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Ditemukan 1801 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Boyd, Sarah B.
"Life-cycle assessment of semiconductors presents the first and thus far only available transparent and complete life cycle assessment of semiconductor devices. A lack of reliable semiconductor LCA data has been a major challenge to evaluation of the potential environmental benefits of information technologies (IT). The analysis and results presented in this book will allow a higher degree of confidence and certainty in decisions concerning the use of IT in efforts to reduce climate change and other environmental effects. Coverage includes but is not limited to semiconductor manufacturing trends by product type and geography, unique coverage of life-cycle assessment, with a focus on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of energy and global warming missions for CMOS logic devices, life cycle assessment of flash memory and life cycle assessment of DRAM. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Curran, Mary Ann
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996
620.82 CUR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book contains the latest developments in the field of life cycle assessment (LCA) and its application. It contains numerous research articles from leading German research institutes working towards the further development of the methodology. The book provides important insights for professionals working in the field of sustainability assessment, for researchers interested in the current state of the research of the methodology and its application as well as for advanced university students in different science and engineering fields."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book comprises recent developments in life cycle assessment (LCA) both with regards to the methodology and its application in various research fields, including mobility, engineering and manufacturing. Containing numerous original research articles from leading German research institutes, the book provides an insightful resource for professionals working in the field of sustainability assessment, for researchers interested in the current state of LCA research as well as for advanced university students in different scientific and engineering fields."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Aisha Samsu Rizal
"Perkembangan ekonomi dan industri melaju tanpa adanya rencana yang berkelanjutan, hingga pola konsumsi dan produksi manusia saat ini membahayakan lingkungan dan sumber daya alam. Menjawab pada permasalahan ini, berbagai bentuk pendekatan lahir dan salah satu diantaranya adalah life cycle approach yakni. Penggunaan life cycle approach sangat populer di negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa, sehinga perkembangan konsep, instrumen dan program dari life cycle approach sangat pesat. Penerapan pendekatan ini menunjukkan hasil yang nyata dalam pengurang emisi dan penggunaan sumber daya alam. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan, pendekatan command-and-control tidak lagi cukup hingga digunakan penaatan sukarela.
Berkaitan dengan penerapan life cycle approach, program penaatan sukarela di Uni Eropa menggunakan Life Cycle Assessment yang merupakan instrumen atau metode dengan kerangka holistik yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi potensi-potensi dampak lingkungan atas emisi yang dikeluarkan suatu produk sepanjang tahapan pada siklus hidupnya. Penggunaan Life Cycle Assessment dikenal dalam pembentukan kriteria produk untuk suatu skema ekolabel.
Di Indonesia, kriteria produk dari program ekolabel belum menggunakan Life Cycle Assessment tetapi Life Cycle Assessment itu sendiri sudah digunakan oleh berbagai perusahaan di Indonesia. Penggunaan Life Cycle Assessment sangat dimungkinkan di Indonesia apabila program ekolabel berkualitas dan iklim pasar di Indonesia sangat mendukung produk dengan logo ekolabel.

The economic and industrial development grows without any sustainable plan, in which the current patterns of consumption and production have a devastating impact on the environment and natural sources. To address this matter, various forms of approaches was made and one of them is the life cycle approach. The use of life cycle approach is very popular in the European Union, where the concepts, tools, programmes of the life cycle approach are rapidly developing.
To address environmental problems, voluntary compliance was made. In relation to the adoption of life cycle approach, a voluntary compliance program in the EU uses the Life Cycle Assessment which is a holistic method used to identify potential environmental impacts of a product through the emissions it produces throughout its life cycle. Use of Life Cycle Assessment in a ecolabel program is seen when forming the criteria of a product.
