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"[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Organizational Career Growth dan Leader-Member Exchange terhadap Turnover Intention melalui intervensi Career Mapping sebagai usaha untuk menurunkan tingkat turnover intention karyawan GTP di PT.CDE. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat ukur organizational career growth yang diadaptasi dan diterjemahkan dari Weng dan Xi (2011), kemudian alat ukur leader-member exchange yang diadaptasi dari Liden dan Maslyn (1998) dan telah diterjemahkan oleh Radikun (2010), serta alat ukur turnover intention yang diadaptasi dari
Mobley (1978). Hasil analisis korelasi terhadap 49 orang karyawan GTP
menunjukkan adanya hubungan organizational career growth dengan turnover intention sebesar 54.8%, sedangkan untuk leader-member exchange sebesar 46.3%. Dari analisis regresi diketahui organizational career growth growth mampu menjelaskan sebesar 24.6% (Adjusted R2 = 0.246) dari varians turnover intention dengan career goal progress sebagai dimensi yang paling berpengaruh. Dengan demikian, perlunya dikembangkan intervensi career mapping sebagai salah satu cara meningkatkan career goal progress pada karyawan GTP di PT.CDE.;This research is conducted to find the relationship between Organizational
Career Growth and Leader-Member Exchange with Turnover Intention, by Career Mapping intervention as the effort to decrease turnover intention in GTP employees at PT.CDE. Measurement scale that is used in this research are organizational career growth which adapted and translated from Weng dan Xi’s measurement (2011), and leader-member exchange scale from Liden and Maslyn (1998) that has been translated by Radikun (2010), and also turnover intention scale from Mobley (1978). Pearson correlation analysis that is conducted to 49
GTP employees show correlation between organizational career growth and turnover intention with score 54.8%, while leader-member exchange’s score is 46.3%. By using regression analysis the result show that organizational career growth was able to explain 24.6% (Adjusted R2 = 0.246) of turnover intention variance to turnover intention with career goal progress as the dimension that has most significant effect to turnover intention. Based on this, therefore career mapping intervention was designed to increase career goal progress in GTP
employees and decrease turnover intention at PT.CDE, This research is conducted to find the relationship between Organizational
Career Growth and Leader-Member Exchange with Turnover Intention, by
Career Mapping intervention as the effort to decrease turnover intention in GTP
employees at PT.CDE. Measurement scale that is used in this research are
organizational career growth which adapted and translated from Weng dan Xi’s
measurement (2011), and leader-member exchange scale from Liden and Maslyn
(1998) that has been translated by Radikun (2010), and also turnover intention
scale from Mobley (1978). Pearson correlation analysis that is conducted to 49
GTP employees show correlation between organizational career growth and
turnover intention with score 54.8%, while leader-member exchange’s score is
46.3%. By using regression analysis the result show that organizational career
growth was able to explain 24.6% (Adjusted R2 = 0.246) of turnover intention
variance to turnover intention with career goal progress as the dimension that has
most significant effect to turnover intention. Based on this, therefore career
mapping intervention was designed to increase career goal progress in GTP
employees and decrease turnover intention at PT.CDE]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raihan Muhammad
"Pesatnya pertumbuhan perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital di Indonesia tidak lepas dari peran sumber daya manusianya. Mengingat kondisi perusahaan yang masih tergolong baru dan masih berjuang untuk tetap eksis, perusahaan perlu untuk mengoptimalkan peran SDM nya seefektif mungkin. Sehingga penting halnya bagi perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital untuk menjaga karyawannya tetap engage pada pekerjaannya, serta meminimalisir intensi karyawan untuk keluar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh career adaptability dan leader member exchange (LMX) terhadap work engagement dan turnover intention, serta melihat peran mediasi Job insecurity pada pengaruh antar variabel tersebut. Sebanyak 312 responden yang merupakan karyawan aktif di perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital di Indonesia berhasil dikumpulkan datanya dan di olah dengan structural equation modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa work engagement dipengaruhi secara positif oleh career adaptability dan LMX, serta dipengaruhi secara negatif oleh job insecurity. Turnover intention dipengaruhi secara negatif oleh LMX dan secara positif oleh job insecurity. Job insecurity dipengaruhi oleh career adaptability dan LMX. Serta terbuktinnya peran mediasi job insecurity pada pengaruh career adaptability dan LMX terhadap work engagement dan turnover intention.

