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David Limanan
Latar Belakang: Kelahiran prematur masih menjadi salah satu penyebab
utama kematian pada neonatus. Diseluruh dunia kematian akibat kelahiran
prematur menempati posisi kedua pada anak usia dibawah lima tahun. Kelahiran
prematur dapat disebabkan oleh komplikasi dari ibu, janin dan plasenta.
Insufisiensi plasenta merupakan komplikasi kehamilan dimana plasenta tidak
dapat membawa oksigen dan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan janin
dalam uterus, sehingga menyebabkan berkurangnya suplai oksigen yang
diperlukan janin dan terjadi keadaan hipoksia dalam uterus. Cygb yang terdapat
dalam plasenta yang berfungsi dalam metabolisme oksigen akan berusaha
menkompensasi keadaan ini agar suplai oksigen kembali normal. Hipoksia yang
terus menerus ini dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya reactive oxygen species
(ROS). Pada neonatus prematur terjadi peningkatan ROS dapat melalui dua jalur,
yaitu : pertama, tidak tersedianya antioksidan. Kedua, berkurangnya kemampuan
untuk meningkatkan pembentukan antioksidan sebagai respons dari hiperoksia
atau oksidan lain. ROS yang terbentuk akan ditanggulangi oleh antioksidan yang
ada sel baik yang enzimatik maupun nonenzimatik.
Metode: Plasenta bayi prematur dibagi dalam dua kelompok berdasarkan status
oksigennya menjadi hipoksia dan non hipoksia. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran
ekspresi mRNA dan protein Cygb, serta aktivitas antioksidan MnSOD, CAT, dan
Hasil: Terjadi peningkatan protein Cygb, akan tetapi terjadi penurunan ekspresi
mRNA Cygb. Terjadi penurunan aktivitas spesifik MnSOD, sedangkan CAT dan
GPx tidak berbeda bermakan. Analisis statistik menunjukan hubungan bermakna
antara aktivitas spesifik MnSOD dengan aktivitas spesifik GPx dan terdapat
hubungan yang bermakana antara mRNA Cygb dengan aktivitas spesifik MnSOD
pada neonatus prematur hipoksia dan tidak hipoksia
Kesimpulan: Terjadi peningkatan protein Cygb dan penurunan mRNA Cygb
untuk mempertahankan homeostasis janin dalam keadaan hipoksia. Antioksidan
pada bayi prematur lebih rendah, akan tetapi hal ini akan dibantu oleh Cygb dalam
mengeliminasi ROS yang ada dalam tubuh, terlihat dari penurunan aktivitas
spesifik MnSOD pada plasenta prematur hipoksia, sedangkan aktivitas spesifik
katalase dan GPx relatif sama.

Background: Preterm birth is still one of the main causes of mortality in
neonates. Nowadays, preterm birth is the second most common cause of death in
children younger than five years. Preterm birth can be caused by complications of
the mother, fetus and placenta. Placenta insufficiency is complication of
pregnancy, where the placenta can not carry oxygen and nutrients for fetus growth
in uterus, that lead to decrease oxygen supplies for the fetus and hypoxia in
uterus. Cygb in placenta, that have function in oxygen metabolism will try to
compensate this situation, so the oxygen suplies will back to normal. The hypoxia
will increase reactive oxygen species (ROS). In preterm neonates the increase of
ROS is cause by: First, there is no antioxidant supplies. Second, the lack of
antioxidant respon to hyperoxsia or other oxidan ROS will be eliminate by
antioxidant system with in the cell.
Methods: Placenta from preterm neonates divided in teo groups, hypoxia and non
hypoxia. And the sample is measure for mRNA Cygb expression, Cygb proteins,
and antioxidant activity for MnSOD, CAT and GPx.
Results: The Cygb protein increase in placenta neonates hypoxia, but the
expression of mRNA Cygb decrease in placenta neonates hypoxia. There is
decrease of MnSOD specific activity in placental neonates hypoxia, but not in
CAT and GPx. Statistical analysis show correlation between MnSOD specific
activity with GPx specific activity, and correlation between mRNA Cygb with
MnSOD specific activity.
Conclusion: There is an increase of Cygb protein and decrease of Cygb mRNA in
placental neonates hypoxia, to maintain the neonates homeostasis in hypoxia
environment. Antioxidant is lower in preterm, Cygb with the capability to
eliminate free radical will help antioxidant to reduce the ROS. It was seen at the
decrease of MnSOD specific activity, and the katalase and GPx specific activity is
relatively the same in plasenta hipoksia and non hipoksia, Background: Preterm birth is still one of the main causes of mortality in
neonates. Nowadays, preterm birth is the second most common cause of death in
children younger than five years. Preterm birth can be caused by complications of
the mother, fetus and placenta. Placenta insufficiency is complication of
pregnancy, where the placenta can not carry oxygen and nutrients for fetus growth
in uterus, that lead to decrease oxygen supplies for the fetus and hypoxia in
uterus. Cygb in placenta, that have function in oxygen metabolism will try to
compensate this situation, so the oxygen suplies will back to normal. The hypoxia
will increase reactive oxygen species (ROS). In preterm neonates the increase of
ROS is cause by: First, there is no antioxidant supplies. Second, the lack of
antioxidant respon to hyperoxsia or other oxidan ROS will be eliminate by
antioxidant system with in the cell.
Methods: Placenta from preterm neonates divided in teo groups, hypoxia and non
hypoxia. And the sample is measure for mRNA Cygb expression, Cygb proteins,
and antioxidant activity for MnSOD, CAT and GPx.
