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Sovia Nurroifah
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan dan evaluasi rekrutmen dan seleksi penerimaan CPNS Jalur Khusus di Kementerian Luar Negeri tahun 2014 Rekrutmen dan seleksi ini ditujukan untuk memperoleh para Diplomat yang berasal dari Universitas Negeri di luar Pulau Jawa sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan kebhinekaan dalam diplomasi Indonesia Penelitian ini dilakukan secara Post Positivis dengan desain deskriptif Evaluasi dilakukan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP context input process dan output Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program ini sudah sesuai dengan konteks Kemudian dari aspek input sudah sesuai dengan aturan dan kompetensi hanya saja pada prosesnya terdapat beberapa kendala seperti pemunduran jadwal pelaksanaan sehingga berakibat pada jumlah CPNS yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan target Program ini sudah mengarah pada pencapaian tujuan jangka panjang Kementerian Luar Negeri Sehingga perlu untuk dilanjutkan dengan berbagai perbaikan dan modifikasi dari berbagai aspek yang dibutuhkan

This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed , This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Husnul Khotimah
"Sumber daya manusia merupakan faktor yang sangat berperan dalam suatu organisasi atau pemerintahan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada publik. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem rekrutmen dan seleksi yang sesuai dengan sistem merit agar menghasilkan aparatur sipil negara yang berkualifikasi dan kompeten dibidangnya. Pada pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi selama ini masih sarat kecurangan serta Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme KKN . Untuk itu, Badan Kepegawaian Negara BKN mengembangkan metode seleksi dengan menggunakan alat utama yaitu Computer Asissted Test CAT.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pelaksanaan seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil CPNS di Badan Kepegawaian Negara BKN dalam mewujudkan sistem merit di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori utama standar seleksi yang dikemukakan oleh Noe dkk 2008 yang terdiri dari lima dimensi yaitu realibility, validity, generalizability, utility dan legality dan sistem merit.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist di mana teori standar seleksi dan sistem merit menjadi dasar analisis temuan penelitian. Data diperoleh dari wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seleksi CPNS yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017 sudah menunjukkan arah perwujudan sistem merit dimana seleksi dilakukan berlandaskan kepada kualifikasi dan kompetensi peserta tanpa membedakan asal usul, ras dan golongan serta kekurangan fisik dari peserta. Hal tersebut terlihat dari indikator-indikator yang terpenuhi dan keseluruhan pelaksanaan seleksi telah berlandaskan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Namun, perwujudan ini dirasa masih kurang sempurna karena belum menggunakan hasil final seleksi sebagai bahan acuan dalam mengevaluasi dan memetakan kinerja CPNS.

Human resource is one of the factor that play a big role in an organization or Government in providing services to the public. Therefore, a recruitment and selection system that is appropriate to the merit system is required to produce civilian state apparatus who are qualified and competent in their field. All this time, the implementation for recruitment and selection indicates that there 39 s still fraud and CCN Corruption, Collution, Nepotism. Badan Kepegawaian Negara BKN developing the method with the use of primary tools which is computer asissted test CAT.
This study aims to describe the implementation is a candidate for civil servants in BKN in the realization of the merit system in Indonesia. This research will use the primary theory which is standard selection by Noe et al 2008 . It consists of five dimensions which is reliability, validity, generalizability, utilities and merit system.
This research use post positivist approaches where standard theory is the base of the merit system and the analysis of the research findings. The data is obtained from the interviews, and the study of literature.
