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Johanna G.S.D. Poerba
Pada tahun 1998 terjadi dua peristiwa yang memberikan dampak penting terhadap warga etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia.Peristiwa pertama adalah Kerusuhan Mei 1998 yang dilanjutkan oleh peristiwa berikutnya yaitu turunnya Soeharto dari kursi presiden yang menandai berakhirnya pemerintahan Orde Baru. Kerusuhan Mei 1998 yang sarat akan sentimen anti-Tionghoa dan memakan banyak korban warga etnis Tionghoa justru menciptakan sebuah titik balik dalam gerakan warga Tionghoa. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui proses berdirinya organisasi massa bernama Perhimpunan Indonesia Tionghoa (INTI) dan sejauh apa kiprahnya dalam upaya integrasi dengan warga etnis lainnya serta upaya pemenuhan hak WNI keturunan Tionghoa. Sumber-sumber data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari buku-buku, jurnal, koran, serta arsip yang didapatkan dari berbagai sumber seperti Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia dan arsip Perhimpunan INTI. Kontribusi dari Perhimpunan INTI tidak begitu disorot dalam koran-koran nasional pada masa awal berdirinya sehingga sumber utama berasal dari wawancara dengan beberapa pendiri organisasi.Tidak semua upaya sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh warga Tionghoa semata tetapi juga terdapat kontribusi dari tokoh-tokoh dengan latar belakang etnis yang berbeda.Ini pun menunjukkan bahwa Perhimpunan INTI berhasil meraih simpati dari berbagai kalangan yang menjadi sebuah langkah awal yang penting dalam upaya integrasi.
ABSTRACT During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people., During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marbun, Dewi Christina
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang peran Edith Windsor untuk menghapus diskriminasi terhadap kaum homoseksual di Amerika Serikat khususnya menghapus praktik Pasal Ketiga Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA). Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran Edith Windsor dalam upaya menggugat praktik Pasal Ketiga Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA) di Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat dan bagaimana hasilnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teori gerakan sosial baru dan teori queer serta konsep homoseksual digunakan dalam penelitian ini.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Edith Windsor berhasil memenangkan gugatannya dengan harus melewati berbagai judicial review yang diajukan oleh mereka yang anti-homoseksual. Adapun cara Edith Windsor dalam upaya penghapusan diskriminasi tersebut, yaitu melalui advokasi litigasi (citizen law suit). Dari peran yang dilakukan, Edith Windsor berhasil mengangkat kembali isu diskriminasi hingga terbentuk usulan draft RUU pernikahan yang baru di Kongres. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa perjuangan Edith Windsor berhasil menyatakan Pasal Ketiga DOMA sebagai sesuatu yang inkonstitusional.

This research discusses about the role of Edith Windsor to eliminate discrimination against homosexuals in the United States in particular eliminate the practice of Article Third Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The problem in this research is how the role of Edith Windsor in an attempt to sue the practice of Article Third Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the Supreme Court of the United States and how the results. This research is an explanatory research using qualitative approach. This research employs theory of new social movement, queer theory and also homosexuals concepts.
The results of this study are Edith Windsor won the lawsuit that must passed through various appeals judicial review by those who are anti-homosexual. As for how Edith Windsor in an effort to eliminate such discrimination, which is through litigation advocacy (citizen law suit). Of the role played by, Edith Windsor successfully raised the issue of discrimination and formed the proposed draft new marriage bill in congress. This research concluded that the struggle by Edith Windsor managed to declare Article Third DOMA as unconstitutional.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hesti Armiwulan S.
