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Penderita neuropati perifer diabetik yang mengalami penurunan sensasi kaki dapat
berakibat terjadinya luka diabetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas
kombinasi senam kaki diabetik dan terapi SPA terhadap peningkatan sensasi kaki
pada pasien dengan neuropati perifer diabetik. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi
experimental pretest-posttest design with control group dengan jumlah sample 35
orang yang didapat dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Pengukuran sensasi kaki
dilakukan pada hari pertama minggu ke-1 dan hari terakhir minggu ke-4 perlakuan.
Sampel penelitian yaitu pasien neuropati perifer diabetik dengan skor sensasi kaki
maksimal 8. Hasil uji mann whitney menunjukkan ada perbedaan rerata
peningkatan sensasi kaki yang diberikan kombinasi senam kaki diabetik dan terapi
SPA dibandingkan hanya diberikan tindakan senam kaki diabetik (p value < 0.05).
Tindakan kombinasi senam kaki diabetik dan terapi SPA lebih efektif dalam
meningkatkan sensasi kaki yang akan berpengaruh terhadap menurunnya resiko
luka pada pasien DM.

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients with decreasing in foot sensation will
impact on diabetic ulcers. This study aims to explore the effect of combination
between diabetic legs exercise and SPA therapy on foot sensitivity escalation
among patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This study used quasiexperimental
pretest-posttest design with control group with 35 respondents and
recruited by purposive sampling methode. Data were collected from patients with
peripheral diabetic neuropathy and had 8 maximum score of foot sensitivity.. Foot
sensitivity was measured on the 1st day of intervention and end day of intervention.
Mann whitney test analysis showed significant differences on foot sensitivity with
combination of diabetic legs exercise and SPA therapy compare to diabetic legs
exercise only (p value < 0.05). It can be inferred that combination of diabetic legs
exercise and SPA therapy are more effective to increase legs sensitivity. Therefore,
combined effect of those therapies may eventually decrease diabetic ulcers risk., Diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients with decreasing in foot sensation will
impact on diabetic ulcers. This study aims to explore the effect of combination
between diabetic legs exercise and SPA therapy on foot sensitivity escalation
among patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This study used quasiexperimental
pretest-posttest design with control group with 35 respondents and
recruited by purposive sampling methode. Data were collected from patients with
peripheral diabetic neuropathy and had 8 maximum score of foot sensitivity.. Foot
sensitivity was measured on the 1st day of intervention and end day of intervention.
Mann whitney test analysis showed significant differences on foot sensitivity with
combination of diabetic legs exercise and SPA therapy compare to diabetic legs
exercise only (p value < 0.05). It can be inferred that combination of diabetic legs
exercise and SPA therapy are more effective to increase legs sensitivity. Therefore,
combined effect of those therapies may eventually decrease diabetic ulcers risk.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakhri Muhamad Rizaldi
Diabetes mellitus (DM) adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling sering ditemukan pada populasi lansia di perkotaan. Lansia merupakan populasi yang rentan mengalami DM. Faktor risiko penyakit DM pada lansia di perkotaan adalah kurangnya aktivitas fisik. Gejala DM yang umum ditemui di perkotaan adalah penurunan sensitivitas kaki yang berdampak rasa kebas dan kesemutan pada kaki. Salah satu intervensi yang tepat diberikan untuk menangani gejala tersebut adalah peningkatan sensitivitas kaki melalui senam kaki dan terapi SPA kaki. Senam kaki dan terapi SPA bermanfaat untuk melancarkan sirkulasi darah dan meningkatkan sensitivitas kaki. Praktik profesi ini bertujuan untuk menguji intervensi senam kaki dan terapi SPA kaki untuk meningkatkan sensitivitas kaki pada lansia dengan DM. Hasil asuhan keperawatan yang dilakukan selama 12 kali pertemuan menunjukkan peningkatan nilai sensitifitas kaki kanan dari 5 menjadi 8 dan kaki kiri dari 5 menjadi 7. Intervensi keperawatan ini perlu dilakukan secara rutin untuk mendapatkan efek yang lebih baik.