The results showed that the selection of CPNS conducted in 2017 has shown the direction of the merit system where the selection is based on the qualification and competence of participants without distinguishing the origin, race and class and physical deficiencies of the participants. This can be shown from the indicators that are met and the overall implementation of the selection has been based on the applicable legislation. However, this manifestation is still not perfect yet because the final result of selection has not been used as a reference in evaluating and mapping the performance of CPNS.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valentina Defra Setianingrum
"Skripsi ini membahas peran sayap perempuan partai politik dalam pencalonan perempuan sebagai anggota DPR, dengan studi kasus peran Kesatuan Perempuan Partai Golkar (KPPG) dan Garnita Malahayati pada Pemilu tahun 2019. Untuk membahas keterlibatan KPPG dan Garnita Malahayati, penulis menggunakan teori rekrutmen Pippa Norris (2016) yang mencakup tiga tahap, yaitu certification, nomination dan election (tahap penyusunan Daftar Calon Sementara menjadi Daftar Calon Tetap). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pada proses certification KPPG dan Garnita Malahayati memiliki perbedaan legalitas dalam menjalankan proses rekrutmen caleg perempuan. Perbedaan ini sangat memengaruhi keterlibatan KPPG dan Garnita Malahayati pada proses berikutnya yaitu nomination dan election. KPPG memiliki peran lebih besar dalam proses pencalonan caleg perempuan karena adanya kebijakan one gate policy. Sementara tidak adanya kebijakan yang khusus diberlakukan untuk perempuan dalam internal partai NasDem, membuat Garnita Malahayati tidak memiliki peran besar dalam proses pencalonan perempuan sebagai anggota legislatif.

This thesis discusses the role of the Golkar Party Women's Unity (KPPG) and Garnita Malahayati in the nomination of women as members of the Republic of Indonesia DPR in the 2019 elections. Using the recruitment theory of Pippa Norris (2016) this paper will discuss the involvement of KPPG and Garnita Malahayati in 3 processes: certification, nomination and election (the stage of preparing DCS to become DCT). This study used a qualitative approach which was carried out using in-depth interviews. The findings from this study indicate that the process certification KPPG and Garnita have different legalities in carrying out the recruitment process for female candidates. This difference greatly influenced the involvement of KPPG and Garnita Malahayati in the next process, namely nomination and election. KPPG has a bigger role in the process of nominating female candidates because of the one gate policy. There is no specific policy specifically applied to women within the internal party, making Garnita Malahayati not have a big role in the process of nominating women."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlinka Tiara Putri
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi untuk calon tenaga medis dan calon tenaga kesehatan di Klinik Fullerton Health Jakarta, untuk mendapatkan calon tenaga medis dan calon tenaga kesehatan sesuai dengan kompetensi yang diinginkan. Klinik Fullerton Health ini kesulitan untuk mendapatkan calon tenaga medis dan calon tenaga kesehatan yang sesuai dengan kualifikasinya. Pada Januari - Maret 2024 ini terdapat 323 pelamar, akan tetapi yang diproses untuk tahap interview hanya 18 kandidat. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif yang diperoleh dengan cara wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen dan observasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi untuk calon tenaga medis dan calon tenaga kesehatan di Klinik Fullerton Health Jakarta sudah berjalan dengan baik walaupun masih terdapat beberapa proses yang belum optimal dan disarankan untuk menambahkan Platform lowongan kerja yang lain dari yang biasa digunakan untuk memasarkan lowongan pekerjaan, bekerjasama dengan berbagai universitas atau lembaga pelatihan dengan cara magang, job fair dan lulusan terbaik, kemudian melakukan uji coba karyawan dan membuat pemasaran lowongan pekerjaan yang lebih menarik.

