"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- Acronym Guide
- Foreword
- DSL: Branding for Success
- DSL Market Acceleration Issues and Predictions
- The Power of DSL
- Managing the Copper Loop in the 21st Century: Automated Loop
Management System within a Competitive Central-Office Environment
- What's Next in ADSL?
- The Many Voices of DSL-Marketing Strategies for Voice over DSL
- Multimedia for the Mass Market
- Branding DSL
- Real-World DSL Deployment Issues
- SNAP.com
- An International View of xDSL
- The Accurate Database: A Prerequisite for xDSL Mass Deployment
- Solving the ADSL Deployment Dilemma
- Challenges of DSL Provisioning
- A Dose of Reality
- Providing Ubiquitous DSL Service
- Understanding DSL
- Scalability and DSL Technologies
- xDSL vs. Competing Technologies
- Last-Mile Frame Relay
- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- DSL: The Current State of the Market and Technology
- Connecting the Home Network to the Outside World
- VDSL for International Full-Service Access Networks
- Service Management and Selection
- A New Spin on High-Speed Access to Multiple Services over xDSL
- Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Networks
- Beyond Subscriber Aggregation
- End-To-End Performance Testing of xDSL Networks
- Customer Satisfaction in a Multiparty Environment
- Customer-Service Satisfaction
- Quality of Service in DSL Networks
- ADSL Services and Solutions
- Ensuring Network Performance for High-Speed Internet Access
- G.lite Status Update
- QoS Building Blocks in Internet and ATM Standards
- ITU International Standards (Recommendations) Status
- The Regulatory Environment for xDSL Services
- DSL Regulatory Issues: A Competitor's Perspective "