ABSTRAKKerusakan lingkungan di wilayah kerja PT. X Bojenegara, Banten masih sering terjadi. Sebagian besar penyebab kerusakan lingkungan di wilayah kerja PT. X seperti pencemaran udara, air, dan tanah akibat dari perilaku pekerja yang tidak memiliki sikap kesadaran lingkungan dalam bekerja. Beberapa faktor, yaitu kesadaran lingkungan dan program Industrial Hygiene digunakan untuk melihat adanya hubungan dengan perilaku pekerja di PT. X. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. X Bojonegara, Banten pada bulan Februari 2015 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2015 dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner, observasi lapangan serta wawancara mendalam. Terdapat 79 responden dan 5 orang informan yang dianalisis dengan statistik univariat, bivariat dan multivariate. Hasilnya terdapat hubungan antara kesadaran lingkungan dan program Industrial Hygiene dengan perilaku pekerja (R = 0,292). Nilai korelasi sebesar 0,292 menunjukan bahwa hubungan antara kesadaran lingkungan dan program Industrial Hygiene dengan perilaku pekerja adalah sedang.
ABSTRACTEnvironmental damage in the region of PT. X Bojenegara, Banten still occur. Most of the causes of environmental damage in the region of PT. X such as air pollution, water, and soil as a result of the behavior of workers who don’t have an attitude of environmental awareness in the work. Several factors, namely environmental awareness and Industrial Hygiene program used to see the connection with the behavior of workers at PT. X. This research was conducted at PT. X Bojonegara, Banten in February 2015 to March 2015 by using a quantitative approach and the data collection methods such as questionnaires, field observation and in-depth interviews. There are 79 respondents and 5 informants were statistically analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The result there is a relationship between environmental awareness and Industrial Hygiene program with worker behavior (R = 0.292). The correlation value of 0.292 indicates that the relationship between environmental awareness and Industrial Hygiene program with worker behavior is moderate., Environmental damage in the region of PT. X Bojenegara, Banten still occur. Most of the causes of environmental damage in the region of PT. X such as air pollution, water, and soil as a result of the behavior of workers who don’t have an attitude of environmental awareness in the work. Several factors, namely environmental awareness and Industrial Hygiene program used to see the connection with the behavior of workers at PT. X. This research was conducted at PT. X Bojonegara, Banten in February 2015 to March 2015 by using a quantitative approach and the data collection methods such as questionnaires, field observation and in-depth interviews. There are 79 respondents and 5 informants were statistically analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The result there is a relationship between environmental awareness and Industrial Hygiene program with worker behavior (R = 0.292). The correlation value of 0.292 indicates that the relationship between environmental awareness and Industrial Hygiene program with worker behavior is moderate.]"