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"Induksi Deposisi Callose pada Tanaman Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum) oleh Lipopolisakrida Bakteri Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci dan Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. Lipopolisakarida (LPS) adalah komponen utama permukaan sel bakteri gram negatif. LPS dapat berperan sebagai Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMP), yaitu molekul yang menjadi target pengenalan patogen oleh tanaman. Pengenalan LPS oleh tanaman dapat menginduksi respon pertahanan tanaman, termasuk deposisi callose. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui induksi deposisi callose pada tanaman tembakau oleh LPS bakteri yang diekstraksi dari bakteri Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) dan P. syringae pv. glycinea (Pgl). Untuk pengamatan deposisi callose, daun tembakau diinfiltrasi LPS Pta dan Pgl, dengan konsentrasi 400 μg/ml dan 800 μg/ml, diinkubasi selama 24 dan 48 jam. Selanjutnya, klorofil daun diluruhkan menggunakan larutan laktofenol dan diwarnai dengan aniline blue. Deposisi callose diamati menggunakan mikroskop fluoresen. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan LPS bakteri Pgl menginduksi deposisi callose lebih banyak dibandingkan LPS bakteri Pta. Lebih lanjut, berdasarkan uji korelasi pearson diketahui bahwa waktu inkubasi adalah faktor yang berkorelasi paling signifikan terhadap deposisi callose, diikuti oleh jenis bakteri LPS. Namun, konsentrasi LPS tidak berkorelasi signifikan dengan deposisi callose pada daun tembakau."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pipit Marianingsih
"Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a major component of outer-membrane gram-negative bacteria, and it can act as a
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern (PAMP) for perception of pathogens by plants. LPS can be recognized by
plants, triggering certain plant defense-related responses, including callose deposition. This study investigated induction
of callose deposition by bacterial LPS in tobacco. Tobacco leaves were infiltrated with 400 μg/mL and 800 μg/mL LPS
extracted from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) and Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea (Pgl) and incubated for
24 h or 48 h. To detect callose deposition, tobacco leaves were cleared in lactophenol solution, stained with aniline blue,
and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Results showed that LPS from Pgl induced more callose deposition in
tobacco leaves than did that from Pta. In addition, a Pearson correlation test revealed that incubation period was the
most significant factor in callose deposition, followed by the type of LPS bacteria. However, LPS concentration was not
significantly corelated to callose deposition in tobacco leaves.
Induksi Deposisi Callose pada Tanaman Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum) oleh Lipopolisakrida Bakteri
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci dan Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. Lipopolisakarida (LPS) adalah komponen
utama permukaan sel bakteri gram negatif. LPS dapat berperan sebagai Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern
(PAMP), yaitu molekul yang menjadi target pengenalan patogen oleh tanaman. Pengenalan LPS oleh tanaman dapat
menginduksi respon pertahanan tanaman, termasuk deposisi callose. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui induksi
deposisi callose pada tanaman tembakau oleh LPS bakteri yang diekstraksi dari bakteri Pseudomonas syringae pv.
tabaci (Pta) dan P. syringae pv. glycinea (Pgl). Untuk pengamatan deposisi callose, daun tembakau diinfiltrasi LPS Pta
dan Pgl, dengan konsentrasi 400 μg/ml dan 800 μg/ml, diinkubasi selama 24 dan 48 jam. Selanjutnya, klorofil daun
diluruhkan menggunakan larutan laktofenol dan diwarnai dengan aniline blue. Deposisi callose diamati menggunakan
mikroskop fluoresen. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan LPS bakteri Pgl menginduksi deposisi callose lebih banyak
dibandingkan LPS bakteri Pta. Lebih lanjut, berdasarkan uji korelasi pearson diketahui bahwa waktu inkubasi adalah
faktor yang berkorelasi paling signifikan terhadap deposisi callose, diikuti oleh jenis bakteri LPS. Namun, konsentrasi
LPS tidak berkorelasi signifikan dengan deposisi callose pada daun tembakau."
