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Ismi Adzani
Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan menggunakan data sekunder
SDKI KRR 2012 yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor individu dan
lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kondom pada remaja pria yang
aktif secara seksual di Indonesia. Besar sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini sebanyak 590 orang. Diantara remaja pria belum menikah yang pernah
melakukan hubungan seksual hampir setengah (45%) dari mereka aktif secara
seksual dan lebih dari tiga perempat (76,3%) dari mereka tidak menggunakan
kondom saat melakukan hubungan seksual. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan
dengan penggunaan kondom meliputi: pengetahuan komprehensif tentang
HIV/AIDS; persepsi bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan; persepsi risiko
kehamilan pasangan seks; paparan informasi/ iklan kondom dari media massa;
edukasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan wilayah tempat tinggal. Adapun
?persepsi bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan? merupakan prediktor
terkuat pada penelitian ini (OR=2,5) dan faktor ?persepsi bahwa kondom dapat
mencegah penularan IMS termasuk HIV/AIDS? merupakan variabel pengontrol
(confounding). Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan untuk membentuk wadah peduli
remaja di sekolah atau universitas dan mengembangkan program kesehatan
reproduksi remaja yang sudah ada.

The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist.;The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist.;The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist., The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuris Putri Pertiwi
Kurangnya pemahaman remaja mengenai kesehatan reproduksi membuat remaja
berperilaku seksual berisiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang
berhubungan dengan penggunaan kondom pada remaja pria pelaku hubungan seksual
pra-nikah di 5 Provinsi di Indonesia (Maluku, Sulawesi Utara, Maluku Utara, Papua
Barat, dan Papua) tahun 2012. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan
menggunakan data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2012. Sampel
dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja pria usia 15 ? 24 pelaku hubungan seksual pranikah
di 5 Provinsi di Indonesia yang memenuhi kriteria. Dari hasil penelitian
didapatkan persentase penggunaan kondom 14,2%. Adapun variabel yang
berhubungan secara statistik dari faktor predisposisi adalah usia, dengan peluang
penggunaan kondom lebih besar pada usia 20 ? 24 tahun (PR : 1,764, 95% CI : 1,004
? 3,096), faktor enabling adalah keikutsertaan dalam forum edukasi kesehatan
reproduksi (PR : 2,332, 95% CI : 1,289 ? 4,217), sedangkan faktor reinforcing adalah
peran sekolah (PR : 1,715, 95% CI : 1,015 ? 2,897). Oleh karena itu disarankan untuk
melaksanakan optimalisasi program PIK Remaja, integrasi pelajaran kesehatan
reproduksi di sekolah, dan memanfaatkan media informasi lebih massive lagi.

Lack of understanding about reproductive health in adolescents make them have risky
sexual behavior. This study aims to determine the factros related with condom use
among male adolescent who had sexual intercourse before marriage in 5 provinces in
Indonesia (Maluku, North Sulawesi, North Maluku, West Papua and Papua) in 2012.
The study design was cross-sectional using data Indonesia Demographic and Health
Survey 2012. The sample in this study were male adolescent aged 15 ? 24 who had
sexual intercourse before marriage in the 5 provinces in Indonesia that meet the
criteria. From the results, the percentage of condom use is 14.2%. The variables
associated statistically of predisposing factors is age, with the chance of condom use
is greater in the age of 20 ? 24 years (PR : 1.764, 95% CI: 1.004 to 3.096), the factors
enabling is participation in the forums education of reproductive health (PR: 2.332,
95% CI: 1.289 to 4.217), while reinforcing factor is the role of the school (PR: 1.715,
95% CI: 1.015 to 2.897). It is therefore advisable to carry out optimization of PIK
youth program, the integration of reproductive health education in schools, and utilize
information more massive media again.;"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Eri
Saat ini transmisi seksual merupakan faktor utama penyebaran penyakit HIV-AIDS di Indonesia. Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS) merupakan bagian yang berkontribusi didalamnya. Wanita Pekerja Seks Langsung adalah wanita yang memberikan layanan seksual yang tujuan utama transaksinya mempertukarkan pelayanan seksual dengan uang. Wanita Pekerja Seks Tidak Langsung adalah wanita yang memberikan layanan seksual tapi bukan merupakan sumber utama pendapatan, pelayanan yang diberikan dapat memberikan penghasilan tambahan.
Program promosi pemakaian kondom pada hubungan seksual berisiko telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk memutus mata rantai penularan. Namun hingga saat ini konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPS masih rendah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan data hasil Survey Terpadu Biologi dan Perilaku (STBP) 2013 dengan memilih 2714 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membandingkan karakteristik, perilaku pemakaian kondom dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemakaian kondom. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional.
Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPSL 37,7% dan WPSTL sebesar 35.6%, konsistensi untuk semua WPS sebesar 36.9%. WPSL cenderung lebih tua, pendidikan lebih rendah, lebih banyak yang berstatus cerai, lebih lama menjadi WPS, lebih dini memulai hubungan seks, lebih banyak memiliki riwayat IMS, lebih merasa berisiko, lebih terpapar program, lebh banyak yang punya kondom dan jumlah pelanggan yang lebih banyak dibandingkan WPSTL.
Faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPSL adalah status perkawinan, riwayat IMS, keterpaparan program, dan kepemilikan kondom. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPSTL adalah status perkawinan, riwayat IMS, pengetahuan HIV, keterpaparan program, kepemilikan kondom dan jumlah pelanggan. Disarankan untuk meningkatkan upaya promotif dan preventif pada WPS dengan pendekatan yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik WPS.

