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Patricia Bebby Yolla
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan menganalisis konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 pada pekerja Dinas Perhubungan yang bekerja di Terminal Terpadu Kota Depok pada tahun 2015, dengan menggunakan desain studi deskriptif. Pengukuran konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Leland Legacy Pump dan Sioutas Cascade Impactor. Pengukuran dilakukan selama 8 jam per hari dalam waktu 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 pada pekerja dishub yang bekerja di lapangan lebih tinggi dari pada yang bekerja di bagian administrasi (dalam ruangan), meskipun keduanya sama-sama sudah melebihi nilai ambang batas (NAB) yang ditetapkan oleh WHO (25 μg/m3), US-EPA (35 μg/m3), dan Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.41 tahun 1999 (65 μg/m3). Selain itu, kualitas udara di lingkungan luar dan dalam terminal juga sudah berada pada kategori yang tidak sehat.

This study purposed to measure and analyze personal exposure concentrations of PM2.5 at the Department of Transportation (DISHUB) workers who work in Integrated Terminal Depok City in 2015, with using descriptive design study. The concentrations measurement of PM2.5 personal exposure is using Leland Legacy Pump and Personal Sampling Sioutas Cascade Impactor. This measurement was performed for 8 hours per day within 7 days. The results showed personal exposure concentrations of PM2.5 on Department of Transportation (DISHUB) workers who work in the field (outdoor) is higher than those working in administration (indoor), although both results are already exceeding the threshold level value (TLV) from WHO (25 μg/m3), US-EPA (35 μg/m3), and Indonesian Government Regulation (PP RI No. 41/1999) (65 μg/m3). In addition, the air quality at outside and inside the bus terminal are also in the unhealthy category."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mafta Eka Priyanti
Pencemaran udara yang mengandung Particulate Matter (PM) baik dalam jangka
panjang maupun pendek telah diketahui dapat menyebabkan kematian dan efek
kesehatan terutama pada jantung serta paru-paru. Polisi Satgatur Polda Metro Jaya
merupakan salah satu pekerja yang terpajan akan pencemaran udara tersebut. Maka
dari itu penulis melakukan penelitian pada Polisi Satgatur Polda Metro Jaya untuk
mengetahui gambaran konsentrasi pajanan PM 10 dan 2,5 yang berasal dari
pencemaran udara terutama hasil pembakaran kendaraan bermotor di Pos Polisi
Harmoni, Bundaran HI dan Bundaran Senayan. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan analisis Gravimetri untuk mengetahui
konsentrasi dari partikulat. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu konsentrasi
PM 2,5 dan 10 terbesar di Bundaran Senayan pada shift 1 disaat hari kerja dan jika
dibandingkan dengan standar ACGIH, NIOSH dan OSHA belum melebihi nilai
ambang batas. Akan tetapi jika dibandingkan dengan WHO, sudah melebihi nilai
ambang batas.

Air pollution which contained Particulate Matter (PM) both the short and long term
has been known to cause deaths and health effects especially on the heart and lungs.
Police Satgatur Polda Metro Jaya is one of the workers who can be exposure.
Therefore, this study talked about overview of particulate matter 2,5 and 10 personal
exposure which came from air pollution especially gas emissions from motor vehicles
in Police Station Harmoni, Bundaran HI and Bundaran Senayan. The method which
is used in this research is to use Gravimetry analysis to determine the concentration of
particulates. Results obtained at a biggest concentration of PM 2,5 and 10 is in
Bundaran Senayan on shift 1 while weekday and if compared to ACGIH, NIOSH and
OSHA has not exceeded the quality standards. But if compared to WHO, has
exceeded the quality standards."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apria Montessori
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan konsentrasi PM2,5 udara ambien terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang tetap di Terminal Kampung Rambutan Kota Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PM2,5 ambien mencapai 89 μg/m3. Didapatkan proporsi gangguan paru sebesar 79% (tipe retrikstif 73% dan campuran resktriktif dan obstruktif 6%) dari 68 responden. Tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara konsentrasi PM2,5 dengan gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang di Terminal Kampung Rambutan (p value= 0,215, CI: 0,555-13,700). Ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara status merokok (p=0,015) dan waktu kerja (p value = 0,047) dengan gangguan fungsi paru. Tidak terdapat satupun faktor lain seperti riwayat penyakit, durasi kerja, umur dengan kejadian gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang di Terminal Kampung Rambutan. Selanjutnya diperlukan adanya perbaikan lingkungan terminal, perubahan perilaku merokok dan kerjasama multisektor terkait pencegahan penyakit.

