"Soil transmitted helminths (STH) merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia terutama di pedesaan. Untuk mencegah infeksi, masyarakat perlu diberikan pengetahuan mengenai STH. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas penyuluhan mengenai siklus hidup STH pada murid tsanawiyah di Kecamatan Pacet, Cianjur. Penelitian menggunakan desain pre-post study dengan intervensi penyuluhan kesehatan. Data diambil 10 September 2011 di Madrasah (MTs) Tsanawiyah X (total populasi), Pacet, Cianjur menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi pertanyaan mengenai siklus hidup STH. Data dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon.
Hasil riset menunjukkan dari 133 responden sebagian besar adalah lakilaki (54,1%), kelas 2 (41,4%), riwayat belum pernah terinfeksi (56,4%), dan riwayat orang sekitar yang pernah terinfeksi (78.9%). Sebelum penyuluhan, nilai median tingkat pengetahuan adalah 40 (0-80). Uji statistik menunjukkan delta score tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0.05) terhadap karakteristik responden. Sesudah penyuluhan, nilai median tingkat pengetahuan adalah 60 (0-100). Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada tingkat pengetahuan murid mengenai morfologi dan daur hidup STH sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan (p<0,001). Disimpulkan tingkat pengetahuan murid mengenai morfologi dan daur hidup STH tidak berhubungan dengan karakteristik responden tetapi dipengaruhi oleh penyuluhan.
Soil Transmitted Helmithes (STH) is a serious health problem in Indonesia especially in rural area. To prevent the infection, people should be given the knowledge about STH. This research was conducted to know the effectiveness of health education in increasing the knowledge level of STH life cycle among Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) students in Pacet, Cianjur. The research design used pre-post study with the intervention of health education. The data was taken on 10 September 2011 in Madrasah Tsanawiyah X (total population), Pacet, Cianjur using questionnaire which consist of questions about STH life cycle. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon test.
The result shows from 133 students most of them were male (51.4%), second grader (41.4%), has never been infected before (56.4%), and most of them have surrounding people who have been infected (78.9%). Before health education, the median score was 40(0-80). From the statistic test, the delta score had no association with the respondent's demographic characteristic (p>0.05). After health education, the median score was 60(0-100). Wilcoxon test shows there was a significant difference in the knowledge level of STH morphology and life cycle before and after health education (p<0.001). In summary, the knowledge level of STH morphology and life cycle did not have association with the respondent?s demographic characteristic but was influenced by health education."