Results: The Cygb protein increase in placenta neonates hypoxia, but the
expression of mRNA Cygb decrease in placenta neonates hypoxia. There is
decrease of MnSOD specific activity in placental neonates hypoxia, but not in
CAT and GPx. Statistical analysis show correlation between MnSOD specific
activity with GPx specific activity, and correlation between mRNA Cygb with
MnSOD specific activity.
Conclusion: There is an increase of Cygb protein and decrease of Cygb mRNA in
placental neonates hypoxia, to maintain the neonates homeostasis in hypoxia
environment. Antioxidant is lower in preterm, Cygb with the capability to
eliminate free radical will help antioxidant to reduce the ROS. It was seen at the
decrease of MnSOD specific activity, and the katalase and GPx specific activity is
relatively the same in plasenta hipoksia and non hipoksia]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Superti Daruningrum
Ginjal merupakan organ yang dalam keadaan normoksia sekalipun rentan terhadap keadaan hipoksia. Salah satu mekanisme adaptasi terhadap keadaan hipoksia sistemik kronik adalah dengan mengekspresikan Cygb. Cygb berperan untuk mensuplai O2 ke mitokondria. Penyedian O2 dilakukan untuk reaksi hidroksilasi prolin pada sintesis kolagen dan asparagin pada HIF-1. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ekspresi relatif mRNA dan protein Cygb pada jaringan ginjal tikus yang diinduksi hipoksia sistemik kronik. Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan 25 tikus Sprague-Dawley yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, yakni: kontrol (normoksia: 20% oksigen/80% nitrogen), 1, 3, 7 dan 14 hari hipoksia (10% oksigen/90% nitrogen). Organ ginjal diambil setelah tikus dibedah. Parameter yang diukur adalah ekspresi relatif mRNA dan protein Cygb. Pengukuran mRNA dilakukan dengan menggunakan iScript One-Step SYBR Green (BioRad, NY). Protein Cygb diukur dengan menggukan Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbet Assay Kit (USCN). Ekspresi relatif mRNA dan protein Cygb mengalami titik puncak pada hipoksia 3 hari. Keduanya memiliki korelasi sangat kuat (r2 = 0.96, p<0.05). Ekspresi mRNA dan Protein Cygb meningkat pada jaringan tikus yang diinduksi hipoksia sistemik kronik.

Kidney is the organ in a state of normoxia though susceptible to hypoxia. One of the mechanisms of adaptation to chronic systemic hypoxia is to express Cygb. The function of Cygb is to supply O2 to the mitochondria. Supply O2 is needed for the reaction of proline hydroxylation in collagen synthesis and asparagine in HIF-1α. The aim of this study is to analyze the relative expression of Cygb mRNA and protein in chronic ischemia of kidney tissue in the rat. This experimental study used 25 Sprague-Dawley rats divided into 5 group: control (normoxia: 20% oxygen/80% nitrogen), 1, 3, 7 and 14 day hypoxia (10% oxygen/90% nitrogen). Kidney organ were collected after the rats were sacrificed. Parameters measured were: the relative expression of Cygb mRNA and protein. Measurement of Cygb mRNA was done using iScript One-Step SYBR Green (BioRad, NY). Cygb protein was measured using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbet Assay Kit for (USCN). The peak of relative expression of Cygb mRNA and protein occurred at day 3 of hypoxia. Both parameters were strongly correlated (r2 = 0.96, p <0.05). The relative expression of Cygb mRNA and protein were increased in rat kidney tissue which has been subjected to chronic systemic hypoxia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masengi, Angelina Stevany Regina
Hipoksia hipobarik intermiten HHI dengan menggunakan protokol profil penerbangan modifikasi Mulyawan pada ruang hipobarik dapat digunakan sebagai model hipoksia yang bersifat melindungi melalui ekspresi HIF-1? dan protein yang diregulasinya yang bermanfaat dalam mengatasi radikal bebas yang terbentuk selama induksi tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dinilai ekspresi protein sitoglobin Cygb dan neuroglobin Ngb serta aktivitas spesifik asetilkolin esterase AChE sebagai dampak dari induksi HHI pada tikus dewasa. Digunakan 25 tikus Sprague-Dawley dewasa yang terbagi atas dua kelompok kontrol yakni normoksia dan hipoksia hipobarik akut HHA , serta 3 kelompok yang terpapar HHI kelompok pertama terpapar pada hari ke-1 dan ke-8 IHH1x , kelompok ke-2 terpapar pada hari ke-1, -8 dan -15, sedangkan kelompok ke-3 terpapar pada hari ke-1, -8, -15 dan -22 . Sitoglobin dan Ngb menurun pada induksi akut dan meningkat secara signifikan seiring dengan peningkatan frekuensi paparan HHI. Aktivitas spesifik AChE meningkat secara signifikan sejak paparan pertama HHA namun kemudian menurun pada induksi terakhir IHH3x . Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa pada HHI3x terjadi respons adaptasi yang bersifat melindungi jaringan otak tikus percobaan terhadap perlakuan.