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common diseases in the elderly population in urban areas. Elderly is a population that is vulnerable to DM. The risk factors in the elderly in urban areas is lack of physical activity. The symptoms of diabetes mellitus that is commonly found in urban areas is a decrease in foot sensitivity that affects numbness and tingling in the legs. The interventions given to treat these symptoms is an increasing in foot sensitivity which is foot exercises and foot SPA therapy. Foot exercises and SPA therapy are useful for blood circulation and increasing foot sensitivity. The study aims to examine foot exercises intervention and foot SPA therapy to improve foot sensitivity in elderly with DM. The results of nursing care carried out for 12 meeting showed an increasing in the sensitivity of the right foot from 5 to 8 and the left foot from 5 to 7. This nursing intervention needs to be done routinely to get a better effect."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Anggraini
Deformitas kaki dapat menyebabkan perubahan mobilitas sendi, luas kontak kaki ke permukaan, kemampuan neuromuskular untuk menstabilkan kaki serta mempertahankan posisi berdiri tegak. Perubahan ini akan berdampak pada penurunan fungsi ekstremitas bawah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatahui hubungan deformitas kaki dengan fungsi ekstremitas bawah pada pasien neuropati diabetik. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 105 orang responden yang mengalami neuropati diabetik dengan deformitas kaki. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square, Anova, dan regresi logistik etiologik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara deformitas kaki dengan fungsi ekstremitas bawah p = 0,000, OR = 10,857 . Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan bagi perawat dalam melakukan pengkajian keperawatan untuk memprediksi penurunan fungsi ekstremitas bawah pada pasien neuropati diabetik dengan deformitas kaki sehingga bisa mencegah terjadinya resiko cedera atau jatuh pada pasien.

Foot deformity can cause various of changes in joint mobility, extent of foot contact to the surface, neuromuscular ability to stabilize the legs and maintain an upright standing position. These changes will have an impact on lower limb function. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of foot deformities with the lower extremity functions in diabetic neuropathy patients. The design of this study was a quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach with sample size of 105 respondents who has foot deformity with diabetic neuropathy. Data were analysed using a Chi Square, Anova, and etiologic logistic regression. The results showed a significant correlation between foot deformities with lower extremity function p 0,000, OR 10,857 . This study is expected to be used as a reference for nurses in conducting nursing assessments to predict lower extremity function in diabetic neuropathy patients with foot deformities in order to prevent the risk of injuries or falls in patients.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Desnita
"Perubahan bentuk kaki pada pasien neuropati diabetik mempengaruhi fungsi kaki sebagai landasan penopang dalam mempertahankan keseimbangan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan bentuk kaki dengan keseimbangan fungsional pada pasien neuropati diabetik. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 132 pasien neuropati diabetik. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square, Pooled T-test, dan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara bentuk kaki dengan keseimbangan fungsional pada pasien neuropati diabetik, dengan kekuatan hubungan sedang dan arah hubungan positif (p= 0,001; α= 0,05; r= 0,352). Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perawat untuk melakukan deteksi dini dan mencegah resiko jatuh pada pasien neuropati diabetik terkait perubahan bentuk kaki dan keseimbangan fungsional.

