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Andy Prabowo Pho
Adanya peningkatan KLB (Koefisien Lantai Bangunan) pada daerah padat di
Jakarta, memungkinkan para pemilik gedung melakukan perluasan bangunan
secara vertikal dengan menambah struktur baja di atas struktur beton bertulang
eksisting. Seringkali sambungan rigid dipakai pada sambungan kolom dasar
struktur baja di atas struktur beton dengan mengasumsikan terjadi hubungan
menerus antara baja dengan beton. Pada kenyataanya asumsi ini belum tentu
benar akibat dari kemampuan sambungan sesungguhnya yang terbatas oleh
kapasitas dan kekakuannya. Sehingga asumsi tersebut perlu dievaluasi
kebenarannya demi menjaga perilaku struktur dan sambungan.
Untuk itu, penelitian ini melakukan evaluasi hasil perancangan sambungan rigid
pada dasar kolom baja dengan memodelkan sambungan menjadi pegas yang
menghubungkan struktur baja dan struktur beton. Kekakuan rotasi sambungan
dimodelkan secara non-linier untuk mendapatkan perilaku pasca leleh dari analisis
pushover. Kekakuan sambungan diperoleh dari konfigurasi sambungan hasil
perancangan yang melibatkan nilai overstrength factor (Wo) sesuai ketentuan
AISC 341. Pada penelitian ini terdapat 7 variasi kekakuan sambungan yang
didasarkan variasi Wo pada kombinasi gaya-gaya di sambungan dan mutu angkur
(Fu) pada nilai Wo tertentu.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan besarnya kekakuan sambungan akibat
penurunan nilai Wo tidak mengurangi aksi sambungan rigid. Adanya variasi nilai
Wo pada perancangan sambungan rigid tidak berpengaruh langsung nilai R dan Wo
dari hasil pushover. Adanya variasi mutu angkur (Fu) juga tidak berpengaruh
signifikan pada perilaku struktur. Hanya sambungan yang didesain dengan Wo = 1
menunjukkan perilaku non linier dan dimungkinkan terjadinya gagal geser. Untuk
menjaga kekuatan di sambungan saat terjadi gempa di luar rencana pada struktur
dan menjamin agar sambungan tetap berperilaku elastik, sambungan perlu
didesain dengan menggunakan Wo minimal sebesar 1,5.

An increase in Floor Area Ratio (KLB) in dense areas of Jakarta, enabling
building owners to extend their building vertically by adding the steel frame
structures above the existing reinforced concrete structures. A rigid connection of
steel column bases above the concrete structures is often used by assuming a
continous joint between steel and concrete. In the fact, this assumption is not
necessarily true since the connection behaviour is limited to the capacity and
stiffnesses. This may lead to evaluate the assumption so the overall structural and
connection behaviour are controlled.
Therefore, this research evaluates the rigid connection design by modeling the
column base connections using spring connecting steel frame structures and
concrete frame structures. The non linear rotational stiffness of the spring is
modelled to obtain post yielding behavior from the pushover analysis. The
connection stiffnesses are provided from connection designs involving
overstrength factor (Wo) as prescribed in AISC 341. There are 7 connection
stiffness variations are built in this research based on Wo variations on loading
combinations and anchor grade variations (Fu) for certain value Wo.
The results showed a decrease in connection stiffness due to reduction value of Wo
independent to the connection rigidity actions. Variation of Wo in the rigid
connection design has no direct impact on the value of R and Wo from pushover
analysis. The anchor grade variations has no significant effect on the structural
performance. The non linear behaviour and possibility of shear failure of the
connections are happened only when using Wo = 1. The connections shall be
designed by minimum Wo = 1,5 to ensure the connection strength and the
connection behavior still remains elastically when a greater earthquake force is
subjected to the structure;An increase in Floor Area Ratio (KLB) in dense areas of Jakarta, enabling
building owners to extend their building vertically by adding the steel frame
structures above the existing reinforced concrete structures. A rigid connection of
steel column bases above the concrete structures is often used by assuming a
continous joint between steel and concrete. In the fact, this assumption is not
necessarily true since the connection behaviour is limited to the capacity and
stiffnesses. This may lead to evaluate the assumption so the overall structural and
connection behaviour are controlled.
