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Linda Primana
"Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2013 berjumlah 726 dan bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan peneliti mengenai ?Apakah dukungan makna belajar dari dosen, motivasi intrinsik, self-efficacy, dan pandangan mahasiswa terhadap dosen sebagai otoritas sumber informasi berpengaruh terhadap keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan??. Untuk meneliti dan mendapatkan pemahaman yang menyeluruh mengenai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa dalam aktivitas perkuliahannya, peneliti menggunakan sudut pandang antropologi untuk menjelaskan dinamika yang terjadi dalam diri mahasiswa dan sudut pandang epistemologi untuk menjelaskan proses pembentukan pengetahuan dalam belajar. Berdasarkan analisis literatur Perspektif Self Determination Theory dan Epistemological Beliefs Theory peneliti membangun Model Persamaan Struktural Keterlibatan Belajar. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah "Model persamaan struktural keterlibatan belajar sesuai dengan data penelitian". Variabel-variabel penelitian dalam model persamaan struktural keterlibatan belajar yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah dukungan makna belajar dari dosen, motivasi intrinsik, selfefficacy, pandangan otoritas sumber informasi, dan keterlibatan belajar. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dalam dua tahap penelitian. Pada tahap penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan penelusuran prioritas kebutuhan dasar psikologik dan pada penelitian utama dilakukan pengujian model persamaan struktural keterlibatan belajar. Hasil utama penelitian mengungkap bahwa dukungan makna belajar dari dosen dan pandangan mahasiswa terhadap dosennya sebagai otoritas sumber informasi secara signifikan memengaruhi keterlibatan belajar melalui self-efficacy dan motivasi intrinsik. Artinya, dukungan makna belajar dari dosen dan pandangan mahasiswa terhadap dosennya sebagai otoritas sumber informasi dapat meningkatkan kualitas keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan. Peneliti memaparkan keterbatasan, implikasi dan saran penelitian sehubungan dengan hasil penelitian.

The study is focused on University of Indonesia Freshman of 2013 to answer the research question "How students perceive this lectures and student's engagement in class". To get a complete understanding of the factors that influence students engagement, anthropological and epistemological views are used. Based on Self Determination Theory and Epistemological Beliefs Theory this study constructs a Structural Model of Student Engagement and suggests the hypothesis that "Student engagement structural model fits with the data". Variables in this study are lecturer's support in making learning meaningful, intrinsic motivation, selfefficacy, students? perceived epistemic authority, and student engagement. The hypothesis is tested in 2 stages. In the first stage, a mixed methods study is used to discover priority of students basic psychological needs. In the second stage of the study, The Structural Equation Model is used to test the student engagement theoretical model. Overall, results of statistical testing accepted the hypothesized structural model, fitting with the observed data. The researcher also discusses the limitation of the study.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astika Yunita Sari
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara pandangan mahasiswa terhadap dosen sebagai otoritas sumber informasi dan self-efficacyyang mereka miliki, khususnya pada mahasiswa Psikologi.Pengukuran terhadap otoritas sumber informasi menggunakan alat ukur Epistemic Authority Scale (EAS) (Raviv, Bar-Tal, Raviv, Biran, & Sela, 2003), sedangkan pengukuran terhadap self-efficacy menggunakan alat ukur Self-efficacy Scale (Zajacova, Lynch, & Espenshade, 2005).Penelitian ini melibatkan sebanyak 167 responden yang seluruhnya merupakan mahasiswa Psikologi UI angkatan 2011-2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara pandangan mahasiswa terhadap dosen sebagai otoritas sumber informasi dan self-efficacy yang mahasiswa miliki (r = 0,181). Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pembentukan pengetahuan dan self-effcacy mahasiswa dapat ditingkatkan oleh dosen yang berperan sebagai otoritas sumber informasi., The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between student’s perceived of lecturer as epistemic authority and their self-efficacy, especially in psychology student. Epistemic authority measured using Epistemic Authority Scale (EAS) (Raviv, Bar-Tal, Raviv, Biran, & Sela, 2003), whereas self-efficacy measured using Self-efficacy Scale (Zajacova, Lynch, & Espenshade, 2005). This study involved 167 psychology student of University of Indonesia as participant. Result shown that there is positive and significant correlation between students’ perceived of lecturer as epistemic authority and students’ self-efficacy (r=0,181). Result of this study indicated that students’ formation of knowledge and self-efficacy can be improved by lecturer who serves as epistemic authority.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ros Santi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran mediasi pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis terhadap hubungan antara persepsi dukungan makna belajar dari dosen dan keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa. Jawaban dari hasil penelitian ini penting untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas keterlibatan belajar, yang mampu menjadi intervensi awal dalam menekan angka putus kuliah.
Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner, dengan partisipan sebanyak 736 mahasiswa tingkat satu. Alat ukur yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Engagement Learning Index untuk mengukur keterlibatan belajar, Personal Meaning Profile untuk mengukur persepsi dukungan makna belajar mahasiswa dari dosen dan Basic Psychological Needs Scale untuk mengukur pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis. Data yang terhimpun dianalisis menggunakan regresi mediasi Hayess.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan psikologis secara signifikan memediasi secara parsial terhadap hubungan antara persepsi dukungan makna belajar dari dosen dan keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa. Temuan dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa dukungan makna belajar dari dosen berperan penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar psikologis untuk meningkatkan kualitas keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa.

The study aimed to answer, 'Is the fulfillment of basic psychological needs can be mediator between teacher's meaning support in learning and student engagement'. The answer of this research is important to improve the quality of student engagement, that can be the first intervention in reducing the drop out rate.
This is quantative reasearch with self report quesionnaire. 736 participans on first rate student. The measuring instruments are Engagement Learning Index to measure student engagement, Personal Meaning Profile to measure the perception teacher's meaning support in learning and Basic Psychological Needs Scale to measure the fulfillment of basic psychological needs. The collected data were analyzed using Hayess mediation regression.
The result of this research revealed that fulfillment of psychological needs significantly became a partial mediator between the perception teacher's meaning support in learning and Student Engagement. Finding from this study show that teachers have an important role in meeting basic psychological needs, to improve the quality of student engagement.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Mitra Rachmawati
"Di masa pandemi COVID-19, para peserta didik di Akademi Kepolisian, yang disebut taruna, menjalani program pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Selama PJJ, taruna memiliki tuntutan akademis yang tinggi dengan rutinitas yang padat. Kondisi ini berpotensi menyebabkan munculnya academic burnout yang berdampak negatif pada individu maupun lembaga pendidikan. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu, ditemukan bahwa academic burnout memiliki hubungan negatif dengan beberapa faktor, diantaranya adalah academic self-efficacy dan peran dari pengajar untuk memberikan dukungan dalam proses belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat peran academic self-efficacy dalam hubungan antara persepsi dukungan makna belajar dari dosen dan academic burnout. Sebanyak 279 partisipan diperoleh dalam penelitian yang menggunakan alat ukur ‘Academic Burnout’, ‘Academic Self-efficacy’, dan ‘Persepsi Dukungan Makna Belajar dari Dosen’. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Hayes Macro PROCESS untuk menguji model mediasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa academic self-efficacy secara parsial dan signifikan memediasi (ab = -.26, p <.001, 95% CI [-.40 s.d. -.11]) hubungan antara persepsi dukungan makna belajar dari dosen dan academic burnout. Temuan dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa persepsi dukungan makna belajar dari dosen berperan penting dalam meningkatkan academic self-efficacy pada taruna Akpol untuk dapat menurunkan potensi academic burnout yang dialami selama PJJ.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, students at the Indonesian Police Academy, called cadets, underwent a distance learning program. During distance learning, cadets have high academic demands with a busy routine. This condition can lead to the emergence of academic burnout, which has a negative impact on individuals and educational institutions. Previous research found that academic burnout has a negative relationship with several factors, including academic self-efficacy and the lecturer's role to provide support in learning. This research was conducted to see the role of academic self-efficacy on the relationship between perceived lecturer's meaning support in learning and academic burnout. A total of 279 participants were obtained in the study using measuring instruments 'Academic Burnout', 'Academic Self-efficacy', and ‘Perceived Lecturer's Meaning Support in Learning'. The data obtained were analyzed using Hayes Macro PROCESS to test the mediation model. The results showed that academic self-efficacy partially and significantly mediates (ab= -.26, p <.001, 95% CI [-.40 to -.11]) relationship between perceived lecturer’s meaning support in learning and academic burnout. This finding proved that the perceived lecturer’s meaning support in learning plays an important role in improving academic self-efficacy for police cadets, in order to reduce the potential of academic burnout experienced during distance learning"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustia Anisa
"Keterlibatan belajar merupakan salah satu variabel yang memiliki peran terhadap kesuksesan akademis dan mencegah putus kuliah. Dalam perspektif Self-Determination Theory SDT , keterlibatan belajar merupakan hubungan dialektik antara lingkungan belajar dengan kebutuhan dasar psikologis. Teman sebaya sebagai agen di lingkungan belajar memiliki peran dalam keterlibatan belajar terutama di perguruan tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji peran mediasi pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis terhadap hubungan dukungan makna belajar dari teman sebaya dan keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa. Partisipan penelitian sejumlah 736 mahasiswa semester 2 pada Rumpun Ilmu Sosial, Rumpun Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, dan Rumpun Ilmu Teknik di Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengambilan data dengan kuesioner dan menggunakan metode olah data IBM Statistic SPSS 20: Process Macro by Andrew Hayes. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah The Brief Personal Meaning Profile Wong, 2012 mengukur dukungan makna belajar dari teman sebaya, Engaged Learning Index Schreiner Louis, 2006 mengukur keterlibatan belajar, Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale Deci Ryan, 2000 mengukur pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis memiliki peran mediasi parsial terhadap hubungan dukungan makna belajar dari teman sebaya dan keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa.

