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"Based on studies across five UK cities, the book draws out findings of relevance to sustainable cities worldwide. As well as an invaluable reference to researchers in sustainable planning and urban design, the book will provide a useful text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses and for policy makers dealing with these issues"
Dordrecht: Springer, 2010
307.76 DIM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellen van Bueren, editor
"Sustainable urban environments : an ecosystem approach presents fundamental knowledge of the built environment. Approaching the topic from an ecosystems perspective, it shows the reader how to combine diverse practical elements into sustainable solutions for future buildings and cities. From urban ecology to material, water and energy use, from urban transport to livability and health. The authors introduce and explore a variety of governance tools that support the transformation process, and show how they can help overcome institutional barriers. The book concludes with an account of promising perspectives for achieving a sustainable built environment in industrialized countries. Offering a unique overview and understanding of the most pressing challenges in the built environment, Sustainable urban environments helps the reader grasp opportunities for integration of knowledge and technologies in the design, construction and management of the built environment. "
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Sanca Lovandhika
"Indonesia adalah negara dengan panjang pantai terpanjang kedua di dunia 54,716 km dan memiliki wilayah pesisir yang luas yang perlu dikelola. Salah satu cara untuk mengelola wilayah pesisir adalah dengan menggunakan system pengawasan, akan tetapi masih belum ada sistem pengawasan wilayah pesisir yang telah diterapkan dengan efektif di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengembangkan sistem pengawasan pesisir menggunakan indikator. Terdapat 105 indikator terpilih dari berbagai sumber. Setiap indikator diseleksi kembali menggunakan metode skoring dan kemudian diproses menggunakan PLS-SEM yang akhirnya menghasilkan 9 indikator dan model pengawasan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Pesisir kota Jakarta Utara dipilih menjadi wilayah untuk menerapkan model yang telah dibuat karena wilayah tersebut dimanis dan berkembang dengan pesat. Berdasarkan model, pesisir Jakarta Utara memiliki kondisi ekonomi yang baik 62,2, kondisi sosial yang cukup 46,7, dan kondisi lingkungan hidup yang buruk 38. Pembangunan berkelanjutan cukup terimplementasi di area ini karena nilai keseimbangan aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan hidup area ini berada pada kategori cukup 52,79 dan seimbang. Dengan menggunakan SIG dapat dilihat bahwa pembangunan yang terjadi di wilayah barat wilayah penelitian lebih baik dari wilayah timur.

Indonesia is the the second longest coastline country in the world 54,716 km and containing a huge coastal area need to be managed. One way to manage coastal area is using monitoring systems, yet none of them has been effectively implemented in Indonesia. This research attempts to develop monitoring system using indicators. There were 105 indicators that chosen from references. Each of the indicators were filtered by scoring method and then be processed using PLS SEM resulting 9 indicators and sustainability development monitoring model. Coastal Area of North Jakarta has been chosen as area to implementing the model since that area are dynamics and growing rapidly. Based on the model, coastal area of North Jakarta has good economic condition 62.2, medium social condition 46.7, and bad natural environment condition 38. Sustainable development seems quite implemented in this area since the balance of Economic Social Natural Environment was on the medium 52,79 and balanced category. Using GIS can be seen that the development that occurred in west side study area are better than middle or east side.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Magni Sundara
"Masalah utama yang dihadapi DKI Jakarta adalah perubahan fungsi lahan didorong oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan ditandai oleh pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk dan jumlah kendaraan bermotor. Sesuai data tahun 2015 DKI Jakarta memiliki luas hutan kota dengan luas 646 ha, dan pada tahun 2030 DKI Jakarta mempunyai target luasan hutan kota dengan luas 1,587 ha, artinya dibutuhkan luas lahan tambahan sebesar 941 ha. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penulisan disertasi ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menentukan indeks luas hutan kota, melakukan analisa spasial sebagai dasar pemetaan lahan potensial, membangun model untuk melakukan optimalisasi dalam pengembangan hutan kota. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan indek relatif metode Marshal, analisis spasial perkotaan mengunakan alat bantu GIS, permodelan dibangun mengunakan model sistem dinamis. Hasilnya diperoleh besaran indek luasan hutan kota, diperoleh data luas lahan potensial hutan kota, tersebar di seluruh wilayah sesuai dengan zonasi kawasan yang diamati. Dari model yang di bangun menghasilkan model pengembangan hutan kota skala mikro.

