ABSTRAKPenelitian dengan metode netnografi ini memahami eksistensi dan penggunaan media analog di era digital yang tak lepas dari konstruksi sosial terhadapnya. Begitu juga yang terjadi pada kartu pos. Fleksibilitas interpretasi kelompok sosial relevan, dalam penelitian ini adalah komunitas Card to Post, membawa penggunaan kartu pos dengan cara yang baru. Fleksibilitas interpretasi tersebut terlihat pada gambar dan ornament estetikanya; pesan tertulis; penempatan prangko; dan penyimpanannya. Lalu, penggunaan teknologi analog ini menimbulkan makna khusus pada kartu pos sebagai media komunikasi interpersonal, yaitu personalitas, sensasi fisik, kreatifitas, dan komunikasi pelan
ABSTRACTWith netnography as a method, this research analize and understand the existence and the usage of postcard as analog media in digital era which happended because of social construction. This research find that the interpretative flexibility of the social relevant group bring new way to use and design postcard. The interpretative flexibility shown from postcard picture and aesthetic ornament; written message; stamp placement and how it stored. The usage of postcard in digital era is also emerge meaning in its users, which are authenticity, physical sensation, creativity, and as slow communication. ;With netnography as a method, this research analize and understand the existence and the usage of postcard as analog media in digital era which happended because of social construction. This research find that the interpretative flexibility of the social relevant group bring new way to use and design postcard. The interpretative flexibility shown from postcard picture and aesthetic ornament; written message; stamp placement and how it stored. The usage of postcard in digital era is also emerge meaning in its users, which are authenticity, physical sensation, creativity, and as slow communication. , With netnography as a method, this research analize and understand the existence and the usage of postcard as analog media in digital era which happended because of social construction. This research find that the interpretative flexibility of the social relevant group bring new way to use and design postcard. The interpretative flexibility shown from postcard picture and aesthetic ornament; written message; stamp placement and how it stored. The usage of postcard in digital era is also emerge meaning in its users, which are authenticity, physical sensation, creativity, and as slow communication. ]"