AbstractStudent engagement in the learning process has a role in the academic success and prevent drop out. According to Self Determination Theory, student engagement is the result of dialectical relationship between learning environments and the basic psychological needs satisfaction. Peers as an agent in the learning environment has a role influencing student engagement in learning including student in higher education. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction as a mediator between peers support meaning in learning and college student engagement. Respondents in this study were 736 freshman from State University of Jakarta. Engaged Learning Index Schreiner Louis, 2006 was used to measure college student engagement, The Brief Personal Meaning Profile Wong, 2012 was used to measure peers support meaning in learning, and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale Deci Ryan, 2000 was used to get the data of basic psychological needs satisfaction. The process macro by Andrew Hayes for SPSS was used to test the mediation variable. The result of the study indicated that basic psychological needs satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between peers support meaning in learning and college student engagement.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alizah Nurahma Naslim
"Dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh off-campus internship efficacy (OCIE) dan career decision self-efficacy (CDSE) sebagai variabel mediasi pada pengaruh learning motivation (LM) terhadap career preparation behavior (CPB) dalam konteks mahasiswa S1 angkatan 2019 di Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengacu pada metode Maximum Likelihood dalam menentukan besarnya sampel, yang mana jumlah sampel penelitian minimal 5 kali dari jumlah indikator. Dengan demikian, target jumlah sampel untuk penelitian ini adalah 285 mahasiswa. Peneliti melakukan penyebaran kuesioner secara daring yang terdiri dari pertanyaan terstruktur (structured question) yang dapat diisi secara mandiri oleh responden (self-administered questionnaire). Sebanyak 356 data responden terkumpulkan setelah penyebaran kuesioner secara daring dilakukan. Temuan analisis kausal menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh LM ke OCIE merupakan pengaruh terkuat di antara variabel yang lain. Sedangkan, temuan analisis mediasi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh OCIE sebagai variabel mediasi antara pengaruh LM dan CDSE merupakan pengaruh variabel mediasi terkuat di antara variabel mediasi lain. Penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi teoritis berupa pengaruh LM, OCIE, dan CDSE terhadap CPB, serta kontribusi praktis berupa informasi bagi Universitas Indonesia untuk pengelolaan CPB mahasiswa akhir sebelum memasuki dunia kerja sesungguhnya.

In this quantitative study, researchers aimed to prove the effect of off-campus internship efficacy (OCIE) and career decision self-efficacy (CDSE) as mediating variables on the effect of learning motivation (LM) on career preparation behavior (CPB) in the context of undergraduate students in the class of 2019 at the University of Indonesia. This study refers to the Maximum Likelihood method in determining sample size, in which the number of research samples is at least 5 times the number of indicators. Thus, the target number of samples for this research is 285 students. The researcher distributed questionnaires online, which consisted of structured questions that could be filled in independently by respondents (self-administered questionnaire). As many as 356 respondent data were collected after distributing the online questionnaires. The findings of the causal analysis show that the effect of LM on OCIE is the strongest among the other variables. Meanwhile, the findings of the mediation analysis show that the effect of OCIE as a mediating variable between the effects of LM and CDSE is the strongest mediating variable among other mediating variables. This research has a theoretical contribution in the form of the influence of LM, OCIE, and CDSE on CPB, as well as a practical contribution in the form of information for the University of Indonesia for the management of final student CPB before entering the real world of work."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asih Priamsari
"Masa transisi yang dijalani oleh mahasiswa tingkat awal dapat berpengaruh dalam proses belajarnya. Mahasiswa semester awal yang memiliki prestasi akademis yang kurang memuaskan dapat mengarah pada putus kuliah dan hal ini dapat diatasi dengan keterlibatan belajar. Dengan menggunakan perspektif Self Determination Theory, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apakah pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis memiliki peran mediasi pada hubungan antara dukungan makna belajar dari orang tua dan keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan self report questionaire, yang diisi oleh 736 mahasiswa aktif yang duduk di tingkat pertama Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Hasil analisa dengan menggunakan Process macro by Andrew Hayes menunjukkan bahwa dukungan makna belajar dari orang tua memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar pada keterlibatan belajar mahasiswa melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar orang tua dalam memberikan dukungan akan makna belajar tetap memperhatikan pemenuhan kebutuhan otonomi, kompetensi dan hubungan dengan orang lain agar mahasiswa dapat terlibat dalam belajar.

