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Andi Alfian Zainuddin
"Indonesia masih menjadi negara yang belum terbebas dari malaria. Terdapat kesenjangan kasus malaria di Indonesia dengan prevalensi tertinggi di Provinsi Papua, Papua Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model manajemen malaria berbasis wilayah yang nantinya dikembangkan menjadi algoritma manajemen malaria berbasis wilayah. Desain penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian analitik yang menggabungkan studi ekologi dan studi potong lintang. Sampel diambil dari empat desa yang berdekatan di Kecamatan Kodi Balaghar Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur yang memiliki perbedaan prevalensi malaria dan perbedaan ekosistem yaitu Desa Mata Kapore, Desa Waikarara, Desa Kahale dan Desa Karang Indah.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat variabilitas dinamika transmisi di antara keempat desa tersebut yaitu jenis parasit, densitas parasit, kepadatan nyamuk, perilaku pemajanan, jarak rumah dari tempat perindukan nyamuk. Terdapat variabilitas respons imun di antara keempat desa yaitu kadar IgG dan alel gen MSP2. Pola persebaran kasus dan alel gen MSP2 di masing-masing desa memiliki karakteristik tertentu. Ada hubungan antara jarak rumah dari tempat perindukan nyamuk (p=0,041) dan alel gen MSP2 (p=0,032) dengan densitas parasit. Model akhir menunjukkan alel gen MSP2 memiliki hubungan dengan densitas parasit.
Penelitian ini menyarankan algoritma manajemen malaria berbasis wilayah yang memuat manajemen kasus, manajemen faktor risiko, integrasi dan keterlibatan lintas sektor.

Indonesia is not malaria-free country. There is a gap of malaria cases in Indonesia with the highest prevalence in the province of Papua, West Papua and East Nusa Tenggara.
This study aims to obtain spatial management of malaria model which will be developed into an spatial management of malaria algorithms. This study design is an analytic study designs that combines ecological study and cross-sectional study. Samples taken from four adjacent villages in the district of Kodi Balaghar Southwest Sumba Regency East Nusa Tenggara Province which have differences in prevalence of malaria and ecosystem diversity. They are Mata Kapore Village, Waikarara Village, Kahale Village and Karang Indah Village.
The results showed there are variabilities in the transmission dynamics among the four villages. The variabilities are the type of parasite, parasite density, density of mosquitoes, behavioral exposure, the distance of house from breeding places. There are variabilities in immune response among the four villages. They are IgG level and MSP2 gene alleles. Distribution patterns of cases distributif and MSP2 gene alleles in each village have certain characteristics. There is a association between the distance of house from breeding place (p=0,041) and MSP2 gene alleles (p=0,032) with parasite density. The final model shows MSP2 gene alleles have a relationship with parasit density.
This study suggested spatial management of malaria algorithm that includes case management, risk factor management, integration and cross-sector involvement.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farchanny Achmad Tri Adryanto
"Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kepatuhan masyarakat menggunakan kelambu berinsektisida (LLIN?s), melalui pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional) dengan menggunakan data sekunder hasil Survei Dasar Cakupan Penggunaan Kelambu Berinsektisida di Kabupaten Sikka Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur pada bulan Febuari 2009.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan, kejadian malaria dalam 3 bulan terakhir mencapai 72,4%, persentase kepatuhan menggunakan kelambu sebesar 40% dan responden yang tidak patuh menggunakan kelambu berisiko mengalami malaria sebesar 6,16 kali (95% CI: 2,149 - 17,656) dibandingkan yang patuh menggunakan kelambu setelah dikontrol oleh pendidikan, sikap dan interaksi antara pendidikan dengan penggunaan kelambu.
Disarankan agar pengelola program malaria Kementerian Kesehatan mengupayakan promosi kesehatan untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan masyarakat menggunakan kelambu, kerjasama lintas sektor dan mendorong pemerintah daerah meningkatkan alokasi anggaran untuk menjamin ketersediaan kelambu. Dinas Kesehatan perlu melakukan penyuluhan sebelum distribusi kelambu dan monitoring serta evaluasi penggunaan kelambu di masyarakat.

This study aimed to determine compliance to bed nets LLIN?s relation to malariaincidence. This study analized data of Baseline Survey bed nets with insecticide in Sikka district of East Nusa Tenggara Province in February 2009.