Therefore, this research evaluates the rigid connection design by modeling the
column base connections using spring connecting steel frame structures and
concrete frame structures. The non linear rotational stiffness of the spring is
modelled to obtain post yielding behavior from the pushover analysis. The
connection stiffnesses are provided from connection designs involving
overstrength factor (Wo) as prescribed in AISC 341. There are 7 connection
stiffness variations are built in this research based on Wo variations on loading
combinations and anchor grade variations (Fu) for certain value Wo.
The results showed a decrease in connection stiffness due to reduction value of Wo
independent to the connection rigidity actions. Variation of Wo in the rigid
connection design has no direct impact on the value of R and Wo from pushover
analysis. The anchor grade variations has no significant effect on the structural
performance. The non linear behaviour and possibility of shear failure of the
connections are happened only when using Wo = 1. The connections shall be
designed by minimum Wo = 1,5 to ensure the connection strength and the
connection behavior still remains elastically when a greater earthquake force is
subjected to the structure, An increase in Floor Area Ratio (KLB) in dense areas of Jakarta, enabling
building owners to extend their building vertically by adding the steel frame
structures above the existing reinforced concrete structures. A rigid connection of
steel column bases above the concrete structures is often used by assuming a
continous joint between steel and concrete. In the fact, this assumption is not
necessarily true since the connection behaviour is limited to the capacity and
stiffnesses. This may lead to evaluate the assumption so the overall structural and
connection behaviour are controlled.
Therefore, this research evaluates the rigid connection design by modeling the
column base connections using spring connecting steel frame structures and
concrete frame structures. The non linear rotational stiffness of the spring is
modelled to obtain post yielding behavior from the pushover analysis. The
connection stiffnesses are provided from connection designs involving
overstrength factor (Wo) as prescribed in AISC 341. There are 7 connection
stiffness variations are built in this research based on Wo variations on loading
combinations and anchor grade variations (Fu) for certain value Wo.
The results showed a decrease in connection stiffness due to reduction value of Wo
independent to the connection rigidity actions. Variation of Wo in the rigid
connection design has no direct impact on the value of R and Wo from pushover
analysis. The anchor grade variations has no significant effect on the structural
performance. The non linear behaviour and possibility of shear failure of the
connections are happened only when using Wo = 1. The connections shall be
designed by minimum Wo = 1,5 to ensure the connection strength and the
connection behavior still remains elastically when a greater earthquake force is
subjected to the structure]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rejeki
Sambungan antara kolom dan balok merupakan bagian dari struktur bangunan yang sangat rawan terjadi kegagalan karena pada bagian ini terjadi transfer gaya antara keduanya serta bagian yang berperilaku sebagai penghubung disipasi energi antarelemen yang disambung. Konsep sambungan semi-rigid telah dikembangkan sejak dulu, beberapa model analitis sambungan semi-rigid balok kolom telah diteliti untuk memodelkan respons atas getaran pada sambungan balok kolom dengan mempertimbangkan perilaku nonlinear di zona sambungan untuk mengatasi dampak dari deformasi geser dalam analisis struktural. Analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui keadaan zona panel pada sambungan balok kolom ini menggunakan analisis fiber model, yakni bentuk pemodelan numerik yang digunakan untuk memprediksi hasil dari eksperimen terhadap struktur. Pada skripsi ini, analisis fiber model dilaksanakan secara numerik dengan menggunakan program komputer Drain-2DX Dynamic Response Analysis of Inelastic-2 Dimension dengan versi 1.10. Variasi nodal dan elemen, kurva kuat tekan beton, kurva tegangan-regangan baja, serta pullout dan gap diberikan dalam pemodelan untuk mengetahui parameter yang mempengaruhi kesemi-rigid-an sambungan balok dengan kolom.