"Negara Republik Indonesia sejak awal kemerdekaan sesungguhnya telah memiliki komitmen untuk menghormati dan menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia. Hal ini dapat dipahami dari UUD Tahun 1945 yang menegaskan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang berdasar pada paham kedaulatan rakyat, negara yang berdasar pada hukum serta sistem Konstitusi. Artinya berdasarkan ketiga pilar tersebut maka adanya jaminan pengakuan dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia adalah salah satu prinsip dari Demokrasi, Negara Hukum dan Sistem Konstitusi yang harus diwujudkan dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Konsekuensinya Negara mempunyai kewajiban untuk menjamin kebebasan, kesetaraan dan prinsip non diskriminasi bagi semua orang yang harus tercermin dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Mengenai hal ini telah ditentukan dalam Pasal 28 I Ayat (4) dan Ayat (5) UUD Negara RI Tahun 1945. Namun sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan ketatanegaraan Indonesia ternyata masih ada praktik-praktik penyelenggaraan negara yang tidak mencerminkan adanya jaminan terhadap kebebasan, kesetaraan dan prinsip non diskriminasi yang merupakan esensi dari perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Salah satu contoh adalah praktik diskriminasi rasial yang tetap menjadi current issue di semua rezim pemerintahan di Indonesia, bahkan di era Reformasi yang menyatakan sebagai pemerintahan yang lebih demokratis dan menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia justru praktik diskriminasi rasial yang berujung pada konflik horisontal terjadi di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Persoalan diskriminasi rasial sangat potensial terjadi di Indonesia, mengingat jumlah penduduknya yang sangat banyak dengan berbagai suku bangsa, ras dan etnis (multi etnis) serta tingkat pendidikan yang relatif masih rendah. Sementara harus diakui bahwa sampai saat ini upaya yang dilakukan belum dapat menghentikan praktik-praktik diskriminasi rasial. Semboyan Bhineka Tunggal Ika dan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan tidak cukup menjawab persoalan mengenai diskriminasi ras dan etnis. Studi tentang etnis Tionghoa yang dilakukan secara komprehensif diharapkan mampu untuk memetakan problematika diskriminasi ras dan etnis di Indonesia sekaligus membangun kesadaran bagaimanakah wujud perlindungan hukum yang tepat untuk menghentikan praktik diskriminasi rasial di Indonesia. Etnis Tionghoa adalah salah satu etnis yang secara terus menerus menyuarakan perlawanan terhadap praktik diskriminasi rasial yang dialami oleh etnis Tionghoa, namun di sisi yang lain dominasi ekonomi oleh etnis Tionghoa juga disebut sebagai sebab praktik diskriminasi rasial yang dilakukan oleh etnis Tionghoa terhadap etnis yang lain. Model pendekatan hukum hak asasi manusia dapat digunakan sebagai pisau analisis untuk menghentikan praktik diskriminasi rasial di Indonesia. Hukum hak asasi manusia menjamin kebebasan setiap orang namun disisi yang lain juga diperlukan adanya pembatasan kebebasan dengan tujuan untuk menghormati kebebasan tersebut. Hukum hak asasi manusia memuat larangan diskriminasi atas dasar apapun termasuk larangan diskriminasi rasial, namun untuk mewujudkan prinsip kesetaraan diperlukan juga langkah-langkah khusus (tindakan affirmatif) yang ditujukan untuk kelompok masyarakat tertentu. Tindakan affirmatif adalah pembedaan yang tidak boleh dinilai sebagai perbuatan diskriminatif. Selain itu untuk sampai pada penyelesaian akar masalah diskriminasi rasial maka memaknai keadilan yang diwujudkan dalam sistem hukum yang intergratif dan tersedianya mekanisme penegakan yang komprehensif adalah sebuah keharusan dalam paham konstitusionalisme.

Since the beginning the Republic of Indonesia in fact, already had commitment to respect and uphold human rights. This could be understood from Constitution of Republic Indonesia 1945 which stated that Indonesia is a country based on the understanding of sovereignty, which is based on Rule of Law and Constitution system. That is based on three pillars guarantees the recognition and protection of human rights is one of the principles of Democracy, Rule of Law and Constitution System should be realized in Constitutional law system. This brought a consequence for the State, which has obligation to guarantee freedom, equality and the principle of non-discrimination for all people that should be reflected in governance. This matter has been specified in Paragraph I of Article 28 (4) and (5) the Constitution of Republic Indonesia 1945. However, throughout as long as the experiences of Indonesia, the lack of state enforcement practices that do not reflect a guarantee of liberty, equality and non-discrimination principles which is the essence of the protection of human rights. One example is the practice of racial discrimination that remains as current issue in all regimes of governance in Indonesia, even in reformation era that states as a more democratic government and respect for human rights is precisely the practice of racial discrimination that leads to horizontal conflicts occur in various areas Indonesia. The issue of potential racial discrimination occurred in Indonesia, considered the vast amount of people from different ethnic, racial and ethnic groups (multi-ethnic) and educational level is still relatively low. While