The results of this study showed the incidence of malaria in the last three months was 72.4%, and the compliance to bednet use was 40%. Respondents who did not comply of using bed net had risk 6,2 times than responden who comply of using bed net after adjusted by education, attitude and interaction between education and the compliance to bed nets use.
It is recommended to the malaria control program Ministry of Health, to do health promotion to increase compliance to bed nets use, collaborate to other sectors and encourage local governments to increase budget allocations to ensure the availability of bed nets. District Health Office needs to conduct education before distribute bed nets and do monitoring and evaluation of the compliance to bed nets use.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Bernadethe Kurniawati Beyeng
"Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit berbasis lingkungan dan ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk anopheles betina. Kejadian Malaria pada balita dapat menimbulkan komplikasi khususnya pada infeksi oleh plasmodium falciparum, dapat menyebabkan malaria cerebral, malaria berat, gangguan pernapasan(acidosis) dan hipoglikemia. Kabupaten Lembata di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan satu dari 21 kabupaten kota di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan API tertinggi yaitu 137/ ‰ dan SPR mencapai 16% pada tahun 2012. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria pada balita di Puskesmas Lewoleba Kabupaten Lembata Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan kasus kontrol. Total populasi 3194, jumlah sampel sebesar 216.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria pada balita adalah kebiasaan memakai kelambu secara rutin saat tidur malam hari nilai p=0,002 Odds Ratio= 3,085 dengan 95% CI=1,543-6,169, pengetahuan ibu tentang malaria nilai p=0,035 Odds Ratio=1,888 dengan 95% CI: 1,081-3,297 serta status gizi dengan nilai p=0,000 Odds Ratio=4,684 dengan 95% CI: 2,513-8,730. Sedangkan variabel yang tidak berhubungan adalah tempat perindukan nyamuk nilai p=0,059 dan OR=1,818 derajad kepercayaan 95% CI: 1,019-3,243, pendidikan ibu nilai p=0,411 dan OR=1,3 derajad kepercayaan 95% CI: 0,760-2,230, perilaku ibu nilai p=0,077 dan OR=1,685 derajad kepercayaan 95% CI: 0,884-2,886, pekerjaan ibu nilai p=0,149 dan OR=0,550 derajad kepercayaan 95% CI: 0,266-1,138, dan riwayat ibu sakit malaria, nilai p=0,237 dan OR=1,585 derajad kepercayaan 95% CI: 0,810-3,102. Saran atas hasil penelitian ini adalah kelambunisasi, meningkatkan status gizi balita, upaya promosi kesehatan yang berkesinambungan.

Malaria is one of the environmentally based diseases which is spread through a female anopheles mosquito bites. The incident of Malaria to the Children Under Five Years Old may cause specific complication particularly infection caused by plasmodium falcifarum which may cause Malaria Cerebral, severe Malaria, respiratory distress (acidosis) and hypoglycemia. Lembata Regency in Nusa Tenggara Province is one of 21 Regencies/Cities in the Nusa Tenggara Timur Province which has the highest API 137 ‰ and SPR reached 16% in 2012. The purpose of the research is to find out any Risk Factors connected with the incident of Malaria to the Children Under Five Years Old in the Local Government Clinic of Lewoleba of Lembata Regency of Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. The research has been conducted through case-control study. A number of population 3194 and the number of samples are 216.
The research result indicates that the variables connected with the incident of Malaria to the Children Under Five Years Old is the habits of using mosquito nets routinely at night with p value = 0.002 Odds Ratio = 3.085 with 95% CI = 1.543 to 6.169, mother's knowledge of Malaria with p value = 0.035 Odds Ratio = 1.888 with 95% CI: 1.081 to 3.297 and nutritional status with p = 0.000 Odds Ratio = 4.684 with 95% CI: 2.513 to 8.730. While unconnected variables are mosquito breeding places p value = 0.059 and OR = 1.818 95% CI: 1.019 - 3.243, mother’s education p value = 0.411 and OR = 1.3 CI: 0.760 to 2.230, the mother’s behavior with p value = 0.077 and OR = 1.685 CI: 0.884 - 2.886, mother’s occupancy with p value = 0.149 OR = 0.550 CI 0.266 - 1.138, and maternal history of malaria illness, with p value = 0.237 and OR = 1.585 95% CI: 0.810 to 3.102. The suggestions on the results of this research is that to have the mosquito net program, to increase the nutritional status of children under five years old and the sustainable health promotion efforts.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Febriana Rohi Riwu
"Malaria merupakan suatu penyakit yang penyebarannya sangat luas di negara yang beriklim tropis dan sub-tropis. Kabupaten Sabu Raijua adalah salah satu kabupaten dengan tingkat endemisitas yang tinggi di Provinsi NTT. Puskesmas Seba merupakan wilayah dengan endemisitas tertinggi yaitu API 38,86%.