Connection between the column and the beam is a part of the building structure which is very prone to accure failure because in this section there is a transfer of force between both of them as well as the part that behaves as a liaison of energy dissipation among the connected elements. The semi rigid connection concept has been developed since a long time ago, several analytical models of semi rigid beam column connections have been investigated to model the response of vibrations on beam column joints by considering nonlinear behavior in the connection zone to overcome the impact of shear deformation in structural analysis. The analysis used to determine the state of the panel zone on this beam column connection is a fiber model analysis, which is a numerical assessment used to predict the results of experiments on the structure. In this undergraduate thesis, fiber model analysis is performed numerically using Drain 2DX Dynamic Response Analysis of Inelastic 2 Dimension computer program with version 1.10. Nodal and elemental variations, concrete compressive curves, steel stress strain curves, and pullouts and gaps are given in modeling to determine the parameters affecting the rigidity of the beam columns joints."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rezaqul Khaq
Terdapat kasus dimana tiga buah pilar jembatan layang beton bertulang yang telah dibangun, memiliki kuat tekan beton dibawah spesifikasi desain. Dari hasil uji beton inti, kuat tekan beton in-place 40% dibawah kuat tekan beton desain. Analisis nonlinier pushover dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi performa dari struktur terhadap beban lateral akibat gempa. Untuk setiap pilar, analisis dilakukan dengan membandingkan dua model, yaitu model dengan kuat tekan beton desain dan model dengan kuat tekan beton rendah. Nonlinieritas didefinisikan dengan menggunakan lump plastic hinge yang memperhitungkan nonlinieritas dari material. Model kemudian didorong secara lateral dengan beban lateral monotonik yang terus bertambah hingga mekanisme kegagalan tercapai untuk mendapatkan kurva pushover. Hasilnya, model dengan mutu beton rendah memiliki kuat geser struktur yang lebih rendah 14-37%, daktilitas peralihan lebih rendah 11-43%, dan rasio peralihan kapasitas/demand (r) lebih rendah 2-47%, jika dibandingkan dengan model dengan mutu beton desain.

There is a case where three reinforced concrete flyover piers have concrete strength below the spesification from the design. From concrete core test which has been taken, the in-place concrete strength is below the original design strength for about 40%. Nonlinier pushover analysis is done to evaluate the performance of the structure towards earthquake lateral load. For each pier, analysis is done by comparing two models, which are model with design concrete strength and model with low-strength existing concrete. The nonlinearity is included by using lump plastic hinge in the appropriate position which calculates material nonlinearity of the section. Model is then pushed lateraly with monotonic increasing lateral load until collapse mechanism achieved to get the pushover curve. As the result, model with low-strength existing concrete has a lower structure shear strength for about 14-37%, lower displacement ductility for about 11-43%, and lower capacity/demand displacement ratio (r) for about 2-47% compared to the model with design concrete strength.;"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Rahmadi
"Maraknya pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia tentu saja diiringi dengan harapan bahwa infrastruktur tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dengan maksimal, sesuai dengan umur rencananya. Namun, tidak sedikit kasus kegagalan struktur terjadi pada beberapa proyek infrastruktur. Hal ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh minimnya implementasi pemantauan kesehatan struktur bangunan. Kurangnya pemantauan kesehatan struktur dapat menjadikan risiko kehilangan nilai suatu bangunan dan keselamatan penggunanya menjadi tinggi. Tingginya biaya pengadaan alat pemantauan dan terbatasnya anggaran pengelola/pemilik aset menjadi hal yang memberatkan untuk dapat melakukan pemantauan kesehatan struktur tersebut. Melalui penelitian ini, diharapkan bisa mendorong lahirnya alternatif teknologi yang dapat diandalkan dan lebih terjangkau dalam memantau kesehatan dan perilaku struktur bangunan. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua jenis benda uji, pelat besi (600mmx25.4mmx2.5mm) dan balok beton bertulang (3000mmx250mmx150mm), dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran regangan pada uji lentur dan pengukuran natural frekuensi pada uji getar bebas menggunakan dua sistem alat monitoring, Arduino dan data-logger konvensional (NI). Kedua sistem alat monitoring tersebut dilengkapi dengan sensor percepatan (Kistler) & sensor regangan (TML). Penelitain ini diawali dengan melakukan pengamatan terhadap dua jenis koneksi pada sistem Arduino, I2C dan SPI, guna menentukan pengaturan yang akan digunakan. Koneksi SPI menunjukan kemampuan merekam data lebih tinggi dibanding I2C, dengan maksimum 2036 data/detik dan nilai deviasi standar 0.028g. Hasil monitoring regangan pada uji lentur pelat besi menunjukan pola yang serupa antara Arduino, NI, dan nilai teoritis. Pada uji getar bebas, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai natural frekuensi yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis FFT data percepatan yang didapatkan dari Arduino (ADXL345) dan NI (Kistler) menunjukan pola yang serupa. Relative error pada mode 1 & 2 berkisar antara 0.6% - 4.8% dan pada mode 3 menunjukan relative error antara 2.4% - 17.2%. Pada benda uji pelat besi, nilai relative error mode 1 terhadap analisis teoritis adalah 0.396%.