Changes in foot posture in diabetic neuropathy patients affects the function of the legs as the base of support in maintaining body balance. The study aimed to determine the correlation of foot posture with functional balance in diabetic neuropathy patients. This study design was analytic cross sectional, recruited 132 diabetic neuropathy patients. Statistical analysis used Chi Square, Pooled T-test, and multiple logistic regression. The results showed a significant correlation between foot posture and functional balance in diabetic neuropathy patients the power of correlation is moderate and positive direction (p= 0.001; α= 0.05; r= 0.352). This study suggests the nurse to perform early detection and prevention of the risk of falls in diabetic neuropathy patients related to changes in foot posture and functional balance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fina Mahardini
"Latar Belakang. Pasien diabetes melitus (DM) berisiko mengalami komplikasi pada sistem vaskular dan persyarafan, khususnya pada bagian perifer, yang jika tidak tertangani dengan baik dapat berimbas pada terjadinya luka kaki diabetes. Buerger Allen Exercise (BAE) merupakan salah satu pilihan terapi konservatif yang terbukti efektif dalam menangani Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Sayangnya beberpa penelitian sebelumnya belum membuktikan efektivitasnya. Pada penelitian ini akan BAE akan dikombinasikan dengan latihan Range of Motion (ROM) kaki untuk melihat efektivitasnya pada vaskularisasi dan neuropati perifer. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas latihan kombinasi BAE dan ROM kaki terhadap perbaikan vaskularisasi dan neuropati perifer pada pasien DM tipe 2. Metode. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quassi experiment with pre test-post test two goups dengan total 72 orang pasien DM tipe 2 sebagai responden. Responden dibagi rata secara acak ke dalam kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Kelompok intervensi mendapatkan latihan kombinasi BAE dan ROM kaki, sedangkan kelompok kontrol mendapatkan latihan tunggal BAE. Setiap kelompok melaksanakan latihan kaki selama dua minggu dengan 2 siklus latihan perhari dan total durasi 30 menit. Sebelum dan setelah latihan, responden dikaji nilai Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) untuk menilai vaskularisasi dan nilai Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instruments (MNSI) untuk menilai neuropati. Hasil. Latihan kombinasi BAE dan ROM kaki lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan nilai ABI daripada latihan tunggal BAE (pvalue 0,00). Latihan kombinasi BAE dan ROM kaki juga lebih efektif dalam menurunkan nilai MNSI daripada latihan tinggal BAE (pvalue 0,00). Kesimpulan Latihan kombinasi BAE dan ROM kaki efektif dalam memperbaiki vaskularisasi dan neuropati perifer melalui perbaikan nilai ABI dan MNSI.

Background. Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are at risk of experiencing complications in the vascular and nervous system, especially in the peripheral areas. These complications can lead to even worse complication without proper intervention such as diabetic foot wounds. Buerger Allen Exercise (BAE) is a conservative therapy option that has been proven effective in treating Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Unfortunately, the effect of BAE on neuropathy has not been clearly proven. In this study, BAE will be combined with foot Range of Motion (ROM) exercises to see its effectiveness on vascularization and peripheral neuropathy. Objective. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of combined BAE and foot ROM exercises to improve vascularization and peripheral neuropathy in type 2 DM patients. Methods. Quasi experiment with pre test-post test two groups design was conducted on total of 72 type 2 DM patients. Respondents were divided randomly into intervention and control group. The intervention group received a combination of BAE and foot ROM exercises, while the control group received single BAE exercises. Each group carried out leg training for two weeks with 2 training cycles per day and a total duration of 30 minutes. Before and after exercise Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) score and the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instruments (MNSI) score were assessed. Results. Combination BAE and foot ROM exercise was more effective in increasing ABI score than BAE-only exercise (pvalue 0.00). The combination of BAE and foot ROM combination was also more effective in reducing the MNSI score than BAE-only exercise (pvalue 0.00). Conclusion: Combination exercise of BAE and foot ROM is effective in improving vascularization and peripheral neuropathy as shown by improved ABI and MNSI score."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Nareswari
Ulkus kaki diabetik mengakibatkan mortalitas yang semakin meningkat terutama
pasca amputasi, beban yang signifikan pada pembiayaan kesehatan dan
menyebabkan hilangnya produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
efektivitas terapi kombinasi dari laserpunktur dan perawatan luka konvensional
dibandingkan dengan laserpunktur sham dan perawatan luka konvensional
terhadap penyembuhan ulkus kaki diabetik. Uji klinis acak tersamar ganda dengan
