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"Radiology fundamentals is a concise introduction to the dynamic field of radiology for medical students, non-radiology house staff, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, radiology assistants, and other allied health professionals. The goal of the book is to provide readers with general examples and brief discussions of basic radiographic principles and to serve as a curriculum guide, supplementing a radiology education and providing a solid foundation for further learning. Introductory chapters provide readers with the fundamental scientific concepts underlying the medical use of imaging modalities and technology, including ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. The main scope of the book is to present concise chapters organized by anatomic region and radiology sub-specialty that highlight the radiologist’s role in diagnosing and treating common diseases, disorders, and conditions. Highly illustrated with images and diagrams, each chapter in Radiology Fundamentals begins with learning objectives to aid readers in recognizing important points and connecting the basic radiology concepts that run throughout the text. It is the editors’ hope that this valuable, up-to-date resource will foster and further stimulate self-directed radiology learning—the process at the heart of medical education."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edinburgh Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier, 2015
R 616.075 7 GRA
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diagnostic errors are important in all branches of medicine because they are an indication of poor patient care. As the number of malpractice cases continues to grow, radiologists will become increasingly involved in litigation. The aetiology of radiological error is multi-factorial. This book focuses on (1) some medico-legal aspects inherent to radiology (radiation exposure related to imaging procedures and malpractice issues related to contrast media administration are discussed in detail) and on (2) the spectrum of diagnostic errors in radiology. Communication issues between the radiologists and physicians and between the radiologists and patients are also presented. Every radiologist should understand the sources of error in diagnostic radiology as well as the elements of negligence that form the basis of malpractice litigation."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The idea of using the enormous potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) not only for diagnostic but also for interventional purposes may seem obvious, but it took major efforts by engineers, physicists, and clinicians to come up with dedicated interventional techniques and scanners, and improvements are still ongoing. Since the inception of interventional MRI in the mid-1990s, the numbers of settings, techniques, and clinical applications have increased dramatically. This state of the art book covers all aspects of interventional MRI. The more technical contributions offer an overview of the fundamental ideas and concepts and present the available instrumentation. The richly illustrated clinical contributions, ranging from MRI-guided biopsies to completely MRI-controlled therapies in various body regions, provide detailed information on established and emerging applications and identify future trends and challenges."
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Purnomo Wara Agung
"Instalasi Radiologi merupakan salah satu unit penunjang yang penting dalam membantu menegakkan diagnosa sehingga mutu pelayanannya harus memenuhi bahkan melebihi harapan dokter perujuk. Bahkan keberadaannya dapat menjadi produk unggulan atau kebanggaan rumah sakit sesuai dengan teknologi peralatan yang digunakannya.
RSUD Sekarwangi yang mempunyai peluang dengan posisi strategis dan cukup banyak pemasok dari perusahaan di sekitar, ditambah kekuatan dari kenaikan unit produksi (Rawat Jalan, Rawat Inap, UGD, dsb), data epidemiologi serta tarif yang relatif murah. Ternyata kurang dapat menghadapi tantangan unit radiologi di luar RSUD Sekarwangi yang relatif lebih baik dan cepat hasilnya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kelemahan pemanfaatan pelayanan radiologi di RSUD yang belum optimal dan adanya rujukan keluar rumah sakit.
Dua hal yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini yaitu mutu pelayanan radiologi dan dokter perujuk. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui kepuasan dokter perujuk terhadap mutu pelayanan dan minat untuk merujuk kembali ke Instalasi Radiologi RSUD Sekarwangi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey, yang akan melihat hubungan kepuasan dokter perujuk dengan minat merujuk kembali dan mutu pelayanan dimensi servqual. Untuk kepentingan manajemen rumah sakit, kepuasan dokter perujuk akan dianalisis dengan importance performance matrix dan tingkat kesesuaiannnya.
Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ditemukan kualitas pelayanan yang belum memuaskan ada 6 faktor yang berada dalam kuadran I dari importance performance matrix. Prioritas yang perlu ditingkatkan atau koreksi pada faktor kecepatan pelayanan dengan tingkat kesesuaiannya paling rendah yaitu 47,59 %. Secara deskriptif, sebagian besar kepuasan dokter perujuk keseluruhan terhadap pelayanan radiologi rendah 52,78 % dengan minat merujuk sedang 44,44 %.