Massive infrastructure development in Indonesia is definitely accompanied by the hope that the infrastructure can be utilized optimally, in accordance with the design lifetime. However, quite a number of structural failure cases have occurred in several infrastructure projects. Lack of structural health monitoring system (SHMS) is one of the causes which makes the risk of building collapse and safety issue is increased. The high cost of equipment procurement and the limited budget of the project are the factors that mainly caused the implementation of SHMS challenging. This research is expected to encourage the emergence of reliable and more affordable SHMS technologies. The study was conducted on two types of specimens, steel plates (600mmx25.4mmx2.5mm) and reinforced concrete beam (3000mmx250mmx150mm). It compared the results of strain measurements in the bending test and natural frequency measurements in the free vibration test using two monitoring tool systems, Arduino and data logger (NI) equipped with accelerometer (Kistler) & strain gauge (TML). The research begins by observing two types of connections on the Arduino system, I2C and SPI, to determine the settings to be used. SPI connection shows higher sampling rate than I2C, with a maximum of 2036 data/second and standard deviation is 0.028g. Strain measurements in the steel plate bending test showed a similar pattern between Arduino, NI, and theoretical values. In the free vibration test, the natural frequency value from the FTT analysis of acceleration data for the two systems has a similar pattern. The relative error in modes 1 and 2 ranges from 0.6-4.8%, while in mode 3 it ranges from 2.4-17.2%. On the steel plate test specimen, the relative error mode 1 value to the theoretical analysis is 0.396%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martin Ulpan
"Pemodelan sambungan sendi pada analisis struktur baja biasanya disederhanakan dengan hanya melakukan release moment. Sedangkan keberadaan pelat buhul (gusset plate) dan eksentrisitasnya diabaikan. Pada penelitian ini dikaji pengaruh gusset plate pada respon struktur ketika komponen tersebut dimodelkan dan eksentrisitasnya diperhitungkan. Kemudian, analisis dilakukan dengan 3 macam pemodelan. Pertama, sambungan sendi dimodelkan dengan release moment. Kedua, gusset plate dan baut (untuk memunculkan efek eksentrisitasnya) pada sambungan sendi dimodelkan sebagai frame. Terakhir, sama dengan pemodelan kedua namun sebagai elemen shell. Variasi pembebanan yang dilakukan selain pada kondisi ideal juga terhadap adanya eksentrisitas pembebanan, faktor kejut, dan beban gempa. Untuk studi kasusnya yaitu pada bangunan struktur baja pabrik butadiene yang menahan sebuah mesin kondensor. Hasilnya, terjadi kenaikan nilai rasio tegangan dan rasio puntir yang cukup signifikan pada pemodelan kedua dan ketiga. Bahkan banyak sambungan sendi yang menjadi gagal terutama pada sambungan yang dekat dengan lokasi beban besar.

Modeling shear connection on steel structure analysis, commonly simplified by doing release moment. While the existence of gusset plate and its eccentricity were ignored. This study was examined the effect of gusset plate on structure response when its component was modeled and the eccentiricity was considered. Then, the analysis was done with 3 kinds of modeling. Firstly, the shear connection was modeled by releasing moment. Secondly, gusset plate and bolt (to appear its eccentricity) on the shear connnection were modeled as frame. The last, similar with second modeling, but as shell element. Loading variations that were assigned beside in ideal condition, also toward the loading eccentricity, impact factor, and seismic load. The case study was taken at steel structure building of butadiene factory that hold a condensor machine. As the result, the stress ratio and torsion ratio increased significantly at second and third modeling. Even, many shear connections were being failure especially in connection that close to the big loading."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indira Dwi Larasati
"Peristiwa gempa bumi yang cukup sering terjadi di Indonesia seketika dapat merusak bahkan meruntuhkan seluruh komponen bangunan. Maka selayaknya bangunan yang dibangun di Indonesia memiliki sistem struktur penahan gempa dimana salah satu sistem struktur penahan gempa yang paling sering digunakan ialah Special Moment Resisting Frame dikarenakan daktilitasnya yang lebih tinggi. Mekanisme keruntuhan SMRF diawali dengan proses pelelehan yang ditandai dengan munculnya sendi plastis. Pengaruh target sendi plastis pada kolom dasar dengan mekanisme leleh lentur terhadap perilaku struktur secara keseluruhan terlihat dari analisis pushover dimana daktilitas struktur akan menurun. Selain itu, digunakan dua profil yang berbeda untuk membandingkan penggunaan profil CFST dan baja WF dimana profil WF memiliki kekuatan, kekakuan, dan daktilitas yang lebih tinggi. Penggunaan sambungan semi-rigid untuk suatu struktur memiliki pengaruh dimana kekuatan dan kekakuannya menurun sedangkan daktilitasnya akan meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua program yaitu ETABS untuk perancangan bangunan serta DRAIN-2DX untuk analisis kinerja struktur.