pembanding dilakukan terhadap 36 pasien yang dialokasikan ke dalam kelompok
kasus atau kelompok kontrol. Tindakan laserpunktur dilakukan pada titik LI4
Hegu, ST36 Zusanli, SP6 Sanyinjiao, dan KI3 Taixi bilateral serta penyinaran
pada ulkus dua kali seminggu, selama empat minggu. Rerata ukuran ulkus kaki
diabetik sebagai keluaran primer diukur setiap minggu. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara penurunan luas luka akhir di
kelompok laserpunktur dan perawatan luka konvensional dengan kelompok
laserpunktur sham dan perawatan luka konvensional (p=0,006). Dapat
disimpulkan bahwa terapi kombinasi laserpunktur dan perawatan luka
konvensional efektif mempercepat penyembuhan ulkus kaki diabetik dengan
frekuensi terapi dua kali seminggu. ABSTRACT
Diabetic foot ulcers result in mortality is increasing, especially after the
amputation, a significant burden on health financing and lead to loss of
productivity. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination
therapy between laserpuncture and conventional wound care compared with
sham laserpuncture and conventional wound treatment for healing diabetic foot
ulcers. Double-blind randomized clinical trial with a control carried out on 36
patients allocated to the case group or control group. Laserpuncture actions
performed on LI4 point Hegu, Zusanli ST36, SP6 Sanyinjiao and Taixi KI3
bilateral as well as exposure to ulcers twice a week, for four weeks. The mean size
of diabetic foot ulcers as the primary output is measured every week. The results
showed a significant difference between the reduction in wound area at the end of
the group laserpuncture and conventional wound care compare with
laserpuncture sham group and conventional wound treatment (p = 0.006). It can
be concluded that the combination therapy laserpuncture and conventional wound
care effectively accelerate the healing of diabetic foot ulcers with frequency
therapy twice a week.;Diabetic foot ulcers result in mortality is increasing, especially after the
amputation, a significant burden on health financing and lead to loss of
productivity. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination
therapy between laserpuncture and conventional wound care compared with
sham laserpuncture and conventional wound treatment for healing diabetic foot
ulcers. Double-blind randomized clinical trial with a control carried out on 36
patients allocated to the case group or control group. Laserpuncture actions
performed on LI4 point Hegu, Zusanli ST36, SP6 Sanyinjiao and Taixi KI3
bilateral as well as exposure to ulcers twice a week, for four weeks. The mean size
of diabetic foot ulcers as the primary output is measured every week. The results
showed a significant difference between the reduction in wound area at the end of
the group laserpuncture and conventional wound care compare with
laserpuncture sham group and conventional wound treatment (p = 0.006). It can
be concluded that the combination therapy laserpuncture and conventional wound
care effectively accelerate the healing of diabetic foot ulcers with frequency
therapy twice a week.;Diabetic foot ulcers result in mortality is increasing, especially after the
amputation, a significant burden on health financing and lead to loss of
productivity. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination
therapy between laserpuncture and conventional wound care compared with
sham laserpuncture and conventional wound treatment for healing diabetic foot
ulcers. Double-blind randomized clinical trial with a control carried out on 36
patients allocated to the case group or control group. Laserpuncture actions
performed on LI4 point Hegu, Zusanli ST36, SP6 Sanyinjiao and Taixi KI3
bilateral as well as exposure to ulcers twice a week, for four weeks. The mean size
of diabetic foot ulcers as the primary output is measured every week. The results
showed a significant difference between the reduction in wound area at the end of
the group laserpuncture and conventional wound care compare with
laserpuncture sham group and conventional wound treatment (p = 0.006). It can
be concluded that the combination therapy laserpuncture and conventional wound
care effectively accelerate the healing of diabetic foot ulcers with frequency
therapy twice a week."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
E.M. Yunir
Luka kaki diabetik (LKD) merupakan komplikasi kronik diabetes yang meningkatkan mortalitas dan
morbiditas, serta menurunkan kualitas hidup. Komplikasi makro dan mikrovaskular/mikrosirkulasi
mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap kejadian LKD dan proses penyembuhannya. Kondisi
mikrosirkulasi dapat dinilai melalui pemeriksaan transcutaneous perfusion oxygen (TcPO2). Kondisi
mikrosirkulasi dipengaruhi oleh HbA1c, glukosa darah sewaktu, neuropati, fibrinogen, PAI-1,
hsCRP, indeks MMP-9, indeks TcPO2, dan indeks TcPCO2, yang akan memengaruhi terbentuknya
jaringan granulasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran HbA1c, GDS, neuropati, fibrinogen, PAI-1, hsCRP,
indeks MMP-9, terhadap indeks TcPO2, indeks TcPCO2, dan indeks granulasi, serta mengetahui
peran serta indeks TcPO2 dan indeks TcPCO2 terhadap indeks granulasi pada luka kaki diabetik.