it must be admitted that so far, the efforts have not been able to end the practice of racial discrimination. The motto Unity in Diversity and the various laws and regulations do not adequately addressed the question of racial and ethnic discrimination. The study of ethnic Chinese that has been done, hopefully will be able to comprehensively map the problem of racial and ethnic discrimination in Indonesia as well as build awareness on how to form the legal protection to end the practice of racial discrimination in Indonesia. Ethnic Chinese is one of the ethnic that continually active engaged in opposition to practice of racial discrimination faced by ethnic Chinese, but on the other hand by the Chinese economic dominance also mentioned as the reason for the practice of racial discrimination committed by the Chinese against other ethnic groups. Model approach to human rights law can be used as an analytical knife to stop the practice of racial discrimination in Indonesia. Human rights law guarantees freedom of every person, but on the other also required the restriction of freedom in order to respect these freedoms. Human rights law includes the prohibition of discrimination on any ground, including the prohibition of racial discrimination, but to embody the principle of equality is also required special measures (affirmative action) aimed at specific communities. Affirmative action is a distinction that should not be considered as discriminatory acts. In addition to the completion of the root of the problem of racial discrimination, therefore to make sense of justice embodied in the legal system integrative and the availability of a comprehensive enforcement mechanism is a necessity in understanding of constitutionalism.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nirwana Rifani Farasati
"Fenomena “pernyaian” pada masa kolonial dan cerita peranakan Tionghoa merupakan dua aspek yang tidak terpisahkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji representasi perempuan pada novelet Njai Isah terbitan tahun 1931. Representasi diteliti melalui tokoh perempuan yang mewakili bangsa Eropa, Peranakan Tionghoa, dan pribumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori representasi dari Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat ketimpangan ras dalam novelet Njai Isah. Hal itu terlihat pada perempuan peranakan Tionghoa yang digambarkan jauh lebih baik daripada perempuan Eropa dan pribumi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa timbulnya diskriminasi ras pada karya sastra Melayu Tionghoa yang ditulis oleh penulis Peranakan Tionghoa, disebabkan oleh adanya tujuan untuk membangun citra baik pada etnis Tionghoa sebagai kaum minoritas.

The phenomenon of "pernyaian" during the colonial period and the Chinese Peranakan story are two inseparable aspects. This research aims to examine the representation of women in the novelette Njai Isah published in 1931. Representation is examined through female characters who represent Europeans, Peranakan Chinese and natives. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The analysis in this research uses Stuart Hall's representation theory. The results of this research show that there is racial inequality in the Njai Isah novelette. This can be seen in Peranakan Chinese women who are described as being much better than European and native women. This research concludes that the emergence of racial discrimination in Malay Chinese literary works written by Peranakan Chinese writers is caused by the aim of building a good image of ethnic Chinese as a minority."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aggi Tjetje
Cerita yang mengagumkan tentang bangsa Asia di Amerika adalah suatu cerita yang tidak asing lagi. Walaupun jumlah keseluruhan mereka adalah kurang dari 7 juta atau kurang dari 3 7. dari jumlah penduduk, keberhasilan mereka dalam perniagaan, pekerjaan, masyarakat perguruan tinggi, secara luas melampaui jumlah mereka.
Akan tetapi, sementara nilai-nilai mereka sesuai dengan kebajikan Amerika yang seharusnya, mereka telah menderita secara menyedihkan sepanjang 1 1/2 abad lampau, tidak hanya dalam usaha pencarian mereka bagi pengakuan, tetapi bahkan dalam hal untuk semata-semata memperoleh penerimaan sebagai warganegara. Sejarah mereka di Amerika merupakan satu dari kemunafikan orang Amerika berkulit putih (International Herald Tribune, 3 Agustus 1989: 13).
Dari antara orang-orang asal Asia, yang menonjol adalah orang Cina, baik dalam hal jumlah maupun dalam hal permasalahan. Keunikan mereka telah mewarnai sejarah Amerika, baik dalam hal entitas mereka sebagai suatu kelompok eksklusif maupun dalam interaksi dengan kelompok lain, yang menimbulkan berbagai reaksi positif dan negatif silih berganti.
Perantauan imigrasi orang Cina ke Amerika kebanyakan hanyalah salah satu aspek dari eksodus besar-besaran orang Cina sepanjang abad kesembilanbelas. Hal ini disebabkan oleh masalah dalam negeri Cina sendiri dan lebih jauh disebabkan oleh godaan kesempatan yang lebih baik dari Dunia Baru. Malangnya, beberapa kelompok orang kulit putih Amerika menyerang pekerja-pekerja Cina, sedangkan Amerika yang pada awalnya menyambut kedatangan orang Cina, namun kemudian mengambil tindakan untuk membatasi kedatangan buruh-buruh Cina dan pada tahun 1882, secara umum mencegah imigrasi orang Cina dan menghalangi orang Cina menjadi warganegara Amerika.