The earthquake phenomenon that usually occur in Indonesia can ruin or even destroy building components immediately. Therefore, buildings that constructed in Indonesia should have an earthquake resistance system, one of them is Special Moment Resisting Frame. This system has widely used in many buildings because it has high ductility and ability to dissipating energy. Collapse mechanism of SMRF building starts with yielding that marked by the existence of plastic hinge. The effect of plastic hinge that occur in column bases with flexural yielding mechanism on behavior of the overall structure can be seen from pushover analysis results which the ductility of structure will be reduced. Furthermore, the use of different profile Wide Flange and Concrete Filled Steel Tubes in the same building can affect the performance of that building, which the building with WF profile has higher strength, stiffness, and ductility. The type of connection that used is also affect performance of the buildings. Strength and stiffness will reduce while the ductility will increase. This research use two programs which is ETABS for designing the building and DRAIN 2DX for performance building analysis."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Aziz
"Karena berada di wilayah rawan gempa, struktur bangunan di Indonesia harus didesain tahan terhadap gempa. Salah satu sistem struktur yang memenuhi persyaratan sebagai struktur penahan gempa berdasarkan ?Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung RSNI 03-1726-201x? adalah sistem rangka baja dengan bressing eksentris (Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF)). K-Split dipilih sebagai salah satu dari bentuk EBF yang diteliti karena memiliki geometri yang simetris sehingga terhindar dari masalah full moment connection pada kolom. Perilaku inelastis berupa kekuatan, kekakuan, dan daktilitas serta kinerja model struktur K-Split EBF saat terjadinya gempa diuji dengan metode analisis statik nonlinier beban dorong (Pushover Analysis) dengan bantuan perangkat lunak ETABS 3D Nonlinier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model struktur K-Split EBF dengan link beam sepanjang 1,2 meter memiliki persentase terbesar pada parameter kekuatan dan daktilitas antara lain 24,32% dan 44,71% relatif lebih besar terhadap model dengan link beam sepanjang 0,6 meter. Sedangkan pada parameter kekakuan, model dengan link beam 1,2 meter memiliki persentase 34,2% relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan model dengan link beam sepanjang 0,6 meter.