Terdapat hubungan antara minat merujuk kembali dengan kepuasan dokter perujuk keseluruhan maupun tiap dimensi Servqual. Demikian juga terdapat hubungan antara kepuasan dokter perujuk dengan mutu pelayanan Servqual. Oleh sebab itu perlu ditingkatkan dan diperbaiki faktor-faktor mutu pelayanan yang berada dalam kuadran I atau tingkat kesesuaiannya rendah agar meningkatkan kepuasan dokter perujuk dan minat merujuk kembali.

The radiology instancy has been getting either to back up helping to rise up diagnosa, so as to the qualified service must qualify, while the existency could become the superior product or the hospital pride to get suitable with the technology to be used it.
RSUD sekarwangi has been having the strategistive position and has been getting enough the backers up from firms, it has been added the strength from the unit production, epidemiology data also the chepest price. It has been really, not to stand against the unit chillence of radiology out of RSUD Sekarwangi which has better and quickest. Result, well, it has been improofed with radiology weakness benefit service at RSUD that hasn't been getting optimal and it has been available to replace the hospital.
Two cases has been becoming the research focus namely : the qualified radiology service and a doctor. So far as the aim from this research has been knowing the doctor's satisfaction through the qualified service and wishing to replace to Radiology Sekarwangi RSUD.
This research has been getting the quantitative with survey methode, the doctor's satisfaction will be dianalysis with the importance-performance matrix and the big one ofadaptation between the qualified work as well as the doctor's importance. The connection the qualified service with the doctor's satisfaction, also the connection of doctor's satisfaction by wishing to replace dianalysis with the statistic test.
The conclusion of research result had been found the qualified service that hasn't been getting satisfactive to have six factors to be available in the first quadrant from importance-performance matrix. The priority to need to be branched up or the correction on the speed service factor because of the adoptation has been getting the lowest one namely 47,59 %.
It has been getting descriptively which has been getting the biggest one of the doctor's satisfaction all of services of the lowest radiology 52,78 % by wishing to replace to get enough 44,44 %. Double regression test result has been showing to get exist the connection between the qualified sevice of servqual dimension by the doctor's satisfaction but the test result qualifaction couldn't explain the emphaty doctor's satisfaction. The doctor's connective satisfaction through the subrnittive wishing with crostabulation and Che square Analysis result to get affective each other. Therefore to require to be rised up and to be betterened the qualified factors of service that has been getting in the first quadrant or the low adoptation level, in order to branching up doctor's satisfaction and the wishing to replace.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Whaites, Eric
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2013
617.607 57 WHA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"La radiologia muscoloscheletrica è una specialità che ha ampiamente incrementato le potenzialità dell’imaging grazie all’avvento di tecniche come ultrasuoni, risonanza magnetica, TC multidetettore e PET. Un radiologo che si interessi specificatamente di patologie muscoloscheletriche necessita di una buona conoscenza dell’anatomia, della fisiopatologia, delle tecniche chirurgiche ortopediche e dei progressi nelle varie modalità diagnostiche. Con ben 100 casi selezionati e rappresentativi, il volume offre un’ampia panoramica sull’imaging applicato alle più rilevanti patologie muscoloscheletriche: dall’artrite, ai tumori, dalle affezioni tendinee e muscolari, alle patologie del midollo osseo e di vari distretti. Ciascun capitolo include una parte introduttiva seguita da dieci casi illustrati e commentati da un punto di vista anatomico, fisiopatologico e radiologico, più letture consigliate inerenti all’argomento. Grazie al formato pratico e facilmente consultabile, questo atlante si offre a radiologi e specializzandi quale strumento di approfondimento e aggiornamento nella pratica quotidiana, facilitando la comprensione del ruolo della diagnostica nel management delle singole patologie."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahnert, Wolfgang
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011
616.07 DAH r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Gamal Sukaryono
"Persepsi terhadap lingkungan terjadi karena adanya interaksi antara individu dengan lingkungannya, Ittelson, dkk (1978) berpendapat bahwa persepsi terhadap lingkungan dipengaruhi oleh komponen penting seperti kognitif, afektif, dan interpretasi. Sedangkana Paul A. Bell dkk (1978) berpendapat bahwa hubungan manusia dengan objek di lingkungan akan menimbulkan kontak fisik antara individu dengan lingkungannya. Persepsi adalah suatu proses kognitif yang konkrit, yang menghasilkan suatu gambaran unik tentang sesuatu yang barangkali sangat berbeda dengan kenyataan (David Krech, 1962). Bahan berbahaya adalah rat, bahan kimia dan biologi, baik(dalam bentuk tunggal maupun campuran yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan dan lingkungan hidup secara langsung atau tidak langsung yang mempunyai sifat racun, karsinogenik, teratogenik, mutagenik, korosif dan fritasi (Dep.Kes RI, 1996). Risiko adalah suatu kejadian yang objektif dan bersifat ekstemal sekalipun seseorang yang terpapar kemungkinan tidak menyadari akan akibat kerugian itu (Kertonegoro, 1991: 9).
