (APC) to the naïve T cells. The ability of DC as APC is determined by its maturity level. Dendritic cells, the major APC in GD, have more active immune responses than those in healthy subjects. Studies on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), multiple sclerosis (MS) and crohn?s disease have demonstrated immunoregulator effects of vitamin D, mainly through inhibition of DC maturation, which may lead to lower immunogenic function.
Aim. To identify the effect of 1,25-D3 in vitro and 1α-D3 in vivo on DC maturation in patients with GD.
Method. Our study consisted of an experimental and a clinical study started from May 2014 until March 2015, which was conducted in 12 and 25 GD patients with thyrotoxicosis, respectively. In the experimental study, cultures of monocyte derived dendritic cell (MDDC) of GD patients were performed, with or without intervention of 1,25-D3 in vitro at monocytic phase and the maturation was stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In the clinical study, there were 12 GD patients who received 1α-D3 supplementation and 13 GD patients who received placebo for 8 weeks, in addition to the standard treatment of PTU 100 mg three times a day. MDDC cultures and comparison of DC maturation were performed before and after the supplementation for both groups. DC maturation was evaluated based on the expression of DC markers (HLA-DR, CD80, CD40, CD83, CD14 and CD206) and the ratio of cytokines IL-12/IL-10 levels in the culture supernatants.
Results. In the in vitro study and following the LPS stimulation, DC cells cultured with 1,25-D3 showed lower expression of HLA-DR, CD80, CD40 and CD83 and higher expression of CD14 and CD206 compared to DC cultured with LPS alone. DC, which were cultured with 1,25-D3 had lower ratio of IL-12/IL-10 levels than those cultured without 1,25-D3. In the clinical study, when the expression of DC marker as well as the ratio of IL-12/IL-10 levels between before and after the 8-week supplementation of 1α-D3 were compared, we found no significant difference on the expression of DC markers and the ratio of IL-12/IL10.
Conclusion. In vitro 1,25-D3 supplementation inhibits DC maturation in patients with GD; while the effects of in vivo 1α-D3 treatment on DC maturation have not been clearly demonstrated in the present study yet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khansa Humaira
"Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus dengue (DENV) dan masih menjadi endemi di negara-negara tropis dan subtropis. Salah satu bentuk pencegahan infeksi DENV adalah vaksinasi. Salah satu platform vaksin DENV yang dikembangkan adalah vaksin inaktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan empat metode inaktivasi DENV, yaitu formaldehid, psoralen 4′-Aminomethyltrioxsalen hydrochloride (AMT), UV dan pemanasan. Virus yang sudah diinaktivasi diuji antigenisitas, viabilitas, dan imunogenisitas menggunakan ELISA, focus assay, dan mencit Balb/C, secara berurutan. Imunisasi mencit dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan 10μg protein dalam 50μl per mencit. Titer antibodi IgG dan antibodi netralisasi pasca imunisasi dianalisa menggunakan ELISA dan focus reduction neutralization assay (FRNT). Hasil uji imunogenisitas menggunakan ELISA, menunjukkan kenaikan titer antibodi pada mencit yang divaksinasi. Vaksin inaktif dengan formaldehid menginduksi titer antibodi tertinggi. Sedangkan, hasil uji imunogenisitas dengan FRNT, virus yang diinaktivasi dengan formaldehid dan AMT, menghasilkan titer antibodi netralisasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan virus yang diinaktivasi dengan metode lainnya. Titer FRNT50 dan FRNT90 pada vaksin yang diinaktivasi dengan formaldehid dan AMT memiliki titer yang sama, yaitu 1/80 dan 1/10. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa inaktivasi virus dengan formaldehid dan AMT berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi kandidat vaksin DENV di masa mendatang.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue virus (DENV) infection and is still endemic in tropical and subtropical countries. One form of prevention of DENV infection is vaccination. One of the DENV vaccine platforms developed is an inactivated vaccine. This study used four DENV inactivation methods, namely formaldehyde, psoralen 4′-Aminomethyltrioxsalen hydrochloride (AMT), UV and heating. The inactivated virus was tested for antigenicity, viability, and immunogenicity using ELISA, focus assay, and Balb/C mice, respectively. Immunization of mice was performed by injecting 10μg of protein in 50μl per mice. IgG antibody titers and neutralization antibodies after immunization were analyzed using ELISA and focus reduction neutralization assay (FRNT). Immunogenicity test results using ELISA showed an increase in antibody titer in vaccinated mice. Formaldehyde inactivation vaccine induced the highest antibody titer. Meanwhile, the results of immunogenicity tests with FRNT, viruses inactivated with formaldehyde and AMT, produced higher neutralization antibody titers compared to viruses inactivated by other methods. The titer of FRNT50 and FRNT90 in vaccines inactivated with formaldehyde and AMT had the same titer, namely 1/80 and 1/10. These results indicate that virus inactivation with formaldehyde and AMT has the potential to be developed into DENV vaccine candidates in the future."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rana Katina Fiola
