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"Pengampunan dan penghantaran pulang pekerja tanpa izin ke negara asal mereka adalah langkah drastik yang pernah diambil oleh kerajaan Malaysia untuk menangani masalah kebanjiran pekerja asing tanpa permit di Malaysia. Tindakan pengampunan menunjukkan kebergantungan kepada pekerja tanpa izin. Penghantaran pulang pula tidak menggambarkan pergantungan tetapi menggambarkan ketegasan atau rasa terdesak Malaysia karena kebanjiran pekerja tanpa izin. Berdasarkan tindakan tersebut, Malaysia telah dikritik oleh pelbagai pihak khususnya berkaitan isu hak asasi manusia. Berdasarkan data dan statistik dari agensi-agensi kerajaan, artikel ini membincangkan senario kebergantungan ke atas pasaran pekerja asing yang berlaku di Malaysia. Ia juga turut mengupas isu sejauh mana tindakan penghantaran pulang PATI telah mmeberi kesan ke atas pasaran buruh tempatan khususnya di Sabah dan juga bagaimana tindakan tersebut telah menimbulkan pelbagai dakwaan negatif ke atas Malaysia berhubung isu hak asasi manusia."
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The presence of Indonesia Migrant Workers (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, TKI) in Malaysia has proven to provide economic as well as social contribution beneficial for both countries. However, apart from this positive implication. It still process crucial problem of the unoptimized protection of TKI. It is not a respective domestic problem of the two countries. It is rather a bilateral problem that must be settled through sinergized policy of both countries. The system of institutional structure of the state policy and the role of business people involved in manpower in both countries need to be reorganized for the purpose of policy revitalization to ensure the good sending, replacement and protection of TKI in Malaysia. In the future, elements of policy of both countries must be guaranteed to be functional effectively. It is crucial due to the fact that TKI occupies strategic position for the acceleration of development in Malaysia and as valuable source of foreign exchange for Indonesia. TKI is potential to boost the enhanced quality of bilateral relation in economic, political, social as well as cultural spheres."
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The plantation sector the oil palm is a growing industry in Sabah contributing a big chunk to the state's economy. However, the sector is also for hiring the biggest number of illegal foreign workers, with approximately more than 2 million. its heavy reliance on foreign and illegal workers, it is highly vulnerable to any government's action that seeks to repatriate illegal worker This paper intends examine two pertinent questions namely why plantations hire illegal workers, and why do foreign workers choose to work as illegal instead of being employed legally This paper is based on several in various plantations throughout Sabah, namely Sandakan, Kinabatangan Lahad Datu and Tawau. This study employed the qualitative method involving observations. The data are also gathered through the interviews with thirty respondents including the government officials, estate managers, and foreign as well as local workers. This study concludes that immigrants frequently decide to work as undocumented workers out of their own will. They also claimed that they conveniently fill in the need for human resources as the locals are not keen to work in estates. Unperturbed by their illegal status, the foreign workers are generally content with their relatively lucrative income. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"National security and economic development could be in conflict. The dynamics of migration of people that touches upon one country's border like that of Malaysia and Indonesia for the interest of economy could lead to tension of the two countries along the borders. As long history of Indonesian migrant workers coming to Malaysia through West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan , the issue of mutual interest in terms of economy as well as the security are crucial to maintaining bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia. The paper is an attempt to make an account of the issue. Using prosperity approach to building security, it is recommended that the economic poverty prevailing in the communities among the Indonesians in the surroundings borders be lifted by way of proper socio-economic development for those communities. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Studi kasus tentang pekerja migran LOmbok Tengah Nusa Tenggara barat (NTB) dan permasalahannya bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab pekerja migran asal Lombok Tengah Nusa Tenggara Barat ke luar negeri dan mengetahui faktor penyebab migran asal Lombok Tengah NTB rawan terhadap tindak kekerasan...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Meningkatnya aktivitas ekonomi dan publik akibat mobilitas pekerja migran yang melintasi maupun yang keberadaannya di kawasan perbatasan Indonesia dengan negara tetangga,menimbulkan berbagai dampak sosial pada kehidupan masyarakat setempat.,khususnya ketahanan sosial masyarakat
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian tentang kebijakan pemerintah Provinsi Tenggara Barat dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2007 atas dasar kenyataan bahwa provinsi ini merupakan kantong buruh migran yang rentan eksploitasi dengan memperkerjakan anak dan perempuan terutama di berbagai kawasan objek wisata...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"This exploratory located in a small area called Dukuh Gamol. Almost people in this region are on-going or farmer of women migrant worker. Their husband,children, and family involved as respondent....."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia concerning Indonesian migrant workers entering Sabah and Serawak, Malaysia, is crucial to ensuring better control an proper implementations of the regulations. Mobility of people in the surrounding areas of Kalimantan have been pulled by economic as well as demographic factors reflecting discrepancies. This paper is an attempt to make an account of the issue focusing on security along the borders of the two countries. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachry Romanza
ABSTRAKNegara mempunyai tanggung jawab melindungi dan mensejahterakan rakyat melalui sistem pemerintahan yang berfungsi dengan baik namun sayangnya kondisi Indonesia tidak seperti itu. Kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan di negara sendiri serta meningkatnya permintaan negara luar akan tenaga kerja Indonesia, mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan migrasi. Dengan hasil remitansi yang besar, pemerintah Indonesia juga mendorong hal tersebut. Tindak migrasi tersebut pada awalnya menguntungkan semua pihak kecuali TKI itu sendiri. Ketika terjadi permasalahan, negara kewalahan dalam menangani kasus-kasus tersebut karena kurangnya langkah preventif. Kondisi Indonesia sebagai Weak State mempersulit pengurusan TKI di luar negeri. Kondisi tersebut diakibatkan oleh krisis ekonomi 1998 dan semenjak saat itu Indonesia mengupayakan untuk memperbaiki keadaaan tersebut tanpa hasil yang signifikan. Kondisi internal yang tidak stabil mempersulit peningkatan kapasitas pemerintahan; yang sebenarnya mempunyai tugas dalam menjamin perlindungan warga negara di luar maupun di dalam negeri. Pada akhirnya ketidakmampuan ini merefleksikan kelemahan yang melemahkan bargaining position Indonesia di dalam dunia internasional.
ABSTRACTThe state bears the responsibility to protect and to provide welfare to the people through a system of government that is functioning properly, but unfortunately the condition of Indonesia is far from its ideal state. The high unemployment rate as well as the increasing demand of Indonesian Migrant workers from country such as Saudi Arabia encouraging them to perform migration. The increasing numbers of remittance income compels the Indonesian government to keep sending migrant workers. The migration was initially beneficial to all parties except the TKI itself. When a problem occurs, the state?s difficulty in handling such cases because of the lack of preventive measures. Indonesian conditions as Weak State complicates the management of migrant workers abroad. The condition was caused by the economic crisis in 1998 and since then Indonesia seek to improve such circumstances without any significant results. Unstable internal conditions complicate governance capacity building; which actually is responsible to ensure the protection of citizens in and outside the country. Ultimately, this inability, reflects the weakness that weakens the bargaining position of Indonesia in the international world."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library