The building structure in Indonesia must be designed to resist the earthquake load since it is located in the earthquake region. According to Indonesian design code for earthquake structure resistance RSNI 03-1726-201x, Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF) is one of structure system for steel structure that meet the earthquake resistance requirements. K-Split is one kind of EBF System which has symmetric geometry, adjacent thus preventing full moment connection to be developed at the column. Study to investigate the behavior of K-Split EBF System toward earthquake loading was conducted. Nonlinear static pushover analysis with ETABS was carried out to study inelastic behavior of strength, stiffness, and ductility of K-Split EBF building. Two variations of link with length of 0,6 meter and 1,2 meter was compared. The result showed that model with a 1,2 meter length has strength and ductility of 24,32% and 44,71% higher than that with 0,6 meter length. Meanwhile the stiffness of link 1,2 meter length is 34,2% smaller than 0,6 meter of length."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beedle, Lynn S.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1958
624.182 BEE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Agus Kurniawan
"Berdasarkan peraturan terbaru mengenai peraturan perancangan baja yaitu AISC 2010 telah mengalami beberapa koreksi dari peraturan sebelumnya yaitu AISC 2005. Hal ini juga merupakan perubahan utama yang diterapkan pada SNI 1729:2015 .Salah satu perubahan utama yang terjadi adalah perubahan metode utama perancangan stabilitas baja, dari metode panjang efektif menjadi metode analisa langsung. Penelitian ini akan mempelajari batasan-batasan yang berlaku untuk kedua metode dengan menggunakan advanced analysis sebagai metode pembanding. Advanced analysis adalah analisa orde ke 2 inelastis yang mewakili keruntuhan sebenarnya dari struktur yang akan divalidasi melalui beberapa rangka kalibrasi. Metodologi penelitian ini terbagi menjadi 2 tahap, yaitu tahap pertama melakukan validasi untuk hasil advanced analysis dengan menyamakan hasil dengan hasil ekperimental atau numerikal yang telah dipublikasi sebelumnya dan tahap kedua adalah membandingkan stress ratio dan hasil desain dari metode ELM dan DAM pada beberapa variasi bangunan serta melakukan pengecekan performa hasil desain dengan menggunakan analisa pushover. Untuk tahap validasi, menggunakan analisa pushover untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari masing-masing metode dan dengan variasi 3 zona gempa di Indonesia dan 3 jenis tanah untuk mengetahui metode apa yang paling dapat mengakomodir beban gempa di area Indonesia. Lalu tahap kedua adalah membandingkan beberapa variasi bangunan dengan kondisi bangunan berada pada zona Padang, tanah lunak.

Based on the latest standard of the guidance of steel design AISC 2010 had many corrections from the previous standard AISC 2005 . This is the main reason of the existence of SNI 1729 2015 .One of the main difference is the changing of analysis on steel rsquo s stability, called effective length method and direct analysis method. This research will study what limitation that are applied to the both method with advanced analysis as a comparison. Advanced analysis is second order inelastic method that represent the real collapse mechanism of structure that will be validated through some calibration frames. The metodology of this research is divided into 2 steps, the first is doing validation for get advanced analysis result through previous experimental or numerical rsquo s result that had been published and the second is comparing the stress ratio and the design both ELM and DAM through some variations of building then doing performanced based design of both methods using pushover analysis. For validation, it is using pushover analysis to know the characteristic of each methods and in addition to compare it with 3 different seismic zones in Indonesia Samarinda, Jakarta and Padang and 3 different type of soils to get the result of which method suits most of the seismic load in spesific area in Indonesia. Then the second phase is comparing some variations of building with condition that the building is located in Padang whose soft soil."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Rinaldi
"Kerusakan pada tiang beton dan tiang baja yang disebabkan selama konstruksi ataupun setelah konstruksi dapat secara serius mempengaruhi kemampulayanan dari suatu struktur bangunan. Uji pembebanan statik dapat mengecek asumsi kapasitas rencana dari pondasi tiang. Namun, hal tersebut sangat mahal dan banyak memakan waktu jika metode tersebut digunakan untuk mengecek keutuhan dari tiang. Metode Non-destructive terkini berdasarkan teknik low strain impulse dapat secara cepat dan ekonomis mengecek keutuhan seluruh pondasi tiang di lapangan. Metode ini menggunakan sinyal dari hasil tumbukan antara palu dengan kepala tiang. Pantulan gelombang tegangan dari ketidakseragamanan tiang atau kaki tiang diamati pada kepala tiang melaui akselerometer, diproses dan diinterpretasikan oleh engineer berpengalaman. Dalam penelitian ini, tiang beton dan baja diujicoba dengan menggunakan metode ini dengan menggunakan alat yang dinamakan Pile Integrity Tester (PIT) hasilnya akan diinterpretasi dan dianalisa.

Defect in concrete and steel piles caused either during or after construction may seriously affect their performance on a structure. Load testing of piles may be used to check the assumption adopted in the load capacity design of the piles. However, it is too expensive and time consuming to use load testing as a means of checking pile's integrity. Modern non-destructive method based on small strain impulse technique enable the integrity of all the pile on a site to be established rapidly and economically to enhance greatly confidence in the foundation. The method uses signals from a hand held hammer impacting the pile top and generating a compressive stress wave in the pile. Stress wave reflection from non-uniformities or the pile toe are observed at the pile top, processed and interpreted by the experienced test engineer. In this research, Steel and Concrete Pile are test with this method using equipment called Pile Integrity Tester then the result interpreted and analyzed."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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