The rapid growth of digital startups in Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of human resources. Given the condition of the company which is still relatively new and still struggling to exist, the company needs to optimize its HR role as effectively as possible. So it is important for digital startup companies to keep their employees engaged in their work, and to minimize employee intention to leave. This study aims to analyze the effect of career adaptability and leader member exchange (LMX) on work engagement and turnover intention, and to see the mediating role of Job insecurity on the influence between these variables. 312 respondents who are active employees of digital startups in Indonesia have successfully collected their data and processed them with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed that work engagement is positively influenced by career adaptability and LMX, as well as negatively influenced by job insecurity. Turnover intention is affected negatively by LMX and positively by job insecurity. Job insecurity is influenced by career adaptability and LMX. And the mediation role of job insecurity on the influence of career adaptability and LMX on work engagement and turnover intention is proven in this study."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifa Rachmania
"Industri perbankan merupakan salah satu industri dengan turnover yang tinggi disebabkan oleh beban kerja yang tinggi. Disisi lain, perusahaan berusaha mempertahankan karyawannya agar meningkatkan kinerja dan profit perusahaan keseluruhan, termasuk juga bank. Perusahan melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan organizational commitment agar dapat menurunkan turnover intention, salah satunya melalui organizational learning culture dan perceived leader-member exchange quality.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan antara organizational learning culture, perceived leader-member exchange quality terhadap turnover intention yang dimediasi oleh organizational commitment pada karyawan bank. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel karyawan Bank ABC di Jakarta. dan Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural Equation modeling dengan software LISREL 8.51.
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan terdapat hubungan antara organizational learning culture dengan perceived leader-member exchange quality terhadap turnover intention yang dimediasi oleh organizational commitment. Namun, tidak terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara organizational learning culture dengan organizational commitment.

The banking industry is one of industries with high turnover due to high workload. On the other hand, companies trying to keep their employees in order to improve overall performance and profitability, as well as banks. Bank make efforts to improve organizational commitment for decreasing turnover intention rate, one of their efforts through organizational learning culture and perceived leader-member exchange quality.
This study aims to analyze the relationship between organizational learning culture, perceived leader-member exchange quality on turnover intention is mediated by organizational commitment to the bank employees. This research is conducted using a sample of employees of Bank ABC in Jakarta. and Depok. This research used a structural equation modeling with LISREL software 8.51.
The results of this study describes the relationship between organizational learning culture and perceived leader-member exchange quality with turnover intention is mediated by organizational commitment. But, there isn’t significant positive relationship between organizational learning culture with the organizational commitment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Yuli Ratna Sari
"Penelitian in bertujuan untuk menganalisis corporate ethical values yang berperan sebagai quasi moderasi (sebagai variabel independen dan moderasi) dalam hubungan kepuasan karir, identifikasi organisasi, dan turnover intention. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada karyawan generasi milenial dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 120 responden dari berbagai industri di wilayah Jabodetabek. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan kemudian diolah dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan karir dan corporate ethical values terbukti berpengaruh langsung terhadap turnover intention dan secara tidak langsung melalui mediasi parsial identifikasi organisasi. Sementara itu, pengaruh kepuasan karir terhadap turnover intention dan pada identifikasi organisasi terbukti dimoderasi oleh corporate ethical values, serta terbukti memoderasi pengaruh identifikasi organisasi terhadap turnover intention.