Proposed as a protective model of hypoxia via HIF 1 expression, intermittent hypobaric hypoxia IHH in the rat, using Mulyawan rsquo s modified flight profile in a hypobaric chamber, is known to be useful in overcoming the free radicals formed during the induction. Using the same method, this study 39 s aims are to investigate cytoglobin Cygb and neuroglobin Ngb protein expressions and specific activity of acetylcholine esterase as the impacts of the IHH induction in adult rats. We used 25 adult Sprague Dawley male, divided into 2 control groups normoxia and acute hypobaric hypoxia AHH , and 3 IHH exposed groups the first group was exposed on day 1 and 8 IHH 1x the second group on day 1, 8 and 15 IHH 2x and the third group on day 1, 8, 15 and 22 IHH 3x . Cytoglobin and Ngb were decreased in the acute induction and increased significantly along with the increasing frequency of the IHH induction. The specific activity was increased significantly since the first AHH induction of hypobaric hypoxia but then decreased in the last induction IHH3x . From these findings, it is concluded that IHH, especially IHH3x, seems to be a protective adaptive response in the rat rsquo s brain tissue. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Wulandari
"Latar belakang: Sitoglobin (Cygb) adalah protein pengangkut O2 yang diekspresikan oleh fibroblas dan fibroblast like cells aktif. Keperluan O2 dan energi meningkat pada fibrosis akibat proliferasi fibroblas dan sintesis kolagen. Pada fibrosis terjadi hipoksia yang ditandai oleh stabilisasi hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), yang kemudian membentuk HIF-1 yang merupakan faktor transkripsi untuk ekspresi protein adaptasi (termasuk Cygb). Diduga Cygb berperan dalam suplai O2 pada fibrosis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai peran Cygb pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis dengan keloid sebagai model.
Metode: Penelitian bersifat observasional deskriptif. Sampel keloid diperoleh melalui biopsi, sedangkan kontrol preputium diperoleh melalui sirkumsisi, masing-masing 10 sampel jaringan. Pengukuran ekspresi mRNA Cygb, HIF-1α, kolagen I dan III dilakukan dengan real time RT-PCR; kadar protein Cygb dan HIF-1α dengan ELISA; dan ekspresi protein Cygb, HIF-1α, FGF, kolagen I dan III di lapisan dermis dengan imunohistokimia (IHK). Pengukuran kadar MDA dan GSH (tingkat stres oksidatif) serta kadar hidroksiprolin (untuk pematangan kolagen) dengan spektrofotometri, sedangkan pengukuran kepadatan kolagen dengan pewarnaan Van Gieson. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji-t.
Hasil: Pada keloid dibandingkan preputium, ekspresi mRNA Cygb meningkat 8,7 kali, protein Cygb meningkat bermakna (1,196 Vs 0,779 ng/mg protein dan 95% Vs 63% ; p <0,05). Ekspresi mRNA HIF-1α meningkat 5,1 kali, protein HIF-1α meningkat bermakna (0,201 Vs 0,122 ng/mg protein dan 80% Vs 38%; p <0,05). Terdapat korelasi kuat antara ekspresi protein HIF-1α dan mRNA Cygb (Pearson; R = 0,649; p <0,01). Ekspresi protein FGF keloid meningkat bermakna (78% Vs 41%; p <0,05). Demikian pula ekspresi mRNA prokolagen I dan III keloid meningkat bermakna (35 kali dan 27,1 kali), serta ekspresi protein kolagen I dan III (61% Vs 37% dan 39% Vs. 16%; p <0,05). Juga terdapat korelasi kuat antara protein HIF-1α dengan FGF, prokolagen I dan III (Pearson; R= 0,878; R=0,960; dan R=0884; p<0,01). Kadar hiroksiprolin lebih tinggi pada keloid (0,297 Vs 276 ng/mg protein; p >0,05) dan pematangan kolagen lebih tinggi bermakna (1,2 kali; p <0,05). Cygb berkorelasi kuat dengan pematangan kolagen (kadar hidroksiprolin) (Pearson; R = 0,790; p <0,001).
Kesimpulan: Cygb berperan pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis yang ditandai dengan peningkatan ekspresinya. Peran Cygb terkait dengan ekspresi HIF-1α yang berkorelasi dengan peningkatan FGF, pro/kolagen I dan III yang merupakan faktor penting pada fibrosis. Cygb juga berperan pada pematangan kolagen.

Background: Cytoglobin (Cygb) is an O2 carrier protein expressed by fibroblasts and active fibroblast like cells. O2 and energy demand increased in fibrosis due to proliferation of fibroblasts and synthesis of collagen. In fibrosis hypoxia occurred which is characterized by stabilization of hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), which later forming the HIF-1, a transcription factor for the expression of adaptation protein (including Cygb). Cygb alleged role in the supply of O2 in fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about Cygb role in fibrosis hypoxia with keloid tissue as a model.
Methods: This was an observational descriptive study. Keloid samples were obtained from biopsy, while the preputium as control were obtained from circumcision, 10 tissue samples each. Measurement of Cygb, HIF-1α, collagen I and III mRNA expression were carried out by real time RT?PCR. Cygb and HIF-1α protein level were measured by ELISA; while Cygb, HIF-1α, FGF, and collagen I and III protein expressions in the dermis layer by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Measurement of MDA and GSH levels (oxidative stress) and hydroxyprolin concentration (marker of mature collagen) by spectrophotometry, while the collagen density measurement with van Gieson staining. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test.
Results: In keloid compared preputium, Cygb mRNA expression increased 8.7 times compared to preputium, Cygb protein increased significantly (1.196 Vs 0.779 ng/mg protein and 95% Vs 63%, p <0.05). HIF-1α mRNA expression increased by 5.1 times in keloid tissue, and protein HIF-1α increased significantly (0.201 Vs 0.122 ng/mg protein and 80% Vs 38%, p <0.05). There is a strong correlation between the expression of HIF-1α protein and Cygb mRNA (Pearson; R = 0.649, p <0.01). Keloid FGF protein expression increased significantly (78% Vs 41%; p <0.05). Similarly, mRNA expression of procollagen I and III keloid increased significantly (35 times and 27.1 times), and protein expression of collagen I and III (61% Vs 37% and 39% Vs 16%, p <0.05). There is also a strong correlation between HIF-1α protein with FGF, procollagen I and III (Pearson, R = 0.878, R = 0.960; and R = 0.884, p <0.01). Hydroxyprolin concentration were higher in keloid (0.297 Vs 0.276 ng/mg protein; p >0.05) and collagen maturation was significantly higher (1.2 times, p <0.05). Cygb is correlated with maturation of collagen (hydroxyproline levels) (Pearson, R = 0.790, p <0.001).
