Ditemukan 2208 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Brittenden, John, editor
"Radiology of the post surgical abdomen provides a comprehensive overview of all abdominal operations involving the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, hepatobiliary and genitourinary systems. Each chapter is fully illustrated with artists' drawings and radiological images of normal post operative anatomy. The complications associated with each procedure are described alongside imaging examples. Written by experts in the field, Radiology of the post surgical abdomen provides the reader with key teaching points emphasising differentiation between normal post-operative anatomy and complications."
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
"The term ?acute abdomen? refers to a serious, often progressive clinical situation that calls for immediate diagnostic and therapeutic action. Today, diagnosis via imaging has basically replaced the physical examination in the emergency room and the Radiologist has become of primary importance in this setting. However, close co-operation among the various specialists involved is essential for successful patient management, and thus the Radiologist needs to have a full understanding of the imaging modalities and technical skills required, as well as appropriate clinical knowledge of the disorder in order to manage the condition. This book provides a comprehensive review of the multifaceted etiology, pathophysiology and clinical presentation of acute abdominal conditions, focusing on the imaging features that are relevant to a timely management approach. Numerous high-quality images, diagrams and easy-to-read tables are provided."
New York: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Putsep, Ervin
London: Lloyd-Luke (Medical Books), 1973
725.51 PUT p
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Aulia Ardyanti
"Penelitian ini membahas batas ketebalan yang diperlukan dalam penggunaan antiscatter grid pada pesawat Siemens Artis Zee yang berada di RS Kanker ldquo;Dharmais rdquo; Jakarta. Pesawat Siemens Artis Zee memiliki fitur fluoroskopi dengan mode yang dapat diatur yaitu low fluoroscopy, medium fluoroscopy dan high fluoroscopy. Pasien direpresentasikan dengan menggunakan fantom Polymethyl Methacrylate PMMA dengan variasi ketebalan 7 ndash;22 cm interval 1 cm. Dosis radiasi diukur pada titik dosis entrans kulit dan dosis transmisi, sedangkan kualitas citra menggunakan parameter resolusi spasial dan SNR, sehingga didapatkan parameter FOM sebagai hubungan antara dosis radiasi dengan kualitas citra SNR . FOM digunakan untuk menentukan batas ambang penggunaan antiscatter grid pada mode fluoroskopi berdasarkan ketebalan fantom. Hasil yang didapatkan untuk batas penggunaan antiscatter grid dimulai maksimum pada mode low fluoroscopy pada ketebalan 11 cm, mode high fluoroscopy pada ketebalan 16 cm dan pada mode medium fluoroscopy tidak disarankan penggunaannya karena hanya meningkatkan dosis tanpa meningkatkan kualitas kualitas citra.
The study discusses the threshold of thickness required for antiscatter grid use on Siemens Artis Zee at ldquo Dharmais rdquo National Cancer Center, Jakarta. The device has adjustable modes of low, medium, and high fluoroscopy. Patients are represented by Polymethyl Methacrylate PMMA phantom with a thickness variation of 7 22 cm of 1 cm interval. The dose metrics was measured as the entrance skin dose ESD and the transmission dose, while the image quality metric employed being spatial resolution and SNR, leading the result to FOM as squared SNR per dose. The FOM bridged dose and image quality to determine threshold of antiscatter grid usage on fluoroscopy based on fantom thickness. As a result, antiscatter grid are recommended to be used for objects 11 cm and thicker on the use of low fluoroscopy mode, and 16 cm and thicker objects on high fluoroscopy mode. In medium fluoroscopy mode, no threshold was yielded due to tube current being higher than other modes, hence it is recommended to remove the antiscatter grid during the use of the medium fluoroscopy mode."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Parachuri, V. Rao
"This project represents a concise review of normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy and physiology, the evolution of SVR to EVLPP with validation of near normal ventricular restoration, plus act as a reference guide for cardiac surgeons with interest in SVR. The authors review normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy following post myocardial infarction and physiology, with focus on the evolution of surgical techniques aimed at establishing an ellipsoid ventricular shape, resulting in near-normal physiological hemodynamics evident at long term."