The main problem faced by DKI Jakarta is the change in the function of land driven by economic growth characterized by the rapid growth in population and the number of motorized vehicles. According to 2015 data DKI Jakarta has an area of urban forest with an area of 646 ha, and in 2030 DKI Jakarta has a target of urban forest area with an area of 1,587 ha, meaning that an additional land area of 941 ha is needed. Based on these problems, the writing of this dissertation aims to determine the urban forest area index, conduct spatial analysis as a basis for mapping potential land, build a model to optimize the development of urban forests. The method used uses the relative index Marshal method, urban spatial analysis using GIS tools, modeling is built using a dynamic system model. The results obtained by the index size of urban forest area, obtained data on potential land area of urban forests, scattered throughout the area in accordance with the zoning area observed. From the built model produces a model of micro-scale urban forest development."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Columbia University Press, 2001
338.927 HOW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The urban environment - buildings, cities and infrastructure - represents one of the most important contributors to climate change, while at the same time holding the key to a more sustainable way of living. The transformation from traditional to sustainable systems requires interdisciplinary knowledge of the re-design, construction, operation and maintenance of the built environment. Sustainable Urban Environments: An Ecosystem Approach presents fundamental knowledge of the built environment. Approaching the topic from an ecosystems perspective, it shows the reader how to combine diverse practical elements into sustainable solutions for future buildings and cities. You'll learn to connect problems and solutions at different spatial scales, from urban ecology to material, water and energy use, from urban transport to livability and health. The authors introduce and explore a variety of governance tools that support the transformation process, and show how they can help overcome institutional barriers. The book concludes with an account of promising perspectives for achieving a sustainable built environment in industrialized countries. Offering a unique overview and understanding of the most pressing challenges in the built environment, Sustainable Urban Environments helps the reader grasp opportunities for integration of knowledge and technologies in the design, construction and management of the built environment. Students and practitioners who are eager to look beyond their own fields of interest will appreciate this book because of its depth and breadth of coverage."
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012
307.121 6 SUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ngakan Gede Agung Khrisna Wiryananda
Pesatnya perkembangan pariwisata dan pertumbuhan penduduk menimbulkan masalah pada pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denpasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denpasar pada aspek sosial budaya, lingkungan, dan ekonomi serta merumuskan strategi pemanfaatan ruang kota berkelanjutan. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu metode gabungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Analisis yang dilakukan yaitu analisis spasial, analisis tren, menghitung indeks sosial budaya, lingkungan, dan ekonomi serta analisis deskriptif komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemanfaatan ruang belum sesuai dengan rencana tata ruang dan belum tertib dalam pengendalian ruang. Pemanfaatan ruang mengarah pada tidak berkelanjutan. Indeks sosial budaya tahun 2011 yaitu 1,038 turun menjadi 1,036 pada tahun 2015. Indeks lingkungan tahun 2011 yaitu 1,065 turun menjadi 1,056 pada tahun 2015. Indeks ekonomi tahun 2011 yaitu 1,012 turun menjadi 0,992 pada tahun 2015. Rumusan strategi pemanfaatan ruang Kota Denpasar berkelanjutan yaitu mengintegrasikan aturan adat ke dalam dokumen rencana ruang, merencanakan pembangunan vertikal, memperkuat peran adat, penerapan sawah abadi, pemanfaatan lahan kosong, dan pembentukan satuan tugas pengendalian ruang adat.