Meskipun orang Amerika mengagungkan Deklarasi Kemerdekaan mereka sebagai sesuatu yang suci, dan walaupun Deklarasi tersebut menyatakan bahwa semua orang mempunyai hak-hak alamiah tertentu atau hak-hak yang tidak dapat diasingkan dari dirinya, yang terpenting di antaranya ialah hidup, kebebasan dan mencari kebahagiaan. Sepanjang sejarah, orang Amerika pernah beberapa kali menyimpang atau bahkan mengingkari nilai-nilai suci mereka ini, salah satu contoh dari penyimpangan tersebut adalah diskriminasi rasial yang dilakukan oleh orang Amerika terhadap penduduknya yang orang Cina.
Penelitian ini akan menuniukkan bahwa gerakan diskriminasi anti Cina di Amerika dalam bagian akhir abad kesembilanbelas disebabkan terutama oleh alasan-alasan budaya dan rasial, dengan ekonomi dan politik sebagai faktor pencetus yang menyulut sikap permusuhan.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noorasri Ranahaura Wandawa
"Artikel ini berfokus pada diskriminasi rasial yang terjadi di Prancis pada lagu rap Jeune de Banlieue karya Disiz La Peste. Lagu ini menjelaskan mengenai kehidupan yang dialami oleh narator Aku, sebagai seorang imigran, yang hidup dalam kesengsaraan akibat adanya ketidakadilan di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori analisis struktural dan analisis semiotika yang mengacu pada teori Roland Barthes melalui analisis aspek semantik dan pragmatik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis pada lirik lagu. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa lagu rap Jeune de Banlieue karya Disiz La Peste mengangkat salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi di Prancis, yaitu diskriminasi rasial. Diskriminasi rasial dalam lagu ini diperlihatkan melalui gambaran kehidupan narator Aku dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan seperti sosial, ekonomi, serta kondisi fisik, yang memberikan dampak buruk terhadap kaum imigran di Prancis terutama di banlieue.

This article focuses on racial discrimination found in France according to the rap song Jeune de Banlieue by Disiz La Peste. This song tells the life experienced by the narrator, I, as an immigrant, who lives in misery due to injustice in his neighborhood. The theory used in this study is the theory of structural analysis and semiotic analysis which refers to the theory of Roland Barthes through the analysis of semantic and pragmatic aspects. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing the song lyrics. The results of this study show that Jeune de Banlieues rap song by Disiz La Peste raises one of the social issues that has become a polemic in France, that is racial discrimination. Racial discrimination in this song is shown through the description of the narrators life in various aspects of life such as social, economy and physical conditions, which had a negative impact on immigrants in France, especially in banlieue."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cruz, Hernan Santa
New York: United Nations, 1971
341.4 CRU r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuan, Zhang Ji
"Tema budaya Tionghoa menjadi salah satu hal menarik dalam khazanah kesusastraan Indonesia. Marginalisasi dan gambaran penderitaan kaum peranakan Tionghoa menjadi bukti bahwa masih terdapat intoleransi dan ketimpangan dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dengan melihat gagasan diskriminatif yang disampaikan melalui tokoh dan penokohan. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa bentuk diskriminasi sosial yang dialami oleh peranakan Tionghoa pada tiga cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Kelurga Tan mengacu kepada diskriminasi gender, fisik, dan status sosial. Faktor diskriminasi sosial pada tiga cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Kelurga Tan dipengaruhi oleh aspek politik, pergaulan, dan stereotipe lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi segala pihak yang tertarik pada isu diskriminasi dalam karya sastra, khususnya pada tokoh peranakan Tionghoa.

The theme of Chinese culture is one of the interesting things in Indonesian literature. The marginalization and depiction of the suffering of Chinese-Indonesian descendants is proof that there is still intolerance and inequality in Indonesian society. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of literature study. In addition, this study also uses a sociology of literature approach by looking at discriminatory ideas conveyed through characters and characterizations. In this research, it was found that the form of social discrimination experienced by Chinese-breeders in the three short stories in the collection of Tan Family short stories refers to gender, physical and social status discrimination. The factor of social discrimination in the three short stories in the collection of Tan Family short stories is influenced by political aspects, association, and stereotypes of the surrounding environment. This research is expected to be useful for all parties who are interested in the issue of discrimination in literary works, especially the figures of Chinese descent.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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