This study aims to determine the relationship between ambient air PM2.5 concentrations to impaired lung function among sellers at Kampung Rambutan Bus Station, Jakarta City. The results showed ambient PM2.5 reached 89 μg / m3. The proportion of impaired lung function was 79% of 68 respondents (restrictive type 73% and restrictive and obstructive mixture 6%). There was no significant relationship between PM2.5 concentration and impaired lung function in Kampung Rambutan Bus Station seller (p value = 0.215, CI: 0.555-13,700). It was found there is significant relationship between smoking status (p = 0.015) and work time (p value = 0.047) with impaired lung function. There were no other factors such as disease history, duration of work, and age with the occurrence of impaired lung function among sellers at Kampung Rambutan Bus Station. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the terminal environment, change smoking behavior and multisector cooperation related to disease prevention."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Pandu Pertiwi
PM2,5 merupakan salah satu indikator adanya pencemaran udara dalam
ruang (indoor air pollution). Indonesia termasuk peringkat kelima jumlah kasus TB
terbesar di dunia, dan Kota Cirebon merupakan kota dengan angka penemuan kasus
TB paru tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
menganalisis hubungan PM2,5 di udara ruang dalam rumah dengan kejadian TB
paru BTA positif di Kota Cirebon.
Disain penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol. Kriteria kasus adalah penderita
baru TB Paru yang berusia minimal 15 tahun dan hasil pemeriksaan sputum positif
berdasarkan konfirmasi laboratorium Puskesmas periode November 2014 s/d April
2015 serta bertempat tinggal di Kota Cirebon. Kriteria kontrol adalah tetangga
terdekat kasus yang tidak menderita TB paru, tidak memiliki gejala klinis mirip TB
paru berdasarkan konfirmasi dari petugas puskesmas setempat, berusia minimal 15
tahun dan bertempat tinggal di Kota Cirebon. Total jumlah sampel adalah 168
responden dengan jumlah kasus adalah 84 responden, dan kontrol 84 responden.
Konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara ruang dalam rumah berpengaruh terhadap
kejadian TB paru BTA positif di Kota Cirebon (OR 7,034; 95% CI 3,570 ? 13,860).
Variabel lainnya yang signifikan adalah jenis kelamin (OR 3,947; 95% CI 2,026-
7,692), lama berada di rumah (OR 2,682; 95% CI 1,430 ? 5,028), jenis bahan bakar
memasak (OR 3,260; 95% CI 1,116-9,523), status merokok (OR 3,034; 95% CI
1,446 ? 6,365), jenis atap rumah (OR 3,713; 95% CI 1,945 ? 7,089), dan laju
ventilasi kamar (OR 2,493; 95% CI 1,264 ? 4,918). Hasil analisis multivariat
dengan regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi PM2,5 dalam rumah
berhubungan dengan kejadian TB paru BTA positif (OR adjusted 6,14; 95% CI
2,904-12,975) dikontrol oleh variabel jenis kelamin, jenis atap rumah, dan laju
ventilasi kamar. Masih banyak rumah yang belum dilengkapi jendela atau
ventilasinya kurang, atap rumah tidak dilengkapi oleh langit-langit, sehingga masih
banyak rumah yang tidak memenuhi kriteria rumah sehat. Diperlukan upaya
peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang kriteria rumah sehat,
dan masyarakat agar menjaga pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, termasuk tidak

PM2,5 is one indicator of indoor air pollution. Indonesia is the fifth largest
number of TB cases in the world, and the city of Cirebon is a city with the highest
rate of pulmonary TB case detection in West Java province. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between PM2,5 in the indoor air and the
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the city of Cirebon.
The design of this study was a case-control. Cases criteria were patients
with TB minimum age 15 years old and had positive sputum test confirmed with
public health care laboratory test from November 2014 to April 2015 and lived in
Cirebon City. Controls criteria were the nearest neighbor not suffering TB and had
no clinical symptomps similar to TB confirmed by the local public health centre
officials, at least 15 years old and resides in Cirebon city. The total number of
samples is 168 respondents by the number of cases is 84 respondents, and 84
control respondents.
PM2,5 concentration in the indoor air affected the incidence of smearpositive
pulmonary TB in Cirebon city (OR 7.034; 95% CI 3.570 to 13.860).
