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Fernandez-Berni, Jorge
"This book presents a comprehensive, systematic approach to the development of vision system architectures that employ sensory-processing concurrency and parallel processing to meet the autonomy challenges posed by a variety of safety and surveillance applications. Coverage includes a thorough analysis of resistive diffusion networks embedded within an image sensor array. This analysis supports a systematic approach to the design of spatial image filters and their implementation as vision chips in CMOS technology. The book also addresses system-level considerations pertaining to the embedding of these vision chips into vision-enabled wireless sensor networks.
Describes a system-level approach for designing of vision devices and embedding them into vision-enabled, wireless sensor networks, surveys state-of-the-art, vision-enabled WSN nodes, Includes details of specifications and challenges of vision-enabled WSNs, ixplains architectures for low-energy CMOS vision chips with embedded, programmable spatial filtering capabilities, includes considerations pertaining to the integration of vision chips into off-the-shelf WSN platforms."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rifki
Pengenalan ekspresi wajah telah menjadi tantangan dalam ilmu digital selama bertahun-tahun. Dengan pertumbuhan baru-baru ini di dalam bidang machine learning, sistem pengenalan ekspresi wajah secara real-time dengan machine learning dapat berguna untuk sistem monitoring emosi untuk interaksi manusia-komputer (HCI). Model yang penulis ajukan dirancang dengan model Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) dan menggunakannya untuk melatih dan menguji gambar ekspresi wajah dengan TensorFlow. Sistem ini memiliki dua bagian, sebuah recognizer untuk validasi dan model pelatihan data untuk data training. recognizer berisi detektor wajah dan pengenal ekspresi wajah. Detektor wajah mengekstrak gambar wajah dari frame video dan pengenal ekspresi wajah mengklasifikasikan gambar yang diekstrak. Model pelatihan data menggunakan CNN untuk melatih data. Sistem pengenal juga menggunakan CNN untuk memantau keadaan emosi dari pengguna melalui ekspresi wajah mereka. Sistem ini mengklasifikasikan emosi dalam enam kelas universal, marah, jijik, senang, terkejut, sedih dan takut, ditambah dengan emosi netral.

The introduction of facial expressions has been a challenge in digital science for many years. With the recent growth in machine learning, a real-time facial recognition recognition system with machine learning can be useful for emotional monitoring systems for human-computer interaction (HCI). The model the author proposes is designed with the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model and uses it to train and test facial expression images with TensorFlow. The system has two parts, a recognizer for validation and a data training model for training data. The recognizer contains face detector and facial recognition. The face detector extracts the face image from the video frame and facial expression identifiers classify the extracted image. The data training model uses CNN to train data. The identification system also uses CNN to monitor the emotional state of the user through their facial expressions. This system classifies emotions in six universal classes, anger, disgust, pleasure, shock, sadness and fear, coupled with neutral emotions."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunus Maulana
"Salah satu permasalahan yang banyak terjadi di Indonesia adalah Banjir. Pemberitahuan dini terhadap bencana banjir diharapkan dapat mengurangi kerugian yang terjadi. Pemberitahuan dini terhadap banjir dapat dilakukan dengan membuat sistem tertanam yang melakukan monitoring terhadap kondisi sekitar yang memberi data secara berkala. Pada skripsi ini dibahas mengenai rancang bangun sistem tertanam untuk melakukan prediksi terhadap banjir. Sistem yang dibuat menggunakan 2 perangkat yaitu sensor node darat yang dibangun menggunakan mikrokontroller atmega328p yang dilengkapi dengan sensor suhu, kelembaban, tekanan, hujan, modul GSM, modul ZigBee dan sensor node sungai yang dibangun menggunakan mikrokontroller atmega328p yang dilengkapi dengan sensor ketinggian air, kecepatan air, modul ZigBee. Kedua perangkat tersebut dilengkapi power distribution dengan switch FET sehingga power pada seluruh modul dapat dimatikan dengan tujuan melakukan penghematan konsumsi daya. Kedua perangkat berhubungan secara local menggunakan perangkat ZigBee yang bernama MRF24J40MA. Salah satu perangkat dilengkapi dengan GSM Sim800L untuk berhubungan dengan webserver. Data yang dikumpulkan oleh perangkat tersebut dikumpulkan pada sebuah webserver yang kemudian diolah dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk Graphical Information System. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa performa dari switch FET pada power distribution tidak optimal pada sensor node darat dengan waktu aktif yang diprediksi adalah 14 jam dan pengiriman ke server yang tidak konsisten. Sedangkan pada sensor node sungai switch FET pada power distribution cukup optimal dengan prediksi waktu aktif 25 jam dengan pengiriman ke sensor node darat yang konsisten. Selain itu jarak antara sensor node darat dan sensor node sungai yang optimal adalah

