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Aisyah Suci Kirana
"Bank kini tidak hanya fokus pada aktivitas tradisionalnya yang melibatkan peminjam dan pemberi pinjaman, namun juga pada aktivitas terkait dengan pengenaan biaya kepada konsumen atas jasa finansial yang diberikan oleh bank (fee based income). Dengan menggunakan data bank umum yang berasal dari ASEAN 5 periode 2009 - 2013, penelitian ini melihat karakteristik bank dan karakteristik negara yang mempengaruhi fee profitability perbankan.
Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik bank yang mempengaruhi fee profitability adalah ukuran aset, non interest expense, net interest income, solvabilitas, dan likuiditas. Sementara karakteristik negara yang mempengaruhi fee profitability bank adalah konsentrasi industri dan volatilitas nilai tukar pada negara terkait.

In recent years, commercial bank is no longer putting its focus only on traditional activities which involves lender and borrower, but also on non traditional activities by charging fees on customer for the financial services offered. By using commercial bank data in ASEAN 5 for period 2009 - 2013, we examines the influence of bank characteristics and country characteristics towards fee profitability of commercial bank's.
Our findings show that bank characteristics that have influence towards fee profitability are asset size, non interest expense, net interest income, solvability, and liquidity. In addition, country characteristics that have influence towards fee profitability are industry concentration and exchange rate volatility in particular country.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Budiyanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor karakteristik spesifik bank dan struktur sistem keuangan yang diproksikan dengan bank loan (BLOAN), liquid asset to customer and short-term investment (LIQ), loan to deposit ratio (LDR), equity to total asset ratio (EQAS), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), Size, Beban Operasional dan Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), concentration (CONC), total bank assets to GDP (ASSGDP), market capitalization to bank assets (MACPASS), dan market capitalization to GDP (MACGDP) terhadap profitabilitas Bank Umum Konvensional di Indonesia selama periode lima tahun mulai dari 2009 sampai dengan 2013. Pengujian dilakukan dengan model regresi least square. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa karakteristik spesifik bank dan struktur sistem keuangan memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap profitabilitas bank.

This research is aimed to analyze the influence of Specific Bank and Financial Structure Factors that proxied with bank loan (BLOAN), liquid asset to customer and short-term investment (LIQ), loan to deposit ratio (LDR), equity to total asset ratio (EQAS), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), Size, cost to income ratio (BOPO), concentration (CONC), total bank assets to GDP (ASSGDP), market capitalization to bank assets (MACPASS), and market capitalization to GDP (MACGDP) of the Bank Profitability in Indonesia during the period of five years starting from 2009 up to 2013. The tests were conducted with the least square regression model. The results of this research found that bank specific and financial structure significantly has influence on bank profitability."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambang Febriyanto
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor-faktor internal dan
eksternal terhadap profitabilitas bank umum di Indonesia pada periode 2009-2013.
Data yang digunakan berupa data panel, yaitu lima belas bank umum
konvensional dengan aset terbesar pada 31 Desember 2013 selama periode 2009-
2013. Profitabilitas bank diwakili oleh ROAA, faktor internal bank terdiri dari
EQAS, COST, LSIZE, dan LQUICK, sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari
inflasi, ASSGDP, MACPASS. Hasil regresi data panel menunjukkan bahwa
semua faktor internal berpengaruh signifikan dan berhubungan negatif pada
profitablitas, kecuali EQAS yang berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan berhubungan
positif. Kemudian, dua faktor eksternal ditemukan berpengaruh signifikan dan
berhubungan positif dengan ROAA, yaitu ASSGDP dan MACPASS, sedangkan
inflasi ditemukan tidak berpengaruh signifikan dan mempunyai hubungan negatif
dengan ROAA.