Significant other variables are gender (OR 3.947; 95% CI 2.026 to 7.692), indoorstay
period (OR 2.682; 95% CI 1.430 to 5.028), the type of cooking fuel (OR 3.260;
95% CI 1.116 to 9.523), smoking status (OR 3.034; 95% CI 1.446 to 6.365), types
of roofs (OR 3.713; 95% CI 1.945 to 7.089), and the ventilation rate of the room
(OR 2.493; 95% CI 1.264 to 4.918). Results of multivariate analysis using logistic
regression modeling showed that concentrations of PM2,5 in the indoor air
associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB smear positive (OR adjusted 6,14;
95% CI 2.904 - 12.975) after being controlled by the variable gender, roof type of
the house, and the ventilation rate of the room. There are still many homes are not
equipped with a window or a lack of ventilation, the roof of the house is not
completed by the ceiling, so there is still a lot of homes that do not meet the criteria
for a healthy home. Necessary efforts to increase knowledge and awareness about
the criteria of a healthy home, and the community to maintain a clean and healthy
lifestyle, including not smoking.;PM2,5 is one indicator of indoor air pollution. Indonesia is the fifth largest
number of TB cases in the world, and the city of Cirebon is a city with the highest
rate of pulmonary TB case detection in West Java province. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between PM2,5 in the indoor air and the
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the city of Cirebon.
The design of this study was a case-control. Cases criteria were patients
with TB minimum age 15 years old and had positive sputum test confirmed with
public health care laboratory test from November 2014 to April 2015 and lived in
Cirebon City. Controls criteria were the nearest neighbor not suffering TB and had
no clinical symptomps similar to TB confirmed by the local public health centre
officials, at least 15 years old and resides in Cirebon city. The total number of
samples is 168 respondents by the number of cases is 84 respondents, and 84
control respondents.
PM2,5 concentration in the indoor air affected the incidence of smearpositive
pulmonary TB in Cirebon city (OR 7.034; 95% CI 3.570 to 13.860).
Significant other variables are gender (OR 3.947; 95% CI 2.026 to 7.692), indoorstay
period (OR 2.682; 95% CI 1.430 to 5.028), the type of cooking fuel (OR 3.260;
95% CI 1.116 to 9.523), smoking status (OR 3.034; 95% CI 1.446 to 6.365), types
of roofs (OR 3.713; 95% CI 1.945 to 7.089), and the ventilation rate of the room
(OR 2.493; 95% CI 1.264 to 4.918). Results of multivariate analysis using logistic
regression modeling showed that concentrations of PM2,5 in the indoor air
associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB smear positive (OR adjusted 6,14;
95% CI 2.904 - 12.975) after being controlled by the variable gender, roof type of
the house, and the ventilation rate of the room. There are still many homes are not
equipped with a window or a lack of ventilation, the roof of the house is not
completed by the ceiling, so there is still a lot of homes that do not meet the criteria
for a healthy home. Necessary efforts to increase knowledge and awareness about
the criteria of a healthy home, and the community to maintain a clean and healthy
lifestyle, including not smoking., PM2,5 is one indicator of indoor air pollution. Indonesia is the fifth largest
number of TB cases in the world, and the city of Cirebon is a city with the highest
rate of pulmonary TB case detection in West Java province. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between PM2,5 in the indoor air and the
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the city of Cirebon.
The design of this study was a case-control. Cases criteria were patients
with TB minimum age 15 years old and had positive sputum test confirmed with
public health care laboratory test from November 2014 to April 2015 and lived in
Cirebon City. Controls criteria were the nearest neighbor not suffering TB and had
no clinical symptomps similar to TB confirmed by the local public health centre
officials, at least 15 years old and resides in Cirebon city. The total number of
samples is 168 respondents by the number of cases is 84 respondents, and 84
control respondents.
PM2,5 concentration in the indoor air affected the incidence of smearpositive
pulmonary TB in Cirebon city (OR 7.034; 95% CI 3.570 to 13.860).
