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"Bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia concerning Indonesian migrant workers entering Sabah and Serawak, Malaysia, is crucial to ensuring better control an proper implementations of the regulations. Mobility of people in the surrounding areas of Kalimantan have been pulled by economic as well as demographic factors reflecting discrepancies. This paper is an attempt to make an account of the issue focusing on security along the borders of the two countries. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"An account of workforce particularly those of migrant workers within the capitalist setting in pluralistic societies is likely unfruitful in its analysis unless it is done by using a critical perspective in social or political science. In the past critical theories are predominantly (neo)-Marxist; now days, earth democratic theoretical concepts may be of valuable analytical tools in working out the task. This paper is a preliminary attempt to making such an account using the earth democracy. It is indicative that the core of the problems prevailing among migrants workers is inherently connected with the incapacity of state-led development and incompatibility of capitalist design of economic development in pluralist Malaysia. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Muyamin
"Tesis ini membahas tentang strategi Humana Child Aid Society sebagai Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) di bidang pendidikan. Humana Child Aid Society sebagai NGO memberikan pelayanan pendidikan untuk anak-anak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) di Sabah Malaysia. Banyaknya jumlah anak-anak TKI di Sabah yang tidak memperoleh pendidikan mendorong Humana memberikan pelayanan pendidikan. Teori yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah tentang strategi NGO yang dapat dilihat dari service delivery, catalysis, dan partnership. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan membandingkan data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer dari penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara. Sedangkan, data sekunder diperoleh dari jurnal, dokumen, dan tulisan akademik lainnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Humana sebagai NGO dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan anak-anak TKI di Sabah menggunakan strategi dalam yaitu service delivery; catalysis berupa advokasi, inovasi dan watchdog; serta partnership. Dalam hal service delivery Humana melakukan penyediaan barang berupa penyediaan kelas dan bangunan serta penyediaan jasa berupa penempatan guru untuk mengajar; catalysis berupa advokasi yaitu melakukan kerja sama dengan pemerintah Indonesia dan Malaysia. Sementara dalam hal inovasi Humana merupakan satu-satunya NGO yang diakui oleh pemerintah Malaysia serta memiliki keinginan untuk memberikan akses layanan pendidikan bagi anak-anak TKI di Sabah, sementara dalam hal watchdog Humana melakukan pengawasan disetiap pusat belajar dalam rangka menjaga mutu kualitas pendidikan yang diberikan; terakhir dalam hal partnership Humana melakukan kerja sama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia (Perwakilan RI, SIKK, CLC), Pemerintah Malaysia, serta perusahaan perkebunan. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai bagian dalam memperkuat kapabalitas serta target yang ingin dicapai oleh Humana.

This research aims to explain the strategies of Humana Child Aid Society as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in education. Humana Child Aid Society as an NGO provides educational services for Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) children in Sabah Malaysia. The large number of Indonesian Migrant Workers children in Sabah who did not receive education encouraged Humana to provide educational services. The theory in this research is about NGO strategies that can be seen as a service delivery, catalysis, and partnership. This research is a qualitative by comparing primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from interviews. Secondary data was obtained from journals, documents, and other academic writings. The result has shown that Humana as an NGO in providing education services for Indonesian Migrant Workers children in Sabah using strategies such as service delivery; catalysis in the form of advocacy, innovation, and watchdog; and partnerships. In service delivery, Humana