One of the most common problems in Indonesia is the Flood. Early notice of the flood disaster is expected to reduce the losses incurred. Early flood notification can be done by creating an embedded system that monitors the surrounding conditions that provide data on a regular basis. In this thesis discussed the design of embedded systems to predict the flood. The system is built using 2 devices ground node sensors built using atmega328p microcontroller equipped with temperature sensor, humidity, pressure, rain, GSM module, ZigBee module and river node sensor built using atmega328p microcontroller equipped with water level sensor, water speed, ZigBee module. Both devices are equipped with a power distribution equipped with FET switches so that power on all modules can be turned off for the purpose of saving power consumption. Both devices are connected locally using a ZigBee device called MRF24J40MA. One device comes with GSM Sim800L to connect with the webserver. The data collected by these devices is sent to a webserver which is then processed and displayed in the form of a Graphical Information System. The results of this study indicate that the performance of FET switches on power distribution is not optimal on ground node sensors with the predicted active time is 14 hours with inconsistent delivery to servers. While at river node sensor, the FET switch on the power distribution is optimal with a prediction of 25 hours with consistent delivery to a ground node sensor. In addition, the optimal distance between the ground node sensor and the river node sensor and the river node sensor is <70m with a 90% delivery percentage."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Bumida Stani
"Usia baterai yang terbatas dari embedded system dan mobile devices mengakibatkan baterai itu harus sering di recharge atau solusi yang lain adalah dengan mengganti baterai tersebut. Salah satu solusi untuk membuat embedded system dan personal device dapat beroperasi terus-menerus, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan energi matahari dan sistem fotovoltaik. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangun modul penyuplai daya dengan memanfaatkan energi matahari sebagai pengganti baterai untuk modern embedded system dan aplikasi-aplikasi daya rendah. Salah satu contoh dari embedded system daya rendah adalah sensor node IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee yang digunakan pada WSN. Embedded system ini berbasis pada Freescale System-in-Package MC13213 dan sudah termasuk RF transceiver untuk aplikasi-aplikasi ZigBee. Daya yang dibutuhkan oleh alat ini adalah < 1mW untuk keadaan stand-by dan mencapai sekitar 50mW untuk keadaan aktif. Modul penyuplai daya ini dapat dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu power supply, rangkaian input (maximum power point tracker), dan rangkaian output. Modul ini ditargetkan untuk menyuplai embedded system daya rendah khususnya wireless sensor node dengan tegangan kerja 3,3 volt dan konsumsi daya sampai dengan 50 miliwatt. ;The limited battery lifetime of modern embedded systems and mobile devices necessitates frequent battery recharging or replacement. One of the solution to make embedded systems and personal devices operate continuously is utilizing the solar energy and photovoltaic system. This final project aims to design a power supply module by utilizing solar energy as a replacement of battery for modern embedded system and low power application. The example of low power embedded system is IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee sensor node used in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). This embedded system is based on Freescale System-in-Package MC13213 including an IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver for ZigBee applications. The power consumption of the wireless device provided by the manufacturer with sensors and microcontroller in standby condition is < 1wW, while the power consumption reaches approximately 50mW when microcontroller and sensors are active. This power supply module can be divided into three parts, power supply circuit, input circuit (maximum power point tracker), and the output circuit. This module is targeted to supply low power embedded systems, especially wireless sensor node with the operating voltage of 3.3 volt and the power consumption up to 50 mW.

The limited battery lifetime of modern embedded systems and mobile devices necessitates frequent battery recharging or replacement. One of the solution to make embedded systems and personal devices operate continuously is utilizing the solar energy and photovoltaic system. This final project aims to design a power supply module by utilizing solar energy as a replacement of battery for modern embedded system and low power application. The example of low power embedded system is IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee sensor node used in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). This embedded system is based on Freescale System-in-Package MC13213 including an IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver for ZigBee applications. The power consumption of the wireless device provided by the manufacturer with sensors and microcontroller in standby condition is < 1wW, while the power consumption reaches approximately 50mW when microcontroller and sensors are active. This power supply module can be divided into three parts, power supply circuit, input circuit (maximum power point tracker), and the output circuit. This module is targeted to supply low power embedded systems, especially wireless sensor node with the operating voltage of 3.3 volt and the power consumption up to 50 mW."
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adika Bintang Sulaeman
"Salah satu tantangan dalam mengintegrasikan jaringan sensor nirkabel dengan internet adalah dibutuhkannya mekanisme perantara dua protokol yang berbeda, yaitu HTTP dan CoAP, agar sensor dapat diakses menggunakan URL standar. Mekanisme tersebut dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan cross-protocol reverse proxy yang ditanam di dalam border router. Penelitian skripsi ini fokus pada perancangan dan penerapan border router dengan membangun prototipe dengan fitur pemetaan HTTP-CoAP dan mekanisme caching.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proxy yang didesain dapat menangani 23 permintaan per detik, memiliki karakter meningkatnya nilai latency dengan konstanta kemiringan 23.667 terhadap peningkatan jumlah client, memiliki cache yang dapat mengurangi latency, dan mulai memberi error jika diakses lebih dari 1000 clients secara bersamaan.