Significant other variables are gender (OR 3.947; 95% CI 2.026 to 7.692), indoorstay
period (OR 2.682; 95% CI 1.430 to 5.028), the type of cooking fuel (OR 3.260;
95% CI 1.116 to 9.523), smoking status (OR 3.034; 95% CI 1.446 to 6.365), types
of roofs (OR 3.713; 95% CI 1.945 to 7.089), and the ventilation rate of the room
(OR 2.493; 95% CI 1.264 to 4.918). Results of multivariate analysis using logistic
regression modeling showed that concentrations of PM2,5 in the indoor air
associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB smear positive (OR adjusted 6,14;
95% CI 2.904 - 12.975) after being controlled by the variable gender, roof type of
the house, and the ventilation rate of the room. There are still many homes are not
equipped with a window or a lack of ventilation, the roof of the house is not
completed by the ceiling, so there is still a lot of homes that do not meet the criteria
for a healthy home. Necessary efforts to increase knowledge and awareness about
the criteria of a healthy home, and the community to maintain a clean and healthy
lifestyle, including not smoking.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zuly Prima Rizkya
"Pajanan PM2.5 baik dalam jangka panjang maupun pendek telah diketahui dapat menyebabkan kematian dan efek kesehatan terutama pada jantung dan pembuluh serta paru-paru. Atas dasar tersebut, peneliti melakukan penelitian di Pusat Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor unit Pulo Gadung, untuk mengetahui pajanan PM2.5 yang diterima oleh pekerja yang berasal dari emisi dari gas buang kendaraan bermotor yang merupakan salah satu kontributor terbesar kadar PM di daerah perkotaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pajanan PM pada 10 petugas penguji dan 4 petugas administrasi sebagai sampel. Pengambilan sampel PM2.5 mengacu pada metode IP-10A dari EPA yang telah diperbarui oleh SKC. Rata-rata konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 selama pekerja pada periode penelitian yang diterima oleh petugas penguji mekanik adalah sebesar 149.01 µm/m3 dan 103.28 µm/m3 pada petugas administrasi. Setelah konversikan dan dibandingkan dengan AQG WHO, pajanan PM2.5 yang diterima oleh petugas penguji maupun petugas administrasi melebihi nilai ambang yang disarankan (25 µm/m3 ).

Exposure to PM2.5 in both the short and long term has been known to cause deaths and health effects, especially on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. On this basis, researcher conducted a study in the Motor Vehicle Testing Centre at Pulogadung unit, to determine the concentration of PM2.5 received by workers coming from the exhaust gas emissions from motor vehicles is one of the largest contributors to the levels of PM in urban areas. This study uses personal PM exposure of 10 emission test officers and four administrators as a sample. Sampling PM2.5 refers to methods of IP-10A from the EPA that has been updated by SKC. The average personal exposure concentrations of PM2.5 in the study period received by the clerk of mechanical testing amounted to 149.01 μm / m3 and 103.28 μm/m3 on administrative officer. Once converted and compared with WHO AQG, PM2.5 exposure received by testers officer or administrative officer exceeds the recommended value (25 µm/m3 )."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadhila Beladina
"PM2,5 merupakan salah satu indikator penilaian kualitas udara, yang telah dilaporkan sebagai penyebab dari berbagai gangguan kesehatan, salah satunya penurunan fungsi aru -; paru pada manusia. Industri marmer merupakan salah satu industri yang banyak menghasilkan PM2,5 sebagai limbah hasil produksinya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan intervensi kesehatan, khususnya kesehatan lingkungan kerja di industri marmer.
Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara tempat industri marmer dengan kejadian penurunan fungsi paru pada pekerjanya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Februari hingga Juni 2017, menggunakan studi potong lintang. Penelitian ini melibatkan seluruh pekerja industri marmer yang berjumlah 45 orang, dan 5 titik pengukuran kualitas udara di sentra industri marmer X sebagai sampel. Fungsi paru pekerja diukur menggunakan spirometri, sedangkan konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara diukur menggunakan HVAS.
Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik chi-square, regresi logistik, dan regresi linear dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor lingkungan dengan konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara, konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara dengan kejadian penurunan fungsi paru, serta hubungan antara karakteristik individu dengan kejadian penrunan fungsi paru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara kelembaban dengan konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara nilai p = 0,013.
Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan hubungan signifikan antara konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara dengan penurunan fungsi paru pada pekerja nilai p = 0,004; OR = 7,56 . Karakteristik individu yang mempengaruhi penurunan fungsi paru pada pekerja antara lain adalah IMT nilai p = 0,011; OR = 6,909 dan masa kerja nilai p = 0,003; OR = 1,292.
Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara tempat industri marmer dengan kejadian penurunan fungsi paru pada pekerja di sentra industri marmer X, Kabupaten Tulungagung, tahun 2017.