Sebanyak 68 subjek LKD tanpa penyakit arteri perifer di RS dr. Cipto Mangukusumo dan beberapa
rumah sakit jejaring, pada Desember 2015?Desember 2016, diberikan perawatan standar dan
dipantau setiap minggu sebanyak 4 kali. Pada pemantauan ke-1, ke-2, dan ke-3, dilakukan
dokumentasi LKD, pengambilan darah vena sebanyak 7,7 mL untuk pemeriksaan fibrinogen, PAI-1,
hsCRP, MMP-9, dan TIMP-1, darah arteri sebanyak 2 mL untuk pemeriksaan analisis gas darah,
serta pemeriksaan TcPO2 dan TcPCO2 dengan menggunakan TCM TOSCA/CombiM monitoring
systems buatan Radiometer. Pada pemantauan ke-4, hanya dilakukan dokumentasi LKD.
Pengukuran luas luka dan jaringan granulasi dinilai berdasarkan hasil dokumentasi fotografi dengan
menggunakan program ImageJ. Penilaian neuropati menggunakan pemeriksaan interval RR dan
kecepatan hantar saraf. Data laboratorium lainnya diperoleh dari data sekunder rekam medis.
Kemudian dilakukan analisis data dengan menggunakan path analysis (analisis lajur) pada data
repetitif dan SPSS pada data nonrepetitif.
Berdasarkan analisis didapatkan hubungan antara peningkatan glukosa darah sewaktu, fibrinogen,
dan PAI-1 dengan penurunan indeks TcPO2. Didapatkan juga hubungan antara beratnya neuropati
motorik dan sensorik, peningkatan glukosa darah sewaktu, fibrinogen, PAI-1, dan hsCRP dengan
penurunan indeks granulasi. Tetapi, indeks granulasi tidak dipengaruhi oleh indeks TcPO2. Indeks
TcPCO2 tidak memiliki hubungan terhadap semua variabel tersebut, kecuali hsCRP dan indeks
TcPCO2 tidak memengaruhi indeks granulasi.
Indeks TcPO2 pada LKD dipengaruhi oleh kadar glukosa darah sewaktu, fibrinogen, dan PAI-1,
tetapi tidak memengaruhi tumbuhnya jaringan granulasi. Tumbuhnya jaringan granulasi dipengaruhi
oleh glukosa darah sewaktu, neuropati motorik dan sensorik, peningkatan kadar fibrinogen, PAI-1,
dan hsCRP. Selain itu, indeks TcPCO2 tidak memengaruhi indeks granulasi

Diabetic foot wounds/ulcer (DFU) is chronic complication of diabetes, which increases
mortality and morbidity, and lower quality of life. Macro and microvascular/microcirculation
complications has a great influence on DFU and healing process. Microcirculation condition can
be seen from transcutaneous perfusion oxygen (TcPO2). The growth of granulation tissue in the
healing process is determined by microcirculation condition, among others influenced by
HbA1c, random blood glucose, neuropathy, fibrinogen, PAI-1, hsCRP, MMP-9 index, TcPO2
index, and TcPCO2 index.
This study aimed to investigatethe role of HbA1c, random blood glucose, sensory, motoric, and
autonomy neuropathy, fibrinogen, PAI-1, hsCRP, MMP-9 index, TcPO2 index, TcPCO2 index,
and granulation index, as well as the relationship between TcPO2 index, TcPCO2 index and
granulation index in diabetic foot wounds.
As much as 68 subjects DFU without peripheral arterial disease, in Cipto Mangunkusumo
Referral National Hospital, on December 2015?December 2016, were given standard
managementof diabetic foot ulcer and monitored once a week for four times. In the 1st, 2nd, and
3rd monitoring, DFU was documented, then 7.7 mL of venous blood was taken for fibrinogen,
PAI-1, hsCRP, MMP-9, and TIMP-1 examination, also 2 mL arterial blood for blood gas
analysis, and then examination of TcPO2 and TcPCO2was performed using TCM4
TOSCA/CombiM monitoring systems made by Radiometer. In the 4th monitoring, only DFU
was documented. Wound and granulation size was measured through photographic
documentation using ImageJ program. Neuropathy was diagnosed based on RR interval and
nerve conduction velocity study. Other laboratory data were obtained from medical records. The
data were analysed by path analysis for repetititive data and SPSS for nonrepetitive data.