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryono Djuned Pusponegoro
Jakarta: Sagung Seto, 2019
616.975 ARY a
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Nane Siti Nurhasanah
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang dan tujuan: Karsinoma pankreas merupakan keganasan gastrointestinal kedua terbanyak dan merupakan salah satu tumor dengan angka kematian tinggi. Operasi reseksi merupakan satu-satunya terapi kuratif. Kegagalan dalam evaluasi preoperatif dari menyebabkan resiko operasi, terlambatnya pasien mendapat terapi paliatif serta meningkatkan biaya pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penilaian resektabilitas karsinoma pankreas pada CT-scan abdomen dibandingkan penemuan operasi serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode: Dilakukan pembacaan ulang CT scan pasien karsinoma pankreas pada sistem PACS Departemen Radiologi RSCM dan dibandingkan dengan laporan operasi pada rekam medis. Hasil: Uji statistik McNemar dari hubungan CT-scan dan operasi n=21 menunjukan p > 0,99, dengan nilai R = 0,52 p = 0,017 . Uji McNemar dari hubungan kesesuaian gambaran CT-scan abdomen dan penemuan operasi dengan teknik pemeriksaan CT-scan p > 0,05.Uji McNemar hubungan kesesuaian gambaran CT-scan abdomen dan penemuan operasi dengan interval CT-scan dan operasi p > 0,99. Uji McNemar hubungan kesesuaian gambaran CT-scan abdomen dan penemuan operasi dengan lama sakit p > 0,05. Kesimpulan: Terdapat kesesuaian antara gambaran CT-scan abdomen dengan penemuan saat operasi terhadap keterlibatan vaskuler pada karsinoma pankreas. Lama sakit, interval CT-scan dan operasi serta teknik pemeriksaan CT-scan memperlihatkan kecenderungan tidak berhubungan.Kata Kunci: CT-scan abdomen; karsinoma pankreas; laparatomi; resektabilitas
ABSTRACT Background and Objective : Pancreatic carcinoma is malignancy in gastrointestinal with high mortality. Surgery is the only curative therapy. Failure evaluation prior to surgery leads to the risk of non-curative surgery, delayed palliative and increased treatment costs. This study aims to evaluate the resectability assessment of pancreatic carcinoma in preoperatif CT-scan compared to surgical findings and the factors that influence it. Methods : Patients with pancreatic carcinoma whose CT scans were in the PACS system of the Radiology Department RSCM reevaluated and compared with surgical reports. Results : McNemar 39;s analysis of the preoperative CT-scan and surgical findings n=21 p>0.99, with R=0.52 p=0.017 . The McNemar analysis conformity relationship between preoperative abdominal CT scan and surgical findings with CT-scan technique p>0.05. McNemar analysis conformity relationship between preoperative abdominal CT-scan and surgical findings with CT-scan interval and surgery p> ?? ??0.99. McNemar analysis conformity relationship between preoperative abdominal CT-scan and surgical findings with prolonged illness p> ?? ??0.05. Conclusion : There is a suitability between preoperative abdominal CT-scan and the surgical findings of vascular involvement in pancreatic carcinoma. Length of prolonged illness, interval between CT-scan and surgery as well as CT-scan technique showed a tendency not to correlate. "
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumyantsev, S.
Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1967
621.4837 RUM i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011
616.075 4 BAS
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diagnostic errors are important in all branches of medicine because they are an indication of poor patient care. As the number of malpractice cases continues to grow, radiologists will become increasingly involved in litigation. The aetiology of radiological error is multi-factorial. This book focuses on (1) some medico-legal aspects inherent to radiology (radiation exposure related to imaging procedures and malpractice issues related to contrast media administration are discussed in detail) and on (2) the spectrum of diagnostic errors in radiology. Communication issues between the radiologists and physicians and between the radiologists and patients are also presented. Every radiologist should understand the sources of error in diagnostic radiology as well as the elements of negligence that form the basis of malpractice litigation."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library