The aims of this risearch is to analyze the effect of internal and external factors on
commercial banks profitability in Indonesia during 2009-2013 periods. Data panel
is used that consist of five teen commercial bank in Indonesia which have the
largest asset on 31th December 2013, during 2009-2013. Bank profitability is
presented by ROAA, internal factors consist of EQAS, COST, LSIZE, and
LQUICK, whereas external factors consist of inflation, ASSGDP, and
MACPASS. Applying panel data regression analysis, the empirical results
indicate that all internal factors variabels have significant and positif effect on
profitability, except EQAS that has not significant and negatif effect. Then, two
external factors variabels indicate that have significant and positive effect on
profitability, that are ASSGDP and MACPASS, whereas inflation has no
significan and negative effect"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Budiyanti
"Data perbankan menunjukkan bahwa trend perbankan di Indonesia mulai melihat pendapatan pendapatan selain bunga, khususnya fee based income. Hal ini membawa konsekuensi apakah akan menambah jumlah pendapatan bank secara total dan mengurangi risiko rentabilitas dengan semakin beragamnya jenis keuntungan, yang memerlukan kajian mendalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendapatan selain bunga, khususnya fee based income terhadap risiko rentabilitas bank umum konvensional di Indonesia.
Objek penelitian adalah seluruh bank umum konvensional yang dikelompokan berdasarkan kepemilikan atas dasar pengelompokan yang dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia dengan dibagi menjadi tiga periodisasi data, yaitu sebelum krisis keuangan tahun 2004-2006, saat terjadinya krisis keuangan global tahun 2007-2009, dan pasca krisis keuangan tahun 2010-2013. Faktor-faktor yang diuji pengaruhnya adalah fee based income, pendapatan selain bunga, standar deviasi Return On Asset, standar deviasi Return on Equity dan standar deviasi Biaya Operasional/Pendapatan Operasional. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan model panel heterogen dan metode regresi linier berganda, menggunakan data time series secara bulanan selama periode 10 (sepuluh) tahun yaitu tahun 2004 - 2013.
Uji regresi menunjukan pengaruh fee based income dan pendapatan selain bunga terhadap risiko rentabilitas berbeda-beda untuk masing-masing kelompok bank dan periode waktu yang berbeda. Alternatif pendapatan selain bunga seperti fee based income, pada saat krisis, hanya kelompok Bank Campuran dan BPD yang berpengaruh signifikan menekan risiko rentabilitas. Dengan demikian selama krisis, kelompok Bank Asing, Bank Persero dan BUSN Devisa yang dominan kontribusi fee based-nya, ternyata tidak berkontribusi mengurangi risiko rentabilitas. Adapun pada BUSN Non Devisa juga menunjukkan hasil uji hipotesis ditolak.

Banking data shows that the trend of banking in Indonesia began to look into non interest income rather than interest income, especially fee-based income. This may result in an increase of banks? total revenue and decrease of rentability risk due to various type of profit, which require in-depth review. This research was aimed at studying the influence of non-interest income, in particular fee based income, toward the rentability risk conventional bank in Indonesia.
The research object were all commercial conventional banks, classified based on ownership as per Bank Indonesia classification, and divided into 3 (three) data periods, namely prior to financial crises (2004-2006), during the financial crises (2007-2009), and post financial crises (2010-2013). The factors that were being examined are feebased income, non-interest income, standard deviation of Return on Asset, standard deviation of Return on Equity, and standard deviation of Operational Cost/Operational Revenue. The estimation model was conducted using heterogeneous panel and mulitple regression analysis, and the date that were being utilised are monthly time series data for the period of last ten years (2004-2013).
Regression test showed that the influence of increases in fee based income and non-interest income was different for each category of banks within different time periods. During the crises, non-interest income alternatives, such as fee-based income, only significant in reducing rentability risks on regional banks and banks owned jointly by foreign and domestic parties. Thus, during the period of crises, banks whose fee-based income was dominant, such as foreign-owned banks, government-owned banks and banks conducting foreign-exchange activities, did not experience reduced rentability risk. As for the banks that did not conduct foreign exchange activities, the results of the hypothesis testing is rejected.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Kartika Putri
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari struktur pasar
perbankan terhadap profitabilitas dan stabilitas bank terkait rencana integrasi
sektor perbankan ASEAN yang merupakan salah satu cetak biru dari Masyarakat
Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Dalam mengukur struktur pasar perbankan digunakan
pangsa pasar bank {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis} dan konsentrasi
pasar perbankan {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypothesis}. Penelitian
ini menggunakan data bank komersial yang terdaftar di pasar bursa saham negara
ASEAN 4, yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Filipina pada periode 2009-
2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan RMP Hypothesis berlaku di perbankan
ASEAN dalam mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank, namun tidak berlaku di
Thailand dan Filipina. Di Indonesia SCP Hypothesis berlaku dominan dalam
menentukan profitabilitas bank. Lain halnya dengan Malaysia, Efficiency
Hypothesis mengonfirmasi hubungan pangsa pasar, konsentrasi pasar, dan
profitabilitas bank. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa konsentrasi pasar
perbankan berpengaruh negatif terhadap stabilitas bank pada perbankan ASEAN,
Thailand dan Filipina. Hal tersebut mendukung konsep Concentration Fragility.
Lain halnya dengan Indonesia dan Malaysia, konsetrasi pasar perbankan membuat
bank lebih tidak stabil. Sehingga hal tersebut mendukung Concentration Stability.
Penemuan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah bank dengan pangsa pasar
besar/ukuran besar dan permodalan kuat membuat bank dapat bersaing terkait
rencana integrasi sektor perbankan ASEAN. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan
marger dan akuisisi, khususnya untuk Indonesia.;This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 ? 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks.;This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 ? 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks., This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 – 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luluk Kurrata Aini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh kepemilikan asing, karakteristik negara asal, dan variabel karakteristik bank terhadap Profitability bank di Indonesia periode 2007-2011. Variabel karakteristik bank terdiri dari share, loan, leverage, ROA volatility, loan growth, deposit, dan age. Dengan menggunakan sampel bank umum yang ada di Indonesia periode 2007-2011, penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi panel. Ternyata penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya pengaruh kepemilikan asing dan karakteristik negara asal terhadap profitability bank pada sektor perbankan Indonesia. Akan tetapi, penelitian ini menemukan adanya pengaruh variabel leverage, ROA volatility, loan growth, dan deposit terhadap variabel profitability bank asing di Indonesia. Sedangkan, hanya variabel Leverage, ROA Volatility, dan Loan Growth yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap variabel profitability bank domestik di Indonesia.

