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"The Quezon City Controlled Dumping Facility (QCCDF) has been the ‘main disposal site of
Quezon City, the largest city within Metro Manila since the 1970s. With the huge volume of
wastes received every day and with no protective liner on the old mound and creeks directly
connecting the facility to Marikina River, the main river system in eastern Metro Manila, surface
and groundwater contaminations have been a critical concern. The main objective of the study is to
determine the effect of the disposal site on the surface water and groundwater quality by evaluating
the water quality at different points in and around the landfill. Secondarily, it aims to investigate
correlations between the water quality parameters as well as determine any seasonal effects on the
water quality. Sampling points from wells on and around the facility were collected for six months
covering dry and wet season using Horiba water quality monitoring equipment and CHEMetrics V-
2000 Photometer. Leachate quality parameters pH, turbidity, DO, and chloride are not affected by
the change in seasons as evidenced by statistical t-tests. Temperature is higher during the wet
season, while TDS is lower at this time which may be attributed to dilution due to rainfall. DO and
turbidity in leachate is strongly negatively correlated, while temperature and C1‘ in leachate are
positively correlated. In groundwater, the change in season affects temperature, TDS and chloride
concentrations. This trend is not evidenced in pH and turbidity. TDS and chloride are correlated
with each other. Based on the surface water quality measurements, temperature, pH, DO, and TDS
are affected by the change in season while turbidity and chloride are not, based on the comparison
of samples taken from different locations. Aside from strong correlation of Cl’ and TDS, as seen in
groundwater, very strong correlations are also observed between Cl’ and DO, and TDS and DO.
Using chloride ion as indicator of leachate, the study reveals that the leachate tends to spread
downward towards Marikina River. Based on the comparison of chloride concentrations near the
outfall of the leachate creek at Marikina River, it can be seen that the release of leachate at the river
impacts the river as evidenced by an increase in chloride concentration downstream of the outfall."
AEJ 4:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research was carried out to investigate the efficiencies of leachate treatment by using
subsurface flow constructed wetland (CW) with low permeable reactive media and guinea grass
(Panicum maximum TD 58). Pilot scale CW was examined at hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of
0.028 m/d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 d. Two different types of media in CW were
used i.e. system 1: clay and sand mixture at ratio of 40:60 (%w/W) and system 2: clay, iron sludge
and sand mixture at ratio of 30: 10:60 (%w/w). The results showed that the performance of system 2
was better in terms of pollutant removal efficiencies. Average BOD, COD and TKN removals were
76.1, 68.5 and 73.5% respectively. Methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions during the
treatment of CW were 23.2-52.1, 69.1-601.8 and 0.04-0.99 mymzd respectively. The use of CW
with reactive media in system 2 and vegetation resulted in lower GHG emissions. The results show
that CW with low permeable reactive media could be effectively used to remediate leachate from
the landfill site."
AEJ 4:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inas Fadhilah
Latar belakang. Sampah yang menumpuk di tempat pembuangan akhir dapat mengakibatkan tercemarnya lingkungan dan berisiko terhadap kesehatan penduduk setempat. Salah satu penyebab tercemarnya adalah air lindi. Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu TPST Bantar Gebang terletak di Kecamatan Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. TPST Bantar Gebang mengolah air lindi diInstalasi Pengolahan Air Sampah IPAS. Metode. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk mengetahui efisiensi pengolahan air lindi serta mengetahui kadar kadmium dan beberapa parameter lainnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel pada inlet, outlet dan air permukaan pada hari berbeda.Penelitian ini juga ditambah data pengukuran yang dilakukan TPST Bantar Gebang. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan baku mutu PerMenLH nomor 5 tahun 2014 dan PerMenLHK nomor 59 tahun 2016 untuk air lindi sedangkan air permukaan dengan baku mutu PP nomor 82 tahun 2001. Baku mutu air bersih mengacu pada PerMenKes nomor 416 tahun 1990. Hasil. Pada penelitian menunjukkan kadar kadmium, suhu, pH, TSS, TDS, BOD dan COD pada outlet tidak melebihi baku mutu. Namun pada air permukaan kadar BOD dan COD tinggi, hal tersebut dapat disebabkan adanya limbah industri dan rumah tangga. Tingkat efektivitas pada hari senin, TDS 87,76; TSS 82,58; BOD 98,28; COD98,24. Pada hari rabu, TDS 77,84; TSS 78,02; BOD 95,61; COD 95,92. Pada hari jumat, TDS 85,47; TSS 78,7; BOD 97,43; COD 97,58. Hasil pengukuran oleh TPST Bantar Gebang pada September 2017 pada IPAS 1, IPAS 2 dan IPAS3, menunjukkan ada beberapa parameter yang kadar outletnya lebih tinggi dibandingkan inlet. Hasil pengukuran oleh TPST Bantar Gebang pada Oktober 2017 pada hulu, tengah dan hilir sungai Asem dan sungai Ciketing, menunjukkan pada hulu dan hilir, parameter yang diukur kadarnya tinggi. Hasil pengukuran Bantar Gebang pada September 2017 pada air sumur masyarakat, pada beberapa titik sampel, kadar TDS dan coliform tinggi. Kesimpulan. Pengolahan air lindi dilakukan menggunakan bak ekualisasi, bak fakultatif, bak aerasi, polishing pond, bak pengendap, bak pengolahan kimia dan biologi, kolam lumpur dan sand filter.