This research has a purpose to examine the role of corporate ethical values as a quasi moderator (serves as the independent variable and moderation) in the relationship between career satisfaction, organizational identification, and turnover intention. This research was conducted to millennial employees with a sample the sample consists of 120 respondents  from various industries in Jabodetabek area. The data was collected using a questionnaire and processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The result shows that career satisfaction and corporate ethical values have direct effect toward turnover intention and indirectly through partial mediation of organizational identification. Meanwhile, the influence of career satisfaction to turnover intention is proved to be moderated by corporate ethical values. And the influence of organizational identification to turnover intention is proved to be moderated by corporate ethical values."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roy Hendrawan
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menguji pengaruh pertumbuhan karir organisasi
(organizational career growth) dan persepsi politik organisasi (perceptions of
organizational politics) terhadap maksud pengunduran diri (turnover intention)
para pegawai dinas luar negeri non diplomatik pada Kementerian Luar Negeri
Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan dianalisis
menggunakan metode regresi. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang diperoleh
dari 208 pegawai non diplomatik pada Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik
Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pertumbuhan karir organisasi
berpengaruh negatif terhadap maksud pengunduran diri, dan persepsi politik
organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap maksud pengunduran diri. Ditemukan
bahwa pencapaian tujuan karir mempengaruhi maksud pengunduran diri secara
signifikan. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa semakin besar peluang yang diberikan
organisasi kepada pegawai untuk mencapai tujuan karirnya, maka akan mengurangi
kecenderungan pegawai untuk meninggalkan organisasi. General political
behavior sebagai dimensi dari persepsi politik organisasi mempengaruhi maksud
pengunduran diri secara signifikan. Disimpulkan pula bahwa persepsi politik
organisasi meningkatkan niat untuk meninggalkan organisasi.

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational
career growth and turnover intention, as well as perceptions of organizational
politics and turnover intention, among non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia. This research used quantitative design
and analyzed by regression method. The data were collected by questionnaires from
208 respondents of non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Republic of Indonesia. The results of this study show that the organizational career
growth are negatively related to turnover intention, and the perceptions of
organizational politics are positively related to turnover intention. It was found that
career goal progress have strong influences on turnover intention. The researcher
suggest that the greater opportunities provided by an organization for employees to
meet their career goals, make employees less likely to consider leaving the
organization. General political behavior as dimension of perceptions of
organizational politics have strong influences on turnover intention. It suggest that
perceptions of organizational politics are increase the intention to leave the
organization, The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational
career growth and turnover intention, as well as perceptions of organizational
politics and turnover intention, among non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia. This research used quantitative design
and analyzed by regression method. The data were collected by questionnaires from
208 respondents of non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Republic of Indonesia. The results of this study show that the organizational career
growth are negatively related to turnover intention, and the perceptions of
organizational politics are positively related to turnover intention. It was found that
career goal progress have strong influences on turnover intention. The researcher
suggest that the greater opportunities provided by an organization for employees to
meet their career goals, make employees less likely to consider leaving the
organization. General political behavior as dimension of perceptions of
organizational politics have strong influences on turnover intention. It suggest that
perceptions of organizational politics are increase the intention to leave the
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Setiawan
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh career adaptability, perceived organizational support, dan career satisfaction terhadap turnover intention pada tenaga kerja generasi milenial Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan cross-sectional design dan metode purposive sampling untuk mengumpulkan data primer. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari 424 tenaga kerja generasi milenial Indonesia (lahir antara 1980-2000) dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa career satisfaction memiliki peran penting dalam mencegah turnover intention serta memediasi hubungan di antara career adaptability dan perceived organizational support terhadap turnover intention. Pemberdayaan berupa peningkatan adaptabilitas dan dukungan organisasi perlu diikuti dengan adanya kepuasan karier dalam rangka mencegah keinginan untuk keluar dari organisasi. Studi ini memberikan kontribusi kepada manajemen dan literatur sumber daya manusia mengenai pentingnya peran mediasi career satisfaction terhadap career adaptability dan perceived organizational support dalam rangka menurunkan turnover intention tenaga kerja generasi milenial di Indonesia.