This study aims to examine the impact of foreign ownership, home country characteristic, and bank characteristic?s variables toward Indonesian Bank's profitability. Bank characteristic variable consist of share, loan, leverage, ROA volatility, loan growth, deposit, and age. By using Indonesian commercial bank from 2007-2011 as a sample, this study is using panel regression method. It turns out, foreign ownership and home country characteristic don't influence Indonesia Bank?s profitability. However, this study finds the influence of leverage, ROA volatility, loan growth, and deposit with foreign bank profitability in Indonesia. While, only leverage, ROA volatility, and loan growth have influence with domestic bank profitability in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmandaru Prasetyo
Penelitian ini mengenai determinan yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank komersial di Indonesia, tujuannya ialah untuk mencari tahu dan menganalisa determinan apa saja yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank komersial di Indonesia secara signifikan. Variabel yang digunakan Return On Asset, Net Interest Margin, Return On Equity, modal Equity/Total Asset Ratio dan Capital Adequacy Ratio , risiko kredit Non Performing Loans/Total Loans dan Loan Loss Provision/Total Loans , Biaya Operasional/Pendapatan Operasional, Likuiditas, Ukuran Bank, Struktur Kepemilikan, Non Interest Income/Total Asset, Aktivitas non-tradisional, Pertumbuhan PDB dan Inflasi. Di dalam penelitian ini dijelaskan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara determinan dengan profitabilitas bank komersial di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko kredit, ukuran bank dan kepemilikan bank berpengaruh positif pada profitabilitas bank sedangkan efisiensi biaya dan likuiditas sebaliknya.
ABSTRACT This study of the determinants that affect the profitability of commercial banks in Indonesia, the goal is to find out and analyze the determinants that influence the profitability of commercial banks in Indonesia significantly. Determinant factor tested in this research are, capital Equity Total Asset Ratio and Capital Adequacy Ratio , credit risk Non Performing Loans Total Loans and Loan Loss Provisions Total Loans , Operational Expenditure Operational Income, Liquidity, size of banks, Ownership Structure, Non interest Income Total Asset, Nontraditional Activity, Growth of GDP and Inflation. In this study explained that there is a relationship between the determinant of the profitability of commercial banks in Indonesia. The results of the study shows that credit risk, size of banks and ownership structure have positive influence to bank profitability and as for cost eficiency and liquidity are the opposite."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh kinerja tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan perbankan di negara-negara ASEAN-6 yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, dan Vietnam selama periode tahun 2009-2013. Dengan menggunakan standar OECD untuk penilaian tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kinerja tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap tingkat performa profitabilitas perbankan serta dapat mengurangi potensi risiko kredit perbankan. Selain itu juga, ditemukan juga bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat performa perbankan berdasarkan tingkatan kinerja tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan., This study analyzes the impact of corporate social responsibility performance on banks financial performance in ASEAN-6 countries which is Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam during period 2009-2013. Using the OECD standards as CSR scoring indicator, this study found that corporate social responsibility performance have positive impact on banks profitability performance and reducing the credit risk potential. This study also found that there are difference in banks financial performance according to their corporate social responsibility performance level.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pulungan, Abdul Manap
"Tesis ini membahas dua masalah yaitu: (i) apakah CAR, BOPO, NPL, dan FBI berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA bank umum di Indonesia sepanjang 2005-2011 dan (ii) apakah ROA bank umum sepanjang 2005-2011 dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi (Structure Conduct Performace/SCP) atau efisiensi (Hypothesis Efficiency/HE). Masalah kedua dijawab dengan menampilkan variabel PAset, PDPK, dan PKrd sebagai proksi kosentrasi pasar dan BOPO mewakili sisi efisiensi. Dengan sampel 111 bank umum dan teknik estimasi data panel berupa metode Fixed Effect disimpulkan bahwa (i) CAR dan FIB berpengaruh signifikan (positif) dan NPL dan BOPO berpengaruh signifikan (negatif) dan (ii) PDPK tidak signifikan berpengaruh terhadap ROA sehingga struktur industri perbankan Indonesia mengarah pada HE.
Implikasi kebijakan penelitian ini adalah: (i) Bank Indonesia harus mendorong bank meningkatkan permodalannya terutama pada Tier 1 dan bertahap menyesuaikannya dengan Basel III, (ii) bank perlu memelihara Penyisihan Penghapusan Aktiva Produktif (PPAP) untuk mengendalikan kredit macet dan merumuskan PPAP menurut jenis kredit, sektoral, regional, dan searah dengan siklus bisnis, (iii) bank harus memperbaiki sisi efisiensi bukan berfokus pada pencapaian pangsa pasar DPK. Efisiensi dilakukan dengan meningkatkan investasi teknologi informasi serta penyederhanaan struktur organisasi bank dan (iv) regulator perbankan dapat mempertimbangkan FBI sebagai salah satu ukuran tingkat kesehatan bank di Indonesia.