Sexual transmission is currently a major factor spread of HIV-AIDS in Indonesia. Female Sex Workers (FSW) is a contributing part in it. Direct female sex workers are women who provide sexual services whose main purpose transaction exchange sexual services for money. Indirect female sex workers are women who provide sexual services but is not a major source of income, the service to provide additional income. Program promotion of condom use in risky sexual intercourse has been done by the government to break the chain of transmission. But until now the consistency of condom use in the FWS is still low.
This study uses data from the Integrated Biological and Behavioural Survey (IBBS) 2013 by choosing the 2714 respondents who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics, behavior condom use and determine the factors associated with condom use. The study used cross sectional design.
Results of the study found that consistent condom use in direct FSW and indirect FSW amounted to 37.7% and 35.6%, for all WPS consistency of 36.9%. WPSL tend to be older, lower education, more are divorced, longer be WPS, more had a history of STIs, it was risky, more exposed to the program, more who had condoms and the number of customers more compared indirect FSW.
Factors associated of condom use on direct FWS is the marital status, history of STDs, exposure program, and possession of condoms. Factors associated of condom on indirect FWS is marital status, history of STIs, HIV knowledge, exposure program, have condoms and number of customers. We suggested to increase promotive and preventive efforts on FWS with the approach adapted to the characteristics of the FSW.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Prihastita Rizyana
"[Kontak seks komersial mempercepat penularan HIV. Probabilitas pekerja seks terinfeksi HIV lebih tinggi karena beberapa faktor risiko, salah satunya penggunaan kondom secara tidak konsisten. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan faktor individual (umur, pendidikan, negosiasi kondom, lama bekerja, jumlah pelanggan), faktor lingkungan (pelatihan kondom, ketersediaan kondom, tempat mendapatkan kondom, keterpaparan informasi) dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom pada WPS. Analisis lanjut data Survei Manajemen Rantai
Pasokan Kondom (SMRPK) tahun 2013 dengan desain cross sectional pada 3225 WPS langsung dan tidak langsung yang dipilih secara multistage random sampling di 16 Provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 62,8% konsistensi memakai kondom. Umur WPS, negosiasi kondom, ketersediaan kondom berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom. Variabel negosiasi kondom merupakan faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan konsistensi pemakaian kondom.dimana WPS yang selalu melakukan negosiasi kondom
berpeluang menggunakan kondom secara konsisten 12,6 kali dibandingkan WPS yang tidak selalu negosiasi kondom dengan pelanggannya;Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV. Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey
(SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through
multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated 62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6 times consistently of condom use with a clients.;Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV. Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in
commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey (SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated 62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is
the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6 times consistently of condom use with a clients., Number of commercial sex can speed up the transmission of HIV.
Probability of sex workers are infected with HIV is higher because some risk
factors such as a consistency condom use. This study aims to determine the
associated of individual factors (age, education, condom negotiation, length in
commercial work, number of customers), environmental factors (condoms
training, availability, source to get condoms, exposure by information) with the
consistency of condom use by FSW’s. According to Supply Management Survey
(SMRPK) in 2013, recruited 3225 of direct and indirectly FSW’s through
multistage random sampling in 16 Provinces in Indonesia. The results indicated
62.8% consistent condom use. Age, condom negotiation, condom availability
significantly correlated with consistency of condom use. Condom negotiation is
the most dominant factor related to consistency of condom use after adjusting
with age and condom availability. FSW’s whose always negotiated have a 12.6
times consistently of condom use with a clients.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penggunaan kondom sebagai alat kontrasepsi masih rendah. Penggunaan kondom di wilayah Puskesmas Perawatan Simpang Empat 0,7%, di bawah pencapaian kabupaten yaitu 1,4% tahun 2012. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui alasan tidak berintensi menggunakan kondom pada suami. Metode yang digunakan desain Cross Sectional. Populasi semua suami berstatus menikah, pengambilan sampel secara probability proportional. Hasil penelitian, penggunaan kondom oleh suami 6,5% dan intensi menggunakan kondom 14,3%. Alasan suami tidak berintensi menggunakan kondom karena adanya stigma perilaku seks di luar pernikahan, malu negoisasi dan malu membeli.
Hasil uji statistik tidak ada hubungan mengurangi kenikmatan dengan intensi menggunakan kondom dengan nilai p=0,57 >α(0.005). Pada variabel stigma perilaku seks di luar pernikahan p value 0.001, malu negosiasi <0,001 dan variabel malu membeli 0,031 < α (0.005) berarti ada hubungan yang bermakna antara ketiga variabel tersebut dengan intensi penggunaan kondom pada suami. Perlunya peningkatan promosi kondom baik melalui bidan, petugas lini terdepan BKKBN, organisasi kewanitaan, tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat untuk memberikan informasi yang benar tentang kondom di tengah masyarakat.