The Study analyzed the implementation of recruitment and selection for prospective medical personnel and potential health workers at the Fullerton Health Jakarta Clinic, to obtain prospective medical personnel and prospective health workers according to the desired competencies. The Fullerton Health clinic is having difficulty finding prospective medical staff and prospective health workers who match their qualifications. In January - March 2024 there were 323 applicants, but only 18 candidates were processed for the interview stage. This research design uses a case study using a descriptive qualitative approach obtained by in-depth interviews, document review and observation. This research shows that the implementation of recruitment and selection for prospective medical personnel and potential health workers at the Fullerton Health Jakarta Clinic has gone well, although there are still several processes that are not optimal and it is recommended to add a job vacancy platform that is different from the one usually used to market job vacancies, collaborate with various universities or training institutions through internships, job fairs and the best graduates, then conduct employee trials and create more attractive job vacancy marketing."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Amir Wahyudi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan proses seorang anggota Polri untuk menjadi petugas Bhabinkamtibmas serta menganalisis upaya memaksimalkan peran Bhabinkamtibmas dalam pencegahan terorisme di Polresta Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini memberikan kebaruan konsep dan pemahaman terkait Bhabinkamtibmas yaitu upaya memaksimalkan perekrutan anggota Bhabinkamtibmas dan membangun program pelatihan yang memadai terkait dengan upaya pencegahan terorisme sebagai gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran terkait proses rekrutmen sesuai konsep manajemen sumber daya manusia sehingga ke depan Bhabinkamtibmas dapat menjadi sumber daya manusia Polri yang unggul yang dapat melaksanakan tugas, fungsi, dan kewenangannya terutama dalam hal deteksi dini. Untuk mengungkap tujuan penelitian ini secara utuh dan obyektif, maka penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, serta pengumpulan dokumen yang berkait dengan permasalahan penelitian. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah Banyuwangi di mana telah ditemukan fenomena perekrutan “pengantin” atau pelaku bom bunuh diri oleh kelompok transnasional. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) proses rekrutmen Bhabinkamtibmas di Banyuwangi dilaksanakan melalui penunjukan langsung oleh atasan langsung atas kebutuhan organisasi dalam rangka pemenuhan program 1 Polisi 1 Desa; dan (2) Perlunya program pelatihan dan peningkatan kompetensi personal, kompetensi dasar, dan kompetensi manajemen bagi Bhabinkamtibmas. Program pelatihan ini dapat diperluas untuk mencakup fungsi-fungsi intelijen sehingga tugas deteksi dini Bhabinkamtibmas menjadi lebih maksimal sehingga tercipta rasa aman ditengah masyarakat.

The study aims at detailing the process for a member of Indonesian National Police to be recruited as a Bhabinkamtibmas officer in Banyuwangi and analyzing the efforts of maximizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas officer in preventing the terrorism within the jurisdiction of Banyuwangi City Resort Police. The current study offers a new concept and understanding pertaining to Bhabinkamtibmas officer namely the efforts of maxizming the recruitment of Bhabinkamtibmas officer and of providing sufficient training programs that are related to the efforts of preventing terrorism as a disturbance to the public order and security. The review within the study is expected to describe the process of recruitment in accordance with the concept of human resources management so that in the future the Bhabinkamtibmas officer can be the excellent human resources who can execute their duty, function and authority mainly in terms of early detection. In order to achieve the objectives of the study through the complete and objective manner, the researcher has adopted the qualitative method with in-depth interview and document study with relevance to the topic of the study. Then, the study is conducted in Banyuwangi where a phenomenon known as “bride” or suicide-bombing candidate recruitment has been found. The results of the study show that: (1) the recruitment of Bhabinkamtibmas officer has been conducted by means of direct appointment by the immediate supervisor based on the organizational needs in meeting the target of the program 1 Police Officer 1 Village; and (2) the competencies that should be improved in the Bhabinkamtibmas officer in conducting their duty, function and authority consist of personal competence, basic competence and managerial competence. The training programs that have been provided can be expanded in order to include the functions of intelligence recalling that intelligence has been very helpful in the conduct of early detection toward the disturbance of the public order and security."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurika Purnamasari
"Banyaknya pegawai negeri sipil yang akan memasuki batas usia pensiun membuat Kementerian Dalam Negeri harus menyiapkan strategi untuk tetap dapat menjalankan tugas pokok dan fungsi organisasi. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perencanaan yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri dalam menghadapi pensiun pegawai. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini secara garis besar menggambarkan bahwa strategi yang diambil Kementerian Dalam Negeri dalam menghadapi pensiun pegawai yaitu optimalisasi pegawai, pelaksanaan redistribusi pegawai, penggunaan tenaga tambahan, dan perencanaan karier dalam menyiapkan talent pool.

