ABSTRAKPT. Sabang Geothermal Energi (PT. SGE) akan melakukan pemboran 2 sumur panas
bumi pada WKP Jaboi untuk pembangkitan energi listrik 2 x 5 MW sehingga
diperlukan penentuan lokasi sumur dan target pemboran yang diperkirakan dapat
menghasilkan output uap yang maksimal. Dengan metode CSAMT yang ditunjang
metode Gaya Berat akan dilakukan penelitian untuk mencari lokasi zona-zona produksi
pada WKP Jaboi. Pemodelan terhadap data resistivitas batuan dari pengukuran dengan
metode CSAMT yang dikombinasikan dengan pemodelan Gaya Berat, geologi dan
hidrologi akan memberikan gambaran zona-zona produksi tersebut. Pemodelan
dilakukan dengan model 2D menggunakan software WinGlinkTM. Penentuan lokasi dan
target pemboran yang tepat dapat mengurangi investasi yang diperlukan oleh PT. SGE
secara signifikan sehingga memberikan tingkat pengembalian investasi yang lebih baik
untuk proyek panas bumi pada WKP Jaboi.
ABSTRACTPT Sabang Geothermal Energi (PT SGE) is planning to drill 2 geothermal wells in JaboiGeothermal Working Area for 2 x 5 MW generation electricity, so it is required todetermination of the well location and drilling targets which is expected to producemaximum steam output. CSAMT method that is supported by gravity method will beconducted to located the production zones in Jaboi Geothermal Working Area.Modeling of rock resistivity data from CSAMT method measurements which iscombined with gravity modeling, geology, and hydrology will provide an overview ofthe production zones. Modeling was performed with a 2D model using WinGlinkTMsoftware. Precise determination of location and drilling targets will reduce the necessaryinvestment by PT SGE significantly, so as to provide the return on investment that isbetter for the geothermal project in Jaboi Geothermal Working Area.;PT Sabang Geothermal Energi (PT SGE) is planning to drill 2 geothermal wells in JaboiGeothermal Working Area for 2 x 5 MW generation electricity, so it is required todetermination of the well location and drilling targets which is expected to producemaximum steam output. CSAMT method that is supported by gravity method will beconducted to located the production zones in Jaboi Geothermal Working Area.Modeling of rock resistivity data from CSAMT method measurements which iscombined with gravity modeling, geology, and hydrology will provide an overview ofthe production zones. Modeling was performed with a 2D model using WinGlinkTMsoftware. Precise determination of location and drilling targets will reduce the necessaryinvestment by PT SGE significantly, so as to provide the return on investment that isbetter for the geothermal project in Jaboi Geothermal Working Area., PT Sabang Geothermal Energi (PT SGE) is planning to drill 2 geothermal wells in JaboiGeothermal Working Area for 2 x 5 MW generation electricity, so it is required todetermination of the well location and drilling targets which is expected to producemaximum steam output. CSAMT method that is supported by gravity method will beconducted to located the production zones in Jaboi Geothermal Working Area.Modeling of rock resistivity data from CSAMT method measurements which iscombined with gravity modeling, geology, and hydrology will provide an overview ofthe production zones. Modeling was performed with a 2D model using WinGlinkTMsoftware. Precise determination of location and drilling targets will reduce the necessaryinvestment by PT SGE significantly, so as to provide the return on investment that isbetter for the geothermal project in Jaboi Geothermal Working Area.]"