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria di Puskesmas Seba, Kecamatan Sabu Barat Kabupaten Sabu Raijua Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur tahun 2012. Desain penelitian kasus kontrol, data primer. Populasi penelitian adalah semua penderita malaria dengan total sampel 260 responden yang diambil secara purposive sampling.
Hasil menunjukkan variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria adalah lama bermukim (1,95; 1,117-3,411), penggunaan kelambu (2,36; 1,428-3,901), penggunaan obat nyamuk (2,46; 1,466-4,112), penggunaan pakaian tertutup (5,67; 2,261-14,233), penggunaan kawat kasa (2,85; 1,484-5,415), pemeliharaan ternak (3,32; 1,933-5,709) dan lingkungan fisik rumah (3,22; 1,909-5,444).
Sedangkan umur, pekerjaan dan tempat perindukan nyamuk tidak ada hubungan dengan kejadian malaria. Faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria adalah memakai pakaian tertutup memiliki kecenderungan 8,54 kali berisiko malaria pada responden yang tidak memakai pakaian tertutup.

Malaria is disease that is prevalent in or unique to tropical and sub-tropical regions. Sabu Raijua region is one of the regions with a highest level of endemicity in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. Seba Health Center is the region with the highest endemicity such as API 38.86%.
The purpose of this research is to determine the risk factors related to the incidence of malaria in Seba Health Centre, Sabu Barat Sub district, Sabu Raijua Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province in 2012. Case-control study design, primary data. Populations in this research were those all patients infected malaria with a sample of 260 respondents taken by purposive sampling.
Results showed that the variables related with the incidence of malaria is long lived (1.95; 1.117 to 3.411), the use of mosquito nets (2.36; 1.428 to 3.901), the use of insect repellent (2.46; 1.466 to 4.112), the use of a closed clothing (5.67; 2.261 to 14.233), the use of wire netting (2.85; 1.484 to 5.415), cattle raising (3.32; 1.933 to 5.709) and the physical environment of house (3.22; 1.909 to 5.444).
Meanwhile age, occupation, and mosquito breeding places have no relation with the incidence of malaria. The most dominant factor that related with the incidence of malaria is a tendency to wear clothes covered has a 8.54 times the risk of malaria among those respondents who do not wear clothing covered.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit didunia yang mempunyai jangkauan penularan paling jauh. Lebih dari separuh populasi dunia tinggal di daerah-daerah dimana penyakit ini ditemukan. Di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia terutama di kawasan timur khususnya propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur penyakit ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat.
Untuk menanggulangi masalah diatas tidak hanya dititik beratkan pada penggunaan insektisida saja namun sangat diperlukan peran aktif masyarakat. Peningkatan peran aktif masyarakat memerlukan penyuluhan kesehatan yang menyeluruh. Informasi tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku masyarakat sangat diperlukan untuk mengembangkan penyuluhan kesehatan yang berdaya guna dan berhasil guna.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku masyarakat dalam pemberantasan malaria di propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah cross sectional, dengan populasi rumah tangga dan pemilihan sampel (suami/isteri) secara acak sejumlah 400 responden. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposive di daerah endemik malaria yaitu desa Batnun dan Linamnutu Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan serta desa Lewapaku dan Tanarara Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Responden diwawancarai langsung ke rumah dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Selain itu juga dilakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 3 Petugas Puskesmas, 4 Kader Kesehatan dan 4 Tokoh Masyarakat untuk masing-masing Kabupaten. Data yang terkumpul diolah secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square, label silang dan regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52 % responden berpengetahuan buruk sikap, 50,5 % mempunyai sikap buruk sedangkan 68 % responden masih berperilaku buruk dalam pemberantasan malaria. Lebih dari separuh responden (65,3 %) telah terpapar penyuluhan dan 84,75 % responden melaporkan didaerahnya pernah dilakukan penyemprotan. Hasil analisis bivariat, dari 11 variabel independen, ternyata hanya 3 variabel yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan perilaku dalam pemberantasan malaria yaitu variabel status penduduk (p-value= 0,01), pengetahuan (p-value=1,007) dan keterpaparan penyuluhan (p-value 0,01). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa hanya pengetahuan (odd ratio 1,75 dan p-value 0,01), kemudahan upaya pemberantasan malaria (odd ratio 1,63 dan p-value 0,03), status penduduk (odd ratio 3,55 dan p-value 01,04) yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan perilaku masyarakat dalam pemberantasan malaria. Dari variabel yang paling mempunyai kontribusi terhadap perubahan perilaku masyarakat adalah pengetahuan dalam pemberantasan malaria.
