"Sebagai salah satu sumber energi terbarukan generasi ke-tiga, mikroalga dapat menjadi alternatif solusi krisis energi nasional. Dalam skala industri, pembuatan fotobioreaktor kolom gelembung untuk kultivasi mikroalga sangat sulit dan cukup mahal. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini fotobioreaktor akan dimodelkan dan disimulasikan untuk menurunkan risiko kegagalan scale-up. Dalam penelitian ini, fotobioreaktor pencahayaan dalam untuk kultivasi mikroalga Nannochloropsis salina dimodelkan secara 2 dimensi aksisimetri yang mencakup neraca massa fasa cair dan fasa gas, serta pemodelan intensitas cahaya pada fotobioreaktor. Model telah divalidasi dengan data penelitian dari jurnal Pegallapati dan Nirmalakhandan (2012) selama 16 hari. Proses validasi dengan laju alir 800 mL/min dan konsentrasi gas CO2 masuk 0.5%, 1%, dan 2% berturut-turut memberikan persen deviasi rata-rata sebesar 5%, 12%, dan 4%. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan alga di dalam reaktor yang ditandai dengan kenaikan konsentrasi mikroalga, yakni dari 0.08 g/L pada hari pertama hingga 0.51 g/L pada hari ke 16. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan mikroalga didalam fotobioreaktor dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi CO2 terlarut, intensitas cahaya, konsentrasi nutrisi, dan suhu. Model yang valid kemudian disimulasikan dengan berbagai parameter, yang mencakup konsentrasi CO2, intensitas cahaya, suhu, tekanan, laju alir gas, konsentrasi nutrisi, perubahan tinggi, diameter, dan lebar sparger udara
As one source of third generation renewable energy, microalgae can be an alternative solution to the national energy crisis. In the industry, the manufacturing of a bubble column photobioreactor for cultivation is very difficult and quite expensive. Therefore, in this study photobioreactor will be modeled to reduce the risk of failure to scale-up. An internal illuminated photobioreactor is modeled in two dimensiona asymmetry which also includes mass balance in both liquid phase and gas phase, as well as the light intensity model inside the photobioreactor. The model has been validated with research data from Pegallapati and Nirmalakhandan (2012) for 16 days of cultivation. The validation with 800 mL/min gas flow rate and the ratio of incoming CO2 gas 0.5%, 1% and 2% respectively have a percent of average deviation of 5%, 12%, and 4%. The simulation results showed the growth of algae in the reactor is marked by microalgae concentration, which is 0.08 g/L on the first day and become 0.51 g / L on the day 16. The distribution of dissolved CO2 rise rapidly during the first day until the concentration reached 0.775 mol / m3 and tended to decrease up to day 10 and returned an increase of up to 16 days. The microalgae growth is affected by the concentration of dissolved CO2, light intensity, the concentration of nutrients, and temperature. Then the valid model is simulated with some variety of parameters, which include CO2 concentration, light intensity, temperature, gas pressure, gas flow rate, nutrients concentration, the change in height, diameter, and the width of the air sparger"