ABSTRAKIbu yang mengalami kematian bayi akan melalui proses kehilangan dan berduka.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang pengalaman kehilangan
dan berduka pada ibu yang mengalami kematian bayi. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metodologi kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi kepada sepuluh partisipan di
kecamatan Limo kota Depok. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan tujuh tema : penyebab
kematian bayi, tahapan berduka, respon setelah kehilangan, dukungan sistem sosial,
hikmah kehilangan, harapan pasca kehilangan dan strategi koping. Penelitian ini
memberikan saran pada pihka-pihak terkait dalam pendampingan maupun pemberian
asuhan keperawatan kehilangan dan berduka pada ibu yang mengalami kematian
bayi agar ibu dapat bangkit dan melanjutkan hidup kembali.
ABSTRACTMothers who experienced the death of a baby would be going through the process of
lost and grieving. The purpose of this research study was to explore the experience of
lost and grieving among women who experienced infant deaths. This research used a
qualitative research method with phenomenological design to ten participants
consisted of mothers in subdistrict Limo Depok city meeting the criteria. The result
of this study revealed seven themes: the causes of infant deaths, the phase of
grieving, responses after loss, social systems support, the lessons of lost, after loss
expectations and coping strategies. It’s recommended that the units should be
actively involved in facilitating and providing nursing care to the mothers to enable
the mothers to cope with the feeling of lost and continues with their happy life., Mothers who experienced the death of a baby would be going through the process of
lost and grieving. The purpose of this research study was to explore the experience of
lost and grieving among women who experienced infant deaths. This research used a
qualitative research method with phenomenological design to ten participants
consisted of mothers in subdistrict Limo Depok city meeting the criteria. The result
of this study revealed seven themes: the causes of infant deaths, the phase of
grieving, responses after loss, social systems support, the lessons of lost, after loss
expectations and coping strategies. It’s recommended that the units should be
actively involved in facilitating and providing nursing care to the mothers to enable
the mothers to cope with the feeling of lost and continues with their happy life.]"