provides goods such as classes and buildings and also providing services in the form of placement the teachers. Catalysis can be as an advocacy, which are collaborate with the Indonesian and Malaysian government. In innovation, Humana is the only NGO recognized by the Malaysian government. Humana has the desire to provide education services for migrant workers children in Sabah. In watchdog, Humana conducts supervision in every learning center to maintain the quality of the education. Last but not least, in partnership, Humana cooperates with the Government of Indonesia (Indonesian Representatives, SIKK, CLC), the Malaysian Government, and plantation companies. Those has been done as part of strengthening the capacity and targets to be achieved by Humana"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
PROSES STRUKTURISASI ADAPTIF PENDIDIKAN ANAK- ANAK TENAGA KERJA INDONESIA Studi pada jenjang SMP kelas IX di CLC Kundasang dan CLC, Ribu Bonus Sabah dan Sekolah Indonesia Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia Pembimbing : Dr. Eriyanto., M.Si.Minimnya pendidikan bagi anak-anak Tenaga Kerja Indonesia TKI , khususnya anak-anak TKI kelas IX yang telah lulus pada jenjang SMP dan ingin melanjutkan ke jenjang SMA/SMK sangatlah memprihatinkan. Terdapat dua masalah yang diduga menjadi masalah utama penghambat, yaitu status ilegal orang tua dan koordinasi antar agen yang belum maksimal. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa proses komunikasi yang terjadi pada agen, agensi, struktur yang diproduksi dan direproduksi dalam sistem tersebut, serta mebahas yang menjadi kendala utama yang membentuk sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini berdasarkan paradigma kontruktivis, yang melakukan pengumpulan data dengan studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan, dimana penulis melakukan penelitian ke Sabah Malaysia sebagai tempat obyek penelitian dan mendapatkan data aktual melalui wawancara, maupun melalui dokumen yang tersedia. Dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa status TKI ilegal orang tua adalah masalah utama pada fenomena minimnya pendidikan anak TKI yang ingin melanjutkan ke SMA/ SMK, dimana status orang tua menghambat anak-anaknya untuk mendapatkan hak kewarganegaraan dan seperangkat dokumen untuk melanjutkan belajar, seperti paspor, kartu penduduk, pas ijin belajar pelajar, dan lain-lain. Hal ini tentunya menunjukan bahwa struktur yang di produksi dan direproduksi oleh para TKI ilegal khususnya orang tua yang melanggar hukum dan ilegal telah menyebabkan terhambatnya pendidikan anak TKI ilegal ke jenjang selanjutnya.Kata Kunci: Stukturisasi adaptif, pendidikan, Tenaga Kerja Indonesia illegal.

The Study of the final year student9th Grade of Junior High Scool in CLC Kundasang, CLC Ribu Bonus and Indonesian School of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia The lack of education for the children of Indonesian migrant workers, or known as TKI, particularly who has passed the Junior High School and would like to continue their study to Senior High School is extremely concerning. There are two main issues that are presumed as the main problem that hinder the education of Indonesian migrant worker rsquo s children to proceed higher level education, which are the illegal status and the lack of agent and agency coordination. Therefore, this study intended to analyze the communication processes that occur in agents and agencies, and the structures that are produced and reproduced in the system, as well as to explore what is the main reason behind the forming of such system. This study is based on constructivist paradigm, which the data collection conducted with field studies and literature studies. The authors themselves travel to Sabah, Malaysia to review and obtain actual data through interviews or by the available statistical data. The analysis acquired by qualitative approach through case study explanations and using holistic design. It can be concluded that illegal status of the TKI parents is the main obstacles to the Indonesian migrant worker TKI children to gain higher education, where the status of parents inhibits their children to get the right of citizenship and set of documents to continue their study, such as passports, student permit, and others important required documents. Meanwhile, schools, teachers, NGOs and even the government have provided a series of efforts and programs to support the education of TKI rsquo s children in Sabah, Malaysia through the advocation of acquiring required document and scholarship. Therefore, this study indicates the structure that being produced and reproduced by the illegal migrant worker parents which is against the law and illegal has inhibited the childern to get into the next phase of educationKeywords adaptive structuration, education, illegal migrant workers."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes B. Wibawa