In Indonesia, the forming of the criteria is not yet based on Life Cycle Assessments but instead many Life Cycle Assessments were conducted by various companies in Indonesia. The use of Life Cycle Assessment is possible in Indonesia if the ecolabel programme has quality and economic climate in Indonesia strongly supports ecolabelled products.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadian Nadif Haikal
"Indonesia merupakan negara yang termasuk ke dalam salah satu penyumbang karbon dioksida terbesar di dunia. Industri semen merupakan industri yang masuk ke dalam sector IPPU (industrial process and product used) yang mana menyumbang emisi gas rumah kaca pada sector tersebut dibandingkan industri lainnya. Semen yang menjadi salah satu bahan baku yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah infrastruktur bangunan. Indonesia yang sedang menggalangkan pembangunan infrastruktur nasional harus memerhatikan dampak lingkungan proses produksi semen terhadap lingkungan. Maka, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak lingkungan yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi semen dengan menggunakan metode life cycle assessment. Terdapat dua tahapan produksi yang memberikan dampak terbesar yaitu klin process dan finish mill & pack yang disebabkan akibat pembakaran batu bara. Penelitian ini membuat analisis perbandingan antara kondisi sekarang dengan target perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penggunaan bahan bakar alternatif sebesar 15% dengan mengidentifikasi risiko yang berpotensi muncul dan membuat mitigasi pencegahan resiko
Indonesia is a country that is included in one of the largest carbon dioxide emitters in the world. The cement industry is an industry that is included in the IPPU (industrial process and product used) sector which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions in that sector compared to other industries. Cement is one of the raw materials needed for a building infrastructure. Indonesia, which is promoting the development of national infrastructure, must pay attention to the environmental impact of the cement production process on the environment. Thus, this study was conducted to analyze the environmental impact resulting from the cement production process using the life cycle assessment method. There are two stages of production that have the biggest impact, namely the klin process and the finish mill & pack caused by burning coal. This study makes a comparative analysis between the current condition and the company's target in increasing the use of alternative fuels by 15% by identifying risks that have the potential to arise and making risk prevention mitigations."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Hidayatno
"The focus of this research is to analyze potential environmental impact in the supply chain of palm oil biodiesel industries. Simple Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is applied to analyze impacts, produced by the three main units in the supply chain of Palm-Oil-based Biodiesel, which are Palm Plantation, CPO mill, and Biodiesel Plant. We developed LCA calculation model using spreadsheet software, used to assess a number of input scenarios to evaluate the best scenario, in variation of: land quality, land area and the rate of clearing, land clearing technique and type of the original land. The biggest potential environmental impact is the contribution to global warming impact which emissions are produced mostly from unit plantation. Although plantation has biggest potential to contribute to environmental impact, it also gives biggest reduction to global warming impact. In general, the biggest environmental impact in the LCA category is climate change, followed by photo-oxidant formation and eutrophication. The biggest impacts in the supply chain are from the plantation, especially when choosing the right technique for land clearing. In addition, due to LCA linearity nature, the scenario that we tested does not change the total accumulative environmental impacts."
Depok: Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvina Dewi Irzalinda
Meningkatnya konsumsi kemasan plastik memberikan pengaruh pada lingkungan. Dampak lingkungan yang dihasilkan seperti kontribusi terhadap peningkatan global warming, non-renewable energy, dan dampak lingkungan lainnya. Dalam studi ini, penilaian dampak lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi siklus hidup kemasan plastik fleksibel menggunakan metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan dampak lingkungan yang diperoleh dalam proses pembuatan kemasan plastik fleksibel yang terdiri dari 2 lapis plastik dan aluminium. Kemasan yang dinilain adalah gabungan dari PET, LLDPE, dan Aluminium dengan OPP, CPP, dan Aluminium. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan 1 m2 kemasan plastik fleksibel yang diproduksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemasan plastik OPP/CPP/Al memiliki dampak lingkungan terendah dari PET/LLDPE/Al. Selain itu, dampak lingkungan tertinggi dihasilkan dari kedua kemasan plastik selama proses dry laminating.

The increasing consumption of plastic packaging has an effect on the environment. The environmental impacts results contributing to increased global warming, non-renewable energy, and other environmental impacts. In this study, an environmental impact assessment was carried out to evaluate the life cycle of flexible plastic packaging using the Life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The purpose of this research is to analyze and compare the environmental impacts obtained in the process of making flexible plastic packaging consisting of 2 layer plastic and aluminum. The packaging assessed is a combination of PET, LLDPE, and Aluminum and OPP, CPP, and Aluminum. The study was conducted based on 1 m2 of flexible plastic packaging produced. The results showed that OPP/CPP/Al plastic packaging had the lower environmental impact than PET/LLDPE/Al. In addition, the highest environmental impact generated from both plastic packaging during the dry laminating process."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Sukmana
"Masalah lingkungan telah menjadi salah satu perhatian masyarakat dunia saat ini. Penurunan kualitas, daya tampung, dan daya dukung lingkungan berangsur-angsur terjadi secara alamiah, namun disisi lain pencemaran dan perusakan lingkungan yang bersumber akibat kegiatan manusia. Salah satu aktivitas manusia yang berpotensi meningkatkan dampak lingkungan adalah produksi tahu. Tahu adalah makanan khas tradisional Indonesia yang berbahan baku kedelai dan dijadikan sebagai hidangan lauk pauk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji sustainabilitas industri tahu pada Usaha Kecil Menengah Tahu.
Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Life Cycle Assessment dengan bantuan software Simapro 8.4 dengan unit fungsi 1 kg tahu dan dipadukan dengan metode Life Cycle Costing dan Social Life Cycle Assessment. Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini adalah data rata-rata produksi tahu selama 3 bulan, yaitu Bulan Januari - Bulan Maret 2018. Data penelitian ini meliputi proses budidaya kedelai, proses transportasi pengiriman kedelai, air, kayu bakar, dan penggunaan listrik. Batasan penelitian ini adalah dari cradle (budidaya kedelai) sampai gate (produk tahu).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa industri tahu pada aspek ekonomi disetiap 1 kg tahu memiliki keuntungan 403,37 rupiah, pada aspek sosial memiliki nilai 3 dengan indikator baik, dan dampak lingkungan kondisi sekarang tanpa adanya pengolahan limbah cair memiliki potensi dampak pemanasan global dengan nilai sebesar 3,84 kg CO2-ek. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini perlu adanya perbaikan, maka intervensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengoptimalkan proses produksi.

Environmental problems have become one of the concerns of the world community today. Decreasing quality, carrying capacity, and carrying capacity of the environment gradually occurs naturally, but on the other hand pollution and environmental damage resulting from human activities. One human activity that has the potential to increase environmental impact is tofu production. Tahu is a traditional Indonesian specialty made from soybeans and used as a side dish. The purpose of this study is to assess the sustainability of the tofu industry in Small and Medium Enterprises.
The method used in this study is the Life Cycle Assessment method with the help of Simapro 8.4 software with a function unit of 1 kg to know and combined with the Life Cycle Costing method and the Social Life Cycle Assessment. The data collected in this study is the average data of tofu production for 3 months, namely January - March 2018. The data of this study include the process of soybean cultivation, transportation processes for shipping soybeans, water, fuel wood, and electricity use. The limitations of this study are from cradle (soybean cultivation) to gate (tofu products).
The results showed that the industry knew on the economic aspect in every 1 kg of tofu had a profit of 403.37 rupiah, the social aspect had a value of 3 with a good indicator, and the environmental impact of the present condition without the treatment of wastewater had the potential impact of global warming with a value of 3, 84 kg CO2-eq. Based on the results of this study there needs to be improvement, then the intervention that can be done is to optimize the production process."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Van Basten
"Jumlah nilai konstruksi selesai di Indonesia dari Tahun 2009 hingga Tahun 2011 terus meningkat, khususnya pada konstruksi bangunan gedung yaitu sebesar 116%. Peningkatan tersebut diikuti oleh bertambahnya jumlah emisi gas rumah kaca yaitu CO2 sebesar 25%. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya trobosan untuk meyakinkan pemilik sekaligus pengguna gedung untuk melakukan efisiensi energi, air, dan kenyamanan indoor dengan Konsep Green Building, khususnya pada tahap operasional dan pemeliharaan.
Optimasi dilakukan dengan evaluasi kinerja bangunan green building dengan Metode LEED. Penilaian keberhasilan optimasi fungsi-fungsi pada existing green building dilakukan berdasarkan perhitungan biaya umur hidup bangunan pada tahap operasional dan pengelolaan dengan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Nilai siklus yang menjadi hasil evaluasi pada optimasi ini yaitu nilai efisiensi siklus hidup terbesar dan siklus pengembalian pembiayaan tercepat.

Increasing 116% of total building construction value completed in Indonesia during 2009 to 2011, that was followed by the progressive increase in the greenhouse gas emissions or CO2 amount by 25%. Therefore, that needs to convince the owners and users of buildings for energy efficiency, water conservation, and indoor comfort with the Green Building Concept, especially at the operational and maintenance phase.
Optimization is done by evaluating the performance of buildings to LEED method. Assessing the success of optimization functions in existing green building is based on operational and maintenance phase with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method. The result of optimization that is the largest efficiency of building life cycle and the fastest cost refund.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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