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Ditemukan 157836 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Settlement and construction concept of retailers (PKL) have to develop regulations, construction and protection purposes. Regulation of settlement and construction for PKL have to accommodation sociological, juridical and philosophical principal to enact local ordinance. Neglecting those dimensions has negative implication for the people, especially PKL. It's no relevance with protection of human rights and good regulation principles."
JIPUR 12:21 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research try to reveal the social network in the economic activity, because it looks as the social capital for maintain the existence and development economic effort. As theoritical, strong and weak the social network get influence by the trust, but the high trust will be to the sides which have the family relationship, friendship and the same ethnic. The result research to five the effort of adorned plants indicated that social network went on between the entrepreneur with aganed, etrerpreneur with land owner, enterprenuer with consumer and between the entrepreneur of adorned plant. Use the land without contract, giving the payment arrears and management the effort bough by the washer is the result of the social network which be in the effort of adorned plants. The high trust in the social network not usually have the family relationship and the same ethnic."
JIPUR 12:21 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endrawati Fatimah
"Dengan dilatar belakangi belum adanya model daya dukung lingkungan (DDL) yang sesuai untuk kota, tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model DDL kota yang diuji coba pada wilayah kajian kota Bekasi serta mengkaji kemungkinan diterapkannya pada berbagai tipologi kota. Lingkup penelitian ini adalah daya dukung (DD) sumberdaya air dan lahan dengan mempertimbangkan DDL sosial yang terkait Model DDL kota yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria: mencakup aspek supply dan demand, mencakup kuantitas dan kualitas sumberdaya, mempertimbangkan modal komunitas kota dan mempertimbangkan faktor lokasi dalam sistem DAS dan flingsi kota dalam sistem perkotaan. Model ini telah mempertimbangkan sifat dinamis DDL karena adanya pengaruh dinamika manusia. Faktor penentu tipologi kota yang berpengaruh pada model DDL kota adalah ukuran kota, fun^ kota dalam sistem perkotaan, dan posisi lokasi kota dalam sistem DAS.
Hasil pengujian model pada wilayah kajian yaitu kota Bekasi menunjukkan bahwa model dapat diterapkan untuk menganalisis kondisi DDL dengan tipologi semacam kota Bekasi. Kondisi DDL kota Bekasi dapat disimpulkan sudah terlampaui karena DD kuantitas sumberdaya air dan kualitas sungai yang ada sudah terlampaui; dan DD kualitas lahan menunjukkan kawasan lindung belum memenuhi standard kualitas dan kawasan budidaya di 5 (lima) dari 12 (dua belas) Kecamatan di kota Bekasi memiliki kualitas buruk. Kondisi DD kuantitas sumberdaya lahan kota Bekasi belum terlampaui.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model DDL kota ini dapat diterapkan pada berbagai tipologi kota yang ditetapkan berdasarkan ukuran dan fungsi dalam sistem perkotaan. Kajian tentang kemungkinan diterapkannya model pada berbagai tipe kota berdasarkan posisi letak kota dalam sistem DAS menunjukkan bahwa masih diperlukan penelitian lanjutan untuk menetapkan besaran kawasan lindung yang dibutuhkan masing-masing kota tersebut sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhannya."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Public utilities development have to growth compatibalities and urban system. Atleast, need two of paradigm; economic and ecology. Convergencies of economic and ecology paradigm has to implemented on urban planning., who concider city development, population and public service."
JIPUR 12:21 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karubaba, Jannes Johan
Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus ekologi pembangunan masyarakat adat
Papua dan implikasinya untuk pemekaran provinsi, pembinaan
kesadaran nasional dan pengembangan ilmu lingkungan sebagai
muitidisiplin ilmu.