Penulis menyararikan agar peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat melalui penyuluhan kesehatan malaria dengan memaksimalkan peran kelompok potensial agama berikut memanfaatkan media komunikasi yang telah membudaya di masyarakat baik dalam kegiatan sosial dan keagamaan. Disamping itu perlu penggalangan kerja sama lintas sektor dengan kejelasan peran yang sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsi masing-masing sektor sehingga diperoleh hasil yang optimal.

Some Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing Factors Related Community Behavior in Malaria Control in The Province of East Nusa TenggaraMalaria is one of diseases which has the largest transmission inand spread out in almost all part of the world. There are about a half of world population live in where malaria is endemic. In the developing countries, the disease is one of public health problems. This is also true for Indonesia, especially in the eastern part of the country.
Beside using insecticide, there are many ways to control the disease, most of them need the participation of community. To improve the community role in controlling the disease, a comprehensive health education is a necessary. Developing an effective and efficient health education strategy and methods suitable for the community should be based on information on the practice of community on this aspect and its related factors.
The study was aimed at gathering information on community behavior on malaria control and its related factors in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. The study employed a cross sectional design considering all household of study side as population unit Number of sample taken randomly from the population were 400. The study was conducted purposively in malaria endemic villages of Batnun and Linamnutu, District of Timor Tengah Selatan and Lewapaku and Tanarara, District of Sumba Timur.
The method of data collection was interview using questionnaire. Interviewers visited the houses of respondents to conduct interviews. Frequency distribution tables were used for univariate analysis, cross tabulation between dependent and each of selected independent variables were used for bivariate analysis using chi square for statistic testing, while logistic regression method were used for statistic testing of multivariate analysis. To gain more information, in depth interviews were also conducted with several informant namely three health centre' workersfor, 4 health cadres and 4 community leaders in one district.
The result of the study showed that 52 % of the respondents have a low level of knowledge on malaria control, 50,5 % respondents tent to have apathetic attitude, while 68 % of the respondents do not have a behavior that support malaria control effort. More than half (65,3 %) of respondents felt up exposed to any health education session and 84,75 % reported that there were insecticide spray campaign in their community. Among 11 independent variables included in bivariate analysis, there only 3 variables were statistically significant to be related to the behavior, namely originality status of in habitant (native or non-native) (p value = 0,001), knowledge on malaria control (p-value=0,07) and exposure to health education activities (p value = 0,01). Multivariate analysis, however, showed that only the knowledge on malaria control (odd ratio 1,75 and p-value .01), perceived complexity of effort (odd ratio 1,63 and p-value .04), and the originality status of in habitant (odd ratio 3,55 and p-value .04) that confidentially related to behavior.
The result of in-depth interviews showed that there are several community ceremony or activities could be used as a channel or media for health education session. Such opportunity includes weekly religious gathering.
It is suggested that to improve the involvement and participation of community in malaria control activities, health education can play a significant contribution. This could be done through the use of specially trained caders and religious leaders optimally. Intersectoral collaboration -such as with agricultural sectors- could optimize the effort.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meiyeriance Kapitan
Kejadian infeksi malaria selama kehamilan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya
komplikasi pada ibu dan janin. Komplikasi tersebut dapat dicegah jika ibu hamil
mampu melakukan perawatan mengatasi gejala klinis saat serangan malaria.
Tujuannya mengetahui pengaruh “Paket Ibu Sehat” terhadap pengetahuan dan
perilaku mengatasi gejala klinis saat serangan malaria pada ibu hamil di
Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya. Jenis penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain
post test only with control group . Pengambilan sampel dengan quota sampling
berjumlah 62 responden. Kelompok intervensi mendapat pendidikan kesehatan,
praktek dan kunjungan rumah. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square dan hasil
penelitian ini menunjukan pengetahuan dan perilaku pada kelompok intervensi
berbeda bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (p<0,05).