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pipit Marianingsih
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menginduksi respons
pertahanan tanaman tembakau oleh lipopolisaakrida (LPS). LPS diekstraksi dari
bakteri Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) dan P. syringae pv. glycinea (Pgl).
Respons pertahanan tanaman yang diamati adalah deposisi callose dan ekspresi
gen terkait pertahanan (PAL, HIN 1 dan HSR 203J). Untuk pengamatan deposisi
callose, daun tembakau diinfiltrasi dengan LPS Pta dan Pgl (400 µg/ml dan 800
µg/ml) serta diinkubasi selama 24 dan 48 jam. Selanjutnya, klorofil daun
diluruhkan menggunakan larutan laktofenol dan diwarnai dengan aniline blue.
Deposisi callose diamati dibawah mikroskop fluoresensi. Hasil pengamatan
menunjukkan LPS bakteri Pgl menginduksi deposisi callose lebih banyak
dibandingkan LPS bakteri Pta. Pengamatan ekspresi gen-gen terkait pertahanan
dilakukan pada daun tembakau yang diinfiltrasi dengan 400 µg/ml LPS bakteri
Pta and Pgl, serta diinkubasi selama 6 jam. Hasil RT-PCR terhadap daun
tembakau menunjukkan LPS bakteri Pta dan Pgl mampu menginduksi ekspsresi
gen HIN 1, tetapi tidak mampu menginduksi ekspresi gen PAL dan HSR 203J.
Gen HIN 1 terekspresi lebih kuat pada daun tembakau yang diinduksi oleh LPS
bakteri Pgl daripada LPS Pta. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa LPS
bakteri Pgl menginduksi respons pertahanan daun tembakau lebih baik daripada
LPS bakteri Pta.

The aim of this study is to know the induction of tobacco defense
responses by using lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which extracted from two
phytopathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) and P. syringae pv.
glycinea (Pgl). The plant defense responses that observed are callose deposition
and expression of defense-related genes (PAL, HIN 1 and HSR 203J). To detect
callose deposition, tobacco leaves were infiltrated with 400 µg/ml and 800 µg/ml
LPS Pta and Pgl, then incubated for 24 or 48 hr. Tobacco leaves were cleared in
lactophenol solution, stained with aniline blue, then visualized by fluorescence
microscopy. The result showed that LPS from Pgl induced more callose
deposition than that from Pta in tobacco leaves. To investigate defense-related
genes expression, tobacco leaves were infiltrated with 400 µg/ml LPS extracted
from Pta and Pgl, then incubated for 6 hr. Analysis of defense-related genes
expression were conducted by RT-PCR and visualized by electrophoresis on a
1.8% agarose gel. The result showed LPS Pta and Pgl can induce expression of
HIN 1 gene in tobacco leaves, but can not induce the PAL and HSR 203J genes.
The HIN 1 gene was highly expressed in tobacco leaves induced by LPS Pgl. The
result indicates that tobacco could effectively recognize LPS of nonhost pathogen
Pgl but not in host pathogen Pta."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Energi Diskrit dari Sebuah Laser Atom yang Terkopel Lemah di Luar Daerah Kondensat Bose-Einstein. Studi ini mengkaji kemungkinan adanya kumpulan energi diskrit dari sebuah laser atom yang terkopel lemah dari persamaan Schrödinger homogen dengan menggunakan perangkap harmonik anisotropik dalam koordinat kartesis di luar daerah kondensat Bose-Einstein. Perlakuan ini dilakukan mengingat penerapan dalam koordinat silinder tidak mungkin dilakukan meskipun dengan mengambil bentuk khusus perangkap berbentuk cerutu. Persamaan Schrödinger tersebut muncul untuk menggantikan sebuah kumpulan dari dua persamaan Gross-Pitaevskii yang terkopel dengan mengasumsikan kopling lemah. Laser atom ini dapat dihasilkan melalui cara yang sederhana yaitu mengeluarkan atom- atom dari sebuah kondensat dengan menggunakan medan frekuensi radio. Mula-mula hubungan antara kondensat sebagai sumber dan laser atom sebagai output dibahas dengan meninjau ulang pekerjaan dari Riou et al. pada kasus perambatan laser atom. Dalam hal ini ditunjukkan pula bahwa meskipun kumpulan energi diskrit didapat melalui pendekatan osilator harmonik, degenerasi hanya terjadi pada dua keadaan kuantum akibat adanya potensial anisotropik.