Jakarta: Migrant Care Press, 2004
331.544 YOH b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Premis utama dalam penulisan ini adalah untuk meneliti isu.isu bersabit masuk buruh, khususnya dari sudut polisi eselamatan sosial buruh asing yang dengan bekerja secara sah di Malaysia dan sejauhmana ia berupaya melindungi kebajikan buruh asing. Selain itu polisi keselamatan sosial arena perhatian khusus kepada Konvensyen dan Saranan yang diwartakan oleh Pertubuhan Buruh Antara-bangsa(ILO) juga dianalisis. Metod data adalah melalui pembacaan sumber sekunder. Secara umumnya, meskipun terdapat polisi keselamatan sosial untuk buruh asing, ia masih tidak bersifat menyeluruh. Ini kerana terdapat dua polisi berkaitan buruh yang berbeza di antara buruh tempatan dan buruh asing. Di samping itu, hampir semua negara ASEAN tidak meratifikasi konvensyen dan saranan berkaitan keselamatan sosial yang menyebabkan kesukaran untuk mewujudkan polisi keselamatan sosial yang boleh dikuatkuasakan secara bersama merentas sempadan politik negara. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The plantation sector the oil palm is a growing industry in Sabah contributing a big chunk to the state's economy. However, the sector is also for hiring the biggest number of illegal foreign workers, with approximately more than 2 million. its heavy reliance on foreign and illegal workers, it is highly vulnerable to any government's action that seeks to repatriate illegal worker This paper intends examine two pertinent questions namely why plantations hire illegal workers, and why do foreign workers choose to work as illegal instead of being employed legally This paper is based on several in various plantations throughout Sabah, namely Sandakan, Kinabatangan Lahad Datu and Tawau. This study employed the qualitative method involving observations. The data are also gathered through the interviews with thirty respondents including the government officials, estate managers, and foreign as well as local workers. This study concludes that immigrants frequently decide to work as undocumented workers out of their own will. They also claimed that they conveniently fill in the need for human resources as the locals are not keen to work in estates. Unperturbed by their illegal status, the foreign workers are generally content with their relatively lucrative income. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deasy Eka Dwivany
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik migrandengan pola ikatan buruh wanita migran ke daerah asal serta hubungan ikatan migranterhadap daerah asalnya dengan pengambilan keputusan domestik migran wanita dalamkeluarga. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu jika jenis ikatan buruh migran berdasarkan kehadiranfisikmya, maka karakteristik buruh migran wanita yang dominan yaitu buruh migranwanita dengan beban sosial rendah. Sedangkan jika jenis ikatan buruh migranberdasarkan kontribusi ekonominya, maka karakteristik buruh migran wanita digambarkan dengan buruh migran wanita dengan beban sosial yang cukup tinggi. Semakindewasa usia buruh migran wanita, semakin rendah frekuensi untuk pulang ke daerah asaldan tingginya kontribusi ekonomi buruh migran wanita ke daerah asal dipengaruhi olehstatus pernikahan buruh migran wanita. Hubungan antara ikatan buruh migran wanitaterhadap daerah asal berdasarkan kehadiran fisik dengan pengambilan keputusandomestik yaitu, semakin tinggi tingkat kehadiran di daerah asalnya maka pengambilankeputusan domestik dalam keluarga dilakukan secara bersama dengan anggota keluarga.Hubungan antara ikatan buruh migran wanita terhadap daerah asal berdasarkan kontribusiekonomi dengan pengambilan keputusan domestik yaitu, semakin tinggi pengiriman uangke daerah asal maka pengambilan keputusan domestik dalam keluarga dilakukan secarabersama dengan anggota keluarga. Semakin tinggi ikatan buruh migran wanita dengandaerah asal, maka pengambilan keputusan dilakukan secara bersama.