Nilai-nilai kcarifan karaktelistik masyarakat adat Papua adalah pandangau yang
mempertahankan, dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungau Karena itu, revitalisasi
nilai-nilai kcarifan itu dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan menjamin kelestarian
Studi ini menyediakan 8 teoti baru dan sebuah paradigma bam: (1) Teori
wawasan Kosmologi Papua, (2) Teori pernbangunan berkelanjutan berbasis
revitalisasi nilai-nilai Ibearyizn Iingkungan, (3) Teori Nusaninra sebagai ibunya
masyarakat adat Papua; (4) Teori etnogeologi masyarakat adat Papua sebagai
penduduk terasli Nusantara sqiak zaman prasejaxah kira-kira 1.5-0.7 juta inhun
Ialu; (5) Teori rakyat Papua sebagai pengawal pusaka NKRI S¢C8l?8, ekologis dan
kosmologis; (6) Tcori suku Dani sebagai pohon sumber suku besar Papua dan
suku tertua di Indonesia yang menerapkan traditional civil society; (7) Teori
ekologi pemekaran wilayah; (8) Teori llmu Lingkungan sebagai multidisiplin
ilmu; dan (9) Paradigma bam penclitian lingkungan memadukan metode-metode
penelitian yang mempergunakan pendelcatau-pendekatan kaulitatif dan kuantitatitl
dan berdasarkan nilai-nilai iilosofi ketakhinggam Ini menyediakan suatu model
bemlakna dan terukur untuk pengembangan ilmu lingkungan.
Hasil kajian disertasi memiliki tiga implikasi penting. Pertama, memberikan
penimbangan untuk pemekaran wilayah provinsi di Papua berdasarkan kajlan
ekoiogi Serta sosial budaya. Kedua membuka ruang terhadap pemahaman nilai~
nilai lcearifan lokal Papua yang bukan konsep sempit primordialisme. Ketiga,
pemahaman ini didekati dengan ilmu Iingkungan sebagai multidisiplin yang
terdiri atas: sub sistem ilmu lingkungan alam, sub sistem ilmu Iingkungan sosial
dan sub sistem ilmu iingkungan buatan.
Berdasarkan ekosistem landskap budaya, hukum adat, batas-batas ekoregion,
kondisi geografi dan kemeralaan sebaran sumberdaya alam dapat dibentuk enam
provinsi baru di Papua: (1) Provinsi Jayapura; (2) Provinsi Teluk Cenderawasih;
(3) Provinsi Irian Jaya Barat (Provinsi Papua Barat); (4) Provinsi Fakfak; (5)
Provinsi Papua Sclatan; dan (6) Provinsi Pegunungan Tengah.
Harapan yang terkandung dalam kajian disermsi ini, ke depan supaya tidak ada
lagi pengabaian ekologi dan sosial budaya dalam. kebijakan pembangunan di

This research is a case study about the ecological based development of
Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of.
multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and
developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science.
The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that
defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the
ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the
environmental sustainability in Papua.
This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of
cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on
revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of
the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan
indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about
1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and
cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree
of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil
traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8)
Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new
paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using
quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values?
philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the
development of environmental science.
This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-
cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on
incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be
made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be
interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this
understanding must be approached through environmental science as a
multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science,
namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social
environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.
Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region,
geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new
provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay;
(3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province
of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua.
There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural
values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua
Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability.;his research is a case study about the ecological based development of
Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of.
multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and
developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science.
The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that
defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the
ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the
environmental sustainability in Papua.
This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of
cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on
revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of
the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan
indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about
1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and
cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree
of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil
traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8)
Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new
paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using
quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values?
philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the
development of environmental science.
This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-
cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on
incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be
made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be
interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this
understanding must be approached through environmental science as a
multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science,
namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social
environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.
Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region,
geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new
provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay;
(3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province
of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua.
There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural
values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua
Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability., his research is a case study about the ecological based development of
Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of.
multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and
developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science.
The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that
defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the
ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the
environmental sustainability in Papua.
This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of
cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on
revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of
the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan
indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about
1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and
cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree
of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil
traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8)
Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new
paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using
quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values’
philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the
development of environmental science.
This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-
cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on
incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be
made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be
interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this
understanding must be approached through environmental science as a
multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science,
namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social
environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.
Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region,
geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new
provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay;
(3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province
of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua.
There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural
values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua
Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karubaba, Jannes Johan
Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus ekologi pembangunan masyarakat adat Papua dan implikasinya untuk pemekaran provinsi, pembinaan kesadaran nasional dan pengembangan ilmu lingkungan sebagai muitidisiplin ilmu.