PM2,5 is an air quality indicator, that have been reported as the cause of some health problems, including lung function decline. Marble industry is one of industries that produce PM2,5 as the waste of marble production. Therefore, health intervention, industrial environmental health in particular, is needed as preventive measures.
The objective of this study was to understand about the association between PM2,5 concentration in marble production room and lung function decline among the workers. This study was held on February to June of 2017, using cross sectional study This study involving all of the marble production workers, total of 45 person, and 5 point of air quality measurement in X marble industry as the samples. Lung function decline was measured by spirometry method, while the PM2,5 concentration was measured using High Volume Air Sampler.
Bivariate analysis using chi - square, logistic regression, and linear regression was done to know about the association between environmental factors and PM2,5 concentration, PM2,5 concentration and lung function decline, also between individual characteristics and lung function decline.
The study result showed significant association between humidity and PM2,5 concentration p value 0,013 . The result also showed significant association between PM2,5 concentration and lung function decline among the workers p value 0,004 OR 7,56 . Induvidual characteristics that affected the lung function decline among the workers is BMI p value 0,011 OR 6,909 and the work duration p value 0,003 OR 1,292.
The conclusion of this study is, PM2,5 concentration in marble production room is significantly associated with lung function decline among the workers in X marble production, Tulungagung, 2017.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Putri Calista
"Pencemaran udara menjadi ancaman besar bagi masyarakat dunia. Salah satu indikator yang umum adalah Particulate Matter 2.5 atau PM 2.5. PM 2.5 merupakan polutan yang dapat masuk ke paru-paru bahkan sampai pada alveolus dan dapat berdifusi ke pembuluh darah. PM 2.5 juga dapat mengandung ataupun mengadsorpsi logam berat, gas beracun, virus, bakteri, dan zat berbahaya lainnya. Tingginya konsentrasi PM 2.5 dapat menimbulkan berbagai efek kesehatan pada manusia. Salah satu sumber PM 2.5 adalah transportasi. Sekolah yang lokasinya dekat dengan jalan raya berisiko terhadap pajanan PM 2.5 yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi risiko kesehatan terhadap pajanan PM 2.5 pada siswa dan guru yang bekerja di SDN Cisalak 1 Tahun 2024. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) dari Bulan Maret-Mei 2024. Sampel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 23 guru dan 63 siswa kelas 4 dan kelas 5. Pengukuran konsentrasi PM 2.5 dilakukan di 5 titik menggunakan alat DustTrak DRX 8533 selama 1 jam di tiap titiknya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata konsentrasi PM 2.5 di SDN Cisalak 1 adalah 0,208 mg/m3 atau 0,121 mg/m3 setelah dikonversi menjadi konsentrasi 24 jam. Konsentrasi tersebut masih berada di atas baku mutu Permenkes RI No. 2 Tahun 2023. Besar risiko secara realtime dan lifespan, baik pada siswa maupun guru secara keseluruhan menyatakan nilai RQ ≤ 1 yang artinya secara keseluruhan, siswa dan guru masih aman dari pajanan PM 2.5 dengan konsentrasi tidak lebih dari 0,208 mg/m3. Namun, jika dilakukan perhitungan secara individu, didapatkan sebanyak 4,48% dan 55,5% siswa berisiko terhadap pajanan PM 2.5 secara realtime dan lifespan. Sdangkan pada guru sebanyak 72,7% guru berisiko terhadap pajanan PM 2.5 secara lifespan selama 30 tahun. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meminimalisir risiko tersebut adalah dengan melakukan pembatasan pajanan melalui pembersihan ruang kelas secara rutin, penyortiran barang atau berkas, dan melakukan penghijauan di area sekolah.