"Filariasis adalah sekelompok penyakit yang menyerang manusia dan hewan yang disebabkan oleh filariae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 120 juta orang sudah terinfeksi dan 40 juta orang tidak teratasi secara serius. Daerah endemis filariasis tersebar luas di daerah tropis dan subtropis diseluruh dunia. Penyebab paling banyak adalah Wuchereria bancrofti, menyumbang lebih dari 90% dari beban global. Respon imun seluler pada infeksi filariasis telah diketahui didominasi oleh Th2 yang sitokinnya kemudian akan memicu sel B untuk menghasilkan IgE (respon imun humoral), dimana keberadaan IgE tersebut berperan sebagai efektor dalam eliminasi antigen dari tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan respon imun adaptif seluler dan humoral pada ibu hamil dengan infeksi filariasis (Wuchereria bancrofti) dan menggunakan desain Cross-Sectional dengan menganalisis data sekunder yang diperoleh dari penelitian utama yang berjudul "Hubungan Respon Imun Adaptif Selular dan Humoral pada Ibu Hamil dengan Infeksi Wuchereria bancrofti", yang dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Jati Sampurna dan Kelurahan Jati Karya, Jawa Barat pada tahun 2001-2008. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu hamil trimester ketiga (n=63). Dilakukan analisis korelasi (uji Spearman) antara respon imun seluler, yaitu kadar IFN - γ (Th1) dan IL-5 (Th2) dengan respon imun humoral, yaitu kadar IgE total. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang bermakna secara statistik antara kadar IFN - γ dan IL-5 dengan kadar IgE total, dimana kadar IFN - γ dan IL-5 berkorelasi positif dengan kadar IgE total dan korelasi antara kadar sitokin IL-5 (r= 0,372; p=0,001) dengan IgE memiliki derajat dan tingkat signifikansi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hubungan IFN - γ (r=0,211; p=0,04) dengan IgE. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara respon imun seluler dan humoral pada ibu hamil yang terinfeksi filariasis.

Filariasis is a group of diseases that infect humans and animals caused by filariae. The results showed that more than 120 million people are infected and 40 million people are not seriously addressed. Filariasis-endemic areas is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The most causes of Lymphatic Filariasis is Wuchereria bancrofti, accounted for more than 90% of the global burden. Cellular immune response in filariasis infection has been known that dominated by Th2 cytokines its will then trigger B cells to produce IgE (humoral immune response), where the presence of IgE plays a role as effectors in the elimination of antigen from the body. This study aims to determine the relationship of adaptive immune response cellular and humoral in pregnant women with filariasis infection and use Cross-Sectional design by analyzing secondary data obtained from the main study, entitled "Relationship of Adaptive Immune Response Cellular and Humoral in Pregnant Women with Wuchereria bancrofti Infection", held in Jati sampurna Village and Jati karya Village, West Java in 2001-2008. Subjects were third-trimester pregnant women (n = 63). Do the correlation analysis (Spearman test) between the cellular immune response, namely levels of IFN - γ (Th1) and IL-5 (Th2) with humoral immune response, namely levels of total IgE. The results showed that there was a statistically significant correlation between the levels of IFN - γ and IL-5 with a total IgE levels, where levels of IFN - γ and IL-5 was positively correlated with total IgE levels and the correlation between the levels of cytokines IL-5 (r = 0.372, p=0.001) with IgE has a degree and significance level higher than the relationship of IFN - γ (r = 0.211, p = 0.04) with IgE. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between cellular and humoral immune response in pregnant woman with filariasis infection.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ndaru Andri Damayanti
"Introduction: Constant exposure to a variety of microorganisms in domestic environment plays an important role in the shaping of individual immune response mechanism, which can affect one's susceptibility to the diseases. The aim of the study to get an understanding how the exposure of microorganisms in the the different area where the people living might give a contribution to the profile and the regulation of the immune respons after stimulated to malaria, vaccine BCG and oxLDL antigents in PBMC and whole blood cultures, and to evaluate the character of T reg as a mediator to suppress the cell proliferation.
Methode: It is an in vitro experimental study performed at Laboratorium Terpadu, Faculty of Medicine Univertas Indonesia, Jakarta in 2013 2014. As a model of infectious diseases is used pathogenic antigents such as Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells malaria and bacille calmette gu rin BCG vaccine, and as a modell of inflammatory disease is used non a patonegic antigen, low density lipoprotein LDL . Whole blood cultures is done for 80 blood samples to know how the regulation of immune respons from people living a rural populatin. PBMC cultures is also done to explore macrophages after stimulated to malaria, BCG and LDL. PHA stimulated to the PBMC culture with and without T reg cells to evaluate the character of T reg. T regulatory cells perhaps play the important roles to suppress the immune respons to microorganisms was also done.
Results: The profile of the immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is significantly more inflamatif than that in the slum area. The ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 of the people living in the unslum area is significantly higher than that in the slum area. This is marked by increasing of oxLDL accumulationis that is the important point of the low protection to oxLDL of the people living in the unslum area p 0.01 . T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum area marked by increasing not only the expression of IL 10 cytokines but also the sum of T regulatory sells p 0.01 significantly.
Conclusion: The immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is more inflamatif and responsive to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDL. The character of macrophage of the people living in the slum area is marked by the low ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDLstimulations. T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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