The use ofcondoms as contraceptives remains low. The use ofcondoms in the health center Simpang Empat Care 0.7%, below the achievement of the district is1.4% in 2012. The purpose of research to find reasons not to use condoms to their husbands intensions. The method used Cross Sectional design. Population of all husbands are married, probability proportional sampling. Results of the study, the use of condoms by husbands 6.5% and14.3% intentions to use condoms. Reason not intension husband use a condom because ofthe stigma ofsexual beha vior outside ofmarriage, embarrassed and as hamed purchase negotiations.
The results of the statistical test has nothing to do with the intention of reducing the pleasure of using a condom with a value ofp=0.57>α(0005). On stigma variables of sex outside of marriage behavior p value 0.001, shame negotiation <0.001 and 0.031variables embarrassed buy <α(0005) means there is a significant association between these three variables withthe intention of using condoms to their husbands. The need for increased promotion of condoms through midwives, BKKBN front line officers, female organizations, religious leaders and community leaders to provide correct information about condoms in the community.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verlina Yohana Kawangung
"Masih tingginya kejadian IMS pada WPS (83,2%) dan perilaku pencegahan yang kurang berpotensi penularan IMS dan peningkatan penyebaran kasus HIV-AIDS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketersediaan kondom terhadap penggunaan kondom di Lokasi Batu 24 dan Batu 80. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua metode yaitu, kuantitatif dengan disain cross sectional dan kualitatif dengan disain RAP. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah WPS di Lokasi Batu 24 dan Batu 80 berjumlah 136 orang (total sampel) dan 22 orang informan. Ada 81,6 % menggunakan kondom pada seks terakhir dan 47,2 % selalu menggunakan kondom seminggu terakhir. Penggunaan kondom seminggu terakhir dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan kondom (OR=1,7) dan tetap berpegaruh setelah dikontrol oleh variabel konfounder (OR=2,4).