Air pollution is a major threat to world society. One common indicator is Particulate Matter 2.5 or PM 2.5. PM 2.5 is a pollutant that can enter the lungs and even reach the alveoli and can diffuse into the blood vessels. PM 2.5 can also contain or adsorb heavy metals, toxic gases, viruses, bacteria and other dangerous substances. High concentrations of PM 2.5 can cause various health effects in humans. One source of PM 2.5 is transportation. Schools that located close to highways have a high risk of PM 2.5 exposure. This study aims to estimate the health risk of exposure to PM 2.5 in students and teachers working at SDN Cisalak 1 in 2024. This research was conducted using the Environmental Health Risk Analysis (ARKL) method from March-May 2024. The sample in this study consisted of 23 teachers and 63 students in grades 4 and 5. PM 2.5 concentrations were measured at 5 points using a DustTrak DRX 8533 for 1 hour at each point. The results of this study show that the average PM 2.5 concentration at SDN Cisalak 1 is 0.208 mg/m3 or 0.121 mg/m3 after being converted to a 24 hour concentration. This concentration is still above the quality standards of  Permenkes RI No. 2 Tahun 2023. The overall RQ value, for both students and teachers, is RQ ≤ 1, which means that overall, students and teachers are still safe from exposure to PM 2.5 with a concentration of no more than 0.208 mg/m3. From individual calculations, the results showed that 4.48% and 55.5% of students were at risk of exposure to PM 2.5 in realtime and lifespan. Meanwhile, 72.7% of teachers are at risk of exposure to PM 2.5 over a lifespan of 30 years. To reduce exposure can be done by cleaning up the classrooms, sorting items or files, and planting trees in school area."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Tahta Kurniawan
Pajanan particulate matter 2.5 kepada manusia dapat menyebabkan terjadinya inflamasi akut dan kronik hingga menimbulkan terjadinya perubahan sel yang abnormal. Inflamasi terjadi akibat adanya respon tubuh terhadap dengan melepaskan Tumor Necrosis Factor ? Alpha sebagai protein stimulus inflamasi di dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan dengan kadar di Pusat Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Ujung Menteng dan Pulogadung, penelitian ini juga menganalisis status merokok, kategori obesitas, dan umur pada pekerja, dengan menggunakan Uji ? T independen (T ? test). Sampel penelitian sejumlah 42 pekerja di PKB Ujung Menteng dan Pulogadung sebagai kelompok terpajan dan 27 pekerja Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) sebagai kelompok kontrol. Analisis nilai kadar dalam darah dilakukan di laboratorium dengan teknik quantitative sandwich enzyme immune assay / ELISA dengan Human / TNFSF1A HS (R&D Systems). Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik kuantitatif dengan membandingkan nilai kadar pada variabel kelompok terpajan dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pajanan berhubungan dengan nilai kadar dalam darah karakteristik pekerja yang merokok dan obesitas tidak berhubungan nilai kadar dalam darah Selain itu, hubungan umur dengan nilai kadar berhubungan sangat lemah Pajanan pada pekerja secara kronis menimbulkan inflamasi kronik dengan menghasilkan dalam darah melalui proses oxidative stress di dalam tubuh hingga menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem pernapasan dan sistem kardiovaskuler di dalam tubuh.

The exposure of particulate matter 2.5 (PM25) to human can provoke the occurrence of acute and chronic inflammatory that can potentially lead to abnormal cell change. Inflammation occurs due to body response to PM25 by discharging Tumor Necrosis Factor ? Alpha ) as protein inflammatory stimulus inside the body. This research aims to analyze the correlation between PM2.5 exposure concentration with level at Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) center Ujung Menteng and Pulogadung, also to analyze smoking status, obese category, and age of workers, by using independent T ? Test. Research samples of 42 workers at PKB Ujung Menteng and Pulogadung as exposed group and 27 workers of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) as control group. Analysis of level in the blood is conducted at laboratory with quantitative sandwich enzyme immune assay / ELISA technique with Human / TNFSF1A HS (R&D Systems). This research is performed with quantitative analytical method by comparing level score on exposed group variable and control group variable. The research result showed that exposure correlated with level score in the blood characteristics on workers who smoke and obese are not correlated with level score in the blood. Other than that, the correlation between workers? age and level score is proven weak exposure on workers chronically inflicts chronic inflammatory by producing in the blood through oxidative stress process in the body causing disruption of respiratory and cardiovascular system in the body."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damai Arum Pratiwi
"Sopir angkutan kota (angkot) atau mikrolet di Terminal Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur, menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam di jalan sehingga terpajan particulate matter (PM2,5) dalam konsentrasi yang tinggi sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan bahkan kematian dini melalui mekanisme stres oksidatif. Malondialdehyde (MDA) adalah salah satu produk sampingan dari stres oksidatif yang menjadi biomarker peroksidasi lipid. Dalam tesis ini, peneliti mengukur PM2,5 pada 130 driver saat mereka mengendarai angkot selama satu kali pulang pergi. Kadar MDA diperiksa dari sampel urin, indeks massa tubuh (IMT) diukur dengan berat dan tinggi badan, dan data variabel lainnya (masa kerja, durasi kerja, kebiasaan merokok, konsumsi alkohol, konsumsi vitamin, konsumsi minuman energi, kebiasaan olahraga, dan trayek angkutan) dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pajanan PM2,5 dan IMT secara signifikan berhubungan dengan kadar MDA (p <0,05). Secara keseluruhan, tesis ini menyarankan pengemudi untuk mengontrol berat badannya agar kadar MDA dalam tubuh tidak meningkat serta agar sopir melindungi kesehatan dirinya.