Waste which accumulates in landfills can lead to contamination ofthe environment and risk to the health of the local population. One cause of contamination is leachate. Integrated Waste Treatment Plant TPST Bantar Gebang is located in Bantar Gebang District, Bekasi, West Java. Bantar Gebang TPST treated leachate water in Waste Water Management Site IPAS. Method. This research was conducted to know leachate water treatment efficiency and toknow cadmium content and some key parameters. This study was conducted by sampling on inlet, outlet and surface water on different days. This study also added measurement data conducted by TPST Bantar Gebang. The results were analyzed and compared to the regulatory standards of the Minister of Environment No. 5 of 2014 and No. 59 of 2016 for leachate water, while the surface water with the quality standard of PP number 82 of 2001. The standard of clean water quality refers to the regulatory of the Minister of Health No. 416 of1990. Result. The results showed cadmium, temperature, pH, TSS, TDS, BOD and COD at outlets do not exceed the quality standard. However, in surface waterwhose high of BOD and COD, it can be caused by industrial and house hold waste. The effectiveness level on Monday, TDS 87.76 TSS 82.58 BOD98.28 COD 98.24. Effectiveness level on Wednesday, TDS 77.84 TSS78.02 BOD 95.61 COD 95.92 . Effectiveness level on Friday, TDS85.47 TSS 78.7 BOD 97.43 COD 97.58. The results of Bantar Gebangmeasurement in September 2017 on IPAS 1, IPAS 2 and IPAS 3, indicate thatthere are some parameters whose outlet content is higher than inlet. The results ofBantar Gebang measurement in October 2017 on upstream, middle anddownstream of Asem and Ciketing rivers show upstream and downstream, measured parameters are high. The results of Bantar Gebang measurement in September 2017 on community clean water, at some sample points, TDS and coliform levels are high. Conclusion. Leachate treatment is using equalization basin, facultative basin, aeration basin, polishing pond, sedimentation basin,chemical and biological treatment basin, mud pool and sand filter. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanyzia Fajrianas Kautsar
Peningkatan produksi lindi dari TPA banyak yang tidak diikuti dengan banyaknya instalasi pengolahan lindi yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar penyisihan COD, TN, dan TSS serta waktu detensi optimumnya menggunakan Anoxic-Aerobic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR . MBBR merupakan suatu unit pengolahan biologis dengan mengkombinasikan sistem attached growth dengan suspended growth. Operasioanal MBBR dilakukan menggunakan sistem batch, yang terdiri atas tiga proses, yaitu seeding, aklimatisasi, dan feeding. HRT atau waktu detensi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 12 dan 24 jam. Konsentrasi COD, TN, dan TSS pada influen lindi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berturut-turut berada pada rentang 3345 mg/L ndash; 6000 mg/L, 2285 mg/L ndash; 2585 mg/L, dan 650 mg/L ndash; 2155 mg/L. Dari penelitian ini diketahui efisiensi penyisihan COD, TN, dan TSS pada saat HRT 12 jam berturut-turut berada pada rentang 59.47 - 66.58 , 58.87 - 70.50 , dan 51.72 - 54.79 . Sedangkan efisiensi penyisihan COD, TN, dan TSS pada saat HRT 24 jam berturut-turut berada pada rentang 62.48 - 69.99 , 70.23 - 83.56 , dan 53.33 ndash; 61.17 . Dari efisiensi penyisihan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa waktu detensi optimum pada penelitian ini adalah 24 jam. Namun efisiensi penyisihan yang kurang maksimal menyebabkan efluen dari penelitian ini masih berada di atas baku mutu.