This study aims to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of migrants withthe pattern of female migrant worker bonds to the area of origin and the relationship ofmigrant ties to their home region with the decision of domestic migrant women in thefamily. The result of this research is that if the type of migrant worker bond is based ontheir physical presence, the dominant female migrant worker characteristic is femalemigrant worker with low social burden. Whereas, if the type of migrant worker bonds isbased on their economic contribution, the characteristics of female migrant workers areillustrated by female migrant workers with a high social burden. The more mature the ageof female migrant workers, the lower the frequency to return home and the high economiccontribution of female migrant workers to the area of origin is affected by the maritalstatus of female migrant workers. The relationship between female migrant workers 39 tiesto the origin region is based on physical presence with domestic decision making ie, thehigher the attendance level in the area of origin, the domestic decision making in thefamily is carried out jointly with the family members. The relationship between thefemale migrant worker 39 s bond to the origin region is based on the economic contributionto the domestic decision making ie, the higher the money transfer to the area of originthen the domestic decision making in the family is done together with the familymembers. The higher the ties of female migrant workers to the regions of origin, then thedecision making is done together."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeremia Natanael
Liberalisasi pada perdagangan jasa internasional dan lebih lanjut tentang perpindahan tenaga kerja telah ditemukan membawa manfaat yang lebih besar daripada liberalisasi perdagangan barang internasional. Khususnya, kesepakatan ASEAN Movement of Natural Person MNP ditandatangani untuk meliberalisasi dan menghilangkan hambatan dalam gerakan lintas batas sementara dari orang yang terlibat dalam perdagangan barang, perdagangan jasa dan investasi menuju arus bebas tenaga kerja terampil di ASEAN. Dengan menggunakan data panel negara-negara ASEAN-5 selama periode 2007-2016, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bukti apakah perjanjian ASEAN tentang pergerakan orang alami membawa dampak positif atau negatif pada mobilitas pekerja terampil dari negara-negara ASEAN-5 ke Indonesia. Ditemukan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode estimasi Feasible Generalized Least Square FGLS dengan koreksi untuk korelasi serial, selama periode 2007- 2016, perjanjian ASEAN Movement of Natural Person MNP membawa dampak positif yang signifikan pada mobilitas pekerja migran yang terampil dari ASEAN-5 negara ke Indonesia. Selain itu, ditemukan juga dengan penguraian pekerja terampil migran berdasarkan jabatan, mobilitas Manajer, Direktur, Konsultan dan Komisioner secara signifikan positif dipengaruhi oleh perjanjian ASEAN MNP.

Liberalization on international services trade and further on labor movements was found to bring larger benefits than international goods trade liberalization. Particularly, ASEAN Movement of Natural Person MNP agreement was signed to liberalize and to eliminate barriers in the temporary cross border movement of natural persons involved in the trade in goods, trade in services and investment towards free flow of skilled labour in ASEAN. By using panel data of ASEAN 5 countries during period 2007 2016, this study aimed to find the evidence whether ASEAN agreement on movement of natural person was brought positive or negative effect on skilled workers mobility from ASEAN5 countries into Indonesia. It was found that by using Feasible Generalized Least Square FGLS estimation methods with correction for serial correlation, during period 2007 2016, ASEAN agreement on Movement of Natural Person MNP brought significantly positive effect on skilled migrant workers mobility from ASEAN 5 countries to Indonesia. Moreover, it was also found by decomposing skilled migrant workers by job title, the Manager, Director, Consultant and Commisioner mobility was significantly positive affected by ASEAN agreement on MNP."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The presence of Indonesia Migrant Workers (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, TKI) in Malaysia has proven to provide economic as well as social contribution beneficial for both countries. However, apart from this positive implication. It still process crucial problem of the unoptimized protection of TKI. It is not a respective domestic problem of the two countries. It is rather a bilateral problem that must be settled through sinergized policy of both countries. The system of institutional structure of the state policy and the role of business people involved in manpower in both countries need to be reorganized for the purpose of policy revitalization to ensure the good sending, replacement and protection of TKI in Malaysia. In the future, elements of policy of both countries must be guaranteed to be functional effectively. It is crucial due to the fact that TKI occupies strategic position for the acceleration of development in Malaysia and as valuable source of foreign exchange for Indonesia. TKI is potential to boost the enhanced quality of bilateral relation in economic, political, social as well as cultural spheres."
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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