The transition period undertaken by the early graduate students can be influential in the learning process. Early term students with unsatisfactory academic achievement may lead to drop out and this may be overcome by student engagement. Using the Self Determination Theory perspective, this study wanted to know whether basic psychological needs satisfaction has a mediating role in the relationship between parents support on meaning of learning and student engagement. This research uses self report quesionaire, filled by 736 active students who sit in first level of Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The result of analysis by using Process macro by Andrew Hayes shows that the parents support on meaning of learning has a bigger influence on student engagement through basic psychological needs satisfaction. This study recommends that parents in providing support on meaning of learning still pay attention to fullfill needs of autonomy, competence and relationships with others to form student engagement.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eunike Theofilla
"Selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ), para siswa mengalami berbagai tantangan yang dapat menurunkan semangat untuk belajar. Situasi pembelajaran yang baru dan terbatasnya interaksi fisik dengan orang lain menyebabkan siswa perlu beradaptasi untuk menjaga performanya di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi dari persepsi dukungan sosial dan efikasi diri akademik secara bersamaan terhadap motivasi akademik, serta variabel yang berkontribusi lebih besar pada motivasi akademik siswa SMA selama PJJ. Motivasi akademik mengacu pada self-determination theory dan diukur menggunakan Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), persepsi dukungan sosial diukur menggunakan Social Provisions Scale (SPS), dan efikasi diri akademik diukur menggunakan Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C). Partisipan penelitian adalah 223 siswa SMA berusia 15-18 tahun yang sedang menjalani PJJ (N laki-laki = 23, N perempuan = 200). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa persepsi dukungan sosial dan efikasi diri akademik berpengaruh signifikan secara bersamaan, serta berkontribusi sebesar 20,1% terhadap motivasi akademik siswa SMA. Selain itu, penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kontribusi varians efikasi diri akademik lebih besar dibandingkan persepsi dukungan sosial terhadap motivasi akademik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, motivasi akademik siswa SMA dapat lebih meningkat ketika memiliki efikasi diri akademik dan mampu mempersepsikan dukungan yang didapatkannya.

During distance learning, students experience various challenges that can reduce their enthusiasm for learning. With this new learning situation and the limited physical interaction with other people, students need to make adaptations to keep their performance at school. This study aims to investigate the contribution of perceived social support and academic self- efficacy simultaneously to academic motivation, as well as variables that contribute more among senior high school students' academic motivation during distance learning. Academic motivation refers to the self-determination theory and was measured with the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), perceived social support was measured with the Social Provisions Scale (SPS), and academic self-efficacy was measured with the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C). The participants of this study were 223 high school students aged 15- 18 years who are currently going distance learning (N male = 23, N female = 200). Results of this study shows that students’ perceptions of social support and their academic self-efficacy simultaneously affect academic motivation. The two variables contributed to 20,1% of academic motivation among senior high school students. In addition, this study also found that academic self-efficacy has more contribution to academic motivation than perceived social support. Based on these results, high school students show better academic motivation when they have academic self-efficacy and can perceive the support they get."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Indianti
Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam perkembangan karir pada remaja terutama dalam hal memilih, meningkatkan, dan mempertahankan konsistensi dalam memilih karir seperti pilihan pendidikan. Kemampuan itu disebut adaptabilitas karir. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi peningkatan adaptabilitas karir. Asumsi yang ditegakkan adalah ketika individu berhasil menerapkan regulasi diri dalam belajar, yang pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh dukungan sosial, maka perencanaan, pemilihan dan pengembangan karir akan lebih mudah dilakukan. Untuk membuktikan asumsi tersebut, penelitian ini melihat keterakaitan antara dukungan sosial sebagai sumber yang membantu pembentukan keterampilan regulasi diri dalam belajar dengan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir sebagai sikap dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi tantangan perkembangan karir. Penelitian ini menguji kesesuaian model yang melihat peranan dukungan sosial dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir yang tinggi. Penelitian ini mengukur tiga variabel yaitu dukungan sosial sebagai variabel independen, regulasi diri dalam belajar sebagai variabel mediator dan adaptabilitas karir sebagai variabel dependen. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 1012 mahasiswa baru dari semua fakultas yang ada di UI dengan pengolahan data menggunakan structural equation model dari Lisrel 8.80, teknik regresi berganda untuk menguji hipotesis yang ditegakkan dan menggunakan anovar untuk memperkaya hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan model yang diajukan sesuai dengan data di lapangan dan membuktikan bahwa variabel regulasi diri dalam belajar adalah mediator penuh antara variabel dukungan sosial dengan variabel adaptabilitas karir. Artinya dukungan sosial hanya akan bermakna dalam pembangunan adaptabilitas karir apabila dimediasi oleh regulasi diri dalam belajar. Perlunya peningkatan peranan dukungan sosial untuk membantu remaja dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar agar mereka dapat membangun adaptabilitas karir yang kuat.;

The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people, The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah El Qadriani
"Banyaknya tuntutan akademis mahasiswa dapat memunculkan rasa malas untuk segera memulai mengerjakan maupun menyelesaikannya. Menunda untuk segera mengerjakan tugas akademis disebut dengan prokrastinasi akademis. Dari berbagai faktor penyebab, penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor kepribadian Big Fivedan self-efficacy for self-regulated learning SESRL terhadap perilaku prokrastinasi akademis pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Instrumen yang akan digunakan adalah Academic Procrastination Scale APS oleh McCloskey dan Scielzo 2015 untuk mengukur prokrastinasi akademis, Mini International Personality Item Pool ndash; Five Factor Model Mini-IPIP oleh Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, dan Lucas 2006 untuk mengukur faktor kepribadian Big Five, dan Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning Scale SESRLC oleh Gredler dan Schwartz 1997 untuk mengukur SESRL. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 400 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia 310 perempuan, 90 laki-laki: M= 20.14.
Melalui teknik statistik multiple regression, diketahui bahwa faktor kepribadian conscientiousness, extraversion, opennessto experience dan SESRL berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prokrastinasi akademis R2= 0.339, F 1,400 = 35.178, p< 0.05 . Di sisi lain, faktor kepribadian neuroticism dan agreeableness ditemukan tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa individu yang memiliki disiplin diri yang tinggi dan yakin untuk mampu melakukan regulasi diri memiliki kecenderungan yang rendah untuk melakukan prokrastinasi akademis, sedangkan individu yang mudah terdistraksi oleh kegiatan bersosialisasi atau mudah terdistraksi untuk melakukan kegiatan yang baru ditemukan mudah menunda tugas akademisnya. Hasil penelitian memperkuat argumentasi pentingnya mahasiswa untuk beradaptasi dengan kehidupan akademis sesuai dengan kepribadiannya dan yakin akan kemampuannya untuk dapat melakukan regulasi diri dalam proses pembelajaran agar menghindari dari perilaku prokrastinasi akademis.

The number of academic tasks can make students reluctant to immediately start working on and finish the tasks. The phenomenon of postponement of academic task is called academic procrastination. From various factors, this research aims to discover the effect of Big Five personality factors and self efficacy for self regulated learning SESRL on academic procrastination in University of Indonesia rsquo s student. The instruments used are the Academic Procrastination Scale APS by McCloskey and Scielzo 2015 to measure academic procrastination, Mini International Personality Item Pools Five Factor Models Mini IPIP by Donnellan, Oswald, Baird, and Lucas 2006 to measure Big Five personality factors, and Self Efficacy for Self Regulated Learning Scale SESRLC constructed by Gredler and Schwartz 1997 to measure SESRL. The study participants amounted to 400 students 310 women, 90 men M 20.14.
The statistical techniques multiple regression indicated that conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience and SESRL have a significant effect on academic procrastination R2 0.339, F 1,400 35.178, p 0.05 . On the other hand, neuroticism and agreeableness found to have no significant effect. Individuals who have high self discipline and are confident to be able to self regulate have a lower tendency to procrastinate their academic tasks, whereas individuals who are easily distracted by socializing or with new activities to perform will easily delay their academic assignment. This study strengthens the importance for students to adapt to academic life in accordance with their personality and to be confident of their ability to self regulate their learning process to avoid academic procrastination.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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