Adanya perbedaan persepsi pekerja kamar gelap terhadap penggunaan bahan berbahaya dan berisiko dalam kegiatan di kamar gelap, ternyata dapat memberikan dampak negatif kepada keselamatan, kesehatan, dan kenyamanan kerja. Tersedianya APD yang mencukupi , SOP yang memadai, kontrol dan evaluasi yang teratur serta desain kamar gelap yang memenuhi standar, tidak memiliki dan pengaruh apa-apa apabila persepsi pekerjanya memiliki persepsi yang cenderung negatif dan ini dapat menghambat pada upaya peningkatan keselamatan hidup pekerja melalui keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Kegiatan dan pekerjaan di dalam kamar gelap mengandung bahaya dan risiko oleh karenanya harus ditangani secara serius, mengingat efek samping negatif yang dapat ditimbulkannya berisifat korosif, oksidatif dan karsinogenik.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor individu yang meliputi umur, pendidkan, lama kerja dan kebiasaan (variabel independen) dengan persepsi yang meliputi aspek kognitif, aspek afektif dan aspek interpretasi (variabel dependen) terhadap penggunaan bahan berbahaya dan berisiko. Penelitian dilakukan di 72 instalasi radiologi Rumah Sakit wilayah DKI Jakarta yang meliputi rumah sakit milik Dep.Kes, Pemda, BUMN dan Swasta. Pada tanggal 20 Juni sampai dengan 10 Agustus 2002 desain penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif dan Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional sampel sama dengan populasi, karena sampel terbatas dilakukan dengan metode Key Informan yang dibatasi pada pekerja yang khusus bekerja dan bertugas di kamar gelap saja, pekerja minimal 1 tahun melakukan aktifitas setiap hari rata - rata 150 lembar film, memiliki jam kerja 7 - 8 jam per hari, proses di kamar gelap dilakukan dengan 2 (dim) sistem sekaligus yaitu manual dan otomatis. Penyajian hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 (tiga) jenis analisis yang diharapkan dapat menjawab hipotesis penelitian. Analisis univariat untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi pekerja berdasarkan umur, pendidikan, lama kerja dan kebiasaan serta persepsi pekerja terhadap penggunaan bahan berbahaya dan berisiko yang meliputi kognitif, afektif dan interpretasi. Analisis bivariat untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen, sedangkan analisis multivariat dilakukan untuk mengetahui variabel dependen umum yang paling kuat memperlihatkan adanya hubungan dengan variabel dependen, sekaligus untuk melihat ada tidaknya interaksi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seluruh pekerja memiliki persepsi negatif yang lebih hesar prosentasenya yaitu kognitif terhadap bahan berbahaya (55,3%), kognitif terhadap bahan berisiko (72,3%). afektif terhadap bahan berbahaya (63,8%), afektif terhadap bahan berisiko (70,2%), interpretasi terhadap bahan berbahaya (57,7%), interpretasi terhadap bahan berisiko (95,7%). Dari hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa umur dan kebiasaan secara umum tidak ada hubungan dengan persepsi, sedangkan pendidikan dan lama kerja secara umum ada hubungan dengan persepsi. Sementara itu faktor individu yang paling dominan terhadap kognitif bahan berbahaya adalah pendidikan P Value = 0.042, sedangkan untuk kognitif bahan berisiko adalah lama kerja P Value = 0,070 , dan interpretasi bahan berbahaya adalah larva kerja P Value = 0,010.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka saran yang diajukan meliputi : sebaiknya pekerja kamar gelap berpendidikan minimal SLTA, perlu dilengkapi catatan riwayat kesehatan kerja dari mulai masuk. perlu diadakannya pelatihan manajemen K-3 dalam rangka pengembangan SDM kamar gelap. Sebaiknya disusun program pramosi kesehatan bagi pekerja kamar gelap dan tentunya dalam upaya menjaga dan meningkatkan keselamatan hidup pekerja kamar gelap sebaiknya dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan minimal 1 (satu) kali dalam setahun. Untuk penelitian lanjutan sebaiknya dilakukan pada areal penelitian yang lebih luas agar memperoleh responden yang lebih banyak.