Nilai-nilai kcarifan karaktelistik masyarakat adat Papua adalah pandangau yang mempertahankan, dan menjaga kelestarian lingkungau Karena itu, revitalisasi nilai-nilai kcarifan itu dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan menjamin kelestarian lingkungan Studi ini menyediakan 8 teoti baru dan sebuah paradigma bam: (1) Teori wawasan Kosmologi Papua, (2) Teori pernbangunan berkelanjutan berbasis revitalisasi nilai-nilai Ibearyizn Iingkungan, (3) Teori Nusaninra sebagai ibunya masyarakat adat Papua; (4) Teori etnogeologi masyarakat adat Papua sebagai penduduk terasli Nusantara sqiak zaman prasejaxah kira-kira 1.5-0.7 juta inhun Ialu; (5) Teori rakyat Papua sebagai pengawal pusaka NKRI S¢C8l?8, ekologis dan kosmologis; (6) Tcori suku Dani sebagai pohon sumber suku besar Papua dan suku tertua di Indonesia yang menerapkan traditional civil society; (7) Teori ekologi pemekaran wilayah; (8) Teori llmu Lingkungan sebagai multidisiplin ilmu; dan (9) Paradigma bam penclitian lingkungan memadukan metode-metode penelitian yang mempergunakan pendelcatau-pendekatan kaulitatif dan kuantitatitl dan berdasarkan nilai-nilai iilosofi ketakhinggam Ini menyediakan suatu model bemlakna dan terukur untuk pengembangan ilmu lingkungan.
Hasil kajian disertasi memiliki tiga implikasi penting. Pertama, memberikan penimbangan untuk pemekaran wilayah provinsi di Papua berdasarkan kajlan ekoiogi Serta sosial budaya. Kedua membuka ruang terhadap pemahaman nilai~ nilai lcearifan lokal Papua yang bukan konsep sempit primordialisme. Ketiga, pemahaman ini didekati dengan ilmu Iingkungan sebagai multidisiplin yang terdiri atas: sub sistem ilmu lingkungan alam, sub sistem ilmu Iingkungan sosial dan sub sistem ilmu iingkungan buatan.
Berdasarkan ekosistem landskap budaya, hukum adat, batas-batas ekoregion, kondisi geografi dan kemeralaan sebaran sumberdaya alam dapat dibentuk enam provinsi baru di Papua: (1) Provinsi Jayapura; (2) Provinsi Teluk Cenderawasih; (3) Provinsi Irian Jaya Barat (Provinsi Papua Barat); (4) Provinsi Fakfak; (5) Provinsi Papua Sclatan; dan (6) Provinsi Pegunungan Tengah. Harapan yang terkandung dalam kajian disermsi ini, ke depan supaya tidak ada lagi pengabaian ekologi dan sosial budaya dalam. kebijakan pembangunan di Papua.

This research is a case study about the ecological based development of Papuan indigenous people and its implication for the formation of. multiple provinces in Papua, building national unity awareness, and developing environmental science as a multi-discipline science.
The ecological wisdom values of the Papuan indigenous people are views that defend and protect environmental sustainability. Therefore, revitalization of the ecological wisdom values within sustainable development guarantees the environmental sustainability in Papua.
This study provides 8 new theories and one new paradigm: (1) Theory of cosmology view of Papua, (2) Theory of sustainable development based on revitalization ecological wisdom values; (3) Theory of Nusantara as the mother of the Papua indigenous people; (4) Ethno-Geology Theory of the Papuan indigenous people as original resident of Nusantara since prehistoric epoch about 1.5-0.7 million year ago; (5) Theory of the Papuan people as ecologic and cosmologic patrimony guard ofNKRI; (6) Theory of Dani tribe as the source tree of the big tribe of Papua and the eldest tribe in Indonesia applying society civil traditional; (7) Theory of Ecological Multiplication Number of Provinces, (8) Theory of Environmental science as a rnultldiscipline science; and (9) The new paradigm of environmental research combines research methods using quantitative and qualitative approaches and is based on the unlimited values? philosophy. This provides a measurable and meaningful model for the development of environmental science.
This study provides three important implications. Firstly, the ecological, social-cultural values and traditional systems must become the basis for plans on incrementing the number of provinces in Papua Secondly, wider access must be made in order to understand local values and principles, which should not be interpreted as equal to narrow concept of pre-mordialism. Thirdly, this understanding must be approached through environmental science as a multidiscipline science that consists of three sub-system of environmental science, namely: (a) sub system of natural environmental science, (b) sub system of social environmental science; and (c) sub system of constructed environmental science.