The high prevalence of STI among sex worker (83.2%) and low condom used behaviors potentially increase the spread of transmission of STI and HIV-AIDS cases.This study aims to determine the effect of condom availability on condom use among sex worker at Lokasi Batu 24 and Batu 80. Quantitative and qualitative methods had been used in this study. Samples in this study are direct sex workers in Lokasi Batu 24 and Batu 80, total 136 person (total sample) and 22 informen. There are 81.6% used condom at last sex, and 47.2% always used condoms in past a week. Condoms used in past a week are influenced by the availability of condoms (OR = 1.7) and still having effect after controlled by confounder variables (OR = 2.4)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Fitrianti
Infeksi menular seksual dapat menimbulkan beban morbiditas dan mortalitas terutama di negara sedang berkembang. Berdasarkan data STBP di Indonesia, kelompok LSL memiliki prevalensi HIV meningkat tajam 2,5 kali dibandingkan hasil STBP sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis jenis pasangan seksual dengan konsistensi penggunaan kondom pada LSL di 6 kota di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Cross Sectional. Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 827 orang. Hasilnya LSL yang mempunyai pasangan waria (44%) paling konsisten dalam menggunakan kondom, LSL yang mempunyai pasangan lakilaki (39,5%) merupakan kelompok LSL yang tidak konsisten dalam penggunaan kondom, dan LSL yang mempunyai pasangan wanita paling banyak yang tidak pernah menggunakan kondom (51,5%). LSL yang mempunyai pasangan laki-laki 8,06 kali lebih konsisten dalam penggunaan kondom dibandingkan pasangan wanita.LSL yang mempunyai pasangan waria 8,58 kali lebih konsisten dalam penggunaan kondom dibandingkan pasangan wanita. Variable confounding pengetahuan, penggunaan pelumas, akses, dan sumber informasi (teman sebaya, konselor, pertunjukan, media social, dan internet) memiliki hubungan yang bermakna terhadap penggunaan kondom secara konsisten. Saran dari penelitian ini yaitu memaksimalkan pelaksanaan program pencegahan HIV yang sudah ada dan penggunaan media massa dan pendekatan yang inovatif.

Sexually transmitted infections can cause a burden of morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. Based on STBP data in Indonesia, MSM have a HIV prevalence that has risen sharply 2.5 times compared to the previous STBP results. The purpose of this study was to analyze the types of sexual partners with the consistency of condom use in MSM in 6 cities in Indonesia. This study uses the Cross Sectional research method. The number of samples studied was 827 people. The result is MSM who have a transgender partner (44%) are most consistent in using condoms, MSM who have male partners (39.5%) are MSM groups who are inconsistent in condom use, and MSM who have the most female partners who have never use condoms (51.5%). MSM who had male partners 8.06 times were more consistent in condom use than female partners. LSL who have a transgender partner were 8.58 times more consistent in condom use than female partners. Variable confounding knowledge, use of lubricants, access, and sources of information (peers, counselors, shows, social media, and the internet) have a significant relationship to consistent condom use. Suggestions from this research are maximizing the implementation of existing HIV prevention programs and the use of mass media and innovative approaches.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanny Fadiah
Skripsi ini membahas faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsistensi penggunaan kondom pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual (WPS) di 10 kota di Indonesia menggunakan data sekunder Survei Cepat Perilaku WPS tahun 2010 dan 2011. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Pada model multivariat uji regresi, menawarkan kondom, penggunaan kondom seks terakhir, dan tempat mendapatkan kondom memiliki hubungan dengan konsistensi penggunaan kondom. Oleh karena itu, disarankan penguatan kapasitas pendidik sebaya, sosialisasi kondom melalui media, dan pemberian KIE dengan diskusi kelompok atau bermain peran pada waktu sore hari sebagai upaya menggunakan kondom secara konsisten untuk mencegah dan mengurangi kasus IMS dan HIV.