Conclusion: Cygb play role in fibrosis hypoxia which is characterized by its increased expression. Cygb role is associated with the expression of HIF-1α which are correlated with increased FGF, pro/collagen I and III, which are important factor in fibrosis. Cygb also play a role in the maturation of collagen."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ninik Mudjihartini
Hipoksia berperan penting pada patofisiologi berbagai penyakit utama penyebab kematian seperti, penyakit jantung iskemia, strok, kanker, penyakit paru kronik, dan gagal jantung kongestif. Kedua protein golongan globin di otak, yaitu neuroglobin (Ngb) dan sitoglobin (Cygb) diduga berperan dalam suplai oksigen ke mitokondria dan melindungi jaringan otak dari kerusakan akibat hipoksia (neuroprotektan). Perubahan ekspresi protein merupakan salah satu bentuk adaptasi biokimia yang penting terhadap perubahan homeostasis. Oleh karena itu timbul pertanyaan bagaimana pola ekspresi Ngb dan Cygb serta peran neuroprotektan kedua protein tersebut di otak pada keadaan hipoksia sistemik kronik (HSK). Penelitian bertujuan manganalisis perbedaan pola ekspresi Ngb dan Cygb serta kaitannya dengan apoptosis pada HSK. Parameter yang diukur adalah Ngb, Cygb, sitokrom c, MDA, GSH dan HIF-lα. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi eksperimental in vivo model HSK pada tikus. Tikus sebagai hewan coba dibagi secara acak dalam 6 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok I adalah kelompok kontrol atau tanpa perlakuan hipoksia, sedangkan kelompok II, III, IV, V, dan VI mendapat perlakuan hipoksia dengan lama waktu hipoksia selama 1, 3, 5, 7, dan 14 hari. Parameter yang diperiksa meliputi ekspresi Ngb dan Cygb dengan teknik real time-RT PCR, ELISA dan imunofluoresen FITC, stres oksidatif, HIF-1α sebagai penanda hipoksia, dan sitokrom c sebagai penanda apoptosis. Hasil yang diperoleh HSK meningkatkan ekspresi mRNA Ngb pada hipoksia 3, 5, dan 7 hari, namun ekspresi proteinnya menurun pada hipoksia 1, 3, 5, 7, dan 14 hari dibanding dengan kontrol. Berbeda dengan ekspresi mRNA Cygb yang menurun selama hipoksia 1, 3, 5, 7, dan 14 hari, namun protein Cygb meningkat pada hipoksia 1, 3, 5, 7, dan 14 hari dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Korelasi Ngb dengan sitokrom c lemah tidak signifikan, sedangkan Cygb sangat lemah dan tidak signifikan. HSK menginduksi ekspresi HIF-lα yang meningkat tertinggi pada hipoksia 7 hari, dan menyebabkan stres oksidatif yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya MDA pada hipoksia 1, 3 dan 5 hari, serta menurunnya GSH pada hipoksia 1, 3, dan 5 hari. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pola ekspresi Ngb dan Cygb pada HSK. Ekspresi Ngb sebagai respons adaptasi terjadi lebih awal dan lebih dipengaruhi oleh lama waktu hipoksia dibandingkan dengan ekspresi Cygb. Meskipun lemah, Ngb cenderung mempunyai peran menghambat apoptosis dibandingkan dengan protein Cygb.;

Hypoxia has an important role in the pathophysiology of high mortality diseases, such as ischemic cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease, and congestive heart failure. The proteins belonged to globin protein group, included neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb), have been presumed to play a role in regulating the oxygen supply into the mitochondria and protecting the brain tissues from damage due to hypoxia (neuroprotectant). An alteration in protein expression due to a homeostatic shift is an important adaptation process in biochemistry. Therefore, the expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb as well as their protein roles in brain during a chronic systemic hypoxia condition (CSH) remain unclear. This study aim to analyse the differences of the Ngb and Cygb expression patterns, and correlation of both protein to apoptosis in chronic systemic hypoxic condition. Ngb, Cygb, Cytochrome c, MDA, GSH, and HIF-1 α. were examined. An in vivo experimental model of CSH was carried out using rat. The experimental rats were randomly divided into 6 treatment groups, i.e. group I was a control group or without hypoxic condition, groups II, III, IV, V, and VI were treated by hypoxic condition for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, respectively. The Ngb and Cygb expressions were analysed using real time-RTPCR, ELISA, immunofluorescence with FITC, and the measurement of stress oxidative biomarkers, included HIF-1α as a biomarker of hypoxic condition and cytochrome c as a biomarker of apoptosis. The CSH was increased the mRNA expression of Ngb at 3, 5, and 7 days hypoxic groups, while the protein expression was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The mRNA expression of Cygb was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups, whereas the Cygb protein expression was increased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The correlation between Ngb with cytochrome c was weakly statistically insignificant, and Cygb with cytochrome c was statistically insignificant. The CSH induced the HIFlα, which was shown by a high increase at 7 days hypoxic group, as well as stress oxidative which was represented by MDA at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups, and decreased GSH at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups. There are differences in expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb in CSH. The expression of Ngb, as an adaptive response, occurs earlier and is more influenced by the duration of hypoxic condition compared to Cygb. Although the correlation is weak, the Ngb seems more likely to inhibit apoptosis compared to Cygb protein;Hypoxia has an important role in the pathophysiology of high mortality diseases, such as ischemic cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease, and congestive heart failure. The proteins belonged to globin protein group, included neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb), have been presumed to play a role in regulating the oxygen supply into the mitochondria and protecting the brain tissues