Based on cultural landscape ecosystem, customary law, borders of eco-region, geographic setting and equal distribution of natural resources can formed six new provinces in Papua: (1) Province of Jayapura; (2) Province of Cenderawasih Bay; (3) Province of Westem lrian Jaya (Papua); (4) Province of Falcfak; (5) Province of Southem Papua; and (6) Province of Centra] Range of Papua. There is a hope of this study, is that in the future ecological and social-cultural values will no longer be neglected in the development policies in Papua Author Keywords: Values, Wisdom, Environment, Development, Sustainability."
Depok: 2007
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Habib Subagio
"Lahan basah adalah bagian penting yang terintegrasi dengan ekosistem global yang memiliki fungsi penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan seperti mencegah atau mengurangi dampak banjir, menampung air permukaan dan serta menyediakan habitat unik baik flora maupun fauna. Lahan basah perkotaan memberikan jasa ekosistem langsung bagi masyarakat sekaligus mendorong kelangsungan funsi ekologi kota. Upaya pengendalian ruang wilayah kota memerlukan instrumen yang mampu mengintegrasikan variabel lingkungan kompleks yang terdiri dari aspek biofisik, aspek sosial-kultur, dan aspek ekonomi. Perkembangan pemodelan dinamika spasial saat ini masih terkonsentrasi pada penggunaan driving factor biofisik, sementara kompeksitas dinamika alih fungsi lahan perkotaan tentu dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendorong selain biofisik.
Riset ini bertujuan; 1) menganalisis peran dari setiap faktor yang mempengaruhi alih fungsi lahan basah perkotaan berdasarkan hasil pemanfaatan penggalian data (data mining), 2) mengkontruksikan pemanfaatan penggalian data spasial untuk pemodelan dinamika spasial, dan 3) membangun model dinamika spasial untuk memproyeksikan komposisi spasial penggunaan lahan sebagai masukan dalam evaluasi keberlanjutan lahan basah perkotaan.
Metode yang dipakai adalah pemodelan dinamika spasial dengan mengintegrasikan model markov, model cellular automata, dan model driving factor yang dihasilkan dari analisis spasial multitemporal dan pemanfaatan penggalian data spasial. Riset menggunakan 17 data driving factor yang dikategorikan dalam 3 varibel yaitu biofisik, sosio kultur dan ekonomi. Riset mengadopsi 8 driving factor biofisik yang digunakan dalam riset-riset sebelumnya, semnetara itu hasil kontruksi penggalian data spasial menambahkan 9 driving factor yang mewakili variabel sosio-kultur dan variabel ekonomi. Peran dari variabel sosio-kultur dan variabel ekonomi secara mayoritas lebih besar dalam mempengaruhi dinamika spasial alih fungsi lahan basah perkotaan.
Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa keberlangsungan lahan basah perkotaan wilayah riset masih dapat terus terjaga pada seluruh skenario model dengan tren luas lahan basah yang terus menurun. Skenario optimal merupakan pilihan terbaik dengan komposisi spasial yang rasional dan menunjukkan indikator penilaian lingkungan yang memiliki resiko paling rendah untuk indikator nilai koefisien limpasan rerata sebesar 0,458 lebih rendah dibandingkan skenario BAU dengan nilai koefisien limpasan rerata sebesar 0,462. Skenario optimal ini memiliki konsekuensi terjadinya fragementasi lahan basah yang lebih tinggi pada lahan basah yang terdapat pada alokasi lahan untuk permukiman dan lahan jasa perdagangan. Number of Patch (NP) pada skenario optimal pada tahun 2016 sebesar 105 meningkat menjadi 198 pada tahun 2034, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan skenario BAU yang menunjukkan NP sebesar 33 pada tahun 2016 dan NP sebesar 78 pada tahun 2034.

Wetlands are an important part that is integrated with global ecosystems that have important functions in maintaining environmental balance such as preventing or reducing the effects of flooding, storing surface water and as well as providing unique habitats for both flora and fauna. Urban wetlands provide ecosystem services directly to the community while promoting the sustainability of the city's ecological functions. Efforts to control spatial planning require instruments capable of integrating complex environmental variables consisting of biophysical aspects, socio-cultural aspects, and economic aspects. The development of spatial dynamics modeling is currently still concentrated on the use of biophysical driving factors, while the complexity of urban land use change is certainly influenced by driving factors other than biophysical aspects.