This study aims to determine the effect of career adaptability, perceived organizational support, and career satisfaction on turnover intention on the Indonesian millennial generation. This research is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional design and purposive sampling method to collect primary data. The sample in this study was obtained from 424 Indonesian millennial generation workers (born between 1980-2000), and data processing was carried out using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that career satisfaction has an important role in preventing turnover intention and mediating the relationship between career adaptability and perceived organizational support for turnover intention. Empowerment, in the form of improving individual adaptability and organizational support, needs to be followed by career satisfaction to prevent the desire to leave the organization. This study contributes to the management and human resource literature regarding the important role of career satisfaction mediation on career adaptability and perceived organizational support to reduce the turnover intention of the millennial generation in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Syayidatus Solihat
"Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul pada perusahaan rintisan di beberapa tahun terakhir adalah tingginya tingkat turnover intention. Diantara banyak faktor, salah satu faktor penyebab utama munculnya turnover intention adalah kurangnya career growth opportunity. Adapun bentuk penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua studi, yaitu studi 1 merupakan penelitian kuantitatif korelasional antara variabel career growth opportunity dan turnover intention dengan 100 partisipan yang terlibat . Studi 1 bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel di perusahaan rintisan X. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Turnover Intention - 6 Scale (TIS-6) dan Career Growth Scale. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasil penelitian studi 1 menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara career growth opportunity dengan turnover intention. Terdapat dua dimensi career growth opportunity yang menunjukkan korelasi negatif yang signifikan, yaitu career goals progress dan promotion speed sedangkan dimensi professional ability development dan salary growth tidak berkorelasi secara signifikan. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan studi 2 yaitu program intervensi dengan jenis penelitian eksperimen dan melibatkan 4 partisipan yang memiliki skor terendah pada studi 1. Studi 2 ini bertujuan untuk melihat adanya perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan melalui career planning coaching. Hasil penelitian studi 2 dengan pemberian intervensi career planning coaching menunjukkan adanya perbedaan skor secara signifikan pada variabel turnover intention antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi (p= 0.02, p<0.05). Artinya, program intervensi career planning coaching berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam menurunkan tingkat persepsi terhadap turnover intention

One of the problems that has arisen in startups in recent years is the high level of turnover intention. Among many factors, one of the main causes of turnover is a lack of career growth opportunities. The form of this research is divided into two studies, namely Study 1, which is a quantitative correlational study between career growth opportunity and turnover intention variables with 100 participants involved. Study 1 aims to look at the relationship between variables in Startup X. The measuring tools used are the Turnover Intention - 6 Scale (TIS-6) and the Career Growth Scale. The analysis technique used is the Pearson Product Moment correlation point. The results of Study 1 show that there is a significant negative relationship between career growth opportunities and turnover intention. There are two dimensions of career growth opportunity that show a significant negative correlation, namely career goal progress and promotion speed, while the dimensions of professional ability development and salary growth are not significantly correlated. Then proceed with study 2, which is an intervention program with the type of experimental research and involves 4 participants who had the lowest score in study 1. Study 2 aims to see if there are any differences before and after being given treatment through career planning coaching. The results of study 2 with the provision of career planning coaching interventions showed that there was a significant difference in scores on the turnover intention variable between before and after being given the intervention (p=0.02; p<0.05). This means that the career planning coaching program intervention has a significant effect on reducing perceptions of turnover intention."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor yang paling mempengaruhi intensi turnover karyawan PT X dan mendesain rancangan intervensi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen organisasi memiliki pengaruh paling besar mempengaruhi intensi turnover, dan komponen yang paling rendah adalah pada normative commitment. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa karyawan tidak merasa memiliki kewajiban untuk tetap bekerja di perusahaan. Normative commitment dapat dibentuk dengan memberikan pelatihan di awal dan promosi. Oleh karena itu, intervensi yang diusulkan adalah perencanaan dan pengembangan karir karyawan, khususnya talen, untuk meningkatkan komitmen organisasi untuk menurunkan intensi turnover karyawan PT X.