We consider the possibility of a discrete set of energies of a weakly outcoupled atom laser beam to the homogeneous Schrödinger equation with anisotropic harmonic trap in Cartesian coordinates outside the Bose–Einstein condensate region. This treatment is used because working in the cylindrical coordinates is not really possible, even though we implement the cigar-shaped trap case. The Schrödinger equation appears to replace a set of two-coupled Gross– Pitaevskii equations by enabling the weak-coupling assumption. This atom laser can be produced in a simple way that only involves extracting the atoms in a condensate from by using the radio frequency field. We initially present the relation between condensates as sources and atom laser as an output by exploring the previous work of Riou et al. in the case of theoretical work for the propagation of atom laser beams. We also show that even though the discrete energies are obtained by means of an approaching harmonic oscillator, degeneracy is only available in two states because of the anisotropic external potential."
Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Hardi Priyanto
"Analisis Tekstur Menggunakan Metode Difraksi Neutron pada Baja Austenite Non Standar yang Diproses dengan Permesinan, Penganilan, dan Pengerolan. Baja austenitik merupakan salah satu jenis baja tahan karat yang banyak digunakan dalam industri. Banyak studi telah dilakukan pada baja tahan karat austenitik dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis peralatan dan metode untuk menentukan sifat fisika. Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat dari mineral yang diekstraksi dari tambang di Indonesia dan dikarakterisasi dengan metode difraksi neutron. Bahan terdiri dari butiran ferro-scrap, nikel, ferro-krom, ferro-mangan, dan ferro-silikon dan ditambahkan sedikit titanium. Karakterisasi bahan dilakukan dalam tiga proses, yaitu: proses permesinan, proses anil, dan proses pengerolan. Hasil eksperimen yang diperoleh dari proses pemesinan secara umum menghasilkan tekstur dalam arah 〈100〉. Dari proses permesinan ke proses anil indeks tekstur turun dari 3,0164 ke 2,434. Kekuatan tekstur dalam proses pemesinan (sampel BA2N) adalah 8,13 mrd kemudian turun menjadi 6,99 dalam proses anil (A2DO sampel). Dalam proses anil terlihat tiga komponen tekstur yaitu, tekstur jenis kubus-pada-tepi {110}〈001〉, tekstur jenis-kubus {001}〈100〉, dan tekstur jenis-kuningan {110}〈112〉. Tekstur yang sangat kuat terutama mempunyai arah orientasi {100}〈001〉, sedangkan orientasi {011}〈100〉, lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan {100}〈001〉, dan tekstur dengan orientasi {110}〈112〉 merupakan orientasi yang lemah. Dalam proses anil terjadi pelepasan tegangan yang ditunjukkan oleh pole yang lebih acak dibandingkan dengan pelepasan tegangan pada proses pemesinan. Dalam proses pengerolan tampak tekstur jenis kuningan {110}〈112〉 menyebar dengan mengarah pada tekstur jenis goss {110}〈001〉, dan komponen tekstur jenis kuningan nyata diperkuat dibandingkan dengan keadaan tak terdeformasi (sebelum pengerolan). Selain itu, adanya komponen tambahan {110} diamati di pusat pole figure (110). Kerapatan pole dari tiga komponen meningkat dengan meningkatnya tingkat pengurangan ketebalan. Dengan meningkatkan derajat pengerolan sebesar 81-87%, nilai fungsi distribusi orientasi meningkat dengan faktor sekitar tiga kali.