Rekomendasinya “Paket Ibu Sehat” dapat digunakan untuk panduan mengatasi
gejala klinis saat serangan malaria tanpa komplikasi pada ibu hamil.
The incidence of malaria infection during pregnancy can lead to complications in
the mother and fetus. These complications can be prevented if pregnant women
are able to overcome clinical symptoms of malaria attack. This study aimed to
investigate the influence of "Healthy Mothers Package" on knowledge and
behavior during an attack of malaria among pregnant women in Southwest
Sumba. The study design was a quasi-experiment with a post-test only and control
group. Quota sampling technique was used to obtain 62 respondents. Intervention
group was provided with health education, followed by practice and home visits.
Data collected were analyzed using Chi square tests. Results indicated that
knowledge and behavior were significant different in the intervention group
compared with the control group (p <0.05). It is recommended that the "Healthy
Mothers Package" can be used to guide pregnant mothers overcoming clinical
symptoms during malaria attack."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Malaria harus dideteksi melalui pemeriksaan sampel darah perifer. Implementasi kebijakan pemerintah untuk malaria adalah penegakan diagnosa malaria. Tujuan. Mengevaluasi implementasi serta mengetahui faktor penghambat kebijakan penegakan diagnosa malaria di Provinsi NTB tahun 2011. Permasalahan implementasi kebijakan penegakan diagnose malaria di Provinsi NTB adalah belum disusunnya Peraturan daerah Provinsi NTB sebagai tindaklanjut Kepmenkes RI Nomor 293 Tahun 2009. Faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan penegakan diagnosa malaria yaitu sumberdaya; karakteristik agen pelaksana; disposisi; komunikasi antar organisasi; lingkungan. Sehingga perlunya peningkatan komunikasi antar Kemenkes dan Pemerintah daerah Provinsi NTB serta komitmen pelaksana dan pemangku kebijakan untuk implementasi kebijakan penegakan diagnosa malaria.

Malaria, health problem must detects by examination of peripheral blood samples, by implementing policy of establishing malaria diagnose. Aims. Evaluating policy implementation and exploring resistors of establishing malaria diagnose in NTB Province. Problem of policy implementation for establishing malaria diagnose in NTB Province is lack of regulator as determinant of Kepmenkes Nomor 293 Year 2009. Resistors are resources; characteristics; disposition; communication among organizations; environment. It needs communication and commitment among Ministry of Health and NTB government to improve implementation policy of establishing malaria diagnose.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Santoso
"Background. Malaria remains problematic the main in areas of all areas of East Nusa Tenggara, so is highest of annual malaria incidence (AMI) showed 189,7 %o in 2000 years.The clinical diagnostic is carried out the based symptoms , because that shortage of microscopical examination. Objective, of this to study was spesific symptoms identification develoving malaria algorithm of the according between clinical symptoms and positive patient.
Methode. To design cross sectional study and descriptively to major symptoms in high case incidence area (HIA) of Wairasa helth centers.The measuring and followings : interobserver realibility of questioner and clinical examination of malaria suspect, interobserver realibility in the interpretation of microscopic examination, significance of correlation between clinical symptoms by the parasitaenia, and symptoms combination to develoving malaria algorithm.
Result. The results malaria algorithm were follows : interobserver realibility of questionnaire and clinical examination of malaria in suspect case were high (Kappa value 0,66 - 1,00). The multivariate statistic analysis and validation showed demam, sakir kepala, pucat, pegal badan are significantly related to parasitaemia, so bivariate statistic analysis combination follows : (a) demam, .vakir kepa/a, (b) demam, pncar, (c) demam, pegal badun, (d) sakif kepula, pucat, (e) .sakit kepala, pegal badan, (f) demam, sakit kepala, pucat, (g) demam, sakit kepala, pegal badan dan (h) demam sakit kepala, pucat, pegal badan.
Conclusions. It was concluded that malaria algorithm consisting a combinations of demam and sakit kepala are significantly related to malaria as a local spesific symptoms of the confirmed proofs that is statistically significant with the interobserver realibility is highest."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Morbiditas malaria di Indonesia tertinggi diantara negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Berdasarkan data Departemen Kesehatan, prevalensi malaria 4 tahun terakhir ini meningkat.