Perception of Radiographer towards Hazardous Chemical Material in Hospital Radiology Installation in DKI Jakarta areasPerception towards environment happens since there is interaction between individual and its environment, Ittelson (1978) is of certain opinion that perception towards its environment is influenced by important components such as cognitive, affective and interpretation. Paul A. Bell (1978) is of certain opinion that human relation with object in their environment will emerge physical contact between individual and its environment. Perception is a concrete cognitive process resulting unique description concerning something might be truly different with the reality (David Krech, 1962). Hazardous materials is substance, chemical and biological material, both single or mixture which could be both directly or indirectly dangerous for health and environment since it is poisonous, carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic, corrosive, and irritating (Dep.Kes RI, 1996). Risk is objective and external occurrence even someone getting radiation might not realize the disadvantage of it (Kertonegoro, 1991:9).
Different perception of radiographer towards hazardous chemical material in darkroom activities, apparently could give negative side effect to safety, health and pleasure of work. Availability of sufficient APD, SOP, regularly control and evaluation and standardization of darkroom design will not give any influence if the workers tend to negatif perception and it could impede the efforts of improving sun'ival chance of the workers through safety and health of work. Activities and works in darkroom have hazard and risk, thereby it should be handled seriously, considering negative side effect emerged could be corrosive, oxidative, and carcinogenic.
The study is intended to find out the relation between individual factor covering age, educational background, work period and habit (independent variable) and perception covering aspect of cognitive, affective an interpretation (dependent variable) towards usage of hazardous and risky material. The research has been done in 72 Hospital Radiology Installation in DKI Jakarta areas covering hospitals of Dep. Kes , Local Government (Penrda)_ BUMR' and Private Company. From 20 June to 10 August 2002, the research design is Descriptive and Analytic with Sample Cross Sectional Approach is same with population since limited samples was done with Key informant method. This method is limited for workers working particularly in darkroom only. The workers has minimum working period of 1 year, doing average activities everyday of 150 film sheet, having working hours of 7-8 hours per day, process in darkroom was done with 2 (two) systems, manual and automatic. Presentation of research result was done in 3 (three) analysis which hopefully can answer the study hypothesis. Analysis of Univariat is done to find out workers frequency distribution based on age, educational background, working period, habit and workers' perception towards hazardous and risky material usage covering cognitive, affective and interpretation. Analysis of Bivariat is done to find out relation between independent variable and dependent variable. Analysis of Multivariat is done to find out the strongest general dependent variable showing the relation between dependent variable, at once to find out whether there is reaction or not.
The research result shows that all of workers has bigger percentage of negative perception as follows, cognitive towards hazardous material (55,3%), cognitive towards risky material (72,3%), affective towards hazardous material (63,8%), affective towards risky material (70,2%), interpretation towards hazardous material (57,7%), interpretation towards risky material (95,7%). Result of analysis of Bivariat shows that generally age and habit has nothing to do with perception and generally educational background and working period has something to do with perception. Meanwhile, the most dominant individual factor towards cognitive of risky material is Educational Background P Value = 0,042, for cognitive of risky material is Working Period P Value = 0.070. and interpretation of hazardous material is Working Period P Value = 0.010.
Based on research result, following is the suggestions, it would be better if darkroom worker has the minimum educational background of high school, necessarily equipped with working medical record from the first time hired. It is necessary to run Training of Management of Working Safety and Health in order to develop Human Resources of darkroom_ It would be better if promotion program for darkroom workers is arranged and of course in order to keep and improve survival chance of darkroom workers, it is better to run medical check up 1 (one) time in a year at a minimum. For next research, it would be better to be done in wider scope of research to get more respondents.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herring, William
Philadelphia : Elsevier Saunder, 2012
616.075 72 HER l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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