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"Mode Kopel Laut-Atmosfer di Daerah Tropis Samudera Hindia selama Tahun 2011. Mode kopel laut-atmosfer di kawasan tropis Samudera Hindia yang dikenal sebagai fenomena Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) terjadi pada musim panas hingga musim gugur tahun 2011. Pada studi ini, data observasi satelit, data reanalisis, dan data dari hasil pengukuran arus laut digunakan untuk mengevaluasi terjadinya fenomena IOD di tahun 2011. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa fenomena IOD tahun 2011 merupakan jenis IOD yang lemah dan berdurasi pendek. IOD di tahun 2011 mulai terbentuk di bulan Juli, mencapai puncaknya di bulan September, meluruh di bulan Oktober dan menghilang di bulan November. Pada saat fase puncak, anomali suhu permukaan laut di dekat pantai Sumatera-Jawa mencapai -1,2 °C. Data observasi arus di tengah dan di sisi timur ekuator Samudera Hindia menunjukkan adanya respon laut terhadap anomali sirkulasi atmosfer. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa arus zona bergerak ke arah barat sebagai respon terhadap angin timuran pada fase puncak IOD tahun 2011.

Coupled ocean-atmosphere mode in the tropical Indian Ocean, so-called the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), occurred during boreal summer to fall 2011. In this study, data from satellite observations and atmospheric reanalysis datasets together with data from ocean current mooring were used to evaluate the evolution of the 2011 IOD event. It is shown that the 2011 IOD was a weak and short-lived event. It developed in July, peaked in September, decayed in October and terminated in November. During the peak phase, maximum negative sea surface temperature anomaly off Sumatera- Java reached -1.2 °C. As oceanic response to easterly wind anomalies along the equator, the observed zonal currents in the central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean also showed prominent westward currents during the peak phase of the 2011 IOD event."
Universitas Sriwijaya. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iskhaq Iskandar
"Coupled ocean-atmosphere mode in the tropical Indian Ocean, so-called the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), occurred
during boreal summer to fall 2011. In this study, data from satellite observations and atmospheric reanalysis datasets
together with data from ocean current mooring were used to evaluate the evolution of the 2011 IOD event. It is shown
that the 2011 IOD was a weak and short-lived event. It developed in July, peaked in September, decayed in October and
terminated in November. During the peak phase, maximum negative sea surface temperature anomaly off Sumatera-
Java reached -1.2 °C. As oceanic response to easterly wind anomalies along the equator, the observed zonal currents in
the central and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean also showed prominent westward currents during the peak phase of the
2011 IOD event.
Mode Kopel Laut-Atmosfer di Daerah Tropis Samudera Hindia selama Tahun 2011. Mode kopel laut-atmosfer di
kawasan tropis Samudera Hindia yang dikenal sebagai fenomena Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) terjadi pada musim panas
hingga musim gugur tahun 2011. Pada studi ini, data observasi satelit, data reanalisis, dan data dari hasil pengukuran
arus laut digunakan untuk mengevaluasi terjadinya fenomena IOD di tahun 2011. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa
fenomena IOD tahun 2011 merupakan jenis IOD yang lemah dan berdurasi pendek. IOD di tahun 2011 mulai terbentuk
di bulan Juli, mencapai puncaknya di bulan September, meluruh di bulan Oktober dan menghilang di bulan November.
Pada saat fase puncak, anomali suhu permukaan laut di dekat pantai Sumatera-Jawa mencapai -1,2 °C. Data observasi
arus di tengah dan di sisi timur ekuator Samudera Hindia menunjukkan adanya respon laut terhadap anomali sirkulasi
atmosfer. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa arus zona bergerak ke arah barat sebagai respon terhadap angin
timuran pada fase puncak IOD tahun 2011."
