"[Lingkungan dan kemiskinan memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat erat dengan
pembangunan berkelanjutan. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan
karakteristik penduduk miskin di lingkungan industri perkotaan Kawasan Berikat
Nusantara, mengkaji kualitas lingkungan hidup di lingkungan industri perkotaan,
menganalisis pengaruh faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi, kualitas lingkungan,
Program Keluarga Harapan, dan program Corporate Social Responsibility PT.
Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (Persero) pada pengeluaran perkapita penduduk
miskin dan menghasilkan model penanggulangan kemiskinan untuk keberlanjutan
lingkungan industri perkotaan.
Variabel utama yang berpengaruh signifikan pada pengeluaran perkapita
penduduk miskin adalah jumlah anggota keluarga, status rumah, sumber air
bersih, intensitas penerimaan PKH, jarak rumah, ketersediaan air bersih,
pengelolaan sampah, polusi suara, bantuan PKH, mata pencaharian, biaya
eksternal dan penggunaan PKH. Kualitas lingkungan hidup di lingkungan
Kawasan Berikat Nusantara Kecamatan Cilincing dihitung berdasarkan nilai
Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup (IKLH) dari tahun 2008-2012 berada dalam
klasifikasi waspada. Model yang dihasilkan mampu memprediksi penurunan
jumlah penduduk miskin dengan fokus intervensi pada biaya eksternal dan faktorfaktor
lingkungan melalui integrasi Program Keluarga Harapan dan Corporate
Social Responsibility industri dalam bentuk Bina Lingkungan;Environment and poverty have a strong interconnection in sustainable
development. This research aims to describe the characteristics of the poor people,
to assess the quality of the environment based on water pollution index, air
pollution index and forest cover in urban industrial area, to analyze the influence
of socio-economic factors, environmental quality, Keluarga Harapan Program,
and the Corporate Social Responsibility PT. Nusantara Bonded Zone (Persero) on
per capita expenditure of poor people in urban industrial area, also to produce
poverty reduction model for sustainable urban industrial area.
The main variables that have significant effect on per capita expenditure of poor
people are the number of family members, the status of the house, sources of
clean water, the intensity of Keluarga Harapan Program, distance from the house,
clean water supply, waste management, noise pollution, Keluarga Harapan
Program assistance, livelihood, external costs and the utilization of PKH. From
period of 2008-2012 the environmental quality is already on ?alert? status. The
model developed is capable of predicting the decrease of poor people number with
the intervention focuses on external costs and environmental factors through the
integration of Keluarga Harapan Program and industries? Corporate Social
Responsibility of Environmental Safeguard Program, Environment and poverty have a strong interconnection in sustainable
development. This research aims to describe the characteristics of the poor people,
to assess the quality of the environment based on water pollution index, air
pollution index and forest cover in urban industrial area, to analyze the influence
of socio-economic factors, environmental quality, Keluarga Harapan Program,
and the Corporate Social Responsibility PT. Nusantara Bonded Zone (Persero) on
per capita expenditure of poor people in urban industrial area, also to produce
poverty reduction model for sustainable urban industrial area.
The main variables that have significant effect on per capita expenditure of poor
people are the number of family members, the status of the house, sources of
clean water, the intensity of Keluarga Harapan Program, distance from the house,
clean water supply, waste management, noise pollution, Keluarga Harapan
Program assistance, livelihood, external costs and the utilization of PKH. From
period of 2008-2012 the environmental quality is already on ‘alert’ status. The
model developed is capable of predicting the decrease of poor people number with
the intervention focuses on external costs and environmental factors through the
integration of Keluarga Harapan Program and industries’ Corporate Social
Responsibility of Environmental Safeguard Program]"