Rapid development of tourism and population growth caused problems in spatial utilization in Denpasar City. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the spatial utilization in Denpasar City on the socio cultural, environmental and economic as well as to formulate sustainable urban spatial utilization strategy. The method used is a mix method with quantitative and qualitative. The analyzes were spatial analysis, trend analysis, to calculate the index of socio cultural, environmental and economic as well as an analysis of the comparative descriptive. The results showed that the spatial utilization has not been in accordance with the spatial plan and not yet orderly in the spatial control. Spatial utilization leads to unsustainable. Socio cultural index values tend to decrease which is 1,038 in 2011 to 1,036 in 2015. Environmental index values tend to decrease, which is 1,065 in 2011 to 1,056 in 2015. Economic index values tend to decrease which is 1,012 in 2011 to 0,992 in 2015. Strategy formulation of sustainable spatial utilization of Denpasar City, that are integrate traditional rules into spatial planning documents, plan vertical building, strengthen traditional roles, implementation of perennial rice field, utilization of vacant land, and establishment of task control unit of traditional village. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Communicates sound, up-to-date ecological principles to the urban design community to help improve the ecological function of designed and built landscapes Identifies novel environmental research directions needed to support basic urban ecology as well as sustainable and resilient urban design Articulates new criteria for assessing good ecological urban design while engaging the design imagination Contributions by leading voices in the design and ecological communities The contributors to this volume propose strategies of urgent and vital importance that aim to make today's urban environments more resilient. Resilience, the ability of complex systems to adapt to changing conditions, is a key frontier in ecological research and is especially relevant in creative urban design, as urban areas exemplify complex systems. With something approaching half of the world's population now residing in coastal urban zones, many of which are vulnerable both to floods originating inland and rising sea levels, making urban areas more robust in the face of environmental threats must be a policy ambition of the highest priority. The complexity of urban areas results from their spatial heterogeneity, their intertwined material and energy fluxes, and the integration of social and natural processes. All of these features can be altered by intentional planning and design. The complex, integrated suite of urban structures and processes together affect the adaptive resilience of urban systems, but also presupposes that planners can intervene in positive ways. As examples accumulate of linkage between sustainability and building/​landscape design, such as the Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park and Toronto's Lower Don River area, this book unites the ideas, data, and insights of ecologists and related scientists with those of urban designers. It aims to integrate a formerly atomized dialog to help both disciplines promote urban resilience."
New York: Springer, 2013
307.76 RES
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leoni Gloria Nauli
"Pertumbuhan penduduk yang lebih pesat dari konsep tata ruang yang diundangkan menghadirkan kawasan kumuh sebagai tempat tinggal. Pemprov DKI Jakarta menetapkan kebijakan baru yang meliputi tiga aspek penataan, yakni penataan fisik lingkungan, pemberdayaan sosial dan budaya, serta pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat. Kebijakan tersebut tertuang dalam Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 90 Tahun 2018 yang dimandatkan dalam program Community Action Plan (CAP) dan Collaborative Implementation Program (CIP). Sebagai upaya penataan permukiman kumuh berbasis masyarakat, penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif Sustainable Urban Development sebagai teori yang meyakini bahwa perencanaan lingkungan yang cermat akan menjadi langkah penting bagi masa depan kota yang berkelanjutan. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk melihat bagaimana realisasi Pergub Nomor 90 Tahun 2018 dapat mengintegrasikan tujuan ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan di permukiman kumuh ke dalam jangka panjang. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi CAP dan CIP di Kelurahan Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan, tidak berhasil memenuhi kerangka pembangunan kota yang berkelanjutan sebab hanya menata aspek fisik lingkungan. Dengan demikian, penataan kawasan kumuh hanya membenahi aspek material tanpa meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang dipahami sebagai peningkatan fasilitas sosial budaya dan ekonomi warga.

Population growth that is faster than the spatial planning concept enacted presents slums as a place to live. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has established a new policy that covers three aspects of arrangement, namely environmental physical arrangement, social and cultural empowerment, and community economic empowerment. This policy is contained in Governor Regulation Number 90 of 2018 which is mandated in the Community Action Plan (CAP) and Collaborative Implementation Program (CIP) program. As an effort to structuring community-based slum settlements, this study uses the perspective of Sustainable Urban Development as a theory that believes that accurate environmental planning will be an important step for a sustainable urban future. The author uses qualitative research methods to see how the realization of Governor Regulation Number 90 of 2018 can integrate economic, social and environmental goals in slums into the long term. The findings of this study are that the implementation of CAP and CIP in Manggarai, South Jakarta, has failed to meet the framework of sustainable urban development because it only manages the physical aspects of the environment. Therefore, the arrangement of slum areas only fixes the material aspect without increasing the welfare of the community which is understood as an increase in the socio-cultural and economic facilities of the residents. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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