The purpose of this study is to determine the factor that most influences the employees? turnover intention in PT X and to design interventions to overcome this problem. This study uses a quantitative approach. The results showed that organizational commitment is the factor that most influences the turnover intention. Measurements showed that the level of normative commitment of employees is the lowest component of organization commitment, which means the employees feel that they do not have any obligations to keep working at the company. Therefore, the proposed intervention is career planning and development program, particularly for talents, to improve organizational commitment in order to reduce turnover intention of employees of PT X.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmad Purnama
"Pada penelitian ini dibahas hubungan antara Leaders members exchange (LMX) dan turnover intention dengan procedural dan distributive justice sebagai mediator. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 107 orang pegawai tetap di Bank ABC Depok. Pengukuran LMX, procedural & distributive justice menggunakan metode self-report dengan reliabilitas yang baik pada pilot study maupun field study, dengan nilai cronbach alfa diatas .75. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LMX, Procedural, dan Distributive Justice secara signifikan berkorelasi negatif terhadap turnover intention. Pada penelitian juga didapatkan hasil bahwa LMX secara signifikan berkorelasi secara positif terhadap Procedural maupun Distributive justice. Pada uji mediasi didapatkan hasil bahwa Procedural & Distributive justice ternyata tidak memiliki efek mediasi terhadap hubungan antara LMX dan Turnover intention.

This research examined the relationship between LMX and turnover intention, mediated by procedural and distributive justice. Sample consisted of 107 full time employees of Bank ABC Depok. Using self-report, the measurements of LMX, procedural, and distributive justice all have good reliability, the cronbach?s alpha values above .75. The results showed that LMX, Procedural and Distributive Justice have negative correlations with turnover intention. This study also found that LMX positively correlated with Procedural and Distributive justice. The theority of mediating effects results distributive and procedural justice not mediating relationship between LMX and turnover intention."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miranty Mandasary Maswar
"Tesis ini berfokus pada pemberian konseling karir pada karyawan sales monitoring di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang preventive health untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja, sehingga dapat menurunkan intention to turnover. Alat ukur diadaptasi alat ukur kepuasan kerja (Spector, 1997) (Alpha Cronbach = 0,974) dan intention to turnover (Mobley, 1978) (Alpha Cronbach = 0,958).
Hasil uji korelasi Pearson menunjukkan hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara kepuasan kerja dan intention to turnover (r=-0,868 dan signifikansi 0,001). Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dengan semakin meningkatnya kepuasan kerja pada sales, maka intention to turnover mereka akan semakin rendah. Intervensi konseling karir diberikan kepada karyawan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja dan menurunkan intention to turnover.
Hasil uji Paired Sampled T-Test sebelum dan sesudah intervensi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan skor yang signifikan pada skor kepuasan kerja dengan nilai signifikansi 0,017 (p>0,05) dan skor intention to turnover dengan nilai signifikansi 0,038 (p>0,05). Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa konseling karir dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja dan menurunkan intention to turnover pada karyawan divisi sales monitoring di PT.X. Dengan demikian, perusahaan perlu menerapkan konseling karir secara berkelanjutan.

This thesis focus on providing career counseling to employees in sales monitoring division at company that engaged in the field of preventive health to increase job satisfaction, and decrease the intention to turnover. Tools were adapted from job satisfaction (Spector, 1997) (Cronbach alpha = .974) and intention to turnover (Mobley, 1978) (Cronbach alpha = 0.958).
The results of the Pearson correlation test showed a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and intention to turnover (r = -0.868 and significance of 0.001). This result indicates that with increasing job satisfaction in sales, then the intention to turnover they will be decreased. Career counseling intervention had given to employees to enhance job satisfaction and to reduce intention to turnover.
The Paired T-Test sampled results before and after the intervention suggests that there are significant differences in scores on job satisfaction scores with a significance value of 0.017 (p> 0.05) and scores intention to turnover with a significance value of 0.038 (p> 0.05). These results indicate that career counseling can improve job satisfaction and lower intention to turnover at employees at X Company Sales Monitoring. Thus, the company need to implement a sustainable career counseling.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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