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Ditemukan 11505 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wiart, Christophe
"Wiart presents evidence that natural products are not only able to protect neurons and boost their activities, but also to induce neuritogenesis, raising the possibility that flowering plants helped apes evolve into Homo sapiens during the Tertiary period. In the near future, he says, they may also allow complete victory over neurodegenerative diseases."--ProtoView.com, April 2014"
Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2014
581.634 WIA l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2011
612.8 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The editor of this volume, having research interests in the field of ROS production and the damage to cellular systems, has identified a number of enzymes showing ·OH scavenging activities details of which are anticipated to be published in the near future as confirmatory experiments are awaited. It is hoped that the information presented in this book on NDs will stimulate both expert and novice researchers in the field with excellent overviews of the current status of research and pointers to future research goals. Also the insights gained should be valuable for further understanding of the diseases at molecular levels and should lead to development of new biomarkers, novel diagnostic tools and more effective therapeutic drugs to treat the clinical problems raised by these devastating diseases."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pahlow, Mannfried
Hauppauge, N.Y: Barron's Educational Series, 1993
615.321 PAH h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002
581.6 WOR w II
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ben-Erik Van Wyk

Telah dilakukan penelitian makrozoobentos di Situ Agathis dan Situ Mahoni masing-masing pada 2014 dan 2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur komposisi, keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dan dominasi, kemudian mengukur nilai kesamaan kedua komunitas makrozoobentos. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2024. Setiap perairan dibagi menjadi 3 titik berdasarkan arah aliran air, yaitu inlet, midlet, dan outlet. Sampel makrozoobentos diperoleh dengan ekman grab dan jaring. Parameter air yang diukur adalah suhu, keasaman, turbiditas, kecerahan, dan kadar DO (dissolved oxygen). Komunitas makrozoobentos masing-masing perairan dianalisis dengan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener, indeks kemerataan, dan indeks dominasi Simpson. Komunitas kedua perairan dibandingkan dengan menghitung indeks kesamaan Sorensen. Teramati 8 spesies makrozoobentos selama penelitian: Pomacea canaliculata, Filopaludina javanica, Pila scutata dan Lymnaea rubiginosa teramati pada kedua perairan. Gyraulus convexiusculus dan Indoplanorbis exustus hanya teramati di Situ Agathis. Melanoides tuberculata, dan Parathelphusa Bogoriensis hanya teramati di Situ Mahoni. Hasil penelitian di Situ Agathis dan Situ Mahoni menunjukan bahwa nilai keanekaragaman rata-rata adalah sedang, nilai kemerataan rata-rata adalah tinggi, nilai dominasi rata-rata adalah rendah, dan nilai kesamaan antara kedua komunitas adalah 67%. Parameter air air yang tidak ideal untuk makrozoobentos memiliki dampak negatif terhadap keanekaragaman komunitas makrozoobentos.

There have been previous studies on the communities of macrozoobenthos in lake Agathis and lake Mahoni in 2014 and 2010 respectively. This study aims to measure the diversity, eveness, and dominance level of macrozoobenthos communities in both lakes. Sampling is done on August 2024. Each lake is divided into 3 spots based on the flow of the water; inlet, midlet, and outlet. Makrozoobentos samples are obtained with an ekman grab and a net. The water parameters measured are temperature, acidity, turbidity, clarity, and dissolved oxygen levels. Eack macrozoobenthos community is analyzed with the Shanno-Wiener diversity index, the eveness index, and the Simpson dominance index. Both communities are compared with the Sorensen similarity index. Eight species of makrozoobentos are observed in the study. Pomacea canaliculata, Filopaludina javanica, Pila scutata and Lymnaea rubiginosa are found in both lakes. Gyraulus convexiusculus and Indoplanorbis exustus are only found in lake Agathis. Melanoides tuberculata and Parathelphusa Bogoriensis are only found in lake Mahoni. The study finds that lake Agathis and lake Mahoni have an average level of diversity, a high eveness value, a low dominance value, and have a 67% similarity value. Unideal water parameters have a negative effect on the diversity of macrozoobenthic communities.