The number of civil servants who will enter the retirement age limit makes the Ministry of Home Affairs should prepare a strategy to continue to carry out the duties and functions of the organization. This research discussed about the planning carried out by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the face of employee pensions. This descriptive research uses qualitative method. Based on the result, it is concluded that strategy taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the face of employee pension is optimizing employees, employees redistribution implementation, use of additional personnel, and career planning in preparing the talent pool.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Asmono
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai Kewajiban Pemberhentian Sementara Terhadap Pengangkatan Komisioner dan Anggota Lembaga Non Struktural Yang Berstatus Pegawai Negeri Sipil sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara, dikaitkan dengan mekanisme pengisian jabatan Komisioner Dan Anggota Lembaga Non Struktural. Dalam pengisian jabatan tersebut terdapat mekanisme yang berbeda antara komisioner atau anggota yang mewakili Pemerintah atau yang biasa disebut dalam peraturan perundangan-undangan sebagai Unsur Pemerintah dengan komisioner atau anggota yang melalui seleksi terbuka atau yang biasa disebut dalam peraturan perundangan-undangan sebagai Unsur Masyarakat.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kewajiban pemberhentian sementara yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Aparatur Sipil Negara maupun Peraturan Pemerintah mengenai Dipilin PNS, tidak serta mengikat seluruh PNS yang diangkat sebagai Komisioner dan Anggota Lembaga Non Struktural. Disisi lain, aturan mengenai kewajiban pemberhentian sementara PNS dimaksud belum diatur mengenai sanksi bagi pihak terkait apabila kewajiban pemberhentian sementara PNS dilaksanakan saat semua persyaratan pemberhentian sementara PNS tersebut telah memenuhi syarat.

This thesis discusses the Temporary Suspension Obligation for the Appointment of Commissioners and Members of Non-Structural Institutions with the Status of Civil Servants as stipulated in Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus, associated with the mechanism for filling the positions of Commissioners and Members of Non-Structural Institutions. In filling the position, there is a different mechanism between commissioners or members representing the Government or commonly referred to in laws and regulations as Government Elements and commissioners or members who go through open selection or commonly referred to in laws and regulations as Community Elements.
Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the temporary suspension obligation stipulated in the State Civil Apparatus Law and Government Regulations regarding the Election of Civil Servants, does not and binds all civil servants appointed as Commissioners and Members of Non-Structural Institutions. On the other hand, the rules regarding the obligation to suspend the civil servant have not been regulated regarding sanctions for related parties if the obligation to suspend the civil servant is implemented when all the conditions for the suspension of the civil servant have met the requirements.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Arif
"Maladministrasi adalah perilaku atau perbuatan melawan hukum, melampaui wewenang, menggunakan wewenang untuk tujuan lain dari yang menjadi tujuan wewenang tersebut, termasuk kelalaian atau pengabaian kewajiban hukum dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik yang dilakukan oleh Penyelenggara Negara dan pemerintahan yang menimbulkan kerugian materiil dan/atau immateriil bagi masyarakat dan orang perseorangan. Maladministrasi dapat terjadi dalam bentuk Penundaan Berlarut, tidak memberikan pelayanan, tidak kompeten, Penyalahgunaan wewenang, permintaan imbalan, penyimpangan prosedur, tidak layat atau tidak patut, berpihak, konflik kepentingan, dan diskriminasi. Dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas permasalahan mengenai Jenis Maladministrasi Dalam Penerimaan CPNS. Kemudian tindakan korektif dari Ombudsman RI Terhadap Dugaan Maladministrasi dalam proses tes CPNS. Dan yang terakhir adalah Implementasi saran perbaikan yang telah diberikan Ombudsman RI. Jenis penelitian yang akan dilakukan oleh penulis adalah penelitian yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian yang menarik asas-asas hukum penting untuk melakukan penafsiran peraturan perundang-undangan dan penelitian yang menganalisa peristiwa hukum secara kronologis dan melihat hubungannya dengan gejala sosial yang ada. Atas permasalahan tersebut, skripsi ini memiliki kesimpulan bahwa Jenis Maladministrasi dalam Penerimaan CPNS yang dilanggar ialah Prosedur dan Sarana/Prasarana. Tindakan korektif dari Ombudsman RI terhadap Dugaan Maladministrasi dalam proses tes CPNS ialah Respon cepat ombudsman, koordinasi dengan pihak terkait dan pemberian saran perbaikan. Dan terakhir implementasi saran perbaikan yang telah diberikan Ombudsman RI secara umum telah dilaksanakan dengan baik oleh instansi penyelenggaraan penerimaan CPNS  