Di Kabupaten Gorontalo prevalensi malaria klinis cenderung meningkat dan 19 per 1000 penduduk tahun 1997 menjadi 24 per 1000 penduduk tahun 2001. Pada periode yang sama angka nasional menunjukkan angka 16 per 1000 penduduk tahun 1997 dan 31 per 1000 penduduk tahun 2001.
Surveilans malaria tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Peningkatan insidens malaria tidak terdeteksi secara dini, tingkat endemisitas tidak terpantau secara rinci penurunan dan peningkatan disetiap wilayah, serta informasi selalu terlambat diterima oleh Dinas Kesehatan.
Potensi yang dapat memberikan informasi cepat dalam kegiatan surveilans yaitu keberadaan puskesmas pembantu di 127 desa di kabupaten Gorontalo perlu dikembangkan agar mampu melakukan surveilans malaria. Ditemukan lebih dari 90% petugas puskesmas pembantu tidak pernah dilatih surveilans malaria.
Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen murni dengan desain pre test post test control group design melalui intervensi pelatihan surveilans malaria petugas puskesmas pembantu. Sebelum intervensi dan 4 minggu setelah intervensi dinilai peningkatan kinerjanya.
Penilaian dilakukan terhadap 7 indikator kinerja yang meliputi ketersediaan dokumen peta endemisitas, slide sediaan darah, pemeriksaan mikroskopis, survei malariometrik, pencatatan dan pelaporan, analisis dan saran, serta penyebarluasan informasi kepada yang berkepentingan. Skor minimal 0 maksimal 12.
Intervensi meningkatkan kinerja 1,7 skor dengan standard error 0,23 dan p > I t I W 0,0000. Setelah disesuaikan (adjusted) dengan variabel lain yang mempengaruhinya diperoleh peningkatan kinerja 1,52 skor, dan 69,15% subyek yang diintervensi kinerjanya meningkat > 1 skor. Peningkatan kinerja sebesar ini dapat merubah posisi kinerja jelek menjadi sedang dan sedang menjadi baik. Variabel yang mempengaruhi peningkatan kinerja adalah intervensi, jenis kelamin, umur, dan pedoman kerja.
Prediksi individu yang tidak dilatih kinerjanya menurun dari waktu kewaktu sebesar 1,3 skor. Intervensi dalam bentuk pelatihan tidak bisa hanya sekali untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerja petugas pembantu. Mereka yang pernah dilatih sebaiknya dibekali dengan pedoman kerja.

Malaria morbidity in Indonesia is the highest among the Southern East Asian Nations. According to the Ministry of Health of Indonesia, malaria prevalence in recent four years increased. In Gorontalo regency clinical malaria tend to increase 19 per 1000 peoples in 1997 to 24 per 1000 peoples in 2001.
Malaria surveillance was not attempted properly, increasing incidence of malaria was not early detected, the endemicity have not known yet increased or decreased in the area. For overcoming this problems the capabilities of the nurses have to be progressed by the training of the malaria surveillance.
The nurses of the community health centre at 127 villages in Gorontalo are the potential providers who can give community base informations rapidly, but they have no capabilities for it. This research also revealed that more than 90 percent of the nurses never trained about malaria surveillance.
This study is an experimental design with randomized pre test post test control group design. We have trained about 43 nurses of the village health centre as the subject of intervention, meanwhile 38 nurses as the controls.
We use the 7 variables as the composit variables to indicate the performance elevating, those are: documents of the endemicity map (spot map), the blood slides, malarial microscopic report, malariometric survey document, recording and reporting, analysis of the cases and suggested intervention, giving the information for the patients and the Community Health Centre. We compare the first evaluation of their surveillance malaria performance to 4 weeks after the intervention for the group of intervention and the control group. Minimum score is 0 and maximum is 12.
The controls have no progress in their performance, but the intervention subject have.The testing results before and after intervention shows an elevated 1,7 scores with standard error 0,23 and p >1 t I = 0,0000 The multivariate regression linier counting the elevated after adjusted by sex, age and work guidance as 1,52 scores. This progress could bring who has a bad performance become fair and who has a fair performance become better. About 69,15 percent subjects who trained the performance increased about 1 score.and more.
The variables that influenced for the progress of the performance are intervention, sex, age, and the work guidance. The individual prediction theoritically performance will drop 1,3 scores if their aren't intervention by the training."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan, 1991
614.532 IND m
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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