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south africa: Briza Publication, 2004
580 BEN m
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dompeipen, Edward Julys
"Forty-five isolates of endophytic fungi from six Indonesian medicinal plant stems such as sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata [Burm.f.] Ness), kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus [Blume] Miq), mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L), sirih merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav), sirih hitam (Piper betle L), mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King) have been isolated and screened. Fermentation was conducted over 14 days by using the media Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB).The product of fermentation process was extracted with ethyl acetate. The antidiabetic assay was performed using α-glucosidase test. The isolates A.Ap.3F, A.Ap.4F, B.Ap.4F, B.Os.1F, A.Pc.1F, B.Pc.1F and B.Pc.2F showed antidiabetic activity. The antioxidant performed using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method. The isolates A.Ap.3F, B.Ap.1F, B.Pc.1F have the antioxidant activity compare vitamin C as a control. Isolates A.Ap.3F by IC50 31,45 ppm, isolates B.Ap.1F by IC50 86,29 ppm and isolates B.Pc.1F by IC50 95,46 ppm. Identification of endophytic fungi A.Ap.3F done microscopically. Molecular identification A.Ap.3F endophytic fungi is Colleotrichum truncatum strain PDC032. Fermentation of A.Ap.3F isolates is carried out using 2 methods; static fermentation and dynamic fermentation. The results shown that with static fermentation method produced 0.19 g (9.5%) of mass of filtrate and biomass weight 0.56 g(28%); and with dynamic fermentation produced mass of filtrate 0.68 g (34.17%) and bomass weight 0.77 g ( 38.50%). Separation results bioproduction A.Ap.3F endophytic fungi by column chromatography obtained five fractions. GCMS analysis of the fraction I consist of three fatty acids are hexadecanoid acid, 9-octadecenoic acid and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid. Analysis of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, DEPT, COSY, HMQ, HMBC and GCMS that isolates II-3 from fraction II obtained from fraction II-3 II are compounds octadecanoic acid [C18H34O2]. GCMS analysis suggested that isolates III-2 fraction III is a compound with m / z = 256.1 and m / z = 282.. GCMS analysis suggested that isolates IV-3- fraction IV are compound with m / z = 256.1 and m / z = 282 and isolates V-6-fraction V is a compound with m / z = 221, m/z =256, m/z=282 and m / z = 346. Inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase were highest for isolates III-2-fraction II by 85.45% and isolates IV-3-fractions IV by 87.72%.

Isolasi dan skrining kapang endofit dari batang 6 tanaman obat Indonesia seperti, sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata [Burm.f.] Ness), kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus [Blume] Miq), mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L), sirih merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav), sirih hitam (Piper betle L), mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King),), dan diperoleh 45 isolat kapang. Fermentasi dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan menggunakan media Potato Dextrose Broth dan hasil fermentasi kemudian diekstraksi dengan etil asetat. Skrining dilakukan dengan mengunakan uji α-glucosidase. Hasil skrining menunjukan bahwa isolat kapang A.Ap.3F, A.Ap.4F, B.Ap.4F, B.Os.1F, A.Pc.1F, B.Pc.1F dan B.Pc.2F, memiliki aktivitas antidiabetes. Aktivitas antioksidan isolat kapang A.Ap.3F dengan nilai IC50 31,45 ppm, B.Ap.1F dengan IC50 86,29 ppm dan B.Pc.1F dengan IC50 95,46 ppm. Identifikasi secara molekuler kapang A.Ap.3F adalah Colleotrichum truncatum strain PDC032. Pada fermentasi statis kapang A.Ap.3F didapatkan berat filtrat 0,19 g (9,5%) dan berat biomassa 0,56 g (28%), sedangkan hasil fermentasi dinamis didapatkan berat filtrat 2,05 g (34,17%) dan berat biomassa 2,31g (38,50%). Kromatografi kolom (50:1 ~ 1:1) hasil bioproduksi kapang endofit AAp.3F memberikan 5 fraksi. Hasil analisis GC-MS diperoleh bahwa Fraksi I terdiri dari tiga senyawa asam lemak yaitu, asam heksadekanoat, 9,12-oktadekadienoat dan oktadekanoat . Hasil analisa 1H NMR, 13C NMR, DEPT, COSY, HMQC dan HMBC dan GCMS diketahui bahwa isolat II-3 fraksi II adalah senyawa asam oktadekanoat [C18H34O2]. Hasil analisa GCMS diduga bahwa isolat III-2 fraksi III adalah senyawa dengan m/z = 256,1 dan m/z = 282. Hasil analisa GCMS diduga bahwa isolat IV-3 Fraksi IV adalah senyawa dengan m/z = 248 dan m/z = 280,1. Hasil analisis GC-MS diperoleh bahwa senyawa isolat V-6 fraksi V adalah isolat yang terdiri terdiri dari empat komponen senyawa utama yaitu senyawa dengan m/z = 221, m/z = 256, m/z = 282 dan m/z = 346. Aktivitas inhibisi terhadap α-Glucosidase yang paling tinggi adalah isolat III-2 Fraksi II sebesar 85,45% dan isolat IV-3 Fraksi IV sebesar 87,72%."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This multi-compendium is a comprehensive, illustrated and scientifically up-to-date work covering more than a thousand species of edible medicinal and non-medicinal plants. Topics covered include, taxonomy (botanical name and synonyms), common English and vernacular names, origin and distribution, agro-ecological requirements, edible plant part and uses, botany, nutritive and medicinal/pharmacological properties, medicinal uses and current research findings, non-edible uses, and selected/cited references. Each volume covers about a hundred species arranged according to families and species. Each volume has separate scientific and common names indices and separate scientific and medical glossaries."
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2007
581.6 WOR w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1999
581.6 WOR (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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