Palembang: Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sriwijaya, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Colorado: Westview Press, 1981
327.091 824 IND
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Colborn, J.G.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1975
551.467 COL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A numerical ocean modeling study using spectral element method is used to simulate the Indian Ocean Kelvin wave
propagation along the Makassar Strait and the Sulawesi Sea by giving a-prescribed-50-day Kelvin wave forcing in the
northern mouth of the Lombok Strait. The least square fit analysis is employed to extract a-50-day-resonant signal from
the interface height data simulation. The results indicate that the 50-day Kelvin wave propagates northward along the
Makassar Strait. One part of this wave turns back at the Labani channel and makes southward propagation along the
eastern coast of the Makassar Strait. The rest part is going further to enter the Sulawesi Sea and makes 50-day resonance
within the basin. This finding will have important implication on the intra-seasonal time scale variability of the
Indonesian throughflow transport entering the Indonesian Seas and needs further investigation as well as comparison
with observational data."
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vali, Ferenc Albert
New York: Free Press, 1976
320.9 VAL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panikkar, K.M.
London: George Allen and Unwin, 1951
954 PAN i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaudhuri, K.N.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1990
909.098 2 CHA a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Canberra : Australian International University , 1980
330.99 ISL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wira Arif Budiman
Tesis ini memaparkan kepentingan India dan Indonesia terkait dengan keberlanjutan patroli terkoordinasi di perbatasan maritim kedua negara di kawasan Samudera Hindia. Pada awalnya, patroli terkoordinasi yang dimulai pada 2002 tersebut ditujukan untuk menghadapi ancaman pembajakan yang diduga dilakukan oleh Gerakan Aceh Merdeka GAM di pintu masuk Selat Malaka dan Laut Andaman. Pasca perjanjian damai Helsinki 2005, pemerintah Indonesia dan GAM sepakat untuk berdamai. Namun, hal itu tidak serta-merta menghentikan kerja sama patroli terkoordinasi oleh kedua negara hingga saat ini. Bahkan, kedua negara semakin meningkatkan hubungan bilateral mereka dengan mendeklarasikan ldquo;Kemitraan Strategis Baru rdquo; pada November 2005. Untuk menganalisis fenomena tersebut, penulis menggunakan konsep diplomasi pertahanan dan kepentingan nasional sebagai landasan kerangka pemikiran. Sementara itu, dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif sehingga temuan penelitian dapat dijelaskan secara lebih mendalam. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dari perspektif India, negara itu memiliki kepentingan terhadap Indonesia yang didorong oleh kebijakan Look East Policy. India memanfaatkan posisi strategis Indonesia di ASEAN untuk memperkuat pengaruh mereka di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Sedangkan dari perspektif Indonesia, negara itu memiliki kepentingan agar India bersedia melakukan Transfer of Technology dan suplai persenjataan dibidang alat pertahanan guna mengurangi ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap Amerika Serikat.

This thesis describes the interests of India and Indonesia related to the sustainability of coordinated patrols at the maritime border of the two countries in the Indian Ocean region. Initially, the coordinated patrol that was started in 2002 was aimed at facing the threat of piracy allegedly committed by the Free Aceh Movement at the entrance of the Malacca Strait and the Andaman Sea. After the 2005 Helsinki peace agreement, the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement agreed to make peace. However, it does not necessarily stop the coordinated patrols between the two countries to date. In fact, the two countries further improved their bilateral relationship by declaring New Strategic Partnership in November 2005. To analyze the phenomenon, the author uses the concept of defense diplomacy and national interest as conceptual frameworks. Meanwhile, in this thesis, the author uses qualitative method with descriptive design so that the research findings can be explained in more deeply. The results show that from an Indian perspective, India has an interest in Indonesia that is driven by what so called as Look East Policy. India takes advantage of Indonesia 39 s strategic position in ASEAN to strengthen its influence in Southeast Asia. From Indonesian perspective, Indonesia has some interests to make India approves in doing transfer the technology and supply of weaponry to reduce Indonesia 39 s dependence on the United States."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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