Mikrolet drivers in Terminal Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta, who spent long hours on road are exposed to the high concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2,5) which can lead to health problem even premature death through oxidative stress mechanism. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of byproduct from oxidative stress which becomes a biomarker of lipid peroxidation. In this study, we measured PM2,5 in 130 drivers while they were driven one round trip. MDA levels were examined from a urine sample, body mass index (BMI) were measured with body weight and height, and other variables data (working year, work duration per day, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, vitamin consumption, energy drink consumption, sports activities, and driving route) were collected by questionnaire and observation. The result shows that PM2,5 exposures and BMI were significantly associated with MDA levels (p <0.05). Overall, these results suggest drivers maintain their body weight to reduce MDA levels and protect drivers' health."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfi Kamelia Amany
"Asma merupakan penyakit inflamasi saluran napas kronis yang ditandai dengan gejala pernapasan seperti mengi, dispnea, batuk, dan sesak dada. Selama pandemi Covid-19 (2020 – 2022) jumlah kasus asma di DKI Jakarta termasuk Jakarta Pusat mengalami penurunan jika dibandingkan dengan sebelum pandemi terjadi (2018-2019). Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada penurunan polusi udara (PM10) yang menjadi salah satu penyebab penyakit asma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi PM10, suhu udara, kelembaban udara, dan curah hujan dengan jumlah kasus asma di Jakarta Pusat pada waktu sebelum (2018-2019) dan selama (2020-2022) pandemi Covid-19 dengan menggunakan desain studi ekologi time-trend. Metode analisis dilakukan dengan uji beda ≥ 2 rata-rata, uji korelasi, dan uji regresi linear berganda. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang berasal dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta, BMKG wilayah Kemayoran, dan website BMKG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, terdapat perbedaan rata-rata kasus asma, konsentrasi PM10, dan curah hujan yang signifikan antara sebelum (2018-2019) dan selama (2020-2022) pandemi Covid-19 (p = 0,000; p = 0,023; p = 0,050). Selain itu, uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsentrasi PM10 (p = 0,156; r = 0210), suhu udara (p = 0,883; r = 0,019), kelembaban udara (p = 0,380; r = -0,115), curah hujan (p = 0,154; r = -0,186) dengan kasus asma seluruh tahun (2018-2022) di Jakarta Pusat. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini yaitu tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara konsentrasi PM10, suhu udara, kelembaban udara, dan curah hujan dengan kasus asma tahun 2018-2022.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease characterized by respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, dyspnea, coughing and chest tightness. During the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022) the number of asthma cases in DKI Jakarta including Central Jakarta has decreased compared to before the pandemic occurred (2018-2019). The same thing also happened to the decrease in air pollution (PM10), which is one of the causes of asthma. This study aims to determine the relationship between PM10 concentration, air temperature, air humidity, and rainfall with the number of asthma cases in Central Jakarta before (2018-2019) and during (2020-2022) the Covid-19 pandemic using an ecological study design (time-trend). The method of analysis was carried out by means of ≥ 2 difference test, correlation test, and multiple linear regression test. This study used secondary data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, the BMKG for the Kemayoran area, and the BMKG website. The results showed that there were significant differences in average asthma cases, PM10 concentrations, and rainfall before (2018-2019) and during (2020 – 2022) the Covid-19 pandemic (p = 0.000; p = 0.023; p = 0.050). In addition, the correlation test showed that there was no significant relationship between PM10 concentration (p = 0.156; r = 0210), air temperature (p = 0.883; r = 0.019), air humidity (p = 0.380; r = -0.115), rainfall (p = 0.154; r = -0.186) with asthma cases throughout the year (2018-2022) in Central Jakarta. The conclusion in this study is that there is no significant relationship between PM10 concentrations, air temperature, air humidity, and rainfall with asthma cases in 2018 – 2022."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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