from damage due to hypoxia (neuroprotectant). An alteration in protein expression due to a homeostatic shift is an important adaptation process in biochemistry. Therefore, the expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb as well as their protein roles in brain during a chronic systemic hypoxia condition (CSH) remain unclear. This study aim to analyse the differences of the Ngb and Cygb expression patterns, and correlation of both protein to apoptosis in chronic systemic hypoxic condition. Ngb, Cygb, Cytochrome c, MDA, GSH, and HIF-1 α. were examined. An in vivo experimental model of CSH was carried out using rat. The experimental rats were randomly divided into 6 treatment groups, i.e. group I was a control group or without hypoxic condition, groups II, III, IV, V, and VI were treated by hypoxic condition for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, respectively. The Ngb and Cygb expressions were analysed using real time-RTPCR, ELISA, immunofluorescence with FITC, and the measurement of stress oxidative biomarkers, included HIF-1α as a biomarker of hypoxic condition and cytochrome c as a biomarker of apoptosis. The CSH was increased the mRNA expression of Ngb at 3, 5, and 7 days hypoxic groups, while the protein expression was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The mRNA expression of Cygb was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups, whereas the Cygb protein expression was increased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The correlation between Ngb with cytochrome c was weakly statistically insignificant, and Cygb with cytochrome c was statistically insignificant. The CSH induced the HIFlα, which was shown by a high increase at 7 days hypoxic group, as well as stress oxidative which was represented by MDA at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups, and decreased GSH at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups. There are differences in expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb in CSH. The expression of Ngb, as an adaptive response, occurs earlier and is more influenced by the duration of hypoxic condition compared to Cygb. Although the correlation is weak, the Ngb seems more likely to inhibit apoptosis compared to Cygb protein;Hypoxia has an important role in the pathophysiology of high mortality diseases, such as ischemic cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease, and congestive heart failure. The proteins belonged to globin protein group, included neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb), have been presumed to play a role in regulating the oxygen supply into the mitochondria and protecting the brain tissues from damage due to hypoxia (neuroprotectant). An alteration in protein expression due to a homeostatic shift is an important adaptation process in biochemistry. Therefore, the expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb as well as their protein roles in brain during a chronic systemic hypoxia condition (CSH) remain unclear. This study aim to analyse the differences of the Ngb and Cygb expression patterns, and correlation of both protein to apoptosis in chronic systemic hypoxic condition. Ngb, Cygb, Cytochrome c, MDA, GSH, and HIF-1 α. were examined. An in vivo experimental model of CSH was carried out using rat. The experimental rats were randomly divided into 6 treatment groups, i.e. group I was a control group or without hypoxic condition, groups II, III, IV, V, and VI were treated by hypoxic condition for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, respectively. The Ngb and Cygb expressions were analysed using real time-RTPCR, ELISA, immunofluorescence with FITC, and the measurement of stress oxidative biomarkers, included HIF-1α as a biomarker of hypoxic condition and cytochrome c as a biomarker of apoptosis. The CSH was increased the mRNA expression of Ngb at 3, 5, and 7 days hypoxic groups, while the protein expression was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The mRNA expression of Cygb was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups, whereas the Cygb protein expression was increased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The correlation between Ngb with cytochrome c was weakly statistically insignificant, and Cygb with cytochrome c was statistically insignificant. The CSH induced the HIFlα, which was shown by a high increase at 7 days hypoxic group, as well as stress oxidative which was represented by MDA at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups, and decreased GSH at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups. There are differences in expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb in CSH. The expression of Ngb, as an adaptive response, occurs earlier and is more influenced by the duration of hypoxic condition compared to Cygb. Although the correlation is weak, the Ngb seems more likely to inhibit apoptosis compared to Cygb protein;Hypoxia has an important role in the pathophysiology of high mortality diseases, such as ischemic cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease, and congestive heart failure. The proteins belonged to globin protein group, included neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb), have been presumed to play a role in regulating the oxygen supply into the mitochondria and protecting the brain tissues from damage due to hypoxia (neuroprotectant). An alteration in protein expression due to a homeostatic shift is an important adaptation process in biochemistry. Therefore, the expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb as well as their protein roles in brain during a chronic systemic hypoxia condition (CSH) remain unclear. This study aim to analyse the differences of the Ngb and Cygb expression patterns, and correlation of both protein to apoptosis in chronic systemic hypoxic condition. Ngb, Cygb, Cytochrome c, MDA, GSH, and HIF-1 α. were examined. An in vivo experimental model of CSH was carried out using rat. The experimental rats were randomly