This thesis analyzes two problems: (i) do CAR, BOPO, NPL, and FBI significantly impact to ROA of commercial bank in Indonesia during 2005-2011; and (ii) do commercial bank in Indonesia during 2005-2011 were influenced by the concentration (Structured Conduct Performance/SCP) or efficiency factor (Efficiency Hypothesis/HE). To solve the second question, this study shows PAset, PDPK, and PKrd as the proxy of concentration, BOPO represents efficiency proxy. By using the sample from 111 commercial bank and panel data as estimation technique with Fixed Effect method, it concludes: (i) CAR and FIB significantly and positively influence ROA, in the other hand, NPL and BOPO significantly and negatively influence ROA; (ii) PDPK doesn`t influence ROA, it means Indonesia`s bank structure is efficiency hypothesis.
Policy implications of this research are: (i) Bank Indonesia should encourage bank to increase Tier equity 1 and gradually adjust to Basel III, (ii) bank need to maintain Provision for Loan Losses (PPAP) to control NPL and formulate its based on type of credit, sector, regional and direction of the business cycle, (iii) bank should improve efficiency instead of focus on the achievement of market share in deposit. Efficiency will be achieved by increase investment in the information technology and simplification of the organizational structure of the bank, (iv) the banking regulator may consider FBI as a measurement of the soundness of the bank in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andromeda Wisnu Wardhana
"Penelitian ini membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank di 5 negara ASEAN selama periode 2004 ndash; 2015. Khususnya di 5 negara ASEAN : Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, dan Filipina. Dengan metode regresi liner dan panel data, Kami menemukan bahwa faktor internal non interest income, non interest expense, dan share holders ratio secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik perusahaan. Sementara itu kesenjangan ekonomi, tingkat harapan hidupdan pendidikan di tingkat menengah merupakan faktor external yang berpengaruh dalam profitabilitasperbankan. Dari 5 negara ASEAN, Bank yang beroperasi di Indonesia secara signifikan lebih tinggi profitnya. Peningkatan profitabilitas bank dapat dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan pendapatan, mengurangi biaya tetap, dan memaksimumkan efisiensi.

This paper analyze the determinant of profitability of bank in 5 ASEAN countries during 2004 2015. Particularly in ASEAN 5 countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, dand Philippines. We find that internal factors which consist of non interest income, non interest expense, and shareholders ratiosignificantlycorrelated to the bank profitability. Meanwhile, life expectancy, gini coefficient and secondary enrollment are the staticaly external factors. Among 5 ASEAN countries, Indonesia is the most profitable country for banks to operate. Increased bank profitability can be done by increasing revenue, reduce fixed costs, and maximized efficiency."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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