ABSTRAKPenelitian yang dilakukan di poliklinik RS Kartika Husada Setu ini membahas hubungan
persepsi tentang bauran pemasaran dengan kepuasan dan word of mouth pada pasien umum ,
yang dinilai penulis penting dilakukan untuk acuan rumah sakit dalam menetapkan strategi
pemasaran. Penelitian dilakukan dengan disain kuantitatif, metode survei dan pendekatan
crossectional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui mayoritas persepsi pasien tentang
product baik sebesar (64,2%) ,persepsi pasien tentang price kurang baik sebesar (58,8%) ,
persepsi pasien tentang place baik sebesar (60,1%), persepsi pasien tentang promotion baik
sebesar (54,7%), persepsi pasien tentang people baik sebesar (56,8%), persepsi pasien tentang
physical evidence baik sebesar (62,2%), persepsi pasien tentang process baik sebesar
(55,4%), pasien yang puas sebesar (58,8%) dan pasien melakukan word of mouth sebesar
(56,1%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara persepsi pasien tentang product
(p=0,604), place (p=0,016), people (p=0,019), physical evidence (p=0,042) dengan kepuasan
pasien dan tidak ada hubungan antara price (p=0,528), promotion (p=0,225), dan process
(p=0,202) dengan kepuasan pasien. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan ada hubungan antara
kepuasan pasien dan word of mouth (p=0,044). Hasil penelitan menunjukkan physical
evidence memiliki hubungan paling kuat dengan kepuasan pasien (p=0,048). RS Kartika
Husada Setu perlu memperhatikan aspek bauran pemasaran product, place, people, dan
terutama physical evidence.
ABSTRACTResearch conducted in polyclinic RS Kartika Husada Setu discusses the relationship of
perception about the marketing mix with satisfaction and word of mouth in general patients,
which assessed the author is important for hospital reference in setting marketing strategy.
The research was conducted by quantitative design, survey method and cross-sectional
approach. Based on the result of the research, it is known that the majority of patient
perception about good product is (64,2%), patient perception about price less good (58,8%),
patient perception about good place (60,1%), patient perception about promotion good
(54,7%), patient perception about good people (56,8%), patient perception about physical
evidence either (62,2%), patient perception about good process (55,4%), patient Satisfied
(58,8%) and patient do word of mouth (56,1%). The result showed that there was correlation
between patient perception about product (p = 0,604), place (p = 0,016), people (p = 0,019),
physical evidence (p = 0,042) with patient satisfaction and no relation between price (p =
0,528 ), Promotion (p = 0,225), and process (p = 0,202) with patient satisfaction. The results
also showed there was a relationship between patient satisfaction and word of mouth (p =
0.044). The results showed physical evidence had the strongest relationship with patient
satisfaction (p = 0.048). RS Kartika Husada Setu needs to pay attention to the marketing mix
of product, place, people, and especially physical evidence"