This thesis examined the association factors about consisteny of condom use among female sex worker (FSW) in 10 cities in Indonesia using secondary data behavioral rapid survey among FSW in 2010 and 2011. The study used crosssectional study design. In a logistic multiple regression model, negotiation condom, condom use at last sex, and place to get condom were associated with consisteny of condom use. Therefore, it recommended to make the affirmation of peer educator capacity, condom socialization, and give communication, information, and education with focus group discussion or role play to FSW in the evening as one of effort to condom use consistently to prevent and decrease the cases of STDs and HIV."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tesis ini membahas hubungan akses layanan alat suntik steril terhadap penggunaan kondom pada Pengguna Napza Suntik (Penasun) di 7 kota di Indonesia menggunakan data sekunder Survei Cepat Perilaku Penasun tahun 2010, 2011 dan 2012. Analisis kecenderungan dan analisis multivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan complex sample. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan semakin tidak berisiko pasangan seksualnya maka semakin rendah proporsi penggunaan kondom. Selanjutnya, akses LASS mempengaruhi penggunaan kondom seks terakhir pada Penasun dengan pasangan seks berisiko dan pasangan tidak tetap tetapi akses LASS belum konsisten mempengaruhi penggunaan kondom seks sebulan terakhir dengan setiap jenis pasangan seksnya.

This thesis examine the association sterile syringe service access against condom use among people who injecting drug (PWID) in 7 cities in Indonesia using secondary data behavioral rapid survey among PWID in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Trend analysis and multivariate analysis done by using complex sample approach. The result of this study has been showing that increasingly risky sexual partners, the lower the proportion of condom use. Furthermore, sterile syringe service access affect for condom use at last sex among PWID with risky sexual partners and casual partners but does not consistently affect sterile syringe service access for condom use sex last month with any type of sexual partners."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Konsistensi penggunaan kondom pada Penasun masih rendah. Menurut
Laporan STBP 2013, konsistensi penggunaan kondom pada Penasun sebesar 17%
pada pasangan tetap, 17% pasangan tidak tetap dan 16% pasangan komersial.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat determinan penggunaan kondom pada
Penasun di 4 Kota di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data STBP Penasun
tahun 2013. Cara pengambilan sampel STBP Penasun adalah Responden Driven
Sampling (RDS). Analisis data secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariabel.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi penggunaan kondom pada saat
berhubungan seks sebesar 18% pada pasangan tetap, 17% pada pasangan tidak
tetap, 17% membeli seks dan 5% menjual seks. Determinan penggunaan kondom
pada 4 pasangan berbeda, namun tidak memiliki kondom selalu ada pada semua
jenis pasangan. Determinan penggunaan kondom pada pasangan tetap adalah
tidak memiliki kondom, tidak merasa berisiko, pengetahuan rendah, tidak
mengakses LASS, tidak menikah dan merasa kondom tidak bermanfaat dalam
mencegah HIV merupakan determinan dari perilaku penggunaan kondom Penasun
pada pasangan tetap. Determinan penggunaan kondom pada pasangan tidak tetap
adalah tidak memiliki kondom dan tidak menikah merupakan determinan
penggunaan kondom Penasun pada pasangan tidak tetap. Determinan penggunaan
kondom pada Penasun yang membeli seks adalah tidak memiliki kondom
merupakan determinan penggunaan kondom Penasun saat membeli seks

Consistent condom use in IDUs remains low. According to the report IBBS
2013, the consistent use of condoms in 17% IDU steady partner, 17% of couples
are not fixed and 16% commercial partner. This study aims to look at the
determinants of condom use among IDU in four cities in Indonesia. This study
uses IBBS IDU 2013. How sampling IBBS IDU is Respondent Driven Sampling
(RDS). Analysis of univariate, bivariate and multivariable.
The results showed the proportion of condom use during sex by 18% on a
regular partner, 17% on casual partners, 17% and 5% purchase sex sell sex.
Determinants of condom use on four different couples, but does not have a
condom always exist in all types of couples. Determinants of condom use on a
regular partner is not having a condom, do not feel at risk, low knowledge, no
access LASS, not married and feel condoms are not useful in preventing HIV is a
determinant of condom use behaviors of IDUs in couples staying. Determinants of
condom use in casual partners is not to have condoms and abstaining from
marriage is the determinant of condom use in casual partners of IDUs. The
Determinants of condom use among IDU who buy sex is not having a condom is a
determinant of the use of condoms when buying sex IDU"
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