Austenitic steel is one type of stainless steel which is widely used in the industry. Many studies on austenitic stainless steel have been performed to determine the physical properties using various types of equipment and methods. In this study, the neutron diffraction method is used to characterize the materials which have been made from minerals extracted from the mines in Indonesia. The materials consist of a granular ferro-scrap, nickel, ferro-chrome, ferro-manganese, and ferro-silicon added with a little titanium. Characterization of the materials was carried out in three processes, namely: machining, annealing, and rolling. Experimental results obtained from the machining process generally produces a texture in the 〈100〉 direction. From the machining to annealing process, the texture index decreases from 3.0164 to 2.434. Texture strength in the machining process (BA2N sample) is 8.13 mrd and it then decreases to 6.99 in the annealing process (A2DO sample). In the annealing process the three-component texture appears, cube-on-edge type texture {110}〈001〉, cube-type texture {001}〈100〉, and brass-type {110}〈112〉. The texture is very strong leading to the direction of orientation {100}〈001〉, while the {011}〈100〉 is weaker than that of the {001}, and texture with orientation {110}〈112〉 is weak. In the annealing process stress release occurred, and this was shown by more randomly pole compared to stress release by the machining process. In the rolling process a brass-type texture{110}〈112〉 with a spread towards the goss-type texture {110}〈001〉 appeared, and the brass component is markedly reinforced compared to the undeformed state (before rolling). Moreover, the presence of an additional {110} component was observed at the center of the (110) pole figure. The pole density of three components increases with the increasing degree of thickness reduction. By increasing degrees of rolling from 81% to 87%, the value of orientation distribution function increases by a factor about three times."
BATAN. Center of Science and Technology for Advanced Materials, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Telah ditelaah secara teoritis dan eksperimen gejala dielektrik kompleks dalam bahan-bahan batuan alami dan kristal ionik NaCI, terutama yang berkaitan Iangsung dengan tanggapan frekuensinya terhadap medan listrik AR (arus rangga). Besaran yang menjadi pusat perhatian adalah tetapan dielektrik kompleks bahan yang mengikutsertakan gejala lesapan (dissipasi) energi elektromagnetik melalui pemunculan besaran rugi dielektrik. Hasilnya menunjukkan jelas adanya pengaruh frekuensi terhadap tetapan dielektrik kompleks, baik bagian imajinernya maupun bagian realnya, dan setiap cuplikan mempunyai frekuensi kritis berbeda, yaitu frekuensi yang menimbulkan dissipasi energi maksimum. Dan kajian ini juga berhasii diperoleh nilai-nilai parameter dielektrik Iainnya seperti indeks bias, tetapan dielektrik AS (arus searah) dan waktu relaksasi yang menyatakan waktu yang diperlukan untuk berlangsungnya tumbukan dalam bahan yang menimbulkan dissipasi maksimum."
JURFIN 2:5 (1998)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meier, Remy
"The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not yet fully understood A genetic predisposition, some environmental factors and microbial flora of the grit are the key factors. The presence of bacteria in the intestinal lumen is a prerequisite for the development of IBD. In animal models, mice incapable of expressing IL, or IL invariably develop a colitis- or Crohn-like inflammation. No inflammation occurs if they grow up in a pathogen free environment or if they are fed with Lactobacillus sp when exposed to environmental bacteria. Thus, the absence of liminal bacteria or a different make-up there of prevents the development of inflammatory bowel disease in this model. Patients with IBD have been found to have a decreased stool excretion Lactobacillus andlor Bifidobacteria.
Furthermore, an increased number of bacteria adherents to the mucosa and within the epithelium has been demonstrated in quantitative studies. It appears that these bacteria trigger a strong abnormal mucosal immunological response, leading to intestinal epithelial cell injury mediated by activated T-cells, mononuclear cells and macrophages. If this response can not be down regulated by regulatory T-cells, mononuclear inflammatory cytokines are activated by stimulation of the intracellular transcription factor NF-kB. Recently it was shown that bacterial lipopolysaccharides can activate NF-kB by binding to two specific receptors on the cell membrane (Toll-like receptors [TLR's]) or intracellular receptors (NOD's).