There are so many leachate produced by solid waste landfill which is not required by effective leachate treatment unit. The purpose of this study is to know the removal efficiency of COD, TN, and TSS, and also the optimum HRT using Anoxic Aerobic Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR . MBBR is a biological processing unit that combine attached growth system with suspended growth system. The MBBR 39 s operational system that used in this study is batch system. HRT that used in this study is 12 and 24 hours. COD, TN, and TSS concentrations of Cipayung landfill leachate is in range 3345 mg L ndash 6000 mg L, 2285 mg L ndash 2585 mg L, dan 650 mg L ndash 2155 mg L resepectively. The removal efficiency of COD, TN, and TSS with 12 hours HRT as result of this study is in range 59.47 66.58 , 58.87 70.50 , dan 51.72 54.79 respectively. And The removal efficiency rof COD, TN, and TSS with 24 hours HRT as result of this study is in range 62.48 69.99 , 70.23 83.56 , dan 53.33 ndash 61.17 respectively. The optimum time detention HRT of this study is 24 hours. The small value of removal efficiency causes the leachate concentrations still exceeds the quality standard."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virly Ferliani Aswirta
"Kota Metro merupakan salah satu kota dengan tingkat pelayanan air perpipaan yang rendah (5,05%), sehingga sebagian besar masyrakatnya menggunakan air tanah dengan sistem self-supply. Akan tetapi, keamanan sistem sumber self supply saat ini menjadi isu di masyarakat. Metode continuous monitoring dari April – Oktober 2021 melalui telepon setiap bulan dilakukan untuk membantu penilaian tingkat layanan air minum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis variabilitas sumber air bersih dan air minum, menganalisis variabilitas tingkat pelayanan air minum yang dipersepsikan aman, menganalisis variabilitas biaya operasional dan pengelolaan layanan sumber air minum di rumah tangga, dan menganalisis intervensi pengolahan air minum di rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan kualitas air minum. Analisis dilakukan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan software SPSS 24 untuk uji Regresi Logistik Biner. Hasil menunjukkan 97% sumber air masyarakat Kota Metro adalah sumber air self-supply, yang didominasi oleh sumur gali tak terlindungi milik pribadi (45% sumber air bersih dan 30% sumber air minum). Berdasarkan persepsi rumah tangga (keamanan, rasa, penampilan, bau, keandalan, dan ketersediaan air minum), air isi ulang dan air kemasan memiliki tingkat keamanan paling konsisten selama 6 bulan survei (100%). Sistem non-self-supply diketahui lebih aman dari sistem self-supply dengan persentase 98% dan 95%. Variabel kejadian banjir diketahui signifikan terhadap penilaian tingkat pelayanan sumber air minum yang dipersepsikan aman dengan peluang 0,059 kali dalam mempengaruhinya. Rata-rata biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk maintenance mesin pompa adalah Rp 683.750,00 dan untuk maintenance lainnya (pipa, kran air, dll) sekitar Rp 85.833,00 per rumah tangga. Sedangkan biaya yang dihabiskan oleh 1 rumah tangga dalam 1 minggu untuk air isi ulang adalah sekitar Rp 19.751,00, sedangkan untuk air kemasan sekitar Rp 40.986,00. Variabel yang mempengaruhi biaya air minum adalah pengolahan air dengan perebusan yang berpeluang 0,029 kali. Berdasarkan persepsi rumah tangga, masalah sumber air minum yang paling banyak terjadi pada sumber air baku adalah penampilan (29,4%) dan bau (28,3%), serta kadar E.coli (72%) pada air minum. Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan intervensi strategi pengolahan air minum untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dan meningkatkan kualitas air minum. Adapun intervensi pengolahan air minum yang direkomendasikan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah Slow Sand Filter (SSF) dengan media tambahan berupa Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) serta unit disinfeksi sinar UV.