divided into 6 treatment groups, i.e. group I was a control group or without hypoxic condition, groups II, III, IV, V, and VI were treated by hypoxic condition for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, respectively. The Ngb and Cygb expressions were analysed using real time-RTPCR, ELISA, immunofluorescence with FITC, and the measurement of stress oxidative biomarkers, included HIF-1α as a biomarker of hypoxic condition and cytochrome c as a biomarker of apoptosis. The CSH was increased the mRNA expression of Ngb at 3, 5, and 7 days hypoxic groups, while the protein expression was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The mRNA expression of Cygb was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups, whereas the Cygb protein expression was increased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The correlation between Ngb with cytochrome c was weakly statistically insignificant, and Cygb with cytochrome c was statistically insignificant. The CSH induced the HIFlα, which was shown by a high increase at 7 days hypoxic group, as well as stress oxidative which was represented by MDA at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups, and decreased GSH at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups. There are differences in expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb in CSH. The expression of Ngb, as an adaptive response, occurs earlier and is more influenced by the duration of hypoxic condition compared to Cygb. Although the correlation is weak, the Ngb seems more likely to inhibit apoptosis compared to Cygb protein, Hypoxia has an important role in the pathophysiology of high mortality diseases, such as ischemic cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, chronic lung disease, and congestive heart failure. The proteins belonged to globin protein group, included neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb), have been presumed to play a role in regulating the oxygen supply into the mitochondria and protecting the brain tissues from damage due to hypoxia (neuroprotectant). An alteration in protein expression due to a homeostatic shift is an important adaptation process in biochemistry. Therefore, the expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb as well as their protein roles in brain during a chronic systemic hypoxia condition (CSH) remain unclear. This study aim to analyse the differences of the Ngb and Cygb expression patterns, and correlation of both protein to apoptosis in chronic systemic hypoxic condition. Ngb, Cygb, Cytochrome c, MDA, GSH, and HIF-1 α. were examined. An in vivo experimental model of CSH was carried out using rat. The experimental rats were randomly divided into 6 treatment groups, i.e. group I was a control group or without hypoxic condition, groups II, III, IV, V, and VI were treated by hypoxic condition for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, respectively. The Ngb and Cygb expressions were analysed using real time-RTPCR, ELISA, immunofluorescence with FITC, and the measurement of stress oxidative biomarkers, included HIF-1α as a biomarker of hypoxic condition and cytochrome c as a biomarker of apoptosis. The CSH was increased the mRNA expression of Ngb at 3, 5, and 7 days hypoxic groups, while the protein expression was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The mRNA expression of Cygb was decreased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups, whereas the Cygb protein expression was increased at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days hypoxic groups compared to control group. The correlation between Ngb with cytochrome c was weakly statistically insignificant, and Cygb with cytochrome c was statistically insignificant. The CSH induced the HIFlα, which was shown by a high increase at 7 days hypoxic group, as well as stress oxidative which was represented by MDA at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups, and decreased GSH at 1, 3, and 5 days hypoxic groups. There are differences in expression pattern of Ngb and Cygb in CSH. The expression of Ngb, as an adaptive response, occurs earlier and is more influenced by the duration of hypoxic condition compared to Cygb. Although the correlation is weak, the Ngb seems more likely to inhibit apoptosis compared to Cygb protein]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai ekspresi sitoglobin (Cygb) dan kaitannya dengan stres oksidatif dalam darah dan jaringan otak penderita strok hemoragik. Penelitian bersifat observasional laboratorik dan pengambilan sampel berdasarkan metode consecutive sampling. Sampel berasal dari darah dan jaringan otak penderita strok hemoragik yang menjalani operasi kraniotomi di rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo dan rumah sakit di sekitarnya. Terhadap darah dan jaringan otak ini dilakukan analisis ekspresi mRNA Cygb, protein Cygb, aktivitas spesifik katalase (CAT) dan kadar MDA. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan darah subyek normal sebagai kontrol. Pengukuran ekspresi mRNA Cygb dilakukan dengan menggunakan real time RT-PCR Mini Opticon (BioRad), pengukuran kadar protein Cygb dilakukan dengan metode ELISA, aktivitas CAT diukur menggunakan metode Aebi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan ekspresi mRNA Cygb jaringan otak 1.24 kali dibandingkan darah penderita strok hemoragik dan peningkatan ekspresi mRNA Cygb darah penderita strok hemoragik 6.15 kali terhadap darah kontrol. Selain itu juga terjadi peningkatan kadar protein Cygb plasma penderita strok hemoragik dibandingkan plasma kontrol dan peningkatan secara signifikan kadar protein Cygb jaringan otak penderita strok hemoragik dibandingkan plasmanya. Pada jaringan otak penderita strok hemoragik juga terjadi peningkatan signifikan aktivitas spesifik katalase dibandingkan plasmanya. Peningkatan Cygb dan aktivitas spesifik CAT pada jaringan otak kemungkinan disebabkan oleh karena perannya sebagai radical scavenger dalam mengatasi stres oksidatif yang terjadi akibat strok hemoragik.