New insights of the role of bacteria in IBD became available by identifying susceptibility genes for IBD. Several IBD susceptibility loci were recently identified. The IBD-l locus on chromosome 16 shows positive evidence for linkage in Crohn's disease and IBD-2 locus on chromosome l2 for ulcerative colitis. The evidence for' an association with Crohn's disease at the IBD-I locus have been shown to be attributed to mutations in the CARDI5/NOD2 gene. This gene is exressed in peripheral blood monocytes and in intestinal epithelial cells and serves as a key factor of innate mucosal response to luminal bacteria as an antibacterial factor.
The intact intercellular NOD2 protein binds LPS and activates NF-kB. This activation of the NF-kB signalling pathway in response to bacterial components plays a protective role in the mucosal epithelial cells for the host against inviting pathogens and an increased apoptosis of infected cells. There is evidence, that the defective NOD2 protein variants increase the susceptibility to pathogen invasion and a decrease in cellular apoptosis.
NF-kB plays a dual role in IBD. On the mucosal epithelial cells, bacterial components bind on NOD2 proteins and protect bacterial invasion. If this barrier mechanism is not intact, the bacterial invasion stimulates via TLR- and NOD2 receptors in immune-active cells (macrophages, T-cells and monocytes) NF-kB and triggers an aberrant inflammatory response leading to tissue damage. These new insights in the pathogenesis in IBD have led to new treatment possibilities including pre- and probiotics.
These therapies are aimed at directly modulating the host immune system to suppress intestinal inflammation. This has prompted considerable interest in manipulating the enteric microenvironment as a novel therapeutic strategy Several clinical studies showed promising results rising pre- and probiotics in patients with ulcerative colitis, pouchitis and Crohn's disease. The introduction of genetically engineered probiotic organism to produce and deliver anti-inflammatory cytokines or other biological relevant molecules to the mucosa offers further new potential for the treatment of IBD."
Jakarta: The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Blackman, Sheldon
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1971
005.74 BLA i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christensen, Mads G.
"This textbook presents an introduction to signal processing for audio applications. The authors approach posits that math is at the heart of audio processing and that it should not be simplified. He thus retains math as the core of signal processing and includes concepts of difference equations, convolution, and the Fourier Transform. Each of these is presented in a context where they make sense to the student and can readily be applied to build artifacts. Each chapter in the book builds on the previous ones, building a linear, coherent story. The book starts with a definition of sound and goes on to discuss digital audio signals, filters, The Fourier Transform, audio effects, spatial effects, audio equalizers, dynamic range control, and pitch estimation. The exercises in each chapter cover the application of the concepts to audio signals. The exercises are made specifically for Pure Data (Pd) although traditional software, such as MATLAB, can be used. The book is intended for students in media technology bachelor programs. The book is based on material the author developed teaching on the topic over a number of years.
Presents a comprehensive introduction to audio processing for students in media technology and signal processing
Builds a foundation for audio applications based on mathematical equations, presented in a way understandable to students without a math background
Includes a full suite of classroom material including end of chapter exercises and companion Youtube video tutorials on the authors channel."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of polymers currently receiving much attention because of their
potential as renewable and biodegradable plastics. A wide variety of bacteria has been reported to produce PHAs
including Pseudomonas strains. These strains are known as versatile medium chain length PHAs (PHAs-mcl) producers
using fatty acids as carbon source. Oleic acid was used to produce PHAs-mcl using Pseudomonas putida PGA 1 by
continuous feeding of both nitrogen and carbon source, in a fed batch culture. During cell growth, PHAs also
accumulated, indicating that PHA production in this organism is growth associated. Residual cell increased until the
nitrogen source was depleted. At the end of fermentation, final cell concentration, PHA content, and productivity were
30.2 g/L, 44.8 % of cell dry weight, and 0.188 g/l/h, respectively."
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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