Metro City is one of the cities with a low level of piped water service (5,05%), so that most of the people use groundwater with a self-supply system. However, the safety of the self-supply source system is currently an issue in society. A continuous monitoring method from April – October 2021 by telephone every month was carried out to help assess the level of drinking water services. The purpose of this study are to analyze the variability of clean water and drinking water sources, to analyze the variability of the level of drinking water services that are perceived as safe, to analyze the variability of operational and maintenances costs of drinking water facility in households, and to analyze the intervention of drinking water treatment in households to improve the quality of drinking water. The analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical analysis and SPSS 24 software for the Binary Logistics Regression test. The results show that 97% of Metro City's water sources are self-supply water sources, which are dominated by private unprotected dug wells (45% for clean water sources and 30% for drinking water sources). Based on household perceptions (safety, taste, appearance, smell, reliability, and availability of drinking water), refill and bottled water had the most consistent level of safety during the 6 months of the survey (100%). Non-self-supply systems are known to be safer than self-supply systems with a percentage of 98% and 95%, respectively. The flood incident variable is known to be significant to the assessment of the service level of drinking water sources that are perceived as safe with a 0,059 times chance of influencing it. The average cost required for pump engine maintenance is Rp 683.750,00 and for other maintenance (pipes, water faucets, etc.) it is around Rp 85.833,00 per household. Meanwhile, the cost spent by 1 household in 1 week for refill water is around Rp 19.751,00, while for bottled water it is around Rp 40.986,00. The variable that affects the cost of drinking water is water treatment by boiling which has a chance of 0.029 times. Based on household perceptions, the most common drinking water source problems that occur in raw water sources are appearance (29,4%) and smell (28,3%) and E.coli (72%) in drinking water. Thus, intervention strategies for drinking water treatment are needed to overcome existing problems and improve drinking water quality. The recommended drinking water treatment intervention to solve this problem is the Slow Sand Filter (SSF) with additional media in the form of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and UV disinfection unit."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Andrianah
"Pada abad ke-18, Kota Batavia mengalami permasalahan air seperti pencemaran sungai dan kekurangan sumber air bersih. Penyebabnya adalah faktor alam seperti daerah Batavia yang pada dasarnya merupakan area rawa dan erupsi Gunung Salak pada tahun 1699. Selain itu, ada faktor manusia seperti pembuangan limbah, sampah dan kotoran oleh penduduk ke Sungai Ciliwung serta masifnya pembangunan pabrik tebu di masa itu. Pemerintah Kota Batavia berusaha mengatasi permasalahan ini dengan membuat sistem saluran air yang dapat menampung dan mengalirkan air bersih atau waterleiding. Salah satu hasil pembangunan tersebut yaitu temuan waterleiding yang berada di Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang struktur waterleiding di Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, analisis data, dan interpretasi data. Hasilnya adalah bentuk bak penampungan air adalah jajar genjang dan pipa terakota berbentuk bundar atau silinder. Pipa terakota dilindungi dengan bata kuning dan bata merah. Fungsi waterleiding adalah untuk menyalurkan air tawar di Kota Batavia, memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih pada masa tersebut.

In the 18th century, Batavia experienced water problems such as river pollution and a lack of clean water sources. The causes are natural factors such as the Batavia area which is basically a swamp area and the eruption of Mount Salak in 1699. Apart from that, there are human factors such as the dumping of waste, rubbish and dirt by residents into the Ciliwung River and the massive construction of sugar cane factories at that time. The Batavia City Government is trying to overcome this problem by creating a water channel system that can accommodate and distribute clean water or water flow. One of the results of this development is the discovery of water leiding which is located on Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan. This research aims to find out about the waterleiding structure on Jalan Pintu Besar Selatan. The methods used are data collection, data processing, data analysis, and data interpretation. The result is that the shape of the water reservoir is parallelogram and the terracotta pipe is round or cylindrical. Terracotta pipes are protected with yellow bricks and red bricks. The function of waterleiding is to distribute fresh water in the City of Batavia, meeting the need for clean water at that time."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Zulvickar
"Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat menjadi kawasan andalan bagi Provinsi NTB dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dan pertumbuhan industri yang terus meningkat. Proyeksi kebutuhan air dari sektor industri pada tahun 2037 menyentuh angka 13,56 juta liter per hari. Sesuai regulasi, pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih bagi sektor industri harus menggunakan akuifer dengan kedalaman lebih dari 40 meter. Untuk mengidentifikasi lapisan batuan terkait potensi air tanah digunakan metode geolistrik 2D. Lima lintasan geolistrik diukur menggunakan resistivitas meter dengan konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger, jarak elektroda 15 meter dan panjang masing-masing jalur 705 meter. Lapisan akuifer dengan kedalaman lebih dari 40 meter diduga berupa pasir lempungan dan breksi lapuk yang tersaturasi dengan kisaran resistivitas 0-30 Ωm dengan batas nir akuifer berupa breksi segar. Akuifer ditemukan pada semua lintasan dengan lintasan 3 menjadi daerah paling prospektif. Titik rekomendasi pengeboran berada tepat di lintasan 3 bagian Barat Daya.