The study on expression of cytoglobin (Cygb) and its relation to oxidative stress in brain and blood of hemorrhagic stroke patients has been done. This is a laboratory observational study with consecutive sampling method. Blood and brain tissue from hemorrhagic stroke patients who underwent craniotomy surgery at Cipto Mangunkusumo hospitals and nearby hospitals are used as samples. The expression of Cygb mRNA and protein, specific activity of catalase and MDA level were measured in blood and brain tissue as parameters. The blood from normal subjects are used as a control. Cygb mRNA expression was analyzed using real time RT-PCR Mini Opticon (BioRad), Cygb protein are determined using ELISA method and specific activity of catalase are measured using Aebi method. The results showed that expression of Cygb mRNA in brain tissue was increased 1.24 folds compared to blood in hemorrhagic stroke patients and expression of Cygb mRNA in patient’s blood was increased 6.15 folds compared to control blood. There was also an increase of plasma Cygb proteins of hemorrhagic stroke patients compared to control plasma and significantly increased level of Cygb proteins in hemorrhagic stroke patients compared to its plasma. The specific activity of catalase in brain of hemorrhagic stroke patient was also significantly increased compared to its plasma. It is suggested that increasing expression of Cygb and specific activity of catalase in brain tissue is caused by its activity as a radical scavenger to overcome oxidative stress present in hemorrhagic stroke.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susi Rahmiyati
"Hem merupakan komponen penyusun hemoprotein, salah satunya yaitu sitoglobin. Sitoglobin diketahui memegang peranan dalam perkembangan kanker. Saat ini, belum diketahui peran hambatan hem terhadap ekspresi CYGB pada sel lini sel kanker hati, HepG2 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan penghambatan hem dalam mencegah proliferasi sel HepG2. Penghambatan hem dilakukan dengan menggunakan suksinil aseton.  Analisis aktivitas enzim ALAD diukur secara kolorimetrik. Analisis viabilitas dan proliferasi (doubling time) dilakukan dengan menggunakan MTT assay. Analisis ekspresi mRNA CYGB dilakukan dengan qRT-PCR. Ekspresi protein CYGB dianalisis dengan ELISA. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah hambatan sintesis hem pada sel HepG2 dengan menggunakan suksinil aseton berhasil dilakukan. Penurunan sintesis hem berdampak pada menurunnya ekspresi CYGB baik tingkat mRNA maupun protein. Viabilitas dan proliferasi sel HepG2 menurun seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi suksinil aseton. Sebagai kesimpulan, pemberian suksinil aseton mampu menghambat sintesis hem karena menekan ekspresi CYGB yang berdampak pada penurunan viabilitas dan proliferasi sel HepG2.

Hem is a component of hemoprotein, one of which is cytogloblin. Cytoglobin is known to play a role in cancer development. Currently, the role of heme inhibitors on CYGB expression in the liver cancer cell line, HepG2, is unknown. This study aims to see the ability of heme inhibition in preventing HepG2 cell proliferation. Hem inhibition was carried out using succinyl acetone. Analysis of ALAD enzyme activity was measured colorimetrically. Viability and proliferation (doubling time) analyzes were performed using the MTT assay. Analysis of CYGB mRNA expression was performed by qRT-PCR. CYGB protein expression was analyzed by ELISA. The results obtained were thatinhibition of hem synthesis in HepG2 cells using succinyl acetone was successfully carried out. Decreased heme synthesis resulted in decreased CYGB expression both at the mRNA and protein levels. HepG2 cell viability and proliferation decreased with increasing succinyl acetone concentration. In conclusion, succinyl acetone was able to inhibit hem synthesis cause it suppressed CYGB expression which had an impact on reducing the viability and proliferation of HepG2 cells."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pungguri Ayu Nega Sarsanti
Respon imun makrofag merupakan proses alamiah yang terjadi di dalam tubuh sebagai adaptasi terhadap benda asing/antigen. Makrofag merupakan komponen penting pada respon imun bawaan maupun adaptif, karena berperan pada proses fagositosis serta sebagai antigen presenting cell APC . Pada proses fagositosis makrofag memerlukan O2 dan energi yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa pada makrofag peritoneum yang diimunisasi terjadi hipoksia relatif dan peningkatan biogenesis mitokondria dalam usaha meningkatkan keperluan energi. Untuk membuktikan terjadi hipoksia diukur ekspresi mRNA dan protein HIF-1? serta HIF-2? yang merupakan protein yang berperan pada respons terhadap hipoksia. Juga diukur ekspresi mRNA dan protein sitoglobin yang merupakan protein pengikat O2. Untuk menilai biogenesis mitokondria diukur kadar protein PGC-1?. 24 ekor mencit BALB/c dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan imunisasi dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi hipoksia yang ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan bermakna kadar protein HIF-1? p=0.000, ANOVA dan HIF-2? p=0.035, ANOVA mulai dari 24 jam dan terus meningkat sampai 72 jam setelah imunisasi. Ekspresi protein sitoglobin meningkat mulai 24 jam sampai 72 jam setelah imunisasi p=0.01, ANOVA , sedangkan ekspresi protein PGC-1? meningkat bermakna pada 72 jam setelah imunisasi p=0.047, Kruskal-Wallis . Disimpulkan pada makrofag peritoneum mencit yang diimunisasi terjadi hipoksia dan biogenesis mitokondria. Kata kunci: Sitoglobin; HIF-1?; HIF-2?; Makrofag; PGC-1?