This research aims; 1) analyzing the role of each factor that influences the conversion of urban wetlands based on the results of the utilization of data mining, 2) constructing the utilization of spatial data mining for spatial dynamics modeling, and 3) building spatial dynamics models to project the spatial composition of land use as input in evaluating the sustainability of urban wetlands.
The method used is spatial dynamics modeling by integrating the Markov model, cellular automata model, and driving factor models resulting from multitemporal spatial analysis and the use of spatial data mining. The research uses 17 driving factor data which are categorized into 3 variables namely biophysical, socio-cultural and economic. The research adopted 8 biophysical driving factors used in previous research, while the results of the construction of spatial data mining added 9 driving factors representing sociocultural and economic variables. The role of socio-cultural variables and economic variables is predominantly higher in influencing spatial dynamics over the function of urban wetlands.
The results of the research show that the sustainability of urban wetlands in the research area can still be maintained in all model scenarios with a trend of decreasing area of wetlands. The optimal scenario is the best choice with a rational spatial composition and shows the environmental assessment indicators that have the lowest risk for the average runoff coefficient value of 0.458 lower than the BAU scenario with an average runoff coefficient of 0.462. This optimal scenario has the consequence of higher fragmentation of wetlands in the wetland area contained in the allocation of land for settlements and commercial areas. The number of patches (NP) in the optimal scenario in 2016 was 105 increased to 198 in 2034, higher than the BAU scenario which showed a NP of 33 in 2016 and a NP of 78 in 2034.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Limbah adalah isu di dalam kehidupan terutama limbah kemasan plastic sebagai penyebab paling umum. Karena produksi yang semakin meningkat, penggunaan bahan alami sebagai pembungkus makanan dan minuman digantikan dengan bahan sintetis. Penelitian ini mencari cara untuk mengurangi limbah plastic dan menciptakan metode alternative dalam membuat dan mengimplementasikan kemasan makanan. Termasuk melakukan penelitian untuk material baku, kemasan alternative, dan implementasi desain baru. Studi kasus untuk penelitian ini adalah kota Bandung."
630 WKUPJ 1:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sylvia Prisca Delima
"Ketahanan sosial-ekologi adalah kemampuan penyintasan masyarakat dalam menghadapi keterbatasan lingkungan agar dapat pulih apabila terjadi gangguan. Meskipun keterbatasan lingkungan alam dan sosial di Kota Batam dapat dikelola dengan kemajuan teknologi, potensi gangguan tetap perlu diperhitungkan agar perikehidupan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat tetap terjamin.
Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengkonstruksi model ketahanan sosial-ekologi dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan. Pendekatan riset menggunakan metoda gabungan dengan pendekatan kualitatif terkait kondisi ketahanan sosial-ekologi Kota Batam yang dianalisis menggunakan sarana Kualitas Kehidupan Sosial Budaya berbasis fuzzy logic interaksi antara elemen struktural, kultural dan prosesual berkenaan dengan capaian pembangunan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ketahanan sosial-ekologi sangat terkait dengan dinamika lokal, regional dan global; spesifikasi dan spesialisasi lingkungan setempat, karakteristik region, serta faktor-faktor sosial budaya yang berpengaruh dalam menentukan kekhasan lingkungan yang menentukan ketahanan sosial-ekologi. Kondisi ketahanan sosial-ekologi juga dapat bervariasi secara spasial dan menurut waktu sehingga model konseptual ketahanan sosial-ekologi perlu mengakomodasi strategi implementasi yang bersifat multicompartment sekaligus terintegratif.

Social-ecological resilience is the community’s surviving ability to face environmental limitations and possible disruptions. Although physical and social environmental limitations in the City of Batam can be managed with technological advances, the potential of disruptions should be taken into account to assure the good community’s livelihood and welfare.
This research is to construct a social-ecological resilience model in sustainable development. It is based on mixed method research with qualitative approach on the social-ecological resilience condition of the City of Batam; that is analyzed based on the Quality of Socio-Cultural Life that seeks through the fuzzy-logic-interaction between structural, cultural and processual elements on the results and transformation of development.
The results show that the social-ecological resilience condition is related with dynamics of local, regional and global conditions, local environment specifications and specializations, regional characteristics, as well as socio-cultural factors that determine the social-ecological resilience condition that can vary spatially and according to time. Therefore, the conceptual model of social-ecological resilience in sustainable development should accommodate multi-compartment and integrative strategy of implementation.

Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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