Maladministration is a behavior or act that is against the law, exceeds authority, uses authority for other purposes than the purpose of the authority, including negligence or neglect of legal obligations in the administration of public services did by the public servant and government which results in material and/or immaterial losses to the community and individuals. Administration can occur in the form of Delayed the services, not providing services, incompetent, abuse of power, requests for compensation, deviations from procedures, improper, partiality, conflict of interest, and discrimination. This thesis will be discuss the problems regarding the Types of Maladministration on selection CPNS process. Then the action of the Indonesian Ombudsman Against Alleged Maladministration on the CPNS selection process. And the last is selective correction implementation given by the Indonesian Ombudsman. Research method that will be used by writer is Normative research, a research method that gathering important law principles for interpretating regulation of constitution, a research that analyze the legal events in chronological way and observing the relationship with existing social events. For this problem, this thesis has a conclusion that the type of maladministration in the CPNS selection process is Procedure and Facilities / Infrastructure. The corrective solution of the Ombudsman against the Alleged maladministration in the CPNS selection process was the rapid response of the ombudsman, coordination with relevant parties and giving corrective solution for improvement. And finally the implementation of the corrective solution that have been given by the Indonesian Ombudsman in general have been carried out well by the implementing agency for the recruitment of CPNS"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivanny Alifa Faiza Aninda
"Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dalam pengelolaan keuangan daerah, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Keuangan Daerah Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI memerlukan sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kualitas dan kompetensi terbaik. Hal ini disebabkan oleh peran Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) yang sangat krusial karena perannya sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan dan pelaksana pembangunan yang melekat pada tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Penerapan teori Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) pada  ASN bisa memberikan kontribusi positif baik terhadap kinerja ASN maupun instansi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menganalisis sejauh mana implementasi OCB pada ASN Direktorat Jenderal Bina Keuangan Daerah Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas ASN, terutama dari generasi Z, menunjukkan tingkat penerapan OCB yang tinggi di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Bina Keuangan Daerah. Penerapan OCB menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pencapaian target kinerja Direktorat Jenderal Bina Keuangan Daerah, sebagaimana dibuktikan melalui laporan kinerja.

In carrying out its duties in managing local finances, the Directorate General of Regional Finance of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia requires Human Resources (HR) with the highest quality and competence. This is attributed to the crucial role of Civil Servants (ASN) due to their responsibilities as administrators of governance and implementers of development inherent in their duties and responsibilities. The application of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) theory to ASN can contribute positively to both the performance of ASN and the institution. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the extent to which the implementation of OCB in ASN at the Directorate General of Regional Finance of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative approach with stratified random sampling technique. The results of this research indicate that the majority of Civil Servants (ASN), especially from the Z generation, demonstrate a high level of implementation of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in the Directorate General of Regional Financial Management. The implementation of OCB becomes one of the factors influencing the achievement of performance targets for the Directorate General of Regional Financial Management, as evidenced by the Performance Report."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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