Macrophages rsquo s immune response is natural process that occurs in the body. Macrophages is important in innate and adaptive immunity, due to their role in phagocytosis as well as antigen presenting cell APC . Phagocytosis itself requires O2 and high energy. This study aims to investigate that immunized peritoneal macrophages were in relative hypoxia condition and its mitochondrial biogenesis increased in efforts to provide energy. To confirm hypoxia were calculated by mRNA and protein expression of HIF 1 and HIF 2 . mRNA and protein Cygb expression were also measured as the protein considered binds O2. To assess mitochondrial biogenesis, PGC 1 protein level were measured. 24 male BALB c mice were used and divided into three immunized treatment groups and one control group. The results showed that hypoxia occur, affirm by a significant increase in protein levels of HIF 1 p 0.000, ANOVA and HIF 2 p 0.035, ANOVA ranging from 24 hours and continued to increase until 72 hours. Cygb protein expression also increased from 24 hours to 72 hours p 0.01, ANOVA , whereas the expression of PGC 1 alpha protein increased significantly at 72 hours p 0.047, Kruskal Wallis . In conclusion in immunized mice peritoneal macrophages present itself hypoxia and mitochondrial biogenesis. Keyword Cytoglobin HIF 1 HIF 2 Macrophages PGC 1 "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Fitriana
"Tuberkulosis masih menjadi masalah kesehatan utama karena prevalensinya yang terus meningkat, terutama kasus TB resisten obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respons adaptasi makrofag terhadap hipoksia dan kemampuan fagositosis makrofag pada penderita TB resisten obat dibandingkan dengan kontak erat yang terinfeksi laten dan sehat. Enam pasien TBRO dan 18 kasus kontak erat (8 TB laten; 10 sehat) di RS Universitas Indonesia direkrut sebagai subjek penelitian. Makrofag berasal dari hasil isolasi sel mononukleus darah tepi (SMDT) subjek yang dikultur selama 7 hari. Pemeriksaan ekspresi mRNA dan protein HIF-1α dilakukan menggunakan qRT-PCR dan ELISA. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas fagositosis kelompok infeksi laten lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok sehat dan TB RO (p<0,05). Ekspresi mRNA dan protein HIF-1α lebih tinggi pada kelompok TB RO dibandingkan kelompok lainnya (p<0,05). Terdapat korelasi negatif sedang antara kemampuan fagositosis dengan ekspresi protein HIF-1α (r = -0,612; p<0,05). Perbedaan respons adaptasi hipoksia dan fungsi sel makrofag diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi selanjutnya dalam membuka penelitian yang lebih spesifik, untuk menelusuri lebih lanjut dari aspek lain mengenai respons imun makrofag pada penderita TB resisten obat dibandingkan dengan kontak erat terdiagnosis laten TB, dan kontak erat yang sehat.

Tuberculosis remains a major health problem due to its increasing prevalence, especially in cases of drug-resistant TB. This research aims to analyze the macrophage adaptive response to hypoxia and the phagocytic ability of macrophages in patients with drug-resistant TB compared to close contact with latent infection and healthy individuals. Six drug-resistant TB patients and 18 close contact cases (8 latent TB; 10 healthy) at the University of Indonesia Hospital were recruited as research subjects. Macrophages were derived from the PBMC of the subjects and cultured for 7 days. Examination of HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression was conducted using qRT-PCR and ELISA. The results showed that the phagocytic activity of the latent infection group was higher compared to the healthy and drug-resistant TB groups (p<0,05). HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression were higher in the drug-resistant TB group compared to the other groups (p<0,05). However, there was a moderate negative correlation between phagocytic ability and HIF-1α protein expression (r = -0,612; p<0,05). The differences in hypoxia adaptive responses and macrophage cell function are expected to serve as a reference for further, more specific research to explore other aspects of macrophage immune responses in drug-resistant TB patients compared to close contacts diagnosed with latent TB and healthy close contacts."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isma Nur Azzizah
"ABSTRAK Keloid muncul akibat proses fibrogenesis berlebih pada proses penyembuhan luka yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya proliferasi sel fibroblas. Sitoglobin (CYGB) merupakan salah satu anggota keluarga protein globin yang berperan penting dalam transpor oksigen di dalam sel. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ATPnya untuk proliferasi, fibroblas keloid memerlukan oksigen dalam jumlah yang cukup, sehingga diperlukan CYGB untuk mensuplai oksigen. Untuk membuktikan bahwa CYGB diperlukan oleh fibroblas keloid dilakukan penghambatan ekspresi CYGB menggunakan molekul siRNA. Sampel berasal dari kultur fibroblas keloid dari penelitian sebelumnya yang disimpan beku pada suhu -80ºC. Untuk penelitian ini setelah proses thawing, dilakukan kultur fibroblas dengan menggunakan medium DMEM low glucose. Sampel dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan, kontrol; transfeksi dengan siRNA (+) CYGB; trasfeksi dengan siRNA (-) CYGB. Analisis hambatan ekspresi mRNA CYGB dilakukan dengan qRT-PCR dan analisis hambatan protein CYGB dilakukan dengan ELISA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat penurunan ekspresi mRNA CYGB pada fibroblas yang ditransfeksi siRNA (+) CYGB dibandingkan dengan kontrol dan siRNA (-) CYGB. Kadar protein CYGB pada trasfeksi siRNA (+) CYGB juga menunjukan penurunan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dan siRNA (-) CYGB. Disimpulkan bahwa hambatan ekspresi CYGB menggunakan siRNA terbukti menurunkan ekspresi CYGB pada kultur fibroblas keloid.
ABSTRACT Keloid arises from excessive fibrogenesis in wound healing process which is characterized by increased fibroblast cell proliferation. Cytoglobin (CYGB) is a member of the globin family proteins that play an important role in oxygen transport in cells. To meet its ATP requirements for proliferation, keloid fibroblasts require adequate amounts of oxygen, hence CYGB is needed for oxygen supply. To prove that CYGB is needed by keloid fibroblasts, Cygb expression is inhibited using siRNA molecules. The samples were keloid fibroblasts from previous studies which were stored frozen at -80ºC. After thawing process, fibroblasts were cultured using DMEM low glucose medium. The sample was divided into 3 treatment groups, control group; transfection with CYGB siRNA (+); tranfection with CYGB siRNA (-). Inhibition of mRNA CYGB expression was carried out with qRT-PCR and CYGB protein analysis was carried out by ELISA. The results showed a decrease in CYGB mRNA expression in CYGB siRNA (+) keloid fibroblasts compared to CYGB control and siRNA (-). CYGB protein levels in CYGB siRNA (+) transfection also showed a decrease compared to CYGB control and siRNA (-) group. It was concluded that inhibition of CYGB expression using siRNA was proven to reduce CYGB expression in cultures of keloid fibroblasts.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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