From analysis, there is a significant correlation between the increasing random blood glucose
(RBG), fibrinogen, and PAI-1 with the decreasing of TcPO2, also found a significant
relationship between the severity of sensory and motoric neuropathy, the increasing levels of
RBG, fibrinogen, PAI-1, and hsCRP with the decreasing of granulation index. But, TcPO2 index
does not influence granulation index. TcPCO2 index does not have significant correlation with
all these variables, except hsCRP. Moreover, TcPCO2 index also does not influence granulation
TcPO2 index of DFU is affected by RBG, fibrinogen, PAI-1, but does not affect the growth of
granulation tissue. Granulation tissue?s growing is influenced by the sensory and motoric
neuropathy, increased levels of fibrinogen, PAI-1, and hsCRP. Furthermore, TcPCO2 index does
not influence granulation?s growth."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kwan Francesca Gunawan
Diabetes melitus DM merupakan suatu epidemik global. Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko tersering pada terjadinya DM tipe 2. Salah satu komplikasi yang sering dialami oleh penderita DM ialah kaki diabetik. Pada pasien DM dengan obesitas dan kaki diabetik, terapi medik gizi penting untuk mencapai target berat badan, menjaga kadar glikemik, serta mencegah komplikasi DM. Selain itu pemberian nutrisi yang adekuat juga penting untuk mendukung penyembuhan luka. Pasien pada serial kasus ini berusia antara 41 ndash;59 tahun dengan dengan proporsi yang sama antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Keempat pasien memiliki status gizi obes dengan IMT sebesar 26-54,4 kg/m2. Awitan DM pada keempat pasien diketahui bervariasi antara 1-13 tahun. Terapi medik gizi diberikan sesuai dengan klinis, hasil laboratorium, dan asupan terakhir masing-masing pasien. Dari hasil pemantauan didapatkan bahwa dengan terapi nutrisi yang diberikan terjadi penurunan berat badan sebesar 3,2-4,8 kg 3,2-5,8 dan penurunan nilai HbA1c sebanyak 0,3-0,7. Selain itu juga didapatkan ukuran luka yang mengecil dan gejala neuropati berkurang. Pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan obesitas dan kaki diabetik, terapi medik gizi yang adekuat berkaitan dengan penurunan berat badan, perbaikan kontrol glikemik, dan penyembuhan luka yang baik.

Diabetes mellitus is now a global epidemic. Obesity is a common risk factor in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. One of the complications that are often experienced by people with diabetes is diabetic foot. In diabetic patients with obesity and diabetic foot, medical nutrition therapy is important to achieve targeted body weight, maintain glycemic levels, and prevent diabetes complications. Good nutrition is also essential for wound healing. This case series consists of four patients who are between 41-59 years old and obese with BMI of 26-54.4 kg/m2. The onset of DM in all four patients is known to vary between 1-13 years. Nutritional therapy is given in accordance with the clinical, laboratory outcomes, and patients' daily intake. It was found that medical nutrition therapy can lead to weight loss of 3.2-4.8 kg (3.2-5.8%) and decreased HbA1c by 0.3-0.7%. It was also observed that the wound size and neuropathy symptoms are reduced. Adequate medical nutrition therapy in type 2 DM patients with obesity and diabetic foot is associated with weight loss, improved glycemic control, and good wound healing."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Fiolenty B. Marulianna
"Neuropati diabetik merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang sering muncul pada pasien DM, terutama mereka yang selalu dalam tingkat gula darah yang tinggi dan lama menderita DM lebih dari 10 tahun. Neuropati diabetes ini juga diperberat dengan buruknya perawatan kaki dan aktifitas fisik yang rendah.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan dengan kepatuhan pasien neuropati diabetes melakukan perawatan kaki dalam pencegahan ulkus diabetikum. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional . Pemilihan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling dan diteliti pada 100 responden. Uji statistik dengan menggunakan uji T-test dan Chi square. Hasilnya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan nilai dukungan keluarga terhadap kepatuhan perawatan kaki diabetes dengan p-value 0,0005, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan nilai kejelasan informasi terhadap kepatuhan perawatan kaki diabetes dengan p-value 0,160, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara lama menderita DM dengan nilai kepatuhan dengan p-value 0,292. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan penelitian yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan perawatan kaki diabetes dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dan meneliti aspek predictor yang lebih bervariasi.