West Sumbawa Regency is a mainstay area for NTB Province with population growth and industrial growth that continues to increase. The projected water demand from the industrial sector in 2037 will reach 13.56 million liters per day. According to regulations, the fulfillment of clean water needs for the industrial sector must use aquifers with a depth of more than 40 meters. To identify rock layers related to groundwater potential, the 2D geoelectric method is used. Five geoelectric lines were measured using a resistivity meter with a Wenner-Schlumberger configuration, the electrode distance was 15 meters and the length of each line was 705 meters.. The aquifer layer with a depth of more than 40 meters is assumed to be clay sand and weathered breccia which are saturated with a resistivity range of 0-30 m with the non-aquifer boundary in the form of fresh breccia. Aquifers were found in all paths with path 3 being the most prospective area. The drilling recommendation point is right on track 3 of the Southwest section."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simone, Abdou Maliqalim, (author.)
Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2014
307.121 SIM j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London : Routledge, 1996
307.76 CIT (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Mashuda
"Pengaturan kewenangan dan tanggung jawab Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air oleh Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Provinsi, dan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota didasarkan pada keberadaan wilayah sungai. Di daerah otonom, air juga dapat menimbulkan konflik dalam pemanfaatanya secara bersama antar Kabupaten/Kota. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mencoba untuk membahas pengaturan sengketa antar kabupaten/kota dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air, dan peran pemerintah dalam penyelesaian sengketa tersebut serta merumuskan model penyelesaian sengketa pengelolaan sumber daya air oleh pemerintah berdasarkan peraturan perundangundangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat preskriptif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual yang berkaitan dengan penyelesaian sengketa sumber daya air antar kabupaten/kota. Jawaban yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian, pertama, Pengaturan kewenangan dan tanggung jawab pengelolaan sumber daya air oleh pemerintah, pemerintah provinsi, dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota didasarkan pada keberadaan wilayah sungai yang bersangkutan. Kedua, Penyelesaian Sengketa yang diatur dalam UU No. 17 Tahun 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air bisa dilihat dalam Pasal 13 dalam mengatur dan mengelola Sumber Daya Air, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 12 yaitu “memfasilitasi penyelesaian sengketa antar kabupaten dan/atau antar kota dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air”. Ketiga, Pendekatan pengelolaan air kedepan dapat menggunakan pendekatan ekoregion yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat dan memastikan terjadinya koordinasi horisontal antar wilayah administrasi yang saling bergantung (hulu-hilir) dalam pengelolaan dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup yang mengandung persoalan pemanfaatan, pencadangan sumber daya alam maupun permasalahan lingkungan hidup.

The regulation of authority and responsibility of Water Resource Management by the Central Government, Provincial Government, and Regency/City Government is based on the existence of river areas. In autonomous regions, water can also cause conflict in its use together between regencys/cities. Therefore, this study tried to discuss the regulation of disputes between regencys/cities in the management of water resources, and the role of the government in the resolution of such disputes and formulated a model of dispute resolution of water resource management by the government based on laws and regulations. This study is a prescriptive normative legal study. The approach used is a statutory and conceptual approach related to the resolution of water resource disputes between d regencys/cities. The answers obtained from the results of the study, first, the regulation of authority and responsibility for water resource management by the government, provincial government, and regency/city government is based on the existence of the river area concerned. Second, Dispute Resolution stipulated in Law Number 17 of 2019 on Water Resources can be seen in Article 13 in regulating and managing Water Resources, Provincial Government as referred to in Article 12 which is “facilitating the resolution of disputes between regencys and/or between cities in Water Resource Management”. Third, the future water management approach can use an ecoregion approach that aims to strengthen and ensure horizontal coordination between interdependent administrative areas (upstream-downstream) in the management and protection of the environment that contains problems of utilization, backup of natural resources and environmental problems."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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