One of the main challenges in integrating wireless sensor networks with the internet is the need of intermediary mechanism interconnecting two different protocols, i.e. HTTP and CoAP, so that users can access the sensors with the standard URL. Such mechanism can be implemented using cross-protocol reverse proxy which lies on the border router. This research focused on the design and implementation of the border router by building the prototype for wireless sensor networks with HTTP-CoAP mapping and caching mechanism.
The result of this research showed that the designed proxy was able to handle 23 requests per second. The proxy had the linear increment of latency in respect to the number of clients with the gradient value of 23.667. The caching mehanism effectively reduced the latency and the proxy started to fail if accessed by more than 1000 clients.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jukka Suhonen, editor
"Covers the low-power Wireless sensor network (WSN) services ranging from hardware platforms and communication protocols to network deployment, and sensor data collection and actuation. This book explains the implications of resource constraints and expected performance in terms of throughput, reliability and latency. "
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) terdiri dari sejumlah besar sensor nodes, dan digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi seperti pemantauan gedung, pengendalian lingkungan, pemantauan kehidupan habitat liar, deteksi kebakaran hutan, otomatisasi industri, militer, keamanan, dan kesehatan. Setiap sensor node memerlukan sistem operasi (SO) yang dapat mengontrol hardware, menyediakan abstraksi hardware untuk aplikasi perangkat lunak, dan mengisi kesenjangan antara aplikasi dan hardware. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menyajikan SO untuk WSNs dan percobaan dari portcontikiOS untuk MSP430 mikrokontroler yang sangat populer di platform hardware untuk WSNs. Peneliti memulai dengan menghadirkan isu utama yaitu desain SO untuk WSNs. Lalu, peneliti memeriksa beberapa sistem operasi populer untuk WSNs, termasuk TinyOS, ContikiOS, dan LiteOS. Akhirnya peneliti menyajikan sebuah percobaan dari port ContikiOS untuk MSP430 mikrokontroler.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of sensor nodes, and are used for various applications such as building monitoring, environment control, wild-life habitat monitoring, forest fire detection, industry automation, military, security, and health-care. Each sensor node needs an operating system (OS) that can control the hardware, provide hardware abstraction to application software, and fill in the gap between applications and the underlying hardware. In this paper, researchers present OS for WSNs and an experiment of porting contikiOS to MSP430 microcontroller which is very popular in many hardware platforms for WSNs. Researchers begin by presenting the major issues for the design of OS for WSNs. Then, researchers examine some popular operating systems for WSNs including TinyOS, ContikiOS, and LiteOS. Finally, researchers present an experiment of porting ContikiOS to MSP430 microcontroller."
[Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vergin Raja Sarobin M
"The low-cost Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of small battery powered devices called sensors, with limited energy capacity. Once deployed, accessibility to any sensor node for maintenance and battery replacement is not feasible due to the spatial scattering of the nodes. This will lead to an unreliable, limited lifetime and a poor connectivity network. In this paper a novel bio-inspired cluster-based deployment algorithm is proposed for energy optimization of the WSN and ultimately to improve the network lifetime. In the cluster initialization phase, a single cluster is formed with a single cluster head at the center of the sensing terrain. The second phase is for optimum cluster formation surrounding the inner cluster, based on swarming bees and a piping technique. Each cluster member distributes its data to its corresponding cluster head and the cluster head communicates with the base station, which reduces the communication distance of each node. The simulation results show that, when compared with other clustering algorithms, the proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the number of clusters by 38% and improve the network lifetime by a factor of 1/4."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, EWSN 2012, held in Trento, Italy, in Februar 2012. The 16 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on communication and security, system issues, reliability, localization and smart cameras, and hardware and sensing."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Efisiensi energi dan stream data mining pada Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) adalah masalah yang sangat menarik untuk dibahas. Teknologi Routing Protocol dan Resource-Aware dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mencoba untuk menggabungkan teknologi Routing Protocol menggunakan routing Distance Vector dan Resource-Aware (RA) framework pada Wireless Sensor Networks heterogen dengan menggabungkan sun-SPOT dan platform Imote2 Wireless Sensor Networks. RA melakukan proses pemantauan sumber daya dari memori, baterai, dan beban CPU lebih optimal dan efisien. Proses ini menggunakan Light-Weight Clustering (LWC) dan Light Weight Frequent Item (LWF). Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa dengan mengadaptasi Resource-Aware dalam Wireless Sensor Networks, masa pakai wireless sensor meningkatkan sampai ± 16,62%.

Efficiency energy and stream data mining on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a very interesting issue to be discussed. Routing protocols technology and resource-aware can be done to improve energy efficiency. In this paper we try to merge routing protocol technology using routing Distance Vector and Resource-Aware (RA) framework on heterogeneity wireless sensor networks by combining sun-SPOT and Imote2 platform wireless sensor networks. RA perform resource monitoring process of the battery, memory and CPU load more optimally and efficiently. The process uses Light-Weight Clustering (LWC) and Light Weight Frequent Item (LWF). The results obtained that by adapting Resource-Aware in wireless sensor networks, the lifetime of wireless sensor improve up to ± 16.62%."
[Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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