Diabetic neuropathy is a frequent complication in patients with diabetes, especially in patients whose blood sugar level are always high, and have had diabetes for more than 10 years. Diabetic neuropathy can also be exacerbated by poor foot care and low physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with patient compliance with diabetic neuropathy. The design of this study is a quantitative analytical cross-sectional approach. The selections of samples were done in purposive sampling method and were studied in 100 respondents. Statistical tests using T-test and Chi square test. The results are: a significant correlation value of family support for compliance with p-value 0.0005, no significant correlation values clarity of information on diabetic foot care compliance with pvalue 0.160, no significant correlation value of long-suffering DM with diabetic foot care compliance with p-value of 0.292. Recommendation of this study is to conduct research on diabetic foot care compliance with a larger sample size and examine the predictors with more varied aspects related to the compliance of diabetic foot care."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanny Ngatidjan
"Kaki diabetik merupakan komplikasi pada diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2 tersering yang menyebabkan pasien menjalankan perawatan di rumah sakit. Penyulit lain pada DM tipe 2 berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien. Terapi medik gizi pada pasien DM tipe 2 dan kaki diabetik dengan berbagai penyulit berperan penting dalam kontrol glikemik, mencegah perburukan status gizi, serta perbaikan penyembuhan luka. Serial kasus ini melibatkan empat pasien DM tipe 2 dan kaki diabetik dengan berbagai penyulit yang diberikan terapi medik gizi berupa asupan energi, makronutrien, mikronutrien, nutrien spesifik, dan edukasi gaya hidup. Pasien dilakukan pemantauan selama 19 hari sesuai fase proliferasi penyembuhan luka. Satu pasien dengan ketoasidosis diabetikum, satu pasien dengan hipertensi, dan dua pasien dengan diabetic kidney disease. Kontrol glikemik keempat pasien tercapai pada akhir perawatan di rumah sakit dan tidak didapatkan penurunan berat badan yang bermakna selama masa pemantauan. Penyembuhan luka berupa luka mengering, edema berkurang, dan timbulnya jaringan granulasi didapatkan pada tiga diantara empat pasien. Satu pasien tidak didapatkan penyembuhan luka yang signifikan karena adanya stenosis multipel pembuluh darah arteri di tungkai kiri. Terapi medik gizi pada pasien DM tipe 2 dan kaki diabetik dengan berbagai penyulit berperan pada perbaikan kontrol glikemik, mencegah perburukan status gizi, dan penyembuhan luka.

The most common cause of complication and hospitalization in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients are those associated with diabetic foot (DF). Complication of T2DM contribute to increasing morbidity and mortality. Medical nutrition therapy in patients with T2DM and DF with various complication plays an important role in management of glycemic control, worsening nutritional status, and repair wound healing. This case series include four patients T2DM and DF with various complication that given nutritional medical therapy consisting of energy intake, macronutrients, micronutrients, spesific nutrient, and healthy lifestyle education. Patients was monitored for 19 days according to the proliferation phase of wound healing. One patient with diabetic ketoacidosis, one patient with hypertension, and two patients with diabetic kidney disease. All patients got glycemic control during hospitalization. No significant weight loss was observed during monitoring period. Wounds in three of the four patients appeared to heal with dry wound, reduced edema, and formation of granulation tissue. One patient found insignificant wound healing due to multiple arterial stenosis in the left leg. Medical nutrition therapy with type 2 diabetes and diabetic foot with various complications plays an important role